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  1. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Asterdai in Want To Buy A Variety Of Creatures   
    And thank you grido and shadowseeker

    And if you really just wanna sell ANYTHING then pm me or post here and i'll make a deal with you :PP just buying stuff x)

    I want to buy a few imperial aramors (done buying those for now too), 3 pimped grasans, maybe another joker (done buying those for now), i'd also buy a santa. i'd offer 3 gold coins for a santa. and if that isn't enough i'd throw in a cup of tea! (item) for a santa or nutcracker. whichever idk haha.

    Creatures i'm interested in right now (i'll look at these creatures before i look at another joker or imp):
    tokened grasans, chaos archers

    (If i do not get back to you it means i am not interested. Probably because i already have the creature you want to sell to me. x3 or soemthing like that )
  2. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Asterdai in Want To Buy A Variety Of Creatures   
    please change topic to wtb double maxed jokers
  3. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Asterdai in Want To Buy A Variety Of Creatures   
    Bump~Someone please change topic name to Want to buy a variety of creatures. (soemthing like that)
  4. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Kamisha in Offensive Language   
    I will say this on this matter you don't want to make it a case so wrong section also considering this I don't this will go anywhere and if it does maybe a day in jail for him. No matter the reasoning I think this is anything but a minor case which wont likely happen again. I find this trivial and almost not worth posting for. I'm not trying to be mean or make a personal attack I am simply stating the obvious.
  5. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    You know you've been on MD to much, when you start searching for other games to play, and find none worthy of the time MD takes.
  6. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Lazarus in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    When I am talking to my friends and out of nowhere I just says "laughs"...
  7. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Burns in Stop Ggg   
    I'll gladly repeat, the problem is not whether you attack people or not, the problem is that YOU ARE THERE!
    Shadowseeker, Leixer, dst and me don't attack most mp5 either, and still they are all afraid of us.
    Jtz Champion and Dayredeemer, to name some other fearsome few, are premanently idle, they don't attack anything at all. And still they appear on all lists of the best fighters.

    Some selected few have no honor at all, like Lighty (=P) and redneck. Still, at least Lighty stops attacking people who are getting close to skilldamage, and usually gives victories to his victims when they ask nicely.

    The only difference is that on mp5, it is supposed to be that way, because we don't want the people who only play to be the best. Go play WoW, that's built for such things.
    And, no matter how you argue that you won't attack anybody because it doesn't pay, the fact remains that you CAN. When anybody goes against your will, you can and will hurt them, because you can. That's how the game runs on mp5, but not on mp4. MP-levels are a noobie-protection, not an invitation to low-level and play god. Once you properly understood the basics of rituals, you are not supposed to be an mp4 anymore.

    And, you call that a solution? Take the 'endless'-factor out of MD? I mean, yeah, Mur would save a lot of server costs, because MD would've been closed 2 years ago. That's all i can see in that solution.

    €dit: On a sidenote: Apo already advanced, the others will soon, and the GGG is emptied of all MP3/4. After meager 30 hours. For all those who told me that i could do nothing against it because the GGG-users were such an effective social community who couldn't ever be stopped by a single man: [i]In your Face.[/i]
  8. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Bronzometh in Stop Ggg   
    well, that leaves me only one solution: do nothing else but voting for several years until I get all crits, tokens and boosters from MD shop for my main MP4 account (eventually reset the shop, to get more), and play several alts (which won't get to MP5 either) in this time (or play other games in this time). eventually age some angiens and trade them for coins, with which to buy some more tokened crits. But this way, I will stay more time at MP4 than I would have stayed with GGG working. maybe others will do the same.
    How does that sound? no one can make me to get to MP5 any time soon, and no one can make me get to MP5 while I am weak. No one can be forced, not even by terrorism. and by the time I will get to MP5, probably most of the current MP5 veterans will already be MP6 or even more.
  9. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Burns in Stop Ggg   
    Constructive criticism, huh?

    Well, nice try, but you're wrong.
    If people advanced as they should, the constant influx on mp5 is enough to not get smashed too often.

    The few fighting veterans can be avoided.
    Just lately, as in since 6 months, it happened that people didn't advance. I know whom to blame, but blaming doesn't make things better.
    So, of course the people who advance get smashed badly, there are too little targets on mp5, we need to take the same over and over again.

