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  1. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in No More Torch Competition For Allianceless Mp3S And Mp4S   
    Well then what about citizens of lands? what were you going to say about them dst and why should they be excluded obviously even if they haven't made it into a lands alliance yet they have convince kings or their censors that they would like to be part of the land and are able to compete. I've not seen mp3 citizens.
  2. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in No More Torch Competition For Allianceless Mp3S And Mp4S   
    If you don't think they should be somewhere then pick up a torch and defend it.
  3. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Fyrd Argentus in No More Torch Competition For Allianceless Mp3S And Mp4S   
    I still think you should give 1 free "kill" to the score so that simply carrying the torch unopposed would score. Suddenly all the mp3's in Marind's Bell would become an important force, and MB would stand a chance.

    I think the chance to "see the world" should NOT be denied to new players. Removing a privledge would simply push new players further away and hurt the cause of growing MD.
  4. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to The Great Pashweetie in Md Creatures In The Shop   
    Have you ever attacked another player only to your dismay that they have several shop creatures? Although they had to pay for these creatures, they easily destroy you and are hard to defeat any other way. We should make it a little less easy for everyone to own one of these fancy shop creatures
  5. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Terrible News!   

    This image was handed to me in a sealed envelopped by a man in a trench coat at a bus station. Is Adiomino involved? or trying to save them from what appears to be some sort of grotesque breeding ground?

  6. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to lightsage in Md Creatures In The Shop   
    Actually, as you progress you will probably find that:

    1. The influence of shop creatures becomes smaller as you progress
    2. The most overpowered creature (currently) does not have an MDShop variant
    3. There is only two shop creatures that currently give a slight advantage at the later stages of MP5, one of which is quite deep in shop the other is currently not in the shop.

    Although these are my findings, I do wonder which MP you are and which creatures you have trouble beating, it could very well be the result of incomplete ritual knowledge rather than the actual creatures being the problem.
  7. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Asterdai in Terrible News!   
    wuuuut. scaryy (
  8. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Terrible News!   
    wuuuut. scaryy (
  9. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Harion in Loreroot Guardians   
    all of my adepts quit when they hit the wall that is LR guards
    perhaps if i told them how to beat the guards they wouldn't have quit...
    but nowadays, beating the guards to get into LR isn't needed because of TC

    i got into LR as MP4 btw
    right from the get go i was using the correct rit but had the creature at too low of a level
    it wasn't until i was told that not only is a correct rit required, but a correct rit with the correct crits having the right level
    (note: i wasn't told how or what to use, only that a crit properly leveled can defeat the guards)
    did i realized what i needed to do

    the pop up tips (any rit can be defeated using the right rit) were misleading and contributed to me spending months trying to beat the guards instead of training the right crits

    i think if LR citizens have no problem letting ppl in LR, then perhaps we should just remove the guards at the gate and place them somewhere else
    where their "valuable teaching lesson" won't be lost

    but what do i know right?

    i just think that it's a natural progression of the game that once highly guarded secrets become open knowledge in time
    you can't keep a secret from spreading - you can't control it
    there'll be a time in MD when access to all areas would be known
    it's just inevitable, i think
    that's the nature of the beast
    a secret once shared becomes a secret no longer

    there will be ppl like me, who respects the rules of the "no spoilers" not because i want others to have the same hard time as i did
    but because i want others to experience the magic of MD. the magic of MD isn't in fighting or leveling creatures
    the magic of MD is in the discovery, the journey, the struggle to gain knowledge
    if i take that away from others, i am doing injustice to them. i am taking away from them the opportunity to experience the magic of MD

    i too hate spoilers. i've hated it ever since 6th sense was spoiled to me by some ass
    but how do you prevent others from spoiling things here in MD short of imposing draconian rules?
  10. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Sasha Lilias in Feb Vs. The Mp5 Giants   
    This is the [u][b]second[/b][/u] topic made by nad just so that he may try and make himself look big and strong, when he is nothing but a small child that can only use 1-2 types of rituals. In my eyes you are pathetic, both as a character and in fighting skills.
    Why are these topics allowed? If someone were to create two seperate posts the mods would then combine them, usually, so why is one person allowed to create multiple, gloating, topics that is of no use to [u][b]anyone[/b][/u]? It is a waste of forum space.
  11. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Darigan in Happy Birthday Wookie   
    Happy BDAY!!!! :DDDD
  12. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Blackthorn in Discussion   
    I can't help but agree with the last part of cutler's part. I wish you luck in trying to recover the savellites. But... bahh hard to organize the words in my head right now
  13. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Watcher in Discussion   
    I can't help but agree with the last part of cutler's part. I wish you luck in trying to recover the savellites. But... bahh hard to organize the words in my head right now
  14. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Sasha Lilias in Discussion   
    As much as I respect you Jazira I don't really like the alliance, or guild, anymore. To me it has lost it's true meaning and is now just some sort of play thing to be handed around to various people.
    Rhaegar was the only one that kept SOME of the true meaning of the Savelites in the guild. Grido didn't spent quite a lot of time re-establishing the guild/alliance just so that it could be demolished once more. Personally I think that the guild should either :

    [*]Be re-taken over by Rhaegar. This being because, as I said before, he at least kept some of the original meanings the guild/alliance.
    [*]The current leader to revise about the guild/alliance and Savelfuser and actually take it all on board before thinking of the roles within the guild/alliance and it's own rules, regulations and history.
    [*]Or, this being my favourite suggestion at the moment, to be disbanded. The alliance has lost it's purpose, role and to be honest, originality.
    Im sorry to sound like the moaner but this is how I feel and hopefully how others feel as well, with some of it at least.

