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Everything posted by Asterdai

  1. hmm i shall try, ithink ive seen it before arg
  2. thanks for your message, Peace told me it was yours, lets speak in forum PM
  3. ok guess my hands are tied then im out
  4. sorry its Gen 5, obviously couldnt read last night... sorry about the mistake! thanks for the read/message back regarding this
  5. Please can you put the file to another storenow picture or at least add a seperate location to see the first item you get to, i cant access the file it says its restricted my view! i think i tried too many passwords.. but it was my silly key got stuck in my keyboard.. i wanna have a go but i cant!
  6. Im excited! im coming on tomorrow at 1800 MD time, cant wait! Pirates are scary though! um no offence
  7. Phew! i win i win i win!!!?>
  8. why have some auction items been sold already? i should like to complete MY trade also also the bidding was supposed to go on for a week, and the deadline changed for no reason? I will be purchasing it for Grido and his lighthouse project. For Golemus!
  9. Hello! i see that you are in the Guerilla!

  10. i bid $50 for mutated please tell me if this price is ok Udgard. if you wish for a quick sale i could arrange some in game coins also
  11. im not sure its possible to obtain a tainted angien from the egg.
  12. Asterdai

    New Ggg?

    thank you to the king and DST for safe guarding the lands treasured secrets, Bravo! Manda just announced in Mood panal that Manda - Set at Drach L muhahah ... someone get him out?
  13. Asterdai

    New Ggg?

    if a player reacts in a similer way, or enables them to be identified as another alt then they must have been something wrong, so many times ive seen characters of your Fenrir act in the same way as your other alts and its dissapointing to see, you dont need DST to tell everyone but in this instance you trying to act like young newbie characters, for exavple that Vicarious character, which you posed as when trying to buy an avatar off me cheaper, which annoyed me actually because i like to do things to help people and making conversation with people, and people like you ruin that for everyone The trouble with all this is, is that i agree with everyone, about everything to do with GGG. About how hard it is to gain wins for angiens and victorys in mp5, without setting up a"system" between you and friends. I DO consider it elitist to use it in a location such as the Balcony, whose location could possibly be given out as a reward not just plain speak. i have been to other set ritual sites and partaken in them to lose Experience so i dont know where i stand on the subject. I do think that anyone should be allowed to destroy rites or attack people. there are spells and such to keep those people at bay. However that doesnt mean that those people who attack such rites should be victimised or bullied out of locations as happened to me when i first arrived on Golemus and i was politely asked not to attack (i was stuck there, i had to!) this is where acoustic remains really helped me, and the bully stopped the abuse. i also agree that DST or anyone has Every right to do what she wishes with Acoustic remains, and by the amount of conversation and really valid points being raised in this topic im pretty pleased. If DST displays something it stimulates heated debates and it is generally about something which affects us all, as a community. half of me wants to vote that the code for the balcony be changed, but i know its not really possible i did also think there may be a way to gain enhanced skill reward or heat reward(burst) for attacking lots of different people, say 0-4 people 100%, 5-8 people 120% 9-14 130%. If something was possible it would stimulate a person to "balance" his attacks on people and not go for small gatherings (just a silly idea to make this comment here worthwhile, rather then just agreeing with what everyone says)
  14. 12 silver for ginger root (have one gold, request 3 silver back)
  15. stone powder - 1 gold 2 silver (buying for a friend who has posted that he requires materials on the forum)
  16. [quote name='darkfire1735' timestamp='1289355877' post='71797'] when you say aged, are you interested in extremely low id elementals? I have 2 elementals id 30565 and 31804 with 1080 and 1078 age. [/quote] i have two slightly older then that, id range "21100" nice to see im not the only one, just thought id say i was wondering about Earthicus, a few of us spoke to him in game (pipster also tried speaking with him to work out what was wrong), and this message seems to have been made the same day he "returned" to md, later i saw on the mood panal that me may have decided to have left for good this isnt certain, but would be one reason why he hasnt answered these posts
  17. people must have had being wanting you to hurry up and/or asking for better rewards,as you are rather defensively agressive in your post Curiose i find the prizes here ample, and MUCH more then i would have expected.
  18. well um i like that you renamed the contests heading, i liked that Thumbs up here
  19. Dragon avvy sold to Rensak
  20. this is my favourite part [i]"I searched enough to be objective just to realise i did and valued the opposite, and it was in the end a very subjective and personal way to put things that helped me understand something I supposed initially to be as pure as math and without interpretations, but it wasn't."[/i] it gives me hope that there is a "reason" for MD and that i might be able to discover the meaning of its different parts, and what you decided you would like it to be, or how you would like it to work. How when you came up with initial ideas they twisted like vines grabbing onto different ideas and intertwining, forming an almost incoherent mass, that the "math" is still there underneath i guess i also didnt realise that MD was so much your creation and that to understand it better, i would have to start trying to understand you.
  21. thanks, i didnt realise what is the exact code i need to write to give a key?
  22. i think they are all really nice i think i was trying to say that if item owners put prices on ALL their stock and people who owned character roleplay items a lot more would be sold even if it was 7 gold for an item at least i am putting a price on them and not just keeping them
  23. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1289072624' post='71599'] "the cream of the crop" dragon is a very nice one. My suggestion is for Rensak, the Renavoid's Wind Dragon to take it [/quote] i did search for him when i got it.. then i realised how nice it really was, it should help give me some gold that i can use to buy a wind dragon some day.
  24. sure you can i even gave my examples of what i feel when i look at them! i have my own opinions with them i guess, i cant help it but i didnt think about the fact that the avatar gives different personalitys and moods, your right about that i like the fact you said that i am being honest with you all and not "hiding" my prices If those that hold a lot of items put prices on them, even if they are character related a lot more things would be sold even at high prices, you know this
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