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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. Are you an aspiring quest creator looking to enrich the community? Do you have an idea that you think will be fun? Do you wish you had more rewards to offer your participants? Well you are in luck, because that's where I come in! As a relatively retired long, long time player, I have a decent stockpile of things that, simply put, I don't need to have. If you have a quest you are looking for other players to sponsor, please send me a short forum message telling me about your quest and I will happily help sponsor it. Mostly I will be offering Silver Coins, Gold Coins, and Credits, however for the right quests I will even offer Items and Creatures. This is a permanent offer until I post on this thread saying it is no longer available.
  2. Last year I made a physical boardgame that ties in to my group's pathfinder campaign, and with how well it went I've made a digital version of it and released it under the Paizo community use policy (it uses a fair bit of Paizo's IP as inspiration and flavour text). It's set in Thuvia and centres around the Sun Orchid Elixir Sale. The game consists of eight rounds with two main phases, and is a mix of strategic worker placement/resource management and card based bidding/bluffing. The game supports up to six players, but also includes rules for playing solo. It is fully free to play, and you can find it here: https://vassalengine.org/wiki/Module:Sun_Orchid_Elixir_Sale (Although mechanically complete, there are some cards that are missing flavour text right now. This might get updated in future versions, I invite your suggestions) (This was originally a physical board game, and some design elements still reflect that. I am considering redoing the main game board from scratch, if you see anything else that might need redesigning now that the format has changed to digital, I invite your suggestions)
  3. Smile! I created these "teeth" by placing short currents downward opposed by short currents upwards. The whole thing collapses after a few seconds so it took me quite a few tries to get it to work satisfactorily. Below is what the above turned into after a further 15ish seconds.
  4. Sharpened the whole thing up by starting over and adding an outflow line
  5. The "D" ended up eating the rest of the heat 🤣
  6. You can create a sharper line by putting in two converging currents and letting them flow for a few seconds. You can then pull the resulting current around where you want for more defined results. For sharper corners, just create currents longer than your desired line then cut it short with your new current.
  7. I've been working on creating this isolated circuit by first placing four unconnected lines, then using single point clicks to weaken the feed in flows. Haven't quite isolated it fully; cancelling out the currents inwards is very difficult. It's likely that different locations to perform single point clicks will achieve the desired isolation faster. The pattern shown above cancelled almost all of the counter clockwise momentum, but didn't do enough to mitigate the clockwise momentum (unsurprising, since the core circuit is a clockwise momentum)
  8. I created this mask by placing a slow, tiny upwards line in the centre. After letting the heat flow and form it's initial lines, I used a process of clicking in a single location without applying momentum to influence the desire lines, creating the five lines around the top. Particle distribution is uneven because my single point clicks weren't exactly symmetrical, but these subtle manipulations are quite effective and fun to do.
  9. Theme: Explorer Archivist Account: Kyphis (Also I just wrote this as a lark; it is a serious entry but if I win I would like to donate my prize to the first entry that did not otherwise win a prize)
  10. So what were their opinions :3?
  11. 1x item1 (17th Anni creature) @25 plushies 1x item3 (Anni Pin) @25 plushies 1x item9 (17th Anni cake) @15 plushies 1x item10 (+10 creature slots) @100 plushies Total=165 plushies
  12. I've only really been keeping track of item 7 🤣. Haven't seen anyone outbid me though. Can I please have Aramour shards?
  13. If I'm not mistaken (and I could be, I'm doing other things while I write this post) these should be the current bid standings:
  14. You've explained it well enough for my understanding certainly. While when I created this thread it was fully with the idea of thinking of not only existing items that could have spells added as well as discussing potential new items designed around the idea of items having spells, Mur's own topic has laid out specific rules about what will currently be considered, and what won't be considered. I've got no problem with discussing ideas for new items - but I'm not the one giving spells to items . So beyond talking about this as a hypothetical, if you want to actually see this idea come into existence you will need to consider the rules Mur has put in place in his thread for making these requests: This said, for my own part I've been asked to help people identify exact existing spells to help them with their requests. For the idea that you've suggested, a possible existing spell if we were talking about GG instead of NC would be "key-gg_deep" which grants users access to the locations in Golemus that used to be unlocked via Ch3 of story mode. I'm not certain exactly how flexible the "spell must exist" requirement is as Key granting spells are normally permanent, however your idea would likely be best served as a temporary access, meaning it would need a modified version of the spell.
