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Everything posted by Master

  1. I give away 100% of my casts which grants you 3 casts of the spell. You will have this 3 casts for a period of 6 months or untill you depleted the 3 casts.
  2. I think this also gets fixed if you just delete all cache and cookies.
  3. I know they count because they're accessed from a different IP address , BUT as the announcement says , Daily Free Credits votes aren't supposed to be accessed by only ONE account per day. But If you use different IP Addresses you can do it on all your alts. Is that allowed ? I mean , yeah, it does benefit MD to get more votes. But isn't this restriction being imposed because it has something to do with alt abuse ?
  4. Free Credits Can Be accessed by alts with different IP addresses. I thought this was banned. But it seems I can still vote with my main account and with my alts if I use a different IP addresses. Isn't the alt checker doing the IP check as well ? So is this a BUG, or it's allowed ? Or is it possible it can't be restrictioned by the alt checker ?
  5. I'll give you one silver coin for it
  6. Well, If someone else offers higher amount and reaches me faster I'd give it to them. But Maybe you'll be lucky
  7. Sasha, If you have the stone I can give you the Give Vitality Spell for 8 SCs. I'm at the PC for the moment.
  8. I have currently for sale: [color=#666666]Invisibility Spell < already enchanted into a stone > ( Suggested price[/color] if you provide the stone: 5SCs ) [color=#666666]Locate[/color] Character Spell [color=#666666]< already enchanted into a stone > [/color][color=#666666]( [/color][color=#666666]Suggested price[/color] if you provide the stone: 5SCs ) [color=#666666]Movelock [/color]Spell [color=#666666]< already enchanted into a stone > [/color][color=#666666]( Suggested price[/color] if you provide the stone: 2SCs ) [color=#666666]Teleport to papercabin[/color] Spell <already enchanted into a stone> ( Suggested price: 5SCs+Memory stone ) [color=#666666]Attacklock[/color] spell <already enchanted into a stone> [color=#666666]( Sold for 2SCs + Memory stone[/color] ) [color=#666666]Give vital[/color]ity Spell < already enchanted into a stone > ( Suggested Price 4SCs +Memory stone ) [color=#666666]hearthepoor Spell [/color][color=#666666]< already enchanted into a stone >[/color][color=#666666] [/color][color=#666666]( Suggested price[/color] if you provide the stone: 2SCs ) [color=#666666]helpthepoor[/color] [color=#666666]< already enchanted into a stone > [/color][color=#666666]( Suggested price[/color] if you provide the stone: 2SCs ) [color=#666666]toadspeak < already enchanted into a stone > [/color][color=#666666]( Suggested price[/color] if you provide the stone: 3SCs ) [b]NEW:[/b] [b]Mirrorritual stone[/b] [b]Otherarmy stone[/b] [b]Weather Heavyrain stone [/b] [b]Weather Snow stone [/b] [b]Acousticremains stone[/b] If you have your memory stones I will charge you the spell costs only. If you want the charged memory stone with one of this spells it will cost you the spell + 2SCs. Edit: Price info updated in brackets. [color=#ff0000]It's not the FINAL price ![/color] But do note that even if I'm looking for Coins , I'm open to everything.
  9. Don't get me wrong. That was MY price only. It's far more than the normal price of the market. I know NOT of other offers, sorry. Good Luck though ! B.
  10. I can not gather heads.
  11. I don't know if that's the main reason why stage 11 is not yet in place but it's definitely what this games NEEDS : As Burns said: The new MP6 release !
  12. I have a Matchbox and a Cigar. but since you're the one buying and not making an offer I'll sell them for you for 30 GCs each. If you find that unfair, make an offer and maybe you'll get to be a customer
  13. [quote name='DarkPriestess' timestamp='1311695990' post='88883'] Are you kidding me? I never agreed on Grido getting her, you think I would allow a newbie? Not to mention that dst is way out of his league. [/quote] I know she's out of his league..... that's the point of the suggestion
  14. Master


    Shem has : The Druid Golden Sickle Designed for harvesting herbs, the anci...
  15. Oh , come on Peacey ! Let them be for just one date ...
  16. Too Bad I'm not on to Join
  17. I'm there. I'll be again after 14:30 server time.
  18. Oh, exactly As I suspected. So Windy : 2 gc and 4 sc for a one time cast only .... I think you overdid it this time, don't you think ?
  19. Yes, but do those charges remain with you FOREVER ( repelling at each spell counter recharge <every 2 weeks>)? Or only 2/3 casts ??
  20. Just to clarify: Is it a MEMORY stone ? Because I understood that once you used its casts, the stone disappears from your inventory !
  21. Master


    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1311365693' post='88628'] for gathering you will need a tool , at least to hold them. There will be baskets, unless better idea comes up. I want herbs to be the most accessible resource, so these tools will be crafted from other resources, unlimitedly. Will be nice to see what happens when anyone could eventually get a tool..there are major consequences you probably don't realise yet. [/quote] I already have a Nightshade Chest and Pouch . Both sugest by me. Traded for them after release. I also have a box of matches and a pipe .... Let the Nightshade Flow my people !! I'm running out of herb !
  22. Master


    Oh, Finally ! Long Live the Nightshade !!! Oh, please , PLEASE, let me be the Nightshade gathering ...... OMG ..... free stashes forEVER !! ... OMG !!!
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