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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. Then how are payers getting loads of benefit from tokens? Anyway, lets see what happens.
  2. Then buy stuff with coins in game if you cant spare enough time. When quests are organised, participate and try to win them to get stuff which you can keep or sell for coins. You can get tokened crits to train via multiple ways... Now that the tokens give less boost on saccing, would people want to buy tokened crits in the market as much as before? Maybe not. What happens to the economy then? anyways. No more comments. Lets see how this turns out in the future. For the players who have already grinded stays by tokening will be majorly benefitted. The ones who want to pay now may lose interest... As menhir said, hope this does good to the game.
  3. umm there are other ways of getting crits tokened than buying credits yourself. I don't see why people cant get their creatures tokened by someone, or exchange gold for credits or win stuff, or put up in their wishlist tokened crits etc... While I don't train tokenned crits for saccing, to me it seems like md is demotivating the players whose money contributes to the existence of the game in some form... Is that a wise step? *shrug* time will tell. Though I should add one last thing. If you want stats, grind more than the those who grind with tokened crits rather than complain about how the payers have an unfair advantage.
  4. interesting views folks.. thanks for the input.. it is appreciated. Now, if I were to organise a day of fear how many people would participate in it?
  5. Nuh.. I wont be making a quest based on reverse psychology :)) Maybe a more elaborate set of questions would get this thread responses: 1. What do you think of the story and the 'gift'? 2. What would you do if you were pandora? (> :)) 3. Do you think hope balances out all the evil that was led into this world? 4. Can you think of someone craftier than Zeus? 5. DO you know of any other similar myth which tests human curiosity? 6. Could you relate or remember a similar event in MD history? Edit: I wont be making a quest based on reverse psychology because the handful of people who actually participate and stick till the end have a wide variation in psychologies... Kinda difficult to create a keel for a ship that has such varied requirements. :)
  6. What do you people think about the story and the whole concept? I am collecting data for a future quest. For those who don't know about it: Pandora's Box
  7. “You can’t help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn’t spell it right; but spelling isn’t everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn’t count.” ~ Winnie the Pooh

  8. 1.The Name of your character in game: *Nimrodel* 2.Your ID: 131999 3.Duration of enslavement: 3 months 4.Reason for you being a good slave: loyalty, spells, quest help, be the shield for aggression etc etc :3 5.Limitations or special wishes: wont do things against my close friends. 6.Percentage you want to donate to TK. (min. 10%): 50% 7.Standard minimum bid is 5 silver. If you want to raise the starting price for your character, specify the minimum bid: 5s is good enough. 8.will attend the main event.
  9. LOLOLOLOLOL... Awesome pub :D
  10. Ofc.. Now that English lost.. Ofc :3
  11. Still doesnt explain why DD was asked to choose between coe and gotr and his loyalties questioned when he said he didnt even want to join it. I believe one of the leaders is the same as back then. So double standards it is... Thank you for answering elaborately :)
  12. Power-lust is a weed that grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind ~Ayn Rand

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nimrodel


      Because I find her philosophy more attractive than yours? :3

    3. Granos


      Fair enough, Obejectivism has some interesting points to it, I'd love to discuss the ideas of it with you. What is my philosophy O.o?

    4. Nimrodel


      Iunno. Thats why I dun find it attractive :))

