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  1. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Novato in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    I hope it's the right place to start this kind of topic.

    The issue is that there is a lot of veterans talking about what scare the newbies, but few (if any) newbies talk about that. By another hand, maybe it's normal newbies give up the game before even read something in the forum. Again, it's just a theory.

    I don't want to offend the vets, but if a newbie want to give up the MD he/she opinion is better than an MP5 theory. Of course, if a newbie don't understand the game mechanism, he/she could talk about foolish things (probabily it will happen a lot). But, even in this case, we will have the chance to learn how to teach them. Please, avoid sarcams. It's ok, in my opinion, attack without mercy someone ideias (the ideias change), but not the person himself.

    If just one or two newbies write anything on this topic it's enought for me.
  2. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Burns in Petition Against February   
    Option 2 plus bonus:
    Severly increase the xp requirements for the 'big' creatures: Drachorns and Angiens. And i don't mean severely like 20k, more like severely 700k-800k.
  3. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to asryn in Petition Against February   
    Option 1 penalizes far more random people than it does people abusing the system.

    Let's assume that in the normal course of gameplay, 10 mp3 would reach the cap in any given week as a result of regular battles and progress in the game. Whoever happens to be fighting them when this happens would be penalized. If there happens to be someone running around capping newbies, maybe 5 extra people will be capped. So in this scenario, 10 players get penalized just for level-appropriate fighting and 1 troublemaker gets 5x the penalty.

    If no one happens to be causing trouble in any given week, 10 random players will still get penalized.

    I'm picking numbers out of thin air, but you get the idea. Unless this kind of abuse is way more common than I think it is, the vast majority of people penalized by this system would be people playing appropriately. I know MD isn't supposed to be fair, but that seems like a pretty significant negative side effect to me.
  4. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Lost...   
    Create your character as you go on and explore the realm. Perhaps ideas will pop in your mind while you are busy doing other things. Fyrd's list should keep you busy

    Curiose is one to be listened to Thats what i think. Also, i like kafuuka's idea on a "mad hatter" character. x)
  5. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Ravenstrider in Selling Fresh Sharptear.   
    No tokens, fresh from the shop.

    Will take coins or trade for a Soul Weaver or Tokened Angien...
  6. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Pipstickz in Petition Against February   
    [quote name='Bronzometh' timestamp='1283110379' post='67313']
    This is not an excuse. The fact that you and February and anyone could do that is the problem. That is a fighting system problem that must be solved. no sacrificing caps and stats caps or any other caps you could think of will ever solve this problem. The fighting system must be fixed so that NO ONE can harm other players by getting them to exp cap.
    Burns capping GGG players is different from february capping random MP3s in that Burns restricted himself in who he would cap:
    a) He said he would only cap MP4s
    b) He said he would only cap them if they were using GGG
    c) He gave warning on the forum, and if he did end up doing anything in the game, I'm sure he would've given warning there as well
    d) He had a clear, constructive goal which he believed was good for the community, and was stated many times, before he even did anything.
    Whereas february is doing it (most likely) unintentionally, to any random MP3 that happens to be in the same place that he's in and chooses to attack him. He has no constructive goal other than to show that he can use underhanded methods to raise creatures that can beat older players.

    As for your concerns about VE, I got up to almost 30k VE through story mode and heads contest and such, and had that for quite a while before saccing a few creatures. Now I have 44k VE. I do just fine in fighting, even if I can't beat up people like dst and Metal Bunny. Try actually experiencing MP5 before saying that you know what you need to survive in it.
  7. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Nimrodel in Selling Creatures In An Auction   
    3. Imperial Aramor age 116 Bid- 2 sc

    4. Imperial Aramor age 154 Bid - 2 sc

    only 2 creatures left
  8. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in Selling Creatures In An Auction   
    3. Imperial Aramor age 116 Bid- 2 sc

    4. Imperial Aramor age 154 Bid - 2 sc

    only 2 creatures left
  9. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Petition Against February   
    I have known february almost his entire time in game (on this account)

    I have worked with him many times, and I DO like him. I consider him a good friend.

