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Everything posted by Indyra

  1. Happy B-Day ! May all your wishes come true!
  2. Happy B-day! MAy all your wishes come true!
  3. Let me clear some things out for you, Fryd 1- we don;t like gossip out Golemus , so you either start making and article without any gossip style or you stop making assumptions about Golemians. I don;t like your style 2- if you care to know more about Golemus - just ask, any of the citizen of Golemus is a reliable source of information 3- [quote]When I look Golemus, I think of crazed sports fanatics, team warriors, and an agressive drive for power and dominion [/quote] You couldn;t be more wrong in any of the statements about 4- [quote]Perhaps at some point, the lack of female players reduces the interest of others to join and causes a run-away effect[/quote] wrong again . 5 - [quote]what GG doing just disgusting, or are women treated as second class citizens, or what?[/quote] wrong again, we are well treated and respected , please don;t categorize Golemians into misogynists, they are not. 6 - we kind of like our privacy so none of the Golemians women will give you more info then i already gave you Thanks , Indy
  4. just my 2 cents on this since it's taking odd proportions [quote]A rebel is a participant in a rebellion; or more generally, an individual who resists authority or control.[quote] In this case Jester who is the King represents the authority and he is the one granting you citizenship. Yet after this he can't excommunicate .So this is a little contradictory as far as i see it, you are citizens because the King has allowed you to but you also are rebels means you work against the King and you expect him to treat you right ? As a rebel you deny the laws of the king and you try to make your own ( but maybe i'm misunderstanding this ) . When you became a rebel you should have considered the implications of being a rebel and the consequences . One of them is not being able to participate at some quest sponsored by the King whose authority you are trying to undermine - Now to make things clear Do you expect to have the same rights as a loyal citizen who obeys the King and laws ? do you expect him to treat you fair just because you are a citizen ? do you expect him to stand and watch while you plot against him ? After all it's his right to fight back any way he can , fair or not. He used the means that he had ( not giving you a WP or denying you the right to enter a quest) , that;s all . There is no right or wrong when fighting a war even if it;s not an open one.
  5. Hey there , singer to Bob *winks*

  6. Again , one of the best quests i;ve seen lately . Sorry for not having the time to participate but i want to congratulate you for your hard work , i'll try my best at the next one .
  7. i susbscribe....
  8. Indyra

    LHOs debate

    @Blacknights: The reason why we become LHO is not for you to debate ( there is a higher power who does that) The questions you ask is not for an LHO to answer. If You don;t like dst you can adress to another LHO , that;s why there is more than one of us. Also you can address to older players , most of them are very helpful even if they are not LHO's. None of the actual LHO's would have answered your question considering the reason behind it. The Fact that you don;t like what she posts in the forum has nothing to do with her in-game actions or with her knowledge. As an LHO our main goal is to help you [b]explore on your own[/b] not give you answers that you can find for yourself. Indy
  9. Sorry for your loss... i;m really sorry to hear this .. the strenght to pass over this is inside and time is the best healer. I know words feel like empty in such situations but i;m sure you'll be ok.
  10. Happy B-Day!
  11. oh ! X-mas Cards ?can;t wait for it!
  12. Indyra


