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Everything posted by adiomino

  1. Playing with MD's favorite puppy beagle! He acts the exact same way as Adio and his name is Nicholas xD
  2. I thought it would be nice if there was an Adept-Mentor chat. So i could chat with my adepts and leave messages for them there regularly instead of having to pm each and every one of them. And we could all talk at the same time if we wanted to. Not sure where this chat would go. But an extra button wouldn't hurt would it? x) Yes? No? Give me your opinions It would be easier to answer questions. Since my adepts have soo many questions (which i love). They take up a lot of my pm message sends. =.= And i only have 10 active right now XD with just 3 asking the questions XD And please don't get the wrong idea. I do love answering pms one by one. (which is one of the reasons why i'm aiming for mp6) [b]If this can't be done i'd love to see a rise in the amount of pms one can send out. Perhaps a rise in the limit only for people that have say 10 active adepts at a time. This would help :DD[/b] I'm just scared because i almost had an experience where i ran out of pms to send xD but i was still being asked question by my adepts. gahh xD All i'd use this new chat for are things like... posting "Oh hey guys don't forget I'm here to answer all your questions if you have any atm!" Or "Hello guys i'd like to remind all of you to check out the forum every once and a while. Good info packed in it" And things like "Oh KEEN you have a quick question? Well.. okay then lemme answer it >" Stuff like that It wouldn't be used to make being a mentor easier.. But rather to augment my mentoring abilities.
  3. Happy happy bday to youu!
  4. Same thing happened to me. I applied 100% of my ve in the fight and won but i still lost all of it The fight was against 3 regen trees and 1 pope. [log='Battle log'] Loading adiomino creatures Loading apophys creatures COMBO: Adding 3363 combo vitality bonus for this ritual Applying 100% of adiomino's energetic influence Applying 0% of apophys's energetic influence Influences for adiomino ###### Majestic Winderwild: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze Majestic Winderwild: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze Angien Sentinel II: creatureboost Angien Sentinel II: creatureboost Angien Sentinel II: creatureboost Rustgold Drachorn: creatureboost, antifreeze Influences for apophys ###### Treebeard: regenaura Combat Log: regenaura Judas: vampiricaura vampiricaura drains 6049 vitality from adiomino's Angien Sentinel II and gives it to apophys's Treebeard6049 vitality from adiomino's Angien Sentinel II and gives it to apophys's Combat Log6049 vitality from adiomino's Angien Sentinel II and gives it to apophys's Strangler Fig6363 vitality from adiomino's Rustgold Drachorn and gives it to apophys's Judas Applying adiomino's Creature Tokens at 0% Majestic Winderwild's creature tokens [kellethafire, claw3, goldbelt] [kellethafire] Majestic Winderwild gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [claw3] Majestic Winderwild gets 200 attack, power and initiative based on Principles [goldbelt] Majestic Winderwild gets 300 defence based on won battles Majestic Winderwild's creature tokens [stardust, blooddrop2, claw3] [blooddrop2] gets 3 initiative (10 percent) [claw3] Majestic Winderwild gets 200 attack, power and initiative based on Principles Angien Sentinel II's creature tokens [stardust, claw3, goldbelt] [claw3] Angien Sentinel II gets 200 attack, power and initiative based on Principles [goldbelt] Angien Sentinel II gets 300 defence based on won battles Angien Sentinel II's creature tokens [antifreeze, blooddrop1, blooddrop3] [blooddrop1] Angien Sentinel II gets 6 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop3] Angien Sentinel II gets 73 attack (20 percent) and 6 initiative (20 percent) Angien Sentinel II's creature tokens [stardust, blooddrop3] [blooddrop3] Angien Sentinel II gets 73 attack (20 percent) and 6 initiative (20 percent) Rustgold Drachorn's creature tokens [stardust, blooddrop2] [blooddrop2] gets 3 initiative (10 percent) Applying apophys's Creature Tokens at 100% Treebeard's creature tokens [] Combat Log's creature tokens [] Strangler Fig's creature tokens [] Judas's creature tokens [] adiomino's Angien Sentinel II does energyburn to strong creature(s) of apophys and: - Judas receives 11035 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 1841 Ve and remains with 8851 Ve) creature DIES! adiomino's Angien Sentinel II does