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Everything posted by MRAlyon

  1. bump
  2. bump
  3. bump
  4. bump
  5. bump
  6. the link of forum in the login page is wrong.
  7. Merry Christmas and happy holidays top all... Dear Santa my wishes: Access to all secret places; Unreleased creatures; Released creature (Colored Elu, Horseman, Snowman) Skilldamage; Revival item; Kill item; Summon spells; Indipendent items; Illusions; Send to GoE; Send to Lighthouse; Send to GoC; Open Necro; Teleport into East Land;
  8. thanks... someone teleport me to gazebo of chaos and worked
  9. Yeah I get again this error... someone can solve this please? Now are days that I can't play MD... don't remember exacly where I was... bob tree or loreroot I think Try to teleport me to GoE or another place if you can just to see if this will works
  10. I get this error in navigation map, can't move... User-class Error: 1===Scene info not found in db for coord 3_3x-3_1
  11. (The) Lost Island (The) Fossil Island (The) Prehistoric Island (The) Royal Island (The) Mythology Island (The) Extinction Island (The) Shell Island (The) Evolutionary island (The) Ammonite Island or (The) Nautilus Island (Nautiloidea Island) because the mountain looks like this fossil
  12. MRAlyon

    PM BUG

    not able to delete outgoing messsages tried to click on PM and delete it from inside; tried to delete it, selecting it and after click on cancel messages another bug... sometimes when I get a PM, after that, I get old automated PMs that you get when a player join your alliance.
  13. interested:-)
  14. 3gc for one
  15. Thanks very much:-)
  16. I have an unerring shot:-) Happy Birthday MD!!!
  17. 6666 bursts finally!!!:-)
  18. no sacrificed creatures.... just training
  19. MRAlyon


    didn't tried to click again on this box, since it will automatic get my items... and I write: *****solved, I get this because I clicked on a new clickable item at Plains Liberty because you wrote that wasn't a bug
  20. MRAlyon


    this morning I get this *****solved, I get this because I clicked on a new clickable item at Plains Liberty please close the post
  21. before making further changes to any part of the game, please finish the work started and never completed... there are already so many unfinished things in the game without add another thing that will finish as other things... I will not make a list of all unfinished work because I could stay here all day and you already should know... this is just my thought, that you can think doesn't fit with this post, but I don't wat see another unfished work... The thing I'm trying to say is that you MUR have got amazing ideas.... start to work on it... get 50% or less of the work.... after you forget about it and the it never get completed...
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