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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. And thank you for the song... :)

  2. :) I agree it Nimrodel was chosen from LotR. But it's merely a title for Nim meaning Lady of the white caves. If you read her papers you will understand. Her real name is Millerna.

    We joined GotR at the same time Magnus... I wonder if you remember that. :)

  3. [quote name='No one' date='13 August 2010 - 05:22 PM' timestamp='1281700324' post='66031'] You don't have that many powers over them, at least not brute force. As you cannot force them to join LR kingdom by force, you should try to show them some diplomacy. [/quote] Brute force? Force them to join? They are [b]already[/b] a part of Loreroot. [b]By Default[/b]. He is not forcing them. He is merely enlightening them about the fact. [quote name='No one' date='13 August 2010 - 05:22 PM' timestamp='1281700324' post='66031'] Do consider that making all this circus might not be in the interest of LR. [/quote] Wow. All the king does is say 'I'd like to talk to the woodcutters' and 'Organize your alliance' and PEOPLE of MD make it a circus. In the end who gets blamed? The king of Loreroot. Lovely. [quote name='No one' date='13 August 2010 - 05:22 PM' timestamp='1281700324' post='66031'] PS: Disregard this post if I am completly wrong. [/quote] It's like... I slap Firs and then say, 'If my reasons for slapping you are completely wrong, then please disregard the slap'
  4. Your Type is Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 78 25 25 56 You are: very expressed introvert moderately expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed feeling personality moderately expressed perceiving personality Famous people of your particular type Princess Diana, Michel de Montaigne, J.K. Rowling, Anton Chekhov No surprises http://typelogic.com/infp.html
  5. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='02 August 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1280685240' post='64922'] Correct me if I'm wrong but solving the Broken pattern puzzle a 43rd time is free, as well as getting coins with free credits. [/quote] Would that include restricting the exchange of coins from my alts which I get by selling the inumerable number of shop crits and avatars I can get by the free creds? Edit: grammar -.-
  6. Sasha, 10 alts can get 20 silver in two weeks for the main account by using free credits... It doesnt make any sense. The more the number of alts I have, more amount of Money I'll earn. It'd lead to an economic disaster. 1s will be like worthless. And item transfer? What if I solve the broken pattern gazebo through 'n' number of alts using 'n' number of proxies, get my main account 'n' number of items and sell them? WOW.. Yippee!! Not a good idea. Not a good idea at all.
  7. AWW!!! That tiny nose... So cute!! CONGRATULATIONS!! ^__^
  8. You were OK some time back when we talked... What happened in between? Was this what you meant by that thank you? Why does everyone have to go? Why do they have to leave? Why does everyone give up? I thought you were different... I thought you understood... Guess I was wrong.
  9. there was a bear as well... and a dumb gaint... I cant remember his name though:D
  10. [quote name='Chewett' date='21 July 2010 - 12:36 AM' timestamp='1279652779' post='64252'] Wow, so you cant be bothered to think of decent rits? you are going to get people to send you logs so you can make better rituals? How disappointing because i cant see any other reason for this. [/quote] Its not about me not being bothered to think of decent rits.. its to know about the variety of rits people would be using and to see what went wrong in each rit... Its what i do everyday at the SG... Why do you think i am participating in this tournament? To study the logs... the rits used in this tournament would be useless in MP5 as people have insane stats and heavily tokened crits... I know its near impossible for me to win... The only reason I am participating in this tournament is to learn more about the basics. And people wont bother to pay attention unless some kind of prize is offered.. I have no intentions of winning this tournament... If you want i can withdraw my name from it just to prove my point.
  11. [color="#FF0000"]Name withdrawn from the competition. But my offer still holds good...[/color] [size="6"]People i request you to send me all your fight logs when this happens... Person who sends me the maximum number of fight logs wins two silver. In case of a tie.. one silver each to the first two people to send me the fight logs.[/size] Erm... not allowing Shop crits and spells would be great as well... It'd give an equal chance to noobs
  12. YAY! *hugs sasha* I had fun... All those late nights waiting for the next riddle..
  13. =_= who invented the exam system?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nimrodel


      well that bored someone can stuck the f-peep-ing system up his -PEEEP-ing -BLEEP-

    3. Anatoli


      peeeping bleeep?sounds fun

    4. death ray

      death ray

      can i try some of that?

  14. Happy birthday grido..
  15. *goes to read old Forum stuff once again*

  16. Nimrodel

    Old Games!

    Me and Shem were discussing about movies when suddenly this games topic came up... and we were reminiscing about the games we played as kids.. on the TV video games( loads of names so calling it a TV video game) and here are a few that we came up with: Prince of Persia (old one) Prince of persia2: sands of time (Old one) Mario(the basic version) Contra Wolfenstien Duck hunt Pirates Defender of the Crown Maniac Mansion Zac McKraken Doom Dave Wolfenstein Lion king Alladin 1960 Tank Zoom 3D Quake Duke nukem Heretic Carmageddon Thats all i can remember now. Please add yours as well... Edit: Add Old ancient PC games as well So go ahead yrth...
  17. -withdrawn-
  18. 10s for the elemental id 546828
  19. 6s for the elemental id 546828
  20. no... just did a bit of training at SG yesterday... EDIT: MD is working again please close this thread.
  21. Well i have been trying to log on to MD since the past few hours but I cant seem to log onto it... The MD home page doesn't open... My internet connection is fine as all other flash and non flash sites open up.. but not MD.. can someone help me out? Edit: I have tried clearing the cache and the cookies. tried restarting the browser, and also my internet connection and also my laptop. ;__;
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