  13. Aeo was GotR. Kicked out for lack of activity I think. Then he went to SI. He got kicked out for something I dunno what. Now he's back to GotR. I hope I am correct.
  14. Umm question.. Why is it called tribunal training scheme if it is to be held outside MB shop?
  15. Ole ole neymar!!! :3
  16. So the GotR leaders are ok with its most recent member openly stating that they are ready to ditch GOTR if another alliance is given into their hands? Plenty loyalty there... I believe DD wasnt treated that kindly when he wanted to bring back CoE... Partiality? PR? No standards? What is it this time?
  17. ok.. bored of the bickering. I'd rather spend all the extra time playing with my baby squirrel. to sum my view up: 1, You need help, ask. i will help you. But if you say i was rude to attack you, i will not tolerate it. 2. I have no intentions of kicking you out of the game, making your life hell or any other ideas that DD might get. Even if one player leaves MD for whatever reason, it matters a lot to me even if it is a player I don't like or have had arguments with. 3. if you want to get plenty of success in MD, you will have to struggle. there is no easy way around. This game relies majorly on the concept of survival of the fittest. Fittest doesn't necessarily mean strongest. 4. Just because people don't openly contradict you in the forum doesn't mean that its only me, dst, chewett or everyone who are against that particular idea. There are others who just don't talk as much as we do :P Good luck with your training.. hope you learn what each level does rather than just up your creatures for the sake of upping. If you don't know how to use your crits even the strongest drachorn is useless. That was the primary motive of going against the idea of GGG in the first place. Ps: smooth Chew... It helped me calm down :P
  18. 1. I am not psychologically damaged. I dont know if you consider yourself to be damaged or not. 2.Lol.. You were very vocal about not wanting people to train on your little group without following rules similar to the GGG ones. I explained what GGG rules were in chat, specifically, you didnt contradict about setting them as your training party 'rules' either which suggests what? By enforcing them on the community, I was referring to the fact that you expected people to follow the rules you planned to lay for your training group otherwise you'd call the other people rude. Why? If that is not called enforcing rules on the community, what is? Of course I said I wanted,to break your rules because,i wanted a readymade training group. (sometimes i wonder if my expression of sarcasm is worse than Sheldon's :p) If you'd have used your,common sense you might have noted that had i been one of the people who preferred readymade stuff, i'd have left md a long time back when ggg, sparring grounds and other stuff were,removed. Hell i was an extremely weak mp5 player back then. I used the words 'Hiding is not an alternative to train like GGG because,if i wanted i could always tele you out even if you hid inside the pathkeeper to train' that sounds like a threat? If you say that and actually come to my house, i could get you arrested for trespassing because its law. There is no such law in MD. If i want to come and get a few wins by attacking you and in return I get to hear words,like rude and threaten Of course I'd be pissed. Why should someone call me rude when i haven't made a mistake? You even accused me of making you quit the game in chat and said that you left the game before because of bashers like me... Bashers? Lol.. I remember telling you the difference between me and you was that i trained patiently to bash the bashers back rather than leaving the game. Didnt I? YOU THREATENED ME saying you want to leave the game because of me. If you read my post though, I said the moment you lay rules, I'll break them. I never said i'd ruin your training group without that. You are the one who got defensive and started accusing me of what not... Jeez.
  19. Apologise? For warning you what might come? Never. As far as my LHO job is concerned, did I use my LHO powers? No. Did I lie to you or cheat you? No. Did i do something unspeakable? No. What did I do? Warn you. Are you a noob who doesnt know anything? No. Apparently you are so weak, that you equated getting a warning as bullying my lho powers. Did I use my LHO powers to warn you? No. Did I use profane language? No. Did I force you to quit the game like those bashers you mentioned about? No. Did I not ask you to put in effort instead of wanting things readymade? Yes. Did I not offer you my help? I did. Should I apologise to you for warning you what might come next? Never. Go ahead and scream about as much as you can. If goodwill isnt something an LHO, most importantly a fellow player must show, if grido accuses me of anything regarding this or asks me to apologise, I openly state, I will quit my lho post. Whine about it as much as you can.
  20. Go ahead. Threaten me all you want.. I know I havent done anything wrong... Eon's treatment is best for people like you. Stalk and attack repeatedly with skill damage. Only then you people understand... I said repeatedly that if he asks for help, I'd help him. But the moment he sets rules and restricts me from doing something which i have full rights to do, i will go against it. I also said that hiding away in a secret place isnt an alternative. And there are multiple ways to go over that including teleporting out WHICH HAS BEEN DONE MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE PAST. Why is it so painful for you guys to set an extra rit instead of trying to force self created rules on to everyone on the community? Edit: Also he is old enough not to confuse a warning with bullying. I am probably waaay more psychologically hurt than he would ever be. People who know me, know how sensitive I am.
  21. The moment you set up rules, be assured i'll break them. :)
  22. Let me know where you people are planning to huddle up.. >:)
  23. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14796-unfinished-items/
  24. I miss the bickering and banter and the gossip on the forums.. dst! hurry with your blog entries >:3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nimrodel
    3. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      (forum cut my reply)

      ... Enabling Death Guard to finally go to their well deserved vacation on sandy beaches of liquid dust where mojitos are in unlimited supply.

    4. Aeoshattr


      Bickering and bantering provided, Nim :)

  25. Someone please post the key points here?
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