    It is at this point impossible to play MD properly, because the 2 people who advance each week can't stand against anybody in mp5, naturally, and give up and create an alt.

    Once 10 advance each week again, the cycle will work properly once more.

    Anyways, that was in response to Bronzo, here's what i'm here for:

    From this point onwards, ggg is non-existant on any mp-level but 5.
    I have the tools, and i have the will, to be very cruel to each and every mp4 who still is there.

    I've left them a note, even:
    [quote]Note to all MP4!
    So, there are still many MP4 around here.

    That's okay, no problem, train as you wish.

    I would like you to know that i, Burns, will come in every now and then and give out free xp to you. Roughly 1 million.

    You might wonder how, but, that's none of your business. All you need to know is that you won't know when or how my gift is going to hit you

    Also, if i get a complaint from people being threatened into setting ggg-defences, or attacked for not being set, i will give an even higher gift to those threatening and attacking.

    For all the others, no, you don't need to stick to the rules of GGG, no matter what anybody says. No, i won't hit you because you are here to tackle the ones who still defend it, i know my black sheep. [/quote]

    I'm not particularly proud that i have to resort to terrorism to stop this abuse, but, you know me, i don't stop from using such methods when i fight for something that's right.

    Advertising this change starts immidately, i will let every mp4 know that ggg doesn't exist anymore. If i must, i'll send a PM to [u]every[/u] [u]single[/u] [u]one[/u].

    PS: For clarification, no, i don't have authority to do that, i don't own GGG. As long as the staff doesn't officially agree to that, this is an act of terrorism.
  10. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to King Bull in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='13 June 2010 - 06:03 PM' timestamp='1276470226' post='61837']
    Have we totally lost sight of the entire point and significance of the MP levels? There is a reason you don't auto-upgrade.

    i do not seem to know that reason and i cannot see a understanding for your reasoning. Just be direct to get to your point Zleiphneir, ...... tell me!
  11. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to argos in Prison Rebel Princ Rhaegar Quest   
    does it have to be real, i mean you said be creative so i kinda made it umm... err... bah

    can we write anything? as long as it's related to the prison?
  12. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in Tattoos   
    why are these posts being neg reped? this is in the proper forum, and there is nothing wrong with what is being said? Some stupid people we have around here.

    ontopic: I love tatoos there are many designs I'd like to have myself someday mostly dragons and other mythical symbols

    [color="#0000FF"]If you continue to insult forum users you'll get yourself a nice lil' warning.
    Good day,
  13. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Tattoos   
    I actually quite like tattoos and I find that its surely an honor to have someone wear your artwork. Unfortunately, I do not have any myself but if I can come up with the money, I may get myself one someday.

    I do however have at least 6 piercings, and I'm not done yet. I intend to have at least 8 piercings in the near future.
  14. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to lepus in Tattoos   
    okay so does anyone here have any tattoos?

    if not do you want any tattoos?

    do you like them or dislike them?

    i have several myself but will wait to see if anyone is interested in seeing them first.

    lepus xxx
  15. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Yrthilian in Technomage   
    This is to anounce that as a technomage i have managed to create items
    and would now wish to offer my service to the public.

    [b]NOTE: i am in no way replacing the crafters. That is there main role.[/b]

    I am offering to create some small items for people
    but there are many rules to what can be created.

    Also note just like the crafters it take 1 x WP to create an item.
    yes it will involve the use of materials.

    I will also post whom i am currently creating an item for
    and depending on the itme on the time it teakes to make.
    that will be decided at the time of creation.

    Also to create an item may also cost you a fee.
    also to be agreed to at time of creation.

    Yrthilian Technomage.
  16. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Cupcakes Vs. Muffins!   
    Muffins can be delicious! Open up your food palette pample x) Cuz this pup knows where to get some moist blueberry muffins that are huuge x) Yum. But waiit... cupcakes still win. i guess pamples right
  17. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from aaront222 in Cupcakes Vs. Muffins!   
    Muffins can be delicious! Open up your food palette pample x) Cuz this pup knows where to get some moist blueberry muffins that are huuge x) Yum. But waiit... cupcakes still win. i guess pamples right
  18. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Metal Bunny in Festival Of War And Remembrance   
    Tomorrow,on tuesday the 22nd midnight, or wednesday the 23rd early morning, the Festival of War and Remembrance will begin!
    I make confusing posts according to some ¬_¬
    Hope this is more understandable
    [size="5"][b]What is this about?[/b][/size]
    [spoiler]MD is well over 5 years old.
    When the realm of MD had dawned, it was much like a void.
    It was like a void because at first it was empty, and there was nothing to give it meaning, nothing to help it retain major events as treasured memories.