    I spent a long time at MP3, and now also at MP4. However, I Rarely fought (except when helping the Dojo/SG or participating in heads). There are almost No instances where I gave people unwanted experience, and while I certainly could beat MP5 on my own merit (the weaker ones at least ) I never sat around with impossible defenses. My reasons for being MP3/4 had/have nothing to do with combat, and are all about my role. I will, in fact, be moving up to MP5 soon*.

    That said, I don't see any reason for february to stay MP3. He doesn't have a role that requires him to be MP3, and he does sit around with rituals that are a negative impact on new players perceptions of MD.

    I am for forcing him to go up, but I hope he will take proper heed of this topic and advance himself.

    *disclaimer: soon is not a measurement of time
  10. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Burns in Petition Against February   
    Due to beign locked out while writing, here we go again =D

    This was supposed to be in http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7831-the-bad-ass-mp3-strikes-back/. Read it that way.

    During the production of those pics, 20 mp3 were capped.

    I don't care if there's an mp3 account that can beat me, anybody can, no big deal.
    I'm bothered by that account still being mp3. If it was mp5, i wouldn't care. If it was mp3 and always hidden/never online, i wouldn't care either.

    But since it is mp3, online, and putting that rit up in MDP, i'm bothered.

    In fact, i'm so bothered that i complain in accordance to following rule:
    Any repeated complain from multiple unique users will get some kind of unwanted action on you, try not to offend people, or to cause a mess in general[/quote]

    There. I complained. About february hurting newbies, the only resource MD really, really needs.
    I wonder how many pages it takes to have enough complaints to make february mp5, or stripped of his angiens.
  11. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Eon in The Bad-Ass Mp3 Strikes Back!   
    I highly doubt that was Nad's intention for starting this thread, Freelancer. He already created a topic like this not long ago, so why would he need to make another one other than for the obvious reason to show off.

    Do you realize he most likely had to burst to beat every single one of those players? Had they been at there full strength he would have had very little chance to beat them.

    Vet's are not hurt by having there creatures defeated , they are annoyed by Nadrolski's smugness

    If he is as tough as he thinks he is he should move up to mp5 and fight all the mp5's.

    Edit:I was working on my post when Curiose posted hers
  12. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to freelancer in The Bad-Ass Mp3 Strikes Back!   
    I dont get it. Why is everybody, especially the vets, being so negative about this post? Is it so bad that you got your asses kicked by a mp3? Is it because you always have to be the over powered ones? Maybe it hurted your feelings when February defeated your creatures? You vets should know better than any1 that losing is a part of this game, a very important part too. So why are you all treating this post so negatively?

    You may say that feb is setting a bad example to the new mp3 players that grinding is the way to go, but I say that he is just introducing another way to play the game. We all choose to play this game, and we get play it the way we want it. It is not like grinding is against the rules.

    You think it is easy for February, a mp3 player to get that much stats and enough xp for those angiens? With the 380k xp cap, it takes extreme patience, time, and a deep understanding of the mechanism of this game to achieve that. I am not saying grinding is good, nor its fun, but come on.. how many mp3 do you know that can defeat those vets?
    Only February…. So that is something.
    He might not have done it the way you expect him to, and why should he if he does not like your way.

    Hell how many mp4s or even mp5s do you know that can defeat those players? Not much. It is amazing that an mp3 is able to achieve that level of skill.

    And to those who think the pictures that nad posted are considered spoilers... o come on. Are you kidding me? They are just pictures of some crits, I mean it does not even tell you what kind of creature is it, nor does it tell you what the creatures can do. They are just pictures for god’s sakes. To new players…they are no more than a glimpse of what is the future of this game has to offer. Those creatures can motivate new mp3s to keep playing.
    But if the pictures are really too much for you, then I honestly do not know what to say, except that it is ridiculous. Or is that too much of a spoiler for you ?

    And lastly to those who says they are not impressed, Nad and feb are not trying to impress anyone. I doubt they even care what you vets think. The real reason they made this post is to motivate the relatively new players. That the fighting system in this game is not just about losing and skill damage, if they work hard enough, they do not have to hide or kill off their creatures to avoid skill damage, because victories can be achieved. A mp3 defeating mp5 vets is the best example of that.