    Back to the topic, read this post, take it on board, mix it with your OWN ideas and hopefully you can re-establish the alliance as it should be.

  15. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Grido in Confirm Emails, On The Right Bar   
    There was a reason why Mur couldnt do that when he put it there...cant remember off hand though, could just have been late and take a little too much time
  16. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Chewett in Confirm Emails, On The Right Bar   
    The confirm emails page should have the same "topbar" as the other pages (with mood panel links and such), which would allow it to be able to go to the mood panel without reloading the entire page.

    Im not sure across all the browsers but history.back() doesnt work so well if you didnt click it immediately after using the confirm.
  17. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Sharpwind in Mp5 Only Features   
    I think it would be good to create some features only available at mp5, so that new players have something to wait for when coming to mp5
    and to avoid many of them staying at lower mp levels out of fear and stat grinding

    It could be even some of the already existing features such as being member of an alliance, citizenship, if ever implemented the linking of players and so on

    just sharing a thought
  18. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Burns in Mp5 Only Features   
    You're picking the wrong things, it wouldn't make sense to only have mp5+ as citizens or allies, that's something pretty common.
    What i think should be limited is spell-casting abilities, e.g. mirror, guardian, invisibility, other army are some advanced magics that could be allowed on mp5 only, other stuff like movelock, attacklock, give vital, no armor, weaken are by far less advanced spells and could as well be allowed on mp4 imo.

    Some armors, mostly Medusa and Sun God, could be restricted for MP3/4, since they are advanced gears, too.

    I would even consider restricting creatures, but only in useage, not in owning, e.g. mp4 being unable to use angiens or drachorns, mp3 unable to use trees and birds.

    There's tons of things that can be restricted, but taking away features like land affliation would be pretty annoying for the few newbies who are already interested in a land, and not much of an incentive for the lowlevlers to move up at all.
  19. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Metal Bunny in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    The game would lose its appeal without its 'steep learning curve', because if you do find it steep, you will most probably not be into the social interaction, nor the inquisitive nature of the game itself. If the game was designed to keep as much of its incoming business as it could, then mur may as well have gone with the lovely marketing campaign that evony has.

    If you can't be bothered to learn to learn about and from the game, then getting past the mp3 stage or other hardships such as the loreroot guardians, is not an obstacle that needs to be removed, then it is a filter and you're were never willing, regardless of being able, of truly playing this game. Because it's not just a game anymore, not by a long shot, not for a very long time.
  20. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Kafuuka in Petition Against February   
    Way to go Darigan and other people. You're void of arguments and full of emotional persuasions. Why you are giving minus ten rep to people who ask for proof or people who give decent arguments in favor of februari is beyond me.
    [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1283537733' post='67631']
    You are assuming someone would honestly do this, either out of boredom or to prove it can be done. Either way theres ways to figure out such things before they get to such a level.[/quote]
    Bronzometh already explained this: it happened with february and nobody prevented it. Your argument has been preemtively defeated by Bronzometh yet you must restate it?
    The more you talk about it the more you make it seem like it's something you'd want to do yourself[/quote]
    So without real arguments, let's attack the persona behind the arguments shall we?
    , you honestly haven't played this game long enough if you think anyone would be able to honestly get away with it.[/quote]
    Except that once again, februari did get away with it... because what februari did was officially not wrong.
    If they do then they do and will be dealt with swiftly by which ever option is chosen best. You seem to have no faith in the community and you should a lot of people have been here a lot longer and dealt with different situations like this before.
    After seven pages of discussion nothing is swiftly dealt with. You're also horribly inconsistent: you have faith in the community and think nobody would purposely cap noobs, yet at the same time you accuse Bronzometh of wanting to do it, be it just to prove you wrong. Furthermore, he argued against one specific system. If we are to have faith in the community, I can use that as a reason to argue for the option 'do nothing'.

    Which is also what I intend to do. Choose 'do nothing'. Didn't you see Mur's warning? Whatever limit you impose on mp3 will have implications for higher levels. Februari is a single case. He made his point, and considering the amount of fuss that's been made on it now, I think he made it very strongly with your help. There is no reason for him to keep repeating his strategy, nor for anyone else to copy him. You can stop trading with him, you can organize a massive hunt and punish him within the limits of current game mechanics even. You can try to warn noobs against his kind.
    Which reminds me, back in my day, mp3s were advised to use simple rituals as defenses. Not to win obviously, but to minimize the damage from attackers. Every time I see new players asking if they 'did something wrong and should start again?' people say that whatever you do 'wrong' can be adjusted at the next mp level. Are these attitudes suddenly invalid? Do we need new game mechanics because of one single player?