    The world of MD was akin to a newly born infant. It was empty and it was small. But it was also growing and it was peaceful.

    But as with every child that grows up, things must change.
    Beginning in year 3, day 90, a creature appears that seemed as a novelty at first. But with the appearance of the Knator Commander in the realm, the Era of the RPC had begun.
    In year 3, day 121, the very first adventure log had been posted. A hero is wanted. BigC is that hero.
    These two separate elements may have seemed insignificant at first, but when these elements combined something magical had happened.

    In the void that preceded these two events, players were incapable of influencing the realm from within, forced to abide by the creator’s will.
    BigC’s emergence as a hero however, now signified the moment where players had grown to obtain powers, powers strong enough to affect change. And soon, other players would emerge and prove their worth. The change they would bring would be like nothing the realm had ever seen before.

    For these players had feelings and these feelings were different from the creator’s, and from the realm. These feelings turned into thoughts, arguments and desires. These in turn affected their choices. From their choices came their actions and their actions cascaded into each other and created something that the realm had never seen before.
    As with any child that grows older, conflicts appear and innocence is lost.

    War had clawed its way into the realm and ripped across the lands.

    When talking to people who are younger than me, whom I’ll casually refer to as newbies from now on, I noticed that these newbies usually know nothing about the past which I still remember.
    And I believe that the newbies should at least know about the more important parts of MD’s history. And the legends that made them.

    As such, I have organized a Festival of War and Remembrance. The idea came from Indyra and we just ran with it. For all you newbies, which, according to the active veterans list, is everyone except for four players, not including me .
    I know, the name can be a bit confusing, but, the object and goal of this festival is to honor the fallen, and remember the wars. It is not to glorify a certain side, nor is it to glorify war itself. Remembrance is the highest goal. [/spoiler]

    [size="5"][b]What are we going to do?[/b][/size]
    There are 6 days.
    Days 1 - 4 will have stories and then 20 min. long fights.
    Day 5 will be a story about legendary people.
    Day 6 is deathmatch trivia contest.

    Days 1-4:
    Stories about each war.
    People have to sign up IF they want to fight.
    If you don't want to fight, you can just come and listen to the story.

    Benefits and rules to fighting:
    People will be divided into historically correct teams. People fight with historically correct rituals.
    Top 3 winners per day, get each 1 point.
    Top winner also gets a creature.
    Top loser gets 1 point.
    People who perform acts of worthy and mentionable roleplay, also get a point.

    Day 5:
    Stories about legends and honorary mentions about players.

    Day 6:
    Deathmatch triva.

    We will play trivia like we are used to, until we have 16 players who each have 4 points.
    So, once you have 4 points, including points from the first few days, you will be placed in the deathmatch contest and you can stop talking for a while .

    When we do have 16 players, we will start a deathmatch trivia contest.
    First will be the round of 16, or 8 rounds of 1 vs. 1.
    After that 4 rounds of quarter finals.
    Then 2 rounds of semi finals.
    The losers of the semi finals go against each other for 3rd and 4th place.
    The winners of the semi finals go against each other for 1st and 2nd place.

    Is this clear now? [/spoiler]

    [b]Where will it be?[/b]
    Gazebo of Equilibrium, fights will be historically placed, but within No Man's Land.

    It’ll start on Tuesday 22nd of June 2010.
    The festival will last for 6 days, and thus will end early am on monday the 28th.

    [b]Just so we are clear, the first day is from tuesday to wednesday, not monday to tuesday.[/b]

    And what many of you have been waiting for!
    [size="5"][b]The rewards[/b][/size]

    Fighting 1: Choice between 1 aged and tokened angien, 2 imperial aramors, 1 joker.
    Fighting 2: Choice between what is left from day 1.
    Fighting 3: Choice between what is left from day 2.
    Fighting 4: What is left from day 3.
    Legends 5: no rewards…

    Day 6;

    Places: 16 - 9 (last 8);
    1 silver each as a consolation prize.

    Places: 8 - 5 (4 quarter-finalists);
    5 silver, 1 wpcode, tormented soul.

