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Everything posted by MRAlyon

  1. I get quite always this error when moving and every step the interface scroll down so I need to scroll up to click on the map... It's possible fix the interface eliminating the automatic scroll??? It's really annoying... I'm using chrome on android 14.
  2. Samsung a53 Android 14 One UI 6.1 Chrome 130.0.6723.102
  3. The error seems gone... What about autofocus chat, it's possible disable it?
  4. I'm using chrome No ad blocker on phone Samsung Galaxy A53
  5. It's quite difficult move into the realm... Every step I get the error in the attached image... In plus on mobile it's really frustrating move into the realm with scroll down... I need to continue scroll the interface... It's possible remove it on mobile?
  6. - Item 1 x 1 - item 2 x 1 - item 3 x 1 - item 4 x 1 total plushies 330
  7. Worked thanks chewett but didn't know was this the method to unlock them... Thanks very much
  8. When the 4 achievement for active days come out I cliched on them and I unlock them but now I can't get them anymore.. I have got 173 active days... Could someone explain me if this is a bug or it's normal?
  9. just a reminder https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2090 and I don't remember when i started to lose 100% of activity
  10. ANOTHER IDEA... and with this I've said all I have to say
  11. item 1 - total 15 plushies
  12. WHO: yourself WHY WHO: because we are the only ones to know what we had, want and would like to have... and know the risks, dangers and renunciations that we need to face up... WHY IS THE STRONGEST OF THEM ALL: knowing yourself is the most important battle in life and it will never end... because maybe you can give me suggestions to face the obstacles or reach my goals but you will never know what I am willing to sacrifice to achieve it
  13. Yeah it's broken... Insert vertical view and landscape view... The player list disappear always after few secs after refresh... Also choose % for ritual on phone it's impossible..
  14. for me this is amazing:-) i really like it simply and clean... it's a very intriguing interface... this is a real restyling of interface... c
  15. perfect thanks
  16. the arrow for Fortune's Well is missing
  17. Because I prefer this type of format... Scene and chat just under it
  18. this is a screen fom my work PC.... it' not possible center all info on every type of screen size? center forum bar with map and bottom bar.... after put the rest near it... screen size 27 inch
  19. All your work it's appreciated very much... My posts aren't for criticize all your work but just suggestions for improve MD... And I don't appreciate just your work but also the hard work of other people like chewett...
  20. Look at screen for some suggestions... Let me know if you understand what I mean
  21. In landscape it's better but not so good... Need to try on desktop but lately I think people use more phones tablets for navigate on internet... We will see how this will evolve...
  22. I think it's time for MD to move to a flashless interface but you can't put all things in one page like it's now... I love the idea to make the site mobile friendly but not like you are doing on war venture... Look at app or other mobile friendly site... First thing I don't have to scroll at right and left like it's now... interface need to be easy to understand and CLEAN... Just work on vertical interface scroll up and down... Put menus at right or left as you prefer but simply and clean... Right bar on mobile it's not easy to use but I like the top part of it the trigger box instead don't like how work the bottom part of it... Bottom bar is impossible to use because some buttons are out and can't click them after if I click a buttons nothing happens and need to go and click right bar... I know it's difficult to make a new interface from zero but for me it's better take more time for study how do the interface before to put live... For example before code just make a quick image without functions on it and see what people thinks about it... When I login what I will see as first thing, like a screenshot... More buttons on MD are double or useless and can be put on other parts no need to put on principal page... This is the image that I see. Tell me if it's good or not... For me no... I'm using a Samsung A8 2018
  23. I'm here waiting for you come online and pay
  24. 2 golds 14th anni
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