    It seems to me that defeating an mp5 as an mp3 is cool. However, nothing makes as big an impact on the game as having the mechanics changes for/because of you. If that happens, I'll gladly nominate februari for biggest villain and most influential on the next festival.
  21. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in Petition Against February   
    You are assuming someone would honestly do this, either out of boredom or to prove it can be done. Either way theres ways to figure out such things before they get to such a level. The more you talk about it the more you make it seem like it's something you'd want to do yourself, you honestly haven't played this game long enough if you think anyone would be able to honestly get away with it. If they do then they do and will be dealt with swiftly by which ever option is chosen best. You seem to have no faith in the community and you should a lot of people have been here a lot longer and dealt with different situations like this before.
  22. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Bronzometh in Petition Against February   
    And here I come again with the same example as given in previous post: what if someone makes 10 alts, each of them with the purpose of capping newbs? How would any of those 3 options help the newbs? And since those are alts with a set purpose, none of those penalties will matter. To cap newbs at MP3 doesn't really requires allot of VE. with low VE but multiple attacks, it is quite easy to cap a newb. it's not even necessary to use angiens. suicidal attack with crits that doesn't do any dmg, if attacker have a burst and if defender happens to have a life stealer in defense, the defender could get allot of personal experience, and even get caped. Of course, everyone will say (as some ppl already said), who would be that crazy to train 10 alts for the only purpose of caping newbs? I will answer with another question: who ever thought that February will do what he did? And I'll answer with another question: Do you think that every player in MD is perfectly sane, so that he won't do such atrocities? Besides, sanity is hard to define. And I'll answer with a last question: If I will get caped by someone (as Burns promised to all GGG training players, including me), what other reasons would I have to play this game, except for harming others, just as others harmed me? BTW, I do not consider myself perfectly sane. I guess everyone who reads my posts already noticed that I am not 100% mentally sane, maybe some ppl think I am 100% insane. Probably a psychiatric test implemented before joining this game should solve all the problems, but will rise a new issue: there will probably be very few ppl to pass the test, so, this game will have very few characters playing it.
  23. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Harion in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    well, i'm not a newbie but i've gone through what all newbs had at one point.
    MD is a difficult game to understand. not everyone has the patience to figure out everything.
    gamers today have been so used to being able to find out everything in FAQs that when they encounter a game where spoilers are forbidden,
    they immediately give up.
    even asking Live Help will not give you everything as they too will not tell you the answer to a question when it is a considered spoiler.

    in my experience, i had a lot of adepts (real recruits i made posting my ref link, and not my alts) and all of them quit when they reached the point where they can't beat the lore root guards. i only had one adept go to mp4 and even that player quit the moment they experience the horrible beat down all players get when relatively new in the next mp stage.
  24. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Curiose in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    The reasons why we're so cryptic, and can't say most things because it is a spoiler, is because it ruins the game play not only of that particular person, but of other players as well.

    If you stick your neck in long enough, it won't seem so hard, and you'll learn to understand the meaning. MD is not just a game that you go clicking around in, and ask people for all the answers, it's a mentally challenging, and stimulating one.

    If you ask more general questions, then people would be able to help you more. People will help you to the highest degree they can, but not if you give them that chance to. If you storm off frustrated because no one is giving you the answer you're looking for, what do you gain from that?

    There is nothing wrong with MD's rules. Attacking idle players while at the Dojo is so that the younger, active, players who are just LEARNING the process have a chance to figure things out on their own. That is why we set up the sign in that area. They can get the losses and wins that they need, without the feeling of predation from other players, despite the fact that it still happens.

    I would say that I am sorry to see you go, but if you haven't bothered trying to play MD, I have no words for you.
  25. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Arkhaim in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    [quote name='Harion' timestamp='1280778563' post='64969']
    well, i'm not a newbie but i've gone through what all newbs had at one point.
    MD is a difficult game to understand. not everyone has the patience to figure out everything.
    gamers today have been so used to being able to find out everything in FAQs that when they encounter a game where spoilers are forbidden,
    they immediately give up.
    even asking Live Help will not give you everything as they too will not tell you the answer to a question when it is a considered spoiler.

    in my experience, i had a lot of adepts (real recruits i made posting my ref link, and not my alts) and all of them quit when they reached the point where they can't beat the lore root guards. i only had one adept go to mp4 and even that player quit the moment they experience the horrible beat down all players get when relatively new in the next mp stage.

    "Sorry mates, where can i find... or what is... ?"
    "look right or left or up or down, you must find yourself" "i can't spoiler"

    i can't find pure water, i can't understand why i should attack idle people to gain stats for something i don't know... reading here i can't understand a word about 90% of threads...

    i leave for this: too high learning-curve...

    you should change your laws... something like tutoring people till a certain point... like in real life we do with young children...

    Gl all, mates
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