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Everything posted by Shemhazaj

  1. [i][color=#808080]nope. I've seen "[/color][/i] [color="#FF6600"]item-lorerootpapers[/color] [i][color=#808080]" in the trigger box, so I guess it's been taken care of.[/color][/i]
  2. [quote]When someone pays (actually pays, not just uses free credits to get it) a lot of money, that puts them on Mur's radar, yes. But what that means, is he is going to pay more attention to them whenever they come up, because he recognises them a bit more. That means, if they do anything wrong, he is LESS likely to let it slip by.[/quote] [i][color=#808080]from what I've experienced it's not like that at all.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]I've been a subscriber from like maybe my 3rd month in MD (don't remember exactly) and still after something like a year of playing Mur confused me with Shara [/color][/i] [i][color=#808080](actually not only he. Grido, Yrth, Sage and many others talked to me thinking I was Shara ) [/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]I think now I've been around long enough to be recognized by all as me, it is not in any way because of my supporter status.[/color][/i]
  3. [quote](hmm..I wonder how can I abuse you dear Peace ). [/quote] [color=#808080][i]I could think of a thing or two.... [/i][/color] [quote]if you think eon is 'protected' because of his supporter status, then what about sasha???? [/quote] [quote]I'm sorry to answer your post!!But Sasha didn't do anything.[/quote] [i][color=#808080]Sasha is one of the most paying supporters and she's been jailed more than once.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]That's what Mur meant by that Ignnus[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]As for the complain against Eon's alts.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]Alts should not be used that way, but you need to prove he is misusing them.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]That's how it works, always has been.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]You have certainty the abuse is a fact? Gather hard evidence that will convince Mur, the Council and people in general and present it. [/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]Don't hide behind first excuse (supporter bias! lol) you can think of.[/color][/i]
  4. [color=#808080][i]10 gold note [/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]30 silver coupon[/i][/color]
  5. [quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 1590 - [2010-08-10 22:57:21 - Stage 10][/color] Byporducts will appear only if you have none. That means for example if you gather lumber with a saw, you will get sawdust, but you wont get any the second time if you already have it. If you transfer it away you will get it again next time you use the saw. Byproducts are like optional products, you could actively cumulate them if you want so by constantly sending them to someoen else, or you could ignore them and they wont increase in count. Importance and usage of byproducts will be according to this.[/quote] [color=#808080][i]there is no bug, it is said that byproducts are not stackable, you collect it, but it doesn't add.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]anyway, the chat feature mentioned in the new announcement should have it fixed now...[/i][/color]
  6. [b][i][color=#808080][size=3][/size][/color][/i][/b] [b][i][color=#808080][size=3]Merry Christmas![/size][/color][/i][/b][b][i][color=#808080][size=3] Happy New Year![/size][/color][/i][/b]
  7. [i][color=#808080]Dream Mutation Joker.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]IF the price is right.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]PM me (forum or in game) if you're interested[/color][/i]
  8. just watched Top Gear India special. Thanks God I'm not British... :P

