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death ray

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Everything posted by death ray

  1. look at my profile:p tell me what you think

  2. Happy B-Day Yoshi! Looks like your having your party on GG:p
  4. look at this profile i haveXD

  5. oh la la...i likey girls XD

  6. OMG! you are a girl?!?!?! i never would have guessed....

  7. Death Ray ID#151228
  8. #6-18sc
  9. Name: Death Ray. Mind Power: MP5. Age: 330. Main principle: Wiccan beleifs. Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining. who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  10. I've been searching but I think I've got my self lost and confused...Lol.I'd say more but it be a spoiler, maybe I could PM you in game or somthing?
  11. hApPy BiRtHdAy MyA! KnOw Im In My CeLl PaRtTyInG FoR yOu!
  12. leap year?
  13. No. i killed you for reasonss will not say here....
  14. my dearest friend.....*chu*

  15. love that pic! *tears of the copy right and takes it*hehehehehe!

  16. every thing is back to normal now. Thanks for taking the time to do this, much appreciated.
  17. *Smooches all the ladies of MD*
  18. Oh!kiss me to death first!

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