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Everything posted by MRAlyon
I haven't got heads control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think that I can do what I want with BHC interface??? yeah I can make many different contest but it's quite limited... but I'm doing my best for work with what I have got...
you have got heads from MUR's birthday... however you don't make score until the start of the contest... I have started sign up so soon because I wrong date of start of competition, that was 13th day of the monthbt now is 25th of the month... sorry for this... however I'm quite sure that heads that have got BHC partecipants before the start of BHC will get reset at the start of it as last time... need to ask to partecipant of last contest... confirmed... all BHC partecipants that have got heads before the start of the contest will lose all heads that they have got... so there will not be problems...
all kind of helps aren't accepted... don't interfere if you don't partecipate... this is the last time that I will reply again to this question... if you want understand you ca understand it...
as I already told you if you want partecipate and help someone you need to sign up... because you need to prepare yourself to the contest before the start of it not during the contest buying continually stone, cups of tea etc... so if you will start the cntest with 5 cups of tea you will have to use only these 5 cups and not more... if a player give items to you and you will not tell me this I will ban from partecipation all 2 players... and if you get an item you need to gie it back and tell me who send it to you so I will ask gently to other player to don't interfere during contest because if he want partecipate to it he could have signed up before... example: if I ask you... would yu want play a game with other 2 person? you answer no.... while we are playing you interfere in the game helping one of the player... this isn't correct... I asked you to play a game not to help one of us... date of the contest changed so there will not be probems with other contests...
yeah because I already have done the contest and partecipants to first contest suggested me to add these rules... about outside helps... you can sign up and help the player that you want... don't help him without be into the contest...
day of fear will be the 13th day, instead my contest will the the 14th day.... day of fear will not finish the 13th? or will start on 13th day? if so I will change date of my contest @vall... player that didn't sign up can't help the partecipants because there is the entrance fee for something... partecipants to the contest can work togheter for let win one of them... after for now rues will stay s... if I see problems with them I will change them again for next contests... @no one... I'm doing anothr contest now because the group of lands that partecipate are different if you saw it... after this contest maybe I will do this every 2 months or more...
[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=7][b]TEST CONTEST 2[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=5][b]DATE[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]This contest starts on 25[sup]th[/sup] day of March at 21:00:00 server time.[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]FIGHTERS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]All MP level (except MP1, MP2, MP7, MP8) will be able to participate and will be able to attack each other. Minimum number of fighters accepted is 5 and maximum number is 20.[/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]The group that will participate to this contest will be:[/font][/center][list] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]No Man's Land/Established Housings/Underground/MagicDuel Archives/Tribunal;[/font] [/list] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]PROGRESS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]In stage I at the start of the contest fighters will be summoned to MagicDuel Archives and they will be restricted to this land but when someone hits a score of 5k all fighters will be summoned to one of the participating lands and can only fight in that land. Stage I will finish when a fighter will hit 25k. In stage II fighters will be able to score only Inside The Aramory and it will last 24 hours.[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]RULES[/b][/font][/size][/center][list] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]read the rules well, because when you sign up withdraws will not be accepted;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]outside helps isn’t allowed, so if I see someone that isn’t in the contest that helps a participant I will give you a chance to stop this or you will not participate in any of my contest (if you sign up I will kick you out so you will lose also the fee entrance);[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]if one helps you and this player doesn’t participate in the contest you need to PM me and I will try to speak with this player to explain the rules;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]don't drop alliance during the contest;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters are restricted to the land territory where they will be summoned, so if I teleport you in MDA you will stay inside its boundaries. Also places open only for some players aren't allowed, same thing for the access to locations gained with wishpoint and for the access to locations gained through story mode. If I see you in a place where you shouldn't be I will PM you why you are there and you will need to have serious proofs that isn't your fault. For example if a player that doesn't participate in the contest will teleport you out from the restricted land you will need to take a screen with trigger box (for see the teleport spell on you) and server time with the date and send it to me ([email="MRAlyon@yahoo.it"]MRAlyon@yahoo.it[/email]). If you get teleported out please PM me soon as possible, so I will summon all fighters in place. I accept screens from all players that see a fighter cheat, after I will decide what to do. I hope that who will not participate in the contest will not interfere;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]all sanctuaries place are accepted except for the ones that haven't got player list (voting citizenship places), because it will be impossible attack a player there;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]jumps to leader, teleport spells, summon aren't allowed;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters aren't allowed to use any kind of spells or items that will prevent other