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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. First off, GG doesn't have the authority to grant that. Secondly, that forum is not a social club, only people who have a job to do belong in there. Asking for access to it as some kind of "reward" is misguided. If he belongs in there, then there are far better ways of asking for access than associating it with this. I expected better from you, dst.
  2. Well, I just lost at giving my wife the best birthday present - Peter Capaldi (yes, the Doctor) has done her a signed picture of a cyberman and written her a personal happy birthday message. This was unanticipated

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JadenDew


      Christmas is coming! Another chance to win~ :P

    3. Ars Alchemy

      Ars Alchemy

      quick! you still have time to get her a Tardis

    4. Maebius


      Awesome, Kyphis. :)

  3. Merry Murmas, people of MD! With the holiday season upon us, I have a quest to challenge you all with. In true Archivist fashion, this is going to be one about MD's past and present, with a healthy dose of creativity. This quest comes in two parts, and each will be scored and rewarded separately. You do not have to participate in both parts - if only one part appeals to you, feel free to only do one part! Deadline for entries is 10th of January. Entries should be sent via forum PM only (if sent through other means they will be disqualified). Entries will eventually be made public (if you do not wish people to know which entry is yours that is fine). The Old Write about some of the events that the lands hold at this time of year, and share pictures of you being involved. You may write entries on upto five events. These events can be traditional events the lands run every year, new events being run for the first time, or even events the lands used to run but no longer do. Entries don't have to include the following information, but the more that you can the better your entry will be scored: What is the event, how is it run, and what happens during it Who was the first person to hold the event and when What is a notable story about the event What are your personal thoughts on the event How did you get involved, or how did you learn about the event if it is no longer run Bonus points are given if you can show yourself being involved in the events yourself, either by screenshots or chat logs. If you are writing about an event that is no longer run, logs of your conversations with people who were involved are sufficient evidence for bonus points. The New Describe an MD style Murmas celebration that you would like to see or be involved in. This can be done through any medium you wish - you can write a story or poem; make drawings of the event; make a cross stitch; sculpt a diorama; record a video, anything you can imagine! This section is scored on creativity and how well it fits into the world of MagicDuel. Christmas Points Everyone who participates in this quest will receive Christmas points depending on how well they do. You will only get points from whichever category you do best in, not both categories. Breakdown is as follows: Participate: 1 point Third Place: 2 points Second Place: 3 Points First Place: 4 Points Prizes - The Old If we get less than ten entries: - Rustgold Drachorn - Soul Weaver - Sharptear If we get 10 or more entries: - Morph or Wishpoint* - Morph or Wishpoint* (whichever first place does not choose) - Rustgold Drachorn and GG Drachorn Prizes - The New If we get less than ten entries: - Soul Weaver - Two Pimped Grasans - Santa Claus Scarecrow If we get 10 or more entries: - Morph or Wishpoint* - Morph or Wishpoint* (whichever first place does not choose) - Santa Additional sponsorship is welcome. If you are interested in being a judge, please send me a forum pm. * - If you win both parts of the quest, you can't choose Wishpoint twice. You can choose Morph twice if you so desire.
  4. Since this is a permanent quest, can we get it pinned?
  5. This is a poem entitled "Patience, Forgiveness, Anger" There is a boat, out at sea. Sometimes passengers board, Or disembark as it pulls into port. Thick cords trail behind the boat, One for every passenger. Deep in the water, A weight pulls them down, out of sight. Sometimes, someone wonders, And tries to pull the weight up. But the cords are very long, And the weight wants to stay below. Most people give up, after a while, And let the weight pull the cord, Back into the water. It's rare for someone to work hard enough To get the weight into the air. Most people don't even know what will happen, So leave it alone. But some people, They want to see, And they decide to tie their cord. Even if they stop drawing the cord in, And let the weight fall under again, The cord is never as long as it was. These are the ones who raise the weight, And find themselves in the water, No boat around, No idea what has happened, Drowning.
  6. Added Pipstickz as an Editor
  7. Welcome aboard!
  8. Hello all! As was discussed in Nimrodel's topic, efforts have been underway to revive the Newspaper, formerly known as the Golden Globe Gazette. I have been working on getting things setup for over a year now, and things are finally at a point that we can move ahead. Newspaper Revival Working with a small team of players, the new team will be writing articles about the large events that occur each year in MD, as well as the smaller player initiatives like quests and role-play events that might otherwise be missed. We will be including interviews of players, blog entries by some of our members specially written for the paper, and small puzzles and games to keep you entertained. It is our hope to be able to showcase the work people create both under their own initiative and for quests, so feel free to contact us if you any and poems, short stories, or pieces of art you are proud of. How you can be involved While we do have a healthy team right now, life can always interrupt our plans. If you think you have skills as an interviewer, columnist, journalist, or editor - or even if you simply think you would like to try your hand at any of these tasks - feel free to post in this topic and we can discuss what sort of talents you might be able to bring. The newspaper itself is designed not to be a huge commitment for anyone while still producing quality work, with a target release schedule of four times a year and at least a month after the major community events, to give people time to relax, unwind, and compose articles for reader enjoyment. Out target article length is a half page to a page, although if something really grabs your passion we won't ask you to cut it short! We are planning our first release at the end of January 2016. The team so far The following people have committed their time to help make this project a success. If you reading this see a skill that you feel is not properly covered, and would like to be involved, feel free to speak up. Pipstickz - Editor Kyphis - Editor Nimrodel - Reporter Rophs - Columnist dst - Columnist Jubaris - Interviewer/Columnist Ivorak - All Rounder Aethon - All Rounder Neno Veliki - Artwork gonzalocsdf - Artwork Grido - Process Consultant
