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Everything posted by MRAlyon

  1. I'll manage BHC contest from now... I'm going to create a principal competition (the most important one, since there will be the best rewards) named Boss Head Contest and side competitions that will be more frequent than the main contest.... these competitions will be named according how they will be managed or for what reward the winner will get... for these competitons I will delete also skilldamage... only winning the main competiton will let you get also skilldamage... winning one of these side competitions will let you get also BHC green medal and NOT gold BHC medal (also if you win 2-3-4 little contests)... for get the gold medal you should partecipate to the main competition... I would have the possibilty to choose if partecipate also me at the contests since I will be fair and I will not cheat... I will do my best for create something of special and interesting... about my partecipation I would listen your opinion (just don't post that I will abuse of powers because I will not do it), find good reasons that should not allow me partecipate... I will be a fighter like you... now... First idea for a competition I would use BHC interface in order to bring back wars!!!:-) now I will post a list about this idea... at the end of each part there will be into parenthesis (implemented) or (not implemented)... (implemented) I'm able to do this... (not implemented) need to ask council's approval and see if will be implemented... - one land vs another land or coalition vs another coalition (implemented); - Each land will have a treasury (example 100 silvers and 10 golds) in a specific place in your land (not implemented); - since treasury is not implemented again all partecipant will pay with his coins... if treasury will be implemented the manager of it (example a king or some players with this job) will give to fighters the tax to pay for partecipate at the war getting the tax from the land treasury; - for start a war contact me (implemented); - for start a war the land or the coalition will pay for example 2 silvers for each player sent to the front (implemented); - all lands can participate except for No Man's Land because it’s impossible determinate the leader or the leader group of this land (it’s a neutral land) (implemenetd); - will be necessary draft a list of leader or leader group for each land that will be able to start a war because I couldn’t listen any player that want start a war… decide who can start a war from what land… (decide in private land forum and make the results publis... this the best option) - the war will be in the land of the defender (not implemented), probably without viscosity (not implemented), tokens (implemented) or stats (implemented)… only strategy and creatures will help you to win the competition - example: necrovion decide to attack golemus with 10 warriors, will pay 20 silvers. Will be decided the date and after the war will take place in Golemus… if necrovion will win (thing not possible… hihihi) it will get back 20 silvers paid before plus Golemus will pay 2 silvers for each warrior used, so if golemus used 15 warriors it will give to necrovion 30 silvers … at the end necrovion will gain 50 silvers (20+30)... if instead golemus will win (more probably… hihihi), necrovion will pay the double for each warrior used, in this example 40 silvers (20x2)… but the war isn’t finished here, in fact the loser will pay a monthly tax to the winner, for example coins, shared tools, creature (all to decide after the war is finished)… this last part is important because so there will be continue war between lands… in fact if golemus will be the loser vs necrovion, it will attack necrovion to win it’s freedom and the war will be always in Golemus and if golemus will win it will be free, but it will not conquer necrovion… for conquer necrovion golemus should attack another time and this time the war will be inside necrovion (not implemented... need to study a way where all players will pay at the start of the war and according on the result of the war I will give coins.... attacker/winner and defender/loser (no problem because he will get all taxes), attacker/loser and defendef/winner (attacker should pay double tax to defender) - the best warrior of winner land (the one that gained more points) will get BHC green medal an NOT BHC gold medal also if he/she will be the best fighter (implemented) - rewards for example wishpoints, creatures, coins, items… all this will go to the best fighter and will be up to him give all or a part of rewards to treasury land… this should be decided in private by all lands... for me the best one should give all rewards to treasury land except for one thing and after make up a closed auction between citizens or fighters in contests and who will offer the most will get the creats or items or sponsor contest of the land - the point necessary for finish the war will be higher than a tot… for example 200k of a single fighter (implemented) (I would that could be possible make a sum of players from same land, example A gets 50k, B gets 100k and C 50k... this land will win and B will be the best fighter.... not implemente this) - if a war should end for different reasons and not for get over 200k, all fighter will withdraw for a truce between lands, none will get rewards and taxes will go to MD treasury... MRAlyon please comment only about this idea and not post other ideas.... for new ideas of competitions please email me to: MRAlyon@yahoo.it
  2. Comments in PL before Players with less than 80 days and Players with less than 40 days get spaced...
  3. no... you can't transfer creatures between your accounts or you will go in trouble for alt abuse..
  4. same for me
  5. I'm a GG from the start of this game and again 100% of active days... GG is a unique land and I love it and it's for this that I would have this 2 things connected to my land: - Teleport to Lighthouse... this will help me in some things (attack, speak, punish people teleported there) - a summon spell.... this will help me and my fraternity to start our plan of a training ground inside GG different from old GGG, since it will be an evolution of it!!! details will be revealed later:-) MRAlyon
  6. yeah same for me as Menhir told... a list of imcomplete parts of the game and finish them... as they are finished will be deleted... after that we can start think about new things to do....
  7. 18:00 or move it to sunday....
  8. I think saturday it's a day where people will have parties... I think I will be on until 20-21 not later so I would have it before in the afternoon...
