[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"][b]>Tournament of Champions!<[/b] (I didn't make up the name! )
starting at 9:00 server, by The Tree (known also as Stag Crossing )
[u]round 1[/u]
vitality limit set to 20% of max vit of the opponent who has lesser max Ve.
Limit includes [u]all[/u] crit ve, combo ve and personal ve used thru pray power slider.
No spells, max no of tokens used in the battle (no matter if on 1 crit or different) [b]6[/b]
The one with less active days attack.
[u]round 2[/u] - clean fight
No tokens, No spells, No combo.
The defender from round 1 attacks.
[u]round 3[/u] - anything goes
tokens, spells, other nasty stuff you can think of is allowed.
Really, ANYTHING goes.
The one who's faster after command my "FIGHT!" attacks
time stamp on the battle logs page counts.
(you might want to set def rit as well, just in case...)
1. Eternal Glory (tho it might soon be forgotten it stays forever! )
2. who knows...
I'd like the winners to send me parts of the battle logs:
time, creatures, tokens, influence (% and combo) who won, % vs % result + types/names of the spells used before the battle.
thank you
hope it'll be fun!
Edited to add combo rules[/size]