    1. Tipu


      u liked the girl hehe

  9. [color=#808080][i]Also, read the tips given in the tips/trigger box in the right upper corner.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]A LOT of useful info can be found there, helping not only with the Guards issue.[/i][/color]
  10. [i][color=#808080]just a qestion. [/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]since SW and Santas got melted and morphed, shouldn't a Pimp or a Nutcracker be melted too?[/color][/i]
  11. [color=#808080][i]There were some issues with posts sent to me from MD/council. [/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]I have no idea why... it works 100% for everyone else (or at least I think so )[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]anyway, will there be posted info on the forum after the emails are sent?[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]So I'd know when to start worrying [/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]Thank you.[/i][/color]
  12. [i][color=#808080]quote from an announcement:[/color][/i] [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1604 - [2010-08-18 13:38:28 - Stage 10][/color] Sabotage: items that spawn other usable items can be sabotaged by controlling the entire number of items they could spawn. I am announceing that here so I wont get complains about it later. It is supposed to be possible it is not a bug. If for example the rainbow candy box can create 20 candies at a time at most, if there are 20 unconsumed candies in the realm at that time the box won't be able to give any more candies until at least one candy is consumed. That will make the item temporarily unusable. I don't know why someone would want to do that, but it can be done.[/quote]
  13. [color=#808080][i]about shop reset:[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]"It is recommended not to use this until you exhaust all items. [b]NO CASH BACK[/b][/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]Most of the items in the features category wont be available a second time also some creatures are restricted to just one"[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]is it possible that such crits are available in the shop only if you did not reset it before?[/i][/color]
  14. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic3g8Xnf7LI"]Constipation Blues[/url] by[size=4] Screamin' Jay Hawkins [/size]
  15. [color=#808080][i]as it was stated by Eon earlier, Pip:[/i][/color] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11027-boss-heads-contest-statless-edition/page__view__findpost__p__96567"]http://magicduel.inv...dpost__p__96567[/url]
  16. [i][color=#808080]just to picture some of the statistics.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]Friday night I had 47 active adepts.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]Saturday evening I had 43 active adepts.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]Sunday morning I had 32 active adepts.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]at that point I started writing on Mood Panel again....[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]it's not the first time such thing happened.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]the plan of sharing adepts sounds good in theory, but unfortunately there's a difference between theory and how things actually happen.[/color][/i]
  17. [i][color=#808080]Happy Bday! [/color][/i]
  18. [color=#808080][i]when used Loreroot Pass Papers the trigger box shows:[/i][/color] UID 143975: [color="#FF6600"]item-golemuspapers[/color] [color=#808080][i]other than that it works ok, got teleported inside Loreroot not GG [/i][/color]
  19. [color=#808080][i]hm... we used the needle today in the Park. I used the needle 7 times, the other needle was used at least 2 times.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]from the 7 times used by me 4 were more wins than loses, 3 were more loses.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]number of people counted in each use varied between 3 and 6.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]5 logs (I lost the first 2 in the heat of the battle [/i][/color] [spoiler][center][b]~ Fierce Needle of Feebleness ~[/b][/center] [center][b]Selected item was used/activated successfully![/b][/center] [center][center]There are more won cause fights (3) than lost (1) (or equal number). Weakening all stats by 16% x 4(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item).[/center][/center] [center][b]~ Fierce Needle of Feebleness ~[/b][/center] [center][b]Selected item was used/activated successfully![/b][/center] [center][center]There are more won cause fights (2) than lost (2) (or equal number). Weakening all stats by 16% x 4(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item).[/center][/center] [center][b]~ Fierce Needle of Feebleness ~[/b][/center] [center][b]Selected item was used/activated successfully![/b][/center] [center][center]There are more won cause fights (3) than lost (3) (or equal number). Weakening all stats by 16% x 6(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item).[/center][/center] [center][b]~ Fierce Needle of Feebleness ~[/b][/center] [center][b]Selected item was used/activated successfully![/b][/center] [center][center]There are more won cause fights (2) than lost (1) (or equal number). Weakening all stats by 16% x 3(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item).[/center][/center] [center][b]~ Fierce Needle of Feebleness ~[/b][/center] [center][b]Selected item was used/activated successfully![/b][/center] [center][center]There are more lost cause fights (3) than won (2). Weakening all stats by 8% x 5(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item).[/center][/center] [/spoiler] [color=#808080][i]and still Eon's drach was making over 400k damage to all targets...[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]Thought that much effort would make the victim at least in the range of other people attack strength...[/i][/color]
  20. when all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guillak


      A dream that comes true is not really a dream ... is it?

    3. ChildOfTheSoul


      This isn't your worst nightmare. Your worst nightmare involves tiny clowns. :D

    4. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      So when your wishes are granted, you make new dreams and strive for them.

  21. [i][color=#808080]Shame...[/color][/i] [color=#6699cc][i]*bows*[/i][/color] [i][color=#808080]It was an honor to be your subject.[/color][/i]
  22. [i][color=#808080]happy b-day Rendril [/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]hope it'll be the best![/color][/i]
  23. [quote] Random thought: What is the point of having a maze when you can get out whenever you wish with a teleport? [/quote] [color=#808080][i]in addition to what Samon already said, the Maze is also to hide from the ones that are hunting you and in that case teleport ability (if planned well enough) is ofc not necessary, but adds a twist [/i][/color]
  24. [color=#808080][i]yeah, once I got 2,8 mil Vp after being attacked few times by just 2 people, and I bet it also is not a record...[/i][/color]
  25. [i][color=#808080]Storing them on an aramor is hoarding.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]As it was stated in the announcement, it's not allowed.[/color][/i]
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