  9. Haven't read the full topic, just expressing thoughts on what I have picked up so far, feel free to ignore. If you can get it to identify who is a citizen and who is not (active citizenship instead of land loyalty for this) you could have it store one depleter identity per citizen who is collecting the relevant resource in their land. This way, lands that don't even use their resources can't retaliate. Tool should record all depleter identities. If there are more depleters than active harvesters, the tool stops recording new depleters. Players should not be able to see the list of recorded players. Activation should require heat. Activation should only be possible in the relevant land to the tool. Activation should affect all recorded players in the same location at activation. When activated, all recorded names are cleared. Cooldown should be at minimum an hour. When activated, all players on the item's list are moved to the land gate, have their AP set to zero, and have the cooldown timers for the relevant collection tools set to a cooldown equal to the land tool's cooldown. Citizens who are affected have their collection tool cooldowns set to twice the land tool's cooldown, as punishment should be worse for breaking their own land's regulations. If the person activating the tool is also on the depleters list, instead only they are affected by the tool.
  10. I'd prefer Roph's suggestion as a new category. Rookie is a meaningful award to the new players, and if they are in the same category as everyone else it leaves far too much competition for them to have a practical chance of winning. I like the idea that a rookie is capable of winning Improved Player, but given how these awards tend to skew towards being a popularity contest, I definitely see the need for them to have a category older players are excluded from.
  11. Over the last few weeks the Alliance has allowed Aethon to step into the top loyalty position for the Archivists. After observation and consideration, the decision has been made to offer Aethon the chance to formally run the Alliance. I would like to be the first in the realm to formally welcome Aethon as Alliance Leader to the Archivists. I am excited and intrigued, as I am sure we all are, to see what sort of leader Aethon will turn out to be, and what sort of Alliance he will lead in the coming months. Please join me in welcoming Aethon into his new position, may it be a long lasting one.
  12. Agree - while I understand that managing discussions on two fronts is time consuming, as the understanding, interpretation and applications of the rules is dependent on the actual categories those rules apply to, it is best to run them at them same time. Otherwise it can be akin to developing rules for a new sport, only to find when we get ready to play that no one has accounted for a ball being involved.
  13. (can't get into the catzy, all non-premium spots are filled) Kyphis - 104972 I could login successfully until Chewett pushed the Blue button, so my account should be clean of issues.
  14. That is some truly intense dedication right there o_O
  15. Finding good stones is difficult. Can I just use potatoes instead?
  16. Two gold, 20 silver (promissory note)
  17. Thankyou Chewett, that is exactly the information I was after! Yeah, I am in the same boat... I want to get rustgolds/GC to help support quests, but I more so want to keep my elder grasans from being pimped :/
  18. Anyone know how the pimping process selects a Grasan? I haven't pimped a Grasan since I was MP3, but from memory it picked the youngest first. This is concerning to me, as my oldest creature is a standard Grasan that I don't want to pimp...
  19. Start it off with one gold
  20. A gift was given, On the high seas Crimson pennons encrusted with salt The blades, the first family Of a friend now found in final rest. Many adventures were had, and questors aided A mind as sharp as the spines upon his back But amongst the adventures, the greatest of all Started with a pocket, and some seeds. Through all the roads, all the lands We could find you, tending to your friends But now it is we that tend you, and your roots We would see you bloom, Awiiya.
  21. The idea of spell casting ability increasing even for those who only have the spells through stones is something Mur brought up a long time ago - anyone able to find the link, it was on the forum from memory? (I'd do it myself, but need to head to work :P)
  22. Bit late to the party, but happy birthday.
  23. A Matter of Perspective From now until the 23rd of April (the last day of the anniversary) I will be running an art contest. The Objective is to imagine yourself standing in an MD location, looking out, then draw what you see. Your vantage point can be from anywhere in the location, however your artwork should include as few landmarks from the location you are actually in as possible. Entries will be judged based on Art Quality, Creativity, and how easy it is to identify the scene you are actually in. Any art style may be used, however you must be able to prove the work is your own and created for this quest (for this reason, hand drawn with a sign is usually best) Entries may be sent to me through any means you have available. This quest is intended to be fairly easy and open to all skill levels. As such, the final quality of rewards will reflect the level of effort that everyone puts into the contest. That said, during anniversaries generosity is the norm ;) Judges - If you would like to be a judge, send me a private message (anyone asking in public will be excluded from being a judge for obvious reasons). Judges will not be able to participate.
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