    So before you give me those negative reps, think deep down why you are doing it.
  13. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to nadrolski in The Bad-Ass Mp3 Strikes Back!   
  14. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Chewett in The Bad-Ass Mp3 Strikes Back!   
    [quote name='Letholdus' timestamp='1282853652' post='67084']
    Younger players? Creatures being spoilers? Man PEOPLE it's a GAME. LOL! If they want to spoil they will. U can't even see the pictures their so small.Oh BTW. Great job february!

    we obviously havent met. because you would have got my full lecture on spoilers.

    Here however there are moderators. And spoilers can be enforced.

    Nad, do you like hatred? do you like people thinking you are a stuck up person?

    because thats what we all think from your topics. You foget to mention the countless times your one attack doesnt work on these guys rituals.
  15. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Letholdus in The Bad-Ass Mp3 Strikes Back!   
    Younger players? Creatures being spoilers? Man PEOPLE it's a GAME. LOL! If they want to spoil they will. U can't even see the pictures their so small.

    Oh BTW. Great job february!
  16. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Mourn the Leper in God-Modding Is Lame   
    [b]the following is a rant about the evils of God-Modding.[/b]
    pretentious and self-serving...oh, yes.

    if you think this is referencing you, i'm sure it's just your imagination.
    if your positive it's you, then...whoops.

    same rules apply as [i]"the path"[/i].

    [attachment=1940:godmodding is lame.ppt]

    after downloading
    click view>slide show
    then left click to move forward

    *laughs* yeah i know. i'll try to find a different format other than ppt in the future.
  17. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to awiiya in Apostrophes Ugh   
    So I've been having some issues with the displaying qualities. I'm fairly certain the issue is the html and css of MD rather than php, but here is a watered down version of what I'm having issues with:

    html side
    <form method="post" action="">
    <textarea rows="20" cols="30" name="ApoProbs">
    Add apostrophes or quotes in this box!!
    <input type="submit" value="Submit!">
    <--! content separator -->
    <style type="text/css">
    //This CSS is used to ensure that the pre will have wordwrap, rather than extending all the way off the page.
    pre {
    white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */
    white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
    white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */
    white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */
    word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */

    This in the MDS side
    if (isset(@input['ApoProbs']))
    echo str_replace("[[APOTESTS]]", @input['AproProbs'], @content[1]);
    echo @content[0];

    If you enter any apostrophes or double quotes in the textarea, they appear with backslashes when outputted. In the debug, however, there don't appear to be backslashes stored in the array. Strange!


    It seems that even though the debug wasn't showing it, there were in fact backslashes being stored, which means that php automatically escapes ' and " when they are entered into the input. The solution is very simple:

    if (isset(@input['ApoProbs'])){
    @vt = stripslashes(@input['ApoProbs']);
    echo str_replace("[[APOTESTS]]", @vt, @content[1]);
    echo @content[0];

    Thank you.

  18. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to cryxus in The Return Of Story Night   
    Lass chapter 3 isnt the last piece it's gonna probably be about 5 chapters...
  19. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to cryxus in The Return Of Story Night   
    Is it alright if I revive the old Marvin tales in hopes of finding the will to finish the rest of the chapters?
  20. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in Redheads   
    Sounds good Burns I hope you can find it
  21. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Mya Celestia in Redheads   
    [color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]I find it funny that people automatically assume that this is meant as a shot at women. Though wording in a few places implies females, it doesn't say that.

    As a real redhead, I found this funny, but I have learned not to let my hair color dictate how I react.[/font][/color]
  22. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in Redheads   
    Thank you your suggestion and opinion are noted. Have a good day.
  23. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Darigan in Redheads   
    Redhead - A Chemical Analysis

    Element: Redhead
    Symbol: RH
    Atomic Weight: Accepted as 118, but known to vary 105-175.
    Discoverer: It's debatable, some say Adam, but we now know, that only God could discover something so perfect!
    Occurrence: Copious quantities in all Urban areas, with slightly lower concentrations in Suburban and Rural areas. Subject to seasonal fluctuations.

