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Everything posted by MRAlyon

  1. Kiley does this thing thinking that there wasn't something of wrong with this... don't think that if she had asked to land leaders about this she have done the same thing, accepting Azull in her alliance... Azull wasn't into GG alliance!!! and Yrthilian for me is always my king until GG future will be decided and I think is so for all other GGs... and I think Azull is able to put on forum this problem without your help if this was a problem for him...
  2. Yrthilian do the job that should be done!!! he told that he retires himself from king position but until the future of GG land will be decided he will do the King again!!! necrovion shouldn't have any position in GG and only for get GG land loyalty points!!! another thing... there isn't wrote in Yrthilian's tag that he is the retired king etc... but the King of GG
  3. I will give you 20 gold note for 20 golds
  4. MRAlyon

    Elus bug

    it's 2 days now that my elus didn't eat their raibow candies... I think this it's a bug... someone gets my same problem? Thanks MRAlyon
  5. today when I have tried to use the memory stone detector I get this warning that I never get... [b]Warning[/b]: require_once(gatheringtools/stonedetector.php) [[url="http://magicduel.com/ui/marketitems/function.require-once"]function.require-once[/url]]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [b]/home/magicdue/public_html/ui/marketitems/iteminterface/gatheringtool.php[/b] on line [b]10[/b] [b]Fatal error[/b]: require_once() [[url="http://magicduel.com/ui/marketitems/function.require"]function.require[/url]]: Failed opening required 'gatheringtools/stonedetector.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in [b]/home/magicdue/public_html/ui/marketitems/iteminterface/gatheringtool.php[/b] on line [b]10[/b] [b][color=#ff0000]EDIT: Dont use full caps in your post titles again or i will turn back on automatic uncapitilization and all the WTS topics will be Wts ect - Chewett[/color][/b]
  6. I'm interested in buy a dark... contact me as you want if you are interested in trade it... I can make some good offerts!!! MRAlyon
  7. this is not extreme ignnus:-)
  8. I don't understand why do this Migthy... for create a heat stone you need also an heat solidifier and the only ones around are in your guild's hands... heat jars should be used by all players that want them... for create glasses ecc... so for me you are wrong...
  9. nope... I'm sorry...
  10. bump
  11. I sell memory stones... please contact me as you prefer and tell me how many memory stones have you need and put your offert... WORKS:[list] [*]20 stones - done [*] [/list] MRAlyon
  12. won against Soothing Sands
  13. Chose a password to protect your account Choose a password to protect your account however good one:-) maybe leave the old one and when you click on register appear this one... or use this one and put all info that was in old homepage in a new button on the top... more visible and quickly to see could be put in the middle a button for register and one for login... for example put an image in the middle... at right of it register button and at left login button... on the top all the buttons that there now... if you click on login will go to the normal login page, instead if you click on the register will go the page that you have created now.. put also in tip that you can create more accounts and you can't change name manually in options page
  14. maybe send also an automatic PM just they login the first time where should be write a welcome message and explain where find the LHO button for further help... MRAlyon
  15. delete my name please... I'm ok
  16. in few time I will have a pack of 50 memory stones so I would sell it at the best offert... I will sell it when I will be satisfied of the offert... I accept credits, coins ecc (no other resources)... but not normal creats... put your offert and I will let you know if it's ok or no... Thanks MRAlyon
  17. Hedge the Frog Curiose 195289 Aramor Warrior - Anniversary Edition 1 [url="http://magicduel.com/sitegizmo/creaturelogs.php#"]1[/url] 14/10/11 00:58:41
  18. nope TTL:-) I gave to Burns over 2 milion of heat and consumed over 4 milion in less than one week:-)
  19. I won against Amoran
  20. you are right... I really haven't thought the thing about that all necrovion are gone for now and so you can't attack mp5... however than it's not correct that you must leave the competition.... should be a mp6 group of nothing mp6 in a mp5 group if there are player without alliance...
  21. I don't like this thing about change the reward for mp5!!! I have beat Eon and now that he decided to leave the contest you change the reward for this competition? I don't think that if he would beat me he would leave the competition... you put the reward thinking that Eon would win it??? I hope no and I think no about this... however the choose is yours... this is only my opinion so don't get it as thing that you must change but only as my personal opinion... MRAlyon
  22. I won against Eon
  23. they are as other wispoints, it's equal if you use them in wish shop or for create a item...
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