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Everything posted by Indyra

  1. And a late Happy Birthday from me Assira . May all your wishes come true
  2. Indyra


    some good ol' music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfyEpmQM7bw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owXomO2HtOk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNTVFcFF2Ec&feature=PlayList&p=CDBA3BFA7E4F5584&index=33
  3. Happy Birthday to all the women in MD. May we all have a wonderful spring ! And a very special Happy Birthday to Mya!
  4. La muti ani , Manu !
  5. hello , I activated my pass papers today( 5 hours ago) wanting to go home to Golemus , but they don;t work. I received the message " A spell has been performed on you " but when i went to the Gate, nothing happened. I tried: clearing cache, tried another browser, reinstall browser still nothing. Any ideas?
  6. anyday starting 20:00 server time , so 23 rd it;s ok
  7. Did anyone ever considered that this type of contest is a big disadvantage for the players who aren't native speakers of English ? i bet that many of us wright beautiful poems that when translated into English loose their charm...i wonder what to do ...post mine in in my native language ? but then again ...how could you judge it ?
  8. Hey there ...Sweety!

  9. and again ...by who's authority are you the judge of that ?....as a moderator she has been chosen by a certain person...and she is not the only moderator ...so if any one is entitled to take measures about her acts as a moderator i think it should be done by other moderators or by the one who chose her...and i;m sorry Princ but it;s only natural to take it personally when you get involved into something...you do too...so how do you expect her to do otherwise?...
  10. now this thread is going on for too long...what's your problem Fenrir? who are you to be the judge of dst's character ? with what right and by who's authority ?...are you clean and without fault ? I guess we all have the right to play our own role as we like it this is what makes MD special ..who are you to try and change that ?
  11. puzzle and teaching quest fro me too....magic and science can work pretty well together..and fighthing can be learned from teaching quests.
  12. @Totenkopf [img]http://www.veryfunnycats.info/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/funny-dancing-cats.jpg[/img] hello everybody : about music -i just love Lake of Tears!
  13. This think is a little strange...you all keep saying ..."they need to learn"...well ... you can;t learn unless somebody points in the right direction...now tell me who can learn without a teacher?all great discoveries were made "by mistake" then passed on by learning ...i;m sure all of you veterans had your share of help when beating those guards ...and i must agree with Burns frustration may lead new players to quitting so why not "point" them the right way?
  14. Indyra

    The Asteriks

    *you probably already know this one but i think it;s funny* One day the letter from the keyboard decided to have a party. But since "dot" was always considered bad and things always ended when he showed they decided not let him in. It was around midnight when somebody knocked at the the door. The letters were all inside. " - go away Dot! we don;t want you ruining our party" " It's me asterisk. I;m no Dot" The knocking repeated " - go away Dot! didn;t you hear us! " It's me Asterisk. I;m no Dot" Then another set of knockings. " - go away Dot!" The answer came form behind the door. "But it's me Asterisk. I just had my hair done with some gel"
  15. Buna sa iti fie inima :)

  16. I couldn;t imagine someone else doing this ..it fits you perfect and you do your job just fine..so keep up the good work
  17. well Interim quest was doable until a certain point that got me ..i squeezed my brains and nothing came out again and again ...but probably the solution will strike me when i least expect ( probably after the quest will end ) Woodman's on the other hand : what's the point in having all the riddles in the first week (like i have)and then keep staring at that map ... and have no idea what to do the next?? So... yes you;re quests are pretty &^&^ hard...they are suposed to be hard ...but c'mon give something to chew on ...a hint or something..i've read and reread those instruction over and over again but still blank ... So point this out for me why make a quest if nobody can solve it.....?*cries for help*
  18. Chewett ...isn't this supposed to be winter ? everything is too..."green"...but i love the wall behind BOB Nice work! Blackwoodforest: i laughed for a half hour at yours
  19. i love A, B, C...( probably because they look old and i like old things
  20. i waaaant..hmmm..hard to decide...#77
  21. Santa drinks (is )a product of Coca- Cola ?
  22. Angel ?
  23. Imagination
  24. Of course he exists Obs ...
  25. Aww...but why did you have to spoil it?... what happened with solving a mistery? oppinions ..who did it and why ..and how did this happened ... a whole "let's find the guilty one " [spoiler]now it's like you told a 10 years old there is no Santa[/spoiler] [color="#0000FF"] As requested by Indy I have hidden Ud's post since it is too spoilish dst[/color]
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