    If you want to join us please sign-up here. Further details will be discussed later. LE: please only state that you wish to join . Any questions you might have will be answered later . Individually.
  13. [b][2010-11-23 19:08:19 - Stage 10][/b] Lair Keepers I am initiating a new order, responsable of taking care of the Drachorns. It will be called "Lair Keepers". The drachorns are ancient creatures, no longer recruitable, this requires some sort of protection for them so that they keep the age when transfered. Lair Keepers will be allowed to grant MAGIC CTC for drachs, but also transfer them without penalty, IF, and only if the order considers the new or existing owner fit their "drach protecion code". The order will be neutral, the drachs well-being having priority over land loyalty or other matters. The Lair keepers will obey as a guild their king, but the use of their abilities will be their decision not the kings choice. As first leader and founder of the Lair Keepers I assign *Indyra*, it will be up to her who to invite next. The abilities will be implemented on the way, they are not done yet. by Mur [b][2010-11-22 03:26:41 - Stage 10][/b] Drach Lair access restriction rule will be lifted as soon as the cave becomes technically a prison. This means it will no longer be forbidden to be inside, but it will be theoretically impossible. (This leaves space for certain things) [b][2010-11-22 03:23:33 - Stage 10][/b] Regarding the GG Drach Cave incident - Part 3 Following players will be punished for getting into the drach Lair. [18/11/10 06:53] Seigheart:Grido, I'll take my chances at the lair. It's a risk I an willing to take. Seigheart had a significant role in helping and planning of this crime and should received a heavy penalty. [A pardon was granted by Mur for undisclosed reasons.] Mood panel stauts: "Set at Drach L muhahah" Manda finds himself the second time in a crime related to the drach cave after being punished and warned once about this. He will remain locked in the cave on undefined period, together with SmartAlekRJ. MasterB [investigation done] will do two weeks jail and received a warning that next time he will get involved in a crime that disregards traditions of his land, his punishment will be a lot worse. I want to congratulate BigC that expressed his public concern about the legality of the situation and exited the cave refusing to stay in an off-limits location. [b][2010-11-22 03:04:14 - Stage 10][/b] Regarding the GG Drach Cave incident - Part 2 SmartalekRJ The drach Cave will be set to prison mode with him locked inside. I am aware of all implications of prison mode in a location not in the depth of the realm. The cave is afterall a prison for the Drachorn since it was made (drawing shows that), now their former master should share the same fate after disrespecting it by willingly bringing a large amount of players in sacred place. [b] [2010-11-22 02:58:33 - Stage 10][/b] Regarding the GG Drach Cave incident - Part 1 Lifeline Kingship penalty An official character, especially a king, commits a big crime if he sets such a negative example of ignorance towards announcements and rules. Cave was closed, officially, and announced, long ago. Lifeline took a deliberate decision to ignore his uncertainty about if he should enter the cave or not. An other condamnable act is that a King of a land cares to develop something in an other land, ignoring borders, and not trying to bring the activiy to his land. [color="#FF0000"]Shadowseeker: Since this is an official document, I cleaned it up. Please understand, it was not for discussion.[/color]
  14. 1 - see Queen in the last concert at Wembley in 86 why not: cause i can't turn back time why yes: cause i can listen to their album at my home and put poster with them on my walls why ? cause i feel like i;'ve missed something really important 2 - run in the park naked ( mostly any action that would the society blame and be shocked on a regular basis - this is the best example i could came with) why not : cause of society why yes: cause i actually can , the park is 5 minutes walk , and it would be wild to feel free of all restrictions why? : it would be wild to feel free of all restrictions 3- still thinking
  15. i think is more appopiate http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/942719/yoga_and_beer.png [img]http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/942719/yoga_and_beer.png[/img]
  16. Indyra

    LHOs debate

    i think we're wasting to much time here INSTEAD of helping. Sparr that section is for LHO , it has been like that last year too and it motivates us to give the best . You had the chance to propose a new category of award for non LHO's. You could have done that .
  17. Hello Syruny, glad to see you here as well *smiles* good luck in your adventure!
  18. Adventuring Award (quester) -Yoshi Most Influential -Awiia
  19. Indyra

    New Ggg?

    @raven: it was so private that you had to do it in the place that it;s locked ? you do realise that don;t you ? there are other private place that can be used if your really wanted to be private.
  20. Indyra

    New Ggg?

    Jail time isn;t enough in this case ... abusing on purpose while knowing that the Lair is closed is defiance.
  21. Indyra

    New Ggg?

    [quote]I see nothing wrong with young mp5 gathering together in a difficult to reach location for an hour or two to train their creatures.[/quote] an hour or two is the key word..as much as i need wins for myself.... the real problem here is not a bunch of people training for an hour or two no matter what their rits are or the place, but people who spend their "life" in such places and then pop up from no where with incredible stats but have no idea about the fighting system... but remember if you chose to train as a group anyone can pass by and choose not to respect you rituals...you have no other protection than any other player ..it;s just more of you to hit at one place
  22. Happy B-Day DST! hope you have a wonderful one!
  23. Reading this ...you make me want to write poems again..and this is something i haven;t done in years...keep up the good work you'll get better and better
  24. okay here is my version, feel free to correct my grammar ..i;m really bad at it. Mur hopwe you like it but this is how i see it. If all would stop tomorrow And light would shine no more No people down on earth And in my fully heart If all would stand still The wind would whiff no more And thus my fiery soul Within would burn no more I’d sink it in oblivion I wouldn’t step further I would exist no more Without my freedom
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