energyburn to strong creature(s) of apophys and: - Strangler Fig receives 11035 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 1841 Ve and remains with 8851 Ve) creature DIES! adiomino's Rustgold Drachorn does damage to random creature(s) of apophys and: - Combat Log receives 474 damage and remains with 6875 vitality adiomino's Majestic Winderwild does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of apophys and: - Weaken defence effect: -414 - weakens Treebeard for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -414 and remains with 7349 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -414 - weakens Combat Log for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -414 and remains with 6875 vitality adiomino's Angien Sentinel II does energyburn to weak creature(s) of apophys and: - Combat Log receives 11449 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 1841 Ve and remains with 8851 Ve) creature DIES! adiomino's Majestic Winderwild cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn apophys's Treebeard cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "1" ###### adiomino's Angien Sentinel II does energyburn to strong creature(s) of apophys and: - Treebeard receives 19249 energy burn(luck: double effect) (attacking creature consumes 3141 Ve and remains with 4410 Ve) creature DIES! adiomino's Angien Sentinel II cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ... adiomino WINS! Creature Experience reward for adiomino - Winning player Majestic Winderwild gains 272 Xp and a won battle Majestic Winderwild gains 272 Xp and a won battle Angien Sentinel II gains 272 Xp and a won battle Angien Sentinel II gains 272 Xp and a won battle Angien Sentinel II gains 272 Xp and a won battle Rustgold Drachorn gains 272 Xp and a won battle Creature Experience reward for apophys - Losing player No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Winner gets won fights counter incremented! Loser does not get a lost fight point[/log]
  5. Hellooooooo. This is a great game I'll be sure to meet your character soon.
  6. Bumpp. I really would like some credits offered on my sharptears. I'll add gold coins and a few other creatures if someoen can offer me 45+credits. Also i will buy a GG for my rustgold drach, 2 sharptears, and 2 gold coins.
  7. What use is a WP to a person that just logs in to gain active days anyways? (now if that "person" is an alt that is a different story..) but a WP to active days just seems like a nice idea. not much thinking has to been done about it besides how often the WP would be given out-if at all :PP. sorry if my opinion is too lax about it.
  8. got a pretty good offer bumpity bump. i sure hope the trade goes through..
  9. bump. still selling. Also selling two imps. Just offer anything on that. I don't really care. But i still really really want to buy a rusty!
  10. rust gold drachorn for 2 sharptears and 2 gold coins >Update> I'll throw in 3 trees age 98 if you accept my offer or 2 imps age 100+ or all of the above :PP xD
  11. bump. still selling.
  12. yup same for me too
  13. so... i'm confused. i also keep getting the same cards ehh oh! nevermind
  14. Title says it all! 1-Marksmen 2-Marksmen Place bids on pm or the topic. I'd like at least 3 gold coins on each of them. But just place your bids if it isn't that. I will pay up to 2 gold coins for a rusty if one is offered on both of those marksmen. I will also 2 gold coins and 2 marksmen for 55 credits
  15. sorry the bp was already sold. But i'd gladly sell the pimpy and the joker for 5 credits
  16. I'm innocent! O_o <(O_O<) (>O_O)>
  17. Happy Bday!!
  18. Hm... Bidding for the bloodpact archer will end soon. And all the deals are still err yeauh. 5 credits!! for the pimpy or the bp. i'll throw in an imp or joker. Or both if you want. >Sold for 1 gold coin<
  19. wuuuut. scaryy (
  20. topic updated. bumpity bump 5 credits for any of the creatures is an automatic yes if 5 credits is offered on the pimpy or the blood pact archer i can offer one of the other creatures available. example would be an extra imperial or another joker. (not the pimpy and the bp though)
  21. Deal done. Please close topic! :DD
  22. [u][b]I need 30 credits. [/b][/u] And will pay [b]1 gold for 10 credits.[/b] I will pay [b]extra[/b] if someone could trade with me 30 credits in one trade. I also have creatures that i want to trade for credits as well: Pimped grasan age 164 with Claw I Claw II Blood drop I Onyx Fangs Stardust Blood pact archer age 128
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