players to attack you during the contest, like ghost spell or cloak item;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]frog spell isn't allowed;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]all spells are accepted, except for the ones already listed;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters without creatures can’t participate, since they can’t be attacked by other fighters;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters aren’t allowed to use illusions, since they can’t be attacked by other fighters;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]dead fighters will be kicked out, if they will be dead again when contest will start;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]don't use bugs for cheat and if you find bugs related to BHC please email to [email="bugs@magicduel.com"]bugs@magicduel.com[/email] with all screens etc for solve it;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]you can pass heads to another fighter writing this in Live Chat: *gives (amount of heads) heads to (playername)* for specific amount of heads, instead for give all your heads you should use *gives all heads to (playername)*;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]DON'T CHEAT or I could decide to don't let you participate anymore in my contests;[/font] [/list] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]SIGN UP[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b][url="http://magicduel.com/sitegizmo/bosscontest_signup.php"]http://magicduel.com...test_signup.php[/url] [/b][/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]TAX[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]For participate to this contest every fighter will pay 3 silvers.[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]NUMBER OF WINNERS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]1[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]STATS/VE/TOKENS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Active[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]REWARDS[/b][/font][/size][/center][list] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Attack 100 ;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Defence 100;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Initiative 50;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]GG Drach;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]5 gold to land of [/font]the winner (if treasury land will get implemeted, if not the reward will be given to the winner of the contest). [/list]
I think I almost never seen anyone change his/her mind as fast as you do... one day you want do a thing and the nex day you want do another thing... my opinion is think well about your ROLE in MD and after work on it... not do 5000 things togheter.... one day you want be a LHO, after revive GGG, after gain loyalty of all lands, citizen of MB, after east land for TKs, after applied into caretakers for continue to get loyalty after you lose tk alliance, after help as honor fam, after become mp7, after give out pickles, after apply again for LHO... you have changed mind on these things in really few time and I'm quite sure I forgot something... so think well and after decide...
Happy Birthday MUR:-)
yeah... I'm PMing toall new rules that I continue to add according to progress of the contest... at the end I will PM to all or make a forum post with all things that I should add to next contests:-)
[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1360670003' post='132506'] Agreed. Either by retiring it for now or doing some good changes. I spoke with the bhc guy and he seems totally disinterested in actually helping to change it. I would propose it is stopped while we change it. [/quote] are you joking???? what I already told you??? I asked to MUR to work on all fighting contest HC and BHC but he told me that HC doesn't need any player that manage it since it automated... after let me understand with what powers I should change HC contest... don't say that I don't want help because I already opened some time ago a post about HC and revive it in some way... ([url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13071-discussion-about-hc-and-bhc/page__p__123526#entry123526"]http://magicduel.inv...526#entry123526[/url]) you can find a BFH post where you will find all ideas collected until now... another thing... before to tell that others don't want help, look at yourself... are you doing something for change HC??? start you to change HC and propose ideas and ask for help... don't force others to help you....!!! [quote name='Tal' timestamp='1360670932' post='132510'] I stopped trying to compete, due to the BHC running at the same time. And got fed up a long time ago of people who won, and are using the BHC to steal heads and log of all the time. Previous HC was worse. With people using Alts to steal heads and log of each time someone got 30 or more heads. People can say HC is unfair. I don't really care about that. But it just ruins all he fun of the HC. [/quote] hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi..... this is really really really fun:-) when have you tried to compete in HC this time??? 2 weeks aren't enought to get at least 10k of points for go to second stage??? don't complain please... I know BHC have caused some problems and I will not run a side contest or BHC when HC will be active in future... but don't acccuse me that you aren't able to win HC in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will see how this contest will go so.... after I will make changes if necessary... it's called test contest for something.... however pip read rules... Rule inside the second one:....[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Also places open only for some players aren't allowed....[/font]
you are rigth and I will correct the rule after that I will remove you from the contest
All fighters will be teleported to another land every 5k!!! First rule: [font=comic sans ms,cursive]read well the rules, because one time that the contest will start withdraws will not be accepted;[/font]
in MB... there is scene that need 200 aps for go there... a MB enters in it... a GG or NC or lore go into also and the MB figter go out spending only 2 aps... instead other fighters can't chase the MB fighter because they are without aps... loreroot have got more than 3-4 scenes with high viscosity (go and check!!!)... don't complain please... if you want partecipate you can partecipate if you don't want partecipate and have got better ideas PM me them or email me them and we can speak about them and create another type of contest, because this will not be the only type of contest that I will run...