    Place: 4 (lost semi-finals, then lost against nr. 3);
    Bloodpact archer, or choice between Bloodpact archer or GG drach, if nr. 2 or nr. 3 don’t want the drachorn.

    Place: 3 (lost semi-finals, then won against nr.4);
    choice between WP or GG Drach

    2 (lost final);
    WP code and choice between WP or GG Drach

    1 (won final);
    WP code and choice between WP or [size="7"][b]Reindrach[/b][/size]


    [b]Thanks to Mur for the drachs, yrthilian for wp codes and Zleiphneir for a couple of creatures.[/b]
  19. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to aaront222 in Festival Of War And Remembrance   
    Is this an OFFICIAL festival? Like the festival of pain?
    Rewards I expect-
  20. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in Wts Pimped Grasans   
    I offer to stay out of your pockets....for a while
  21. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Jubaris in Concerning Loreroot Laws And Chain Of Command   
    tell me one thing at least Firsanthalas, once I am completely out of your way, who will you blame your failures on?

    I have objectively responded to the topic you made, focusing on things that brought up with it, and on my question regarding your announcement you responded with a rant of lies (surprised how no one warned you of going offtopic). My point still stands, but you can always continue playing your political media games and telling lies.
    You can continue telling lies, contradicting your own words while doing so, and taking some of my words out of context, but you can never "win" this, for the truth can be checked in deeds, deeds that you lack during these 8 months, while some of us actually tried doing something around here.

    and you Shara... at first I am not entirely sure are you saying this to fulfill your purpose of a "shouter", or you really aren't able to understand?
    Nomad story fits MD since people inhabited empty Loreroot, it shows how land should function when it is made from point zero (since Loreroot is still on point zero, and no one proved me wrong, nor anyone will.)

    all of your points are wrong, and I won't be draged into explaining things even further just for later to be pictured as a spammer, apparently, and invasive. Use your brain and think about the things you ask, and leave the limits of your illusions.
  22. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Jubaris in Concerning Loreroot Laws And Chain Of Command   
    this system could work ~~~~if the land had some kind of structure~~~~ which it doesn't. You just preserve state of nothingness by this.

    you basically have nothing going on, and you make a set of rules that ban people of doing something, without going through the whole process of stalking people and poking them for weeks to think about something (pray to the gods that someone will actually read your PM in a period of a week.) and with this you make the Loreroot picture of the few (those who actually have some power to make decisions, who decide not to move their bottoms for something that isn't that "cool" in their eyes)

    Since you Firsanthalas are a big fan of examples in RL, I'll make one for you.

    Nomad people wonder and wonder for ages. They stumble on grasslands after years of wondering in deserts. They found out they have neighbours in the lands around. They need to make something unique so they can be known for who they are. Naturally people would gather up and discuss what would be their goals, plans, and structure of the land, what to do, what are the needs of the people etc.
    You don't have someone stepping up and saying, "ok, I take control of this land now. If you want to do anything except taking water and food, you'll have to ask person X to approve it, who will bring the issue to person Y who will tell it to me, and I'll think about can it be done." by doing so you eliminate making of a land culture.

    You can "lock" the things by that structure ~~~IF~~~ you have a system to start with, that functions so and so, which Loreroot doesn't

    and if I am wrong about this, then tell me what is the system of Loreroot, how do the people work together in prospering their land?
  23. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to SageWoman in Concerning Loreroot Laws And Chain Of Command   
    After the recent bru-ha ha with Prince Rhaegar, I think it was prudent for you to put in writing on what happens when you join an Alliance and becoming a Citizen. Clarity needs to present so there is no misunderstanding. Kingship has its rules and I am glad that you spelled it out for all to see. It is an elected position as you said, and it should be clear that those powers go with the position, not the person IN the position.

    I do think a statement should be written out on what a citizen is and their responsibilities to their chosen land and hense, their King or Queen. It might be a good idea to have in writing what a chain-of-command is as well.
  24. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Creatures Of Loreroot   
    Werewolfer, your post was quite difficult to understand. And i'm still a little confused. Just edit it And yeah loreroot creatures are interesting. aren't they all?
  25. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to pamplemousse in Creatures Of Loreroot   
    WHAT?! What in the world are you trying to say. No one wants to have to decipher your post to figure out the meaning, so if you want people to listen to you, state a clear message that we can understand.
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