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Everything posted by Indyra

  1. To YIM ??? Curiose, as much as i respect Pample , i respect her as a character in game ! If you want her to return to YiM , consider contacting her on YiM or on her personal mail . If you want her back in MD , thats something diffrent! People have been on and off MD , it's called personal life , it happens !
  2. Pip then i advise you to do it , cause the only way ( except trading ) to get a GG is as a reward for special competitions
  3. i hear voices ...and they don;t like you!

  4. Indyra


    Excuse me ? what;s all this ? do you need lesson to RP ? you need rules ? The only rule is to be decent, the rest is up to you! Just go out there , make friends , show you personality , grow your character ...stop asking yourself if you'll get or fit with the AL. Windy you had a Pub , very good ! Make offers , throw parties, organise different events. The fact that game mechanics have improved only helps us. What i consider good RP may not be considered as well by another.There is no such thing as "Revitalized RP". you either RP or not ! There are character that RP by definition, you start RP-ing in the moment you create your personal papers or start wondering the land and attacking people! Good RP means acting according to your own character and making others play with you and accepting you as you build yourself! And that is only common sense!
  5. Shame on you dst..takeing advantage that Z likes to be pat....i wonder how on Earth/ MD did you find that out ? Must be a 6th sense or something
  6. Happy B-day!
  7. still for sale bump!
  8. Thank you all . You;re great
  9. Happy B-day Miq!
  10. [b]Name:[/b] Lair Keepers [b]Alliance Duty: [/b]Protect the Drachorn Lair and it;s inhabitants [b]Currently Active:[/b] Yes. [b]Members available: [/b] 2 - still under recruitment procces [b]Active Members:[/b]2 [b]Land Association:[/b] Golemus Golemicarum [b]King:[/b] Yrthilian [b]Brief Summary of Activities and History: [/b] Philosophy, Research, Founded after a Lair incident. Neutral Guild . Leader : Indyra
  11. I;m in ...ofcourse Hope to see you then Kyph
  12. [quote name='Master' timestamp='1297950363' post='78979'] [color="#FF0000"][size="7"][font="Arial Black"]Oh Baby ![/font][/size][/color] ( This was my declaration for Indy but you should actually SEE me do it rather than read it =)) ) [/quote] I don;t know about them...but i would definitely want to see you
  13. count me in if you still need participants
  14. What is good? Good is relative,what is good for me may be bad for another and the other way around What is your best physical attribute? My mouth What is your best non-physical attribute? My conscience What do you value most? people who believe in their selves What is 2 + 2? Relative What do you know? I know far to little since i forget to much .
  15. good , then keep it to yourself and don;t deny others the pleasure of making one themselves
  16. Selling 4 old angiens : 1 has :Age 337 +[claw1][antifreeze] [emeraldglare] [kellethafire] [enlightning][blacktear] [onyxfangs] [darkshield] [darksky] - [b]highest bid till now - sold to Manda [/b] 2 has : Age 337 +[claw2][stardust] [antifreeze][emeraldglare][kellethafire][enlightning][blacktear][darksky][onyxfangs][darkshield] - [b]highest bid till now - sold to xrieg [/b] [b]Only two left!!![/b] 3 has Age 491 + [claw1][goldbelt] 4 has Age 316 +[goldbelt][bloddrop] Start your bets here LE : Sorry SS i want to sell all 4
  17. 2 - run in the park naked ( mostly any action that would the society blame and be shocked on a regular basis - this is the best example i could came with) why not : cause of society why yes: cause i actually can , the park is 5 minutes walk , and it would be wild to feel free of all restrictions why? : it would be wild to feel free of all restrictions
  18. I yelled at a reindeer under your bed because I was drinking tequila, again.
  19. [quote]we cannot raid a place, we cannot kill anyone, we cannot destroy structures, we cannot set up destructive structures to cause damage to opposition,[/quote] does MD really looks like WoWto you Aysun? now really ? as much respect as i have for you , who do you think you are to complain about these features? This Game is designed to be in a certain matter , just the way it is ....when you play on FB to whom to you complain about this things and most important ..does anyone answer? [quote]Basically, we can sit around, plan, foment, and complain at the gates and that's about it[/quote] is your mind that limited ? Some of the players managed to do quite impressive things without doing any of this . [quote]don't know- let's say wodin's seal- if someone has all the pieces in their inventory you'd have a button or something saying 'summon wodin'[/quote] do you even have the idea what those seals are and what's their purpose ? [quote]The issue with how things are now is that in order to try something like that today you'd have to send a message to Mur [/quote] did you try to do anything without complain that would really mean something to this world and you haven;t been noticed ? do you really think you need Mur for this? No, all you need is people around you not the "right" ones in the way you mean it but the right ones for your actions [quote]As for the rebels, the idea is that a certain number of rebels would trigger an election[/quote] Again is all this in order for your purpose as a rebel? is this the hidden goal ? you could have said that in the begging without making such a fuss about "automatic system" [quote]It's all incredibly subjective, I think, and extremely hard to work with although we are trying[/quote] and what ? everything is subjective! do you expect things to be easy ? and if they were would you consider things as interesting as they are ? what will be your personal satisfaction if everything came on a silver plate ? i usally support people who try to make a difference, but don;t mix thing please. you can;t change the way of a game is built just because you want to make a difference . This isn;t GTA to rob someone or shoot them or break in their homes and put a graffiti on the wall. If you really want all this you really should reconsider why you play MD
  20. drag any corner of the square down and you will get this http://storenow.net/my/?f=2509 sharp another idea http://storenow.net/my/?f=2510
  21. this is how i see the dot http://storenow.net/my/?f=2504 just perfect to cancel the whole figure
  22. both closed and canceled http://storenow.net/my/?f=2503
  23. Okay , so considering the first symbol can be drawn with one liniar move like this http://storenow.net/my/?f=2499 and multplying it by 3 here is my main idea http://storenow.net/my/?f=2500 (main idea) and bingo! it;s closed here are some other ideas http://storenow.net/my/?f=2501 http://storenow.net/my/?f=2502
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