since it will open only to puclic places in few time viscosity could be reduced with team work.. and there places in MB and lore with high viscosity.. go and check this...
all will have the same possibilities...... necrovion golemus loreroot and marind are the land involved in this contest.... fighter until 5k will be teleported to necro.... after between 5k an 10k to golemus.... after between 10k an 15k to loreroot..... after between 15k an 20k to marind...after 20k always into NML and I will not partecipate...
[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=6][b]TEST CONTEST[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]DATE[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]This contest starts on 13[sup]th[/sup] day of February at 21:00:00 server time.[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]FIGHTERS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]All MP level (except MP1, MP2, MP7, MP8) will be able to participate and will be able to attack each other. Minimum number of fighters accepted is 5 and maximum number is 20.[/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]I will divide MD realm in 2 groups that will participate in 2 different months at the same contest:[/font][/center][list] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Necrovion/Golemus Golemicarum/Loreroot/Marind Bell (February);[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]No Man's Land/Established Housings/Underground/MagicDuel Archives/Tribunal (March);[/font] [/list] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]PROGRESS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]In stage I at the start of the contest fighters will be summoned to Necrovion and they will be restricted to this land but when someone hits a score of 5k all fighters will be summoned to one of the participating lands and can only fight in that land. Stage I will finish when a fighter will hit 25k. In stage II fighters will be able to score only Inside The Aramory and it will last 24 hours.[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]RULES[/b][/font][/size][/center][list] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]read well the rules, because one time that you sign up withdraws will not be accepted;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters are restricted to the land territory where will be summoned, so if I teleport you in GG you will not use main gate or labyrinth for go out. Also places open only for some players aren't allowed, same thing for the access to locations gained with wishpoint and for the access to locations gained through story mode. If I see you in a place where you shouldn't be I will PM you why you are there and you will need to have serious proofs that isn't your fault. For example if a player that doesn't participate at the contest will teleport you out from the restricted land you will need to take a screen with trigger box (for see the teleport spell on you) and server time with the date and send it to me ([email="MRAlyon@yahoo.it"]MRAlyon@yahoo.it[/email]). If you get teleported out please PM me soon as possible, so I will summon all fighters in place. I accept screens from all players that see a fighter cheat, after I will decide what to do. I hope that who will not participate to the contest will not interfere;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Only teleports inside the restricted land will be accepted, so if you are in NML and you will be teleported to GoE there will not be problems with this;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters aren't allowed to jump to alliance leader if your leader isn't into restricted land, in fact if leader is in the restricted land there will not be problems with this;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters aren't allowed to use any kind of spells or items that will prevent other players to attack your for all contest, like ghost spell or cloak item;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]all spells are accepted, except for the ones already listed;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters without creatures can’t participate, since they can’t be attacked by other fighters;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]fighters aren’t allowed to use illusions, since they can’t be attacked by other fighters;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]don't use bugs for cheat and if you find bugs related to BHC please let me know with all things necessary (screens etc) and I will look at it for understand if it can be a bug or normal thing and decide if send it to [email="bugs@magicduel.com"]bugs@magicduel.com[/email] for solve it;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]you can pass heads to another fighter writing this in Live Chat: *gives (amount of heads) heads to (playername)* for specific amount of heads, instead for give all your heads you should use *gives all heads to (playername)*;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]DON'T CHEAT or I could decide to don't let you participate anymore in my contests;[/font] [/list] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]SIGN UP[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b][url="http://magicduel.com/sitegizmo/bosscontest_signup.php"]http://magicduel.com...test_signup.php[/url] [/b][/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]TAX[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]For participate to this contest every fighter will pay 3 silvers.