  15. It is possible for spells to grant the same keys used for scene access; I would assume that it is feasible to setup a spell that includes an expiration for the keys access it grants. Given that it is highly unlikely something like this would be allowed for secret locations however, what would distinguish this item from the existing Land Pass Papers? And is this idea based on an item you actually have, or is it a suggestion for a new item to be created for the purpose of casting such a spell?
  16. Beginning with a raindrop shape, consider the spherical part of the shape as 3/4 full of water, with a choppy tide line marking this transition point. Centrally, there is a figure (in complex form). This figure extends both above and below the tide line, however they are only drawn down to about their pelvis (extending to the base of the raindrop, after this they would be outside the droplet). From roughly the point just above where nipples would be they are above the waterline. Below the waterline, they are mostly a skeleton. Their ribcage is spread slightly open, showing their heart (either realistic or artistic heart symbol). A pair of skeletal arms reaches from behind the figure, across the lower section of their rib cage, and embraces the heart in an offering gesture. A second pair of skeletal arms also extends below the waterline, this set coming from the figures shoulders as normal instead of from behind them. The upper arms rest down their torso, with their forearms pointing inwards and up towards the surface of the water once more. From shortly below the wrists the hands emerge from the water, regaining their flesh, forming the sawadee kap gesture in the rough vicinity of the upper sternum. Above the waterline, the figure appears to be shown facing both left and right (that is, they are shown to have two heads). The right head faces to the right, with their face tilted downwards. A set of arms extends from the torso's right shoulders, in a gesture of offering, with the hands held in front of and above the downward facing right head. The left head faces towards the left, head tilted upward and mouth open as though trying to say something. A single arm extends from the torso's left shoulder, this is extended in front of and above the left head approximately in line with the left head's eyeline. The hand is extended in a gesture best described as a caress. Below the waterline, fish swim through the water and the bones. This is as far as the scenes naturally suggest themselves to me, any further elements would be forced symbolism from me so I'm disinclined to expand further without additional feedback that might provide inspiration 🤷‍♂️
  17. Item 7 – 500 shards on any creature of your choice (This cannot be split across multiple creature types) I bid 50 plushies.
  18. Sorry I hadn't seen your post; I've messaged you now!
  19. Silvertongue, chaotic boost, ignite, etc
  20. Bringin spells are capable of being attuned to a specific person. If you can find someone who from a roleplay perspective (avatar, RP history, character docs, etc) fits the role of being your war steed then you could possibly get a version of Bringin that is attuned to just that person. Spell casting via items isn't restricted to just the explicit existing spells. If a spell of the same type already exists and the modification is appropriate, then modified versions of some (but not necessarily all) spells can be possible. Gotta have a strong enough argument to justify it though 😉
  21. Oh I'm happy to help out. There just hasn't been a reason for me to reply directly yet 🤣
  22. With the introduction of spell enablement through item possession as per announcement 5700, I thought it might be fun to talk about what sorts of items might be appropriate to add spells to. https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/5700 While the assumption is most items won't get spells on them, that doesn't mean we should limit our discussion accordingly. Rather, if an item seems appropriate then I think it fair to include it in the discussion, and considerations like how easy to obtain it is should be discussed after. Just because an item has a common version available right now doesn't mean a rarer version can't be introduced - after all, if a version of the item is already in the realm it's not much of a stretch to contemplate something more fitting down the line. Here are some of my suggestions: Locate Maps Binoculars/Opera Glasses Give Vital Healers kit Bandages Chaotic Boost Potion bottles Strange foods Mirror Ritual Mirrors Pure Water Move Lock Manacles Heavy Weights/Rocks Army of the Dead Bag of bones Cursed objects
  23. How is Ledah still alive 🤣 I mean, good work Ledah, but I remember when death's happened multiple times a week!
  24. I wonder if @Ledahwill attempt to completed this wager by claiming the Loreroot crown by right of conquest... Turn this whole wager on it's head 🤣
  25. Well then, let the games be grim!
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