  9. Best Beautification - Lazarus Fossil of the year - Awiiya The Golden Protector - Peace Helper of the Year - Mya Celestia Most Addicted - Darkraptor Pre-eminent Role Player - Lashtal Prime Quest - Lashtal Rookie of the year - Eara Meraia Top Techie - Maebius
  10. STAT LIMITATIONS: personally I don't like the idea to limit the stats because more player include me have and are losing more time to train his stats an I don't want lose them.... one time that all players will have same stats and same creats what will happen??? leave people train his stats... it's part of the game like chat or make researches and other things... maybe the limitations of stats tokens VE could be done during contests so they will be more baanced, but as I told leave them increse without limit... people spent also more credits for increase them so don't stop them... DEAD: the killing item and revived item and all the system should be changed and leave also the interested player work for his revival... VISCOSITY: As I told more times I like the idea of it because it give the sense of the distance of the places but with the current players, many many scenes etc the nubers should be adequate... RESEARCHES: I like this aspectof the game and when it will be complete I think will be a very good part of the game WISHPOINT: there should be more automatic place like broken pattern puzzle where get puzzle and use also quest already done from players and adequate them for an automatic thing. SPELLS: there should be the possibility to get spells also without wishpoints since there are fewwishpoints around lately... for me the spells are an importat aspect of the game... new players like the spells idea but after few time they will see that it's too diffilt get them... maybe let player choose a spell one time every year like a gift for Christmas... SPELL DOCUMENT: was a really good idea and I hope it will get implement again... maybe connecting to spells argument when you finish a document you will get the spell... and maybe connecting to wishpoint argument these spell document can be win if you solve an automatic puzzle in MD... more automatic puzzle=more document=more spell=more players=low viscosity because puzzle will be in different and far locations etc.... I will continue to add ideas here if I get other ideas... MRAlyon
  11. Lightsage.... because it's a veteran of the game and from his post here (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13285-tk-an-opinion/page__pid__126622#entry126622) I have understand he will be able to do a very good job... another reason is that he is more active then others players that applied...
  12. as already told viscosity will be removed for all players on the chosen land for HC... and head hill will be in the announcement of second stage
  13. yeah depletors has nothing to do with HC and BHC contests.... I like your idea dst but instead of quests like write poems etc can be organized a tournament (they are always fighting contests) where for the first 3 players will be rewarded with heads... 1- 2000 heads 2 - 1000 heads 3 - 500 heads these are only examples... my and BFH ideas: - HC for mp4 and mp5 as now excpet players that already have got HC gold medal; - BHC for players that have got HC gold medal; - only one player will win HC and the first time that he will win it he will get only green medal... if he will win again HC he will gain stats and HC gold medal; - can be done different stages of all 2 competitions... one stage will be into MDA, one into labyrinth, one into GG, one into necro, one into lore, one into east land and one in main land... each stage will be of one day... - tournament and the first 3 players will get more heads... - or another better idea instead the one up to this can be... choose a specific land every HC and BHC... remove viscosity and land effects on every player so we will have a fighting ground - second stage of HC... there will be 2-3 places in the land where you will be able to score... - reward for BHC can be a wish instead to have skilldamage but don't know... - don't restrict fighting spells during HC and give temporally these spells in a specific amount to the players I will continue to add all my ideas here when I will have them:-)
  14. I'm making up a concrete plan for revive fighting contests in MD... starting from HC and after work on BHC and other fighting contests in the realm... I would listen all opinions and ideas about them and after decide what are the best ones and propose an organized plan to council for work on them and revive finally the fighting side of MD, if they will agree with the plan... Thanks MRAlyon
  15. :-) you know that I didn't remember was BigC avatar:-) I think I will keep it...:-) Thanks liberty for remember this to me!!!
  16. hey... I have got these avys that I would sell or give away for free if you will give me a motivation because you should have got it and if it help you to build-evolve your character... PS: one is already gone to Avaritia... I will keep BigC avatar...
  17. they are working on it so wait it's the better thing to do
  18. who deleted my second reply to this topic sorry???? and why????
  19. I'm sure that today in GG at Drachorn's Lair ([b]Coord:[/b] 1_-4x-3_1)there was 8/25 herbs.... I saw that Eon went there for collect them and I found a think really strange... after that he collected 2 times the herbs therewas 4 herbs so every use of herbs basket let hi collect 2 herbs... after I used 2 timesthe herbs basket and collected 2 herbs... so there was 2 herbs again there... eon used another time the item and he collected 2 herbs... I don't think he is abusing of something but I think there is a bug with green phrases...
  20. now it's fixed, thanks to bugs@magicduel.com :-) close this then please...
  21. I have seen this symbol today and I think it's a possible bug �
  22. hey:-) if it's possible I would see an automatic thing that explain step by step the interface (of a new player)... like Grido have done on forum for let new player understand it... [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12273-a-breakdown-of-the-interface/"]http://magicduel.inv...-the-interface/[/url]
  23. I think there is a bug on the return because last time retruned back at 4:15 and today they should be returned back at 16:15 instead they returned back again at 4:15...
  24. I would see the image of the full MD page with player name so we are sure that the creats there are yours... of the account Master of Mar
  25. it's possible see the name of the player in the second image?
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