[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]NUMBER OF WINNERS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]1[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]STATS/VE/TOKENS[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Active[/font][/center] [center][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive][b]REWARDS[/b][/font][/size][/center][list] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Attack 100 ;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Defence 100;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Initiative 50;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]GG Drach;[/font] [*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]5 golds to the land of the winner.[/font] [/list]
I have decided... BHC medal will be given out only in the main contest so it will keep is importance and rarity... updaded the first post
but side events will give you only green medal (however I was thinking to change it already)... and about how often run it need to see how things will go so... I can always change it as I want... give me some time for understand things and after I will make changes where is necessary...
fang no... if you want partecipate as BFH already told to you drop to mp5...
what I have wrote The Warrior??? mp3,mp4,mp5 and mp6 only
mp3, mp4, mp5, mp6 will be able to fight togheter, fight each other
[center][font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=6][b]BHC Contest and Side Events[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]I will organize a contest every 13[sup]th[/sup] day of the month and every 4 months will take place the main Boss Head Contest. Every contests will be open to all MP level (except MP1, MP2, MP7, MP8) and will be able to figh each other. Sign up will be announced one week before the start of the contest, so every 6[sup]th[/sup] day of the month you will find a forum post along with specific rules, entrance fee and rewards.[/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]The monthly contest will be restricted to players from certain lands only. In stage 1 fighters are restricted to the land they are in but will be summoned to another land at certain times and it will finish when a certain score is reached. In stage 2 fighters will be restricted to one location where and only there they can score and it will last 24 hours. Best fighter will get rewards, but since it will be a contest between specific lands if I will see your victory as a land team work, also land will get rewards.[/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]The main Boss Heads Contest will not be restricted to players from specific lands and stats/VE/tokens will be always active. Stage I will take place in all lands, until one fighter will hit 200k of score and stage II (72 hours) will start. It will take place in different closed locations, where and only there fighters will be able to score. This will be the contest for the true fighting elite. A real challenge. The best fighter will get rewards plus skilldamage and a green BHC medal or a gold BHC medal (if he/she has already a green BHC medal). Rewards will be given out also to second and third places.[/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Do you wish to fight for your land or do you think you can measure yourself with the best.[/font][/center] [center][b][size=5][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Prepare yourself[/font][/size][/b][/center]
yeah BHC has huge potetial... in fact I'm working on competitions more easy to manage now with what I have got... this is an idea for see what things should be implemented in plus for let it work well with complex contests like wars... however I know that it will never be like old wars in fact I would leave space also to players to withdraw if they will have done a truce or something like this but this is not the only thing that there should be... about skilldamage I can disable it as I want... in fact for side contests I would disable it, instead for the main contest I would give it with gold medal (if the winner has got already the green medal)... if skilldamage should be gave out for all competitions then it should be changed as many already told... skilldamage should work only when one player attack you (that have got skilldamage) and if you win, not in other ways... and yeah I was joking about necro's win...:-) all can trust of my fairness... I will really do my best for provide fun to ALL players (I will not look at land of the player)... my role need to be and will be FAIR... PS: soon I will post on forum the new kind of contest that I will do with the link for sign up... give me some time for prepare well all things...:-)