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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. Actually, just type nimrodel in the contests section. I have tried experimenting on most varieties of quests.. Some got no submisions = epic failure. A few got a lot of entries. A few quests were a bit tough for people to compete, but the ones who finished gave tonnes of interesting reviews... As in it allowed me to peek into their likes, dislikes and also their emotional experiences while solving the quest. Reading reports was like getting high on nightshade :3 Also, there were a few quests like burnsy's angien expansion, lashtal's homunculus, blood prince's mathematical quests, mrv's last quest.. And stuff like those i really enjoyed...
  2. I chose others. I'd like to do more quests that give more information about interplayer relationships, that would make me appreciate small parts of md that usually we miss, stuff that'd inculcate moral values in me... In one line, a quest that'd influence my emotions and inspire me like md always has...
  3. hara hetta!! meshi meshi!! :(

  4. i was reffering to this :
  5. I wouldnt be surprised if Granny was banned tomorrow for obscenities on the forum :3 Also, SPAAAAAAAAMMMM (this post can be deleted :3)
  6. Dont forget my turkish delights!!
  7. Thank you.. :) Its nothing urgent. Please let me know when you have enough free time. I'll wait.
  8. What happened to this?

    1. Eara Meraia

      Eara Meraia

      LIES! everything cannot be awesome even from the point of the probability theory :P

    2. Nimrodel


      Well it is in lego world.. :3

  10. Wasnt he in shattered illusions for a while? Aka dst's 'minion'?
  11. ' I cant seem to find myself again, my walls are closing in... I've felt this way before, So insecure' Damn you lp... you sing my heart out...

    1. Sunfire


      I am a little bit insecure, a little unconfident
      'Cause you don't understand, I do what I can
      But sometimes I don't make sense

    2. Lania


      "It's easier to run /
      Replacing this pain with something numb/
      It's so much easier to go/
      Than face all this pain here all alone"
      Couldn't agree more, Nim...

  12. I remember randomap working. We used it in torch contest that time when lr won torch
  13. Want to hire the services of an artist for making an avi and a bunch of other pictures. pm me for more info.
  14. I think shem already has a 'mop' item. It'd be great if this idea could be tested.
  15. chewett forum pm

  16. you could actually pm all the leaders one by one and take an appointment. The need is yours, not theirs.
  17. Want to buy: a kill tool Lock in trial of agony spell summon spell (permanent casts) chase spell (permanent casts) open necro (permanent casts) send to deathwhisper (permanent casts) random AP generating tool ( >:3) Independant wiiya collecting tool Darkling permanent casts of turntofrog
  18. You didnt solve it. You were kicked out for being a pyromaniac. In simpler words you were disqualified.
  19. Happy birthday hotstuff. May your birthday be awesome and may you have an awesomer year :)
  20. Not really. I think it was the work of the hidden council.. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13565-personal-request-month/?hl=%2Bselfish+%2Bwishes this thread was mainly to know which items were pending
  21. What happened to these? Its been more than an year I guess but I have heard nothing about it. Since rewards are being given out for md birthday quests, I figured this should be a nice time to bump the topic. No?
  22. The results have been posted. Congratulations to the winners. :)
  23. Now that the Quest is over, Here is the list of winners and what they recieved: First place: dst - 1 Drachorn Melodic Charm, Choice of 1 crit from *Shemhazaj*'s inventory, 1 anni aramour, and 1 item - 'Kyuubi Figurine' Second Place - AmberRune - 1 Wishpoint, Choice of 1 crit from *Nimrodel*'s inventory, 1 anni aramour and 1 item - 'Kyuubi Figurine' Third Place - *Eara Meraia* - 1 wishpoint, 5g, 1 anni aramour, 1 item - 'Kyuubi Figurine' Fourth Place - *Clock Master* - 15g Special Mention: Lania - 2 gold, 1 anni aramour, choice of three spell stones from my inventory. *Burns* was rewarded with a anniversary aramour for his excellent coding skills. Special thanks to darkraptor for coding for one of the puzzles and Aelis for testing the quest and helping clear off many bugs. Videos: created using powtoons. Pictures- Witch Hunter Robin - Shuko Murase Music: Naruto Shippuden - Yasuharu Takanashi Important note (forgot to mention during the quest) - The winners 1-2 in this quest will not be able to participate in the next 2 RICA Quests. Winners 3-4 will not be able to participate in the next 1 RICA quest. For those who want to know the story behind the scenes: [spoiler] After reading your reports, RICA conducted an extensive investigation regarding the conduct of its members. It was discovered that the real Ms. Tsukihime was already murdered and an impostor was put in her place in order to destroy the Onyx Bible. Who murdered Ms. Tsukihime and how is still a mystery. RICA is conducting in depth investigation regarding that. Any news about it, the retrievers shall be informed. Madam Mystique was arrested for leading the underground drug Market. Regretingly we have to inform that she has absconded. While RICA is on a search, any news regarding her whereabouts will be appreciated. Lippendorf and the blue caterpillar suspect that she is on a run to find out more about the real Ms. Tsukihime's death. Apparently they were really close. The shards of the Onyx Bible have been put together and it has been reconstructed. It now rests in a safe place.[/spoiler]
  24. Congrats grido
  25. Happy birthday Alyon :) Have a nice one :D
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