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Everything posted by Shemhazaj

  1. [quote]From talking with her during the whole day, That is not what happened. She was attempting to find a way to get into the alliance, and then when she ended the illusion she relised it dropped her back in. Unless i am mistaken based on what she was saying while we were talking, she didnt relise the illusion would have protected her until she ended it when she was going to get some loyalty [/quote] [color=#808080][i]she got kicked out twice Chewett.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]first time, yeah, she gained loyalty after dropping the illusion, after being kicked out second time (Illias managed to do that when she was almost catching up with him) she gained loyalty outside the alliance and knew exactly she'd be back in...[/i][/color]
  2. [quote]not true why you see it that way? last time i checked thats not true, she gets back in ally using illusions but that doesnt make her automatically leader if she doesnt have more loyalty than leader, and since illias did nothin... therafore ya have given outcome [/quote] [color=#808080][i]because she raised the loyalty outside the alliance and waited for the right moment to drop the illusion and join the alliance with 20 loyalty below the leader.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]How long does it take to gain 21 loyalty? For me (on MP5) it'd be between 10 and 30 sec...[/i][/color]
  3. [quote]I've had wodin's guard in my ally, who is unkickable because it's an illusion, but he can't do anything inside, either.[/quote] [color=#808080][i]really? Soldier of Loreroot is kickable. Tested that myself.[/i][/color] [quote]If I do everything in my power, and still lose, fine. But if i lose without having a chance to fight, that's not fine. [/quote] [color=#808080][i]ok, but look at it from the other side. If I do everything to take over an alliance but you can't win anyway coz of an illusion?[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]also doesn't seem fine...[/i][/color]
  4. [color=#808080][i]Shouldn't it tho?[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]that might create false "proofs" of trades and/or possible abuses...[/i][/color]
  5. [color=#808080][i]hello and have fun! [/i][/color]
  6. [quote]Yes, if the illusions become something public, they can be altered. But as long as only 4 or 5 people have it I don't think there is a good enough reason to disable them.[/quote] [i][color=#808080]I like your reasoning dst. I'd like to see it used in RL court.[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080]"If guns become public they can be banned, but as long as only 4 or 5 people are shooting them on the street I don't think is a good enough reason to change that."[/color][/i] [i][color=#808080][/color][/i]
  7. Ni !!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grido


      You spam a lot. (This is a joke, for those who don't realise :p)

    3. Maebius


      Don't go there, 'tis a silly place.

    4. Shemhazaj
  8. [color=#808080][i]welcome [/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]have fun![/i][/color]
  9. Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good. How you fall doesn't matter. It's how you land!

    1. Brulant


      Thank you, Hubert! *winks*

    2. Shemhazaj


      a good movie, isn't it? :D

    3. Maebius


      I love the earth. No matter how many times I stumble, it's always there to catch me. :D

  10. [color=#808080][i]109) a proof Rendril is Mur's alt![/i][/color] [img]http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af278/billdebil/proof.png[/img] [color=#808080][i]also... my comp crashed when I was editing that pic![/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]the conspiracy goes deeper than I thought! [/i][/color] [i][color=#0000cd]*hides*[/color][/i]
  11. [color=#808080][i]hello.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]I'm looking for a group of people (alliance as I am MP6) to friendly poke me with a needle [/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]I'd like to learn more about how it works, how the effects behave when multiple used, how long are the effects.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]it'd prolly be more than one session.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]timetable for the sessions:[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]mornings or afternoons ST. [/i][/color]
  12. We always thought we'd look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought we'd look back on our laughter and cry...

    1. Magistra


      This is beautiful. It silenced me.

  13. [color=#808080][i]I can understand Grido gives it an additional requirement as he's not the person directly responsible.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]The Council should at least keep an eye on it tho, and if they do one thing does bother me. [/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]Neno was sentenced to 1 week keeping him in over 2 weeks makes the "margin error" for the sentence and actual punishment amazingly high...[/i][/color]
  14. [i][color=#808080]Wouldn't that mean that Shattered Illusions is in permanent violation of that announcement?[/color][/i]
  15. [color=#808080][i]poll added[/i][/color]
  16. [color=#808080][i]not sure how extreme it is, prolly there are some of you who can go higher, but it made me smile [/i][/color] [img]http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af278/billdebil/extremeMDpost.jpg[/img] [color=#808080][i]can someone post over half a billion?[/i][/color]
  17. [color=#808080][i]not exactly Shadow.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]you can check it by using the coagulator on the "empty" altar.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]today morning at Fenths Press[/i][/color] [color=#a52a2a][b]#This resource (fenths) is regenerating (currently at 0.5).[/b][/color] [color=#a52a2a][b]At least one resource is required be able to collect it. [/b][/color] [color=#808080][i]and at Wasp's Altar[/i][/color] [color=#b22222][b]#This resource (fenths) is regenerating (currently at 0.25).[/b][/color] [color=#b22222][b]At least one resource is required be able to collect it. [/b][/color] [color=#808080][i]but at Fenths Wielder[/i][/color] [color=#b22222][b]#No more resources of this kind (fenths) available at this location, try again an other time. [/b][/color] [color=#808080][i]all of those places were not used after the reset[/i][/color]
  18. [color=#808080][i]all it takes is one (Eon in the herbs depletion issue to be exact) selfish and greedy person to make it look that way...[/i][/color]
  19. [color=#808080][i]Atrumist, the fact that some people don't care and that the baskets are free for all to take doesn't mean no one cares...[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]there have been several forum topics on herbs(or general) depletion already[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]there has been an action when people left notes "leave the herbs to grow" and such.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]the fact that it didn't change anything and such action failed doesn't mean no one cares...[/i][/color]
  20. [color=#808080][i]it would be [u]very nice[/u] if herbs were allowed to regenerate.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]then there would be dozens of herbs regenerated every day instead of few every 4th day...[/i][/color]
  21. [color=#808080][i]the amount of regenerated resource is 1/3rd of what is left ( by exactly 1/4th of a resource if depleted to zero)[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]if there's 1 left: next day it will be 2 (the fractions show only if resource is depleted to zero).[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]if there's half left: next day will be ~75% (15/30 -> 23/30)[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]if there's 2/3rds left: next day it's maxed (20/30 -> 30/30)[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]it's everyone's best interest to leave it between the 50%-66%[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]unless someone is a greedy Scrooge kind of person and wants the resources depleted... [/i][/color] [i][color=#a9a9a9][size=2]edit:[/size][/color][/i] [i][color=#A9A9A9][size=2]lol, 5 posts were written when I had the reply post opened [/size][/color][/i]
  22. [color=#808080][i]fractions of fenths are still showing in different altar locations.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]dunno what causes it, all crits I squished (no tokens) since then gave good amount of fenths[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]every time I gathered it's lowered by exactly 1 fenths.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]it might be caused by tokens on crits[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]either way it's not very annoying bug/feature, planned or not.[/i][/color]
  23. [color=#808080][i]it should work like that Peace: right click and "add mark" (or something similar, I have polish language version)[/i][/color]
  24. [color=#808080][i]I marked just the city, I don't really live on that train station [/i][/color]
  25. [color=#808080][i]actually, last BHC and HC did run together again.[/i][/color] [color=#808080][i]I'm not sure if the GoE problem occurred again or not (I think it did tho), can someone who took part in the competition confirm?[/i][/color]
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