    Physical Properties

    1. Surface usually covered with minimal painted film. As a rule, not necessary.
    2. Boils at everything, freezes without reason.
    3. Melts if given special treatment.
    4. Bitter if used incorrectly. Can cause headaches. Handle with care!
    5. Found in various states; ranging from virgin metal to common ore.
    6. Yields to pressure applied to correct points.

    Chemical Properties

    1. Has great affinity for Gold, Silver, Platinum and many precious stones.
    2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
    3. May explode spontaneously if left alone on dates.
    4. Reactive in liquids, even more, increased activity when saturated in alcohol.
    5. Repels cheap material. Neutral to common sense.
    6. Most powerful money reducing agent known to Man.


    1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
    2. Can greatly improve hormonal levels.
    3. Can warm and comfort under certain circumstances.
    4. Incapable of cooling things down, when it's too hot.


    1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when discovered in natural state.
    2. Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.


    1. Highly dangerous except in experienced hands. Use extreme care when handling.
    2. Illegal to possess more than one.
  24. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Selling One Bloodpact Archer   
    Trade you an imp for it. Offer not open indefinitly, however.
  25. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Firsanthalas in Woodcutters   
    [quote name='Necromancer Mortis' date='12 August 2010 - 05:49 PM' timestamp='1281631791' post='65942']
    Yes, and if you had done that then any worker's union worth the title would have ample material to slowly roast you over a spit.

    With respect, you are wrong there. If a union has a dispute, the entire union does not march into the boss or company. The union rep does that. When the company wants to engage with the union, they do so through the rep. In any structure there is a figurehead or spokesperson. You can call them a president, PrimeMinister, First Citizen, Leader, Commander in Chief, Spokesperson, whatever you like. Regardless of whether you are dealing with a democracy, dictatorship or communism there is a leading figure or spokesperson.
    Despite what some people think, I do consult with other people in Loreroot about things. Currently that consists of Tarquinus, Amoran, Mya and Marvolo. These are the principle people in their alliances.** At some point it makes sense to include the Woodcutters, but you can't seriously expect that every single person within the Woodcutters are to be consulted about everything. There has to be one or two people that are consulted and then relay information back and speak for the others. At some point it will also be likely that we will have to include a spokesperson for the non-alliance/guild citizens of Loreroot.

    As for the materials you harvest and produce, well that is entirely up to the Woodcutters guild themselves. Believe it or not, it is my understanding that the guild are fully responsible for that, even if it results in depleting the resources constantly.

    However, the guild being subject to take-overs or arguments that spill over and the results of which can have a negative impact on Loreroot, well that is my business.

    Put yourself in my shoes for 5 minutes. Mur appoints you, Mortis, as the leader, before I even speak to you, there is a new leader (we are talking loyalty ratings here. I know the system you may decide to use to govern the alliance may be different, but the fact remains that the leader by loyalty can eject everyone from the alliance/guild. It is a serious matter).
    There also seems to be some odd changes of personnel, including at least one person that wants to change which of their alts is in the alliance, if not two.
    And added to all that there were rumblings that the guild and its members were like some independent entity within Loreroot.

    Sorry, but from my point of view it was looking like a powderkeg waiting for a match. And I feel that if I simply stood back and said or did nothing at all then I was failing in my duties. You may disagree, but that is how I saw it and still do.

    As for me being rude or abrupt....I wished to speak to you about what I considered to be a serious matter. Your main concern at the time seemed to be to get a win. It was very inspiring indeed.

    Anyway, it is about time this conversation was put to bed and we move on and you get the Woodcutters up and running and performing its role. It is a new addition and one that I feel should really help MD and the community. Despite what anyone may think, I am not here to be a hindrance to you, I want the guild to thrive and be a success. If you feel that you can't talk to me for some reason there are other people in Loreroot that have experience in leading and running alliances and groups. Don't be afraid to call upon and use that experience.

    Edit: ** At least they are for the moment due to factors like activity. There may be in fact other people that are more senior etc
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