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Everything posted by Indyra

  1. Happy B-day!LA Multi ani!
  2. Now they work fine for me but Alyon had some problems as well a week ago.
  3. Happy B-day to you!Happy B-day to you!Happy B-day to you!
  4. Happy B-Day Yoshi!
  5. No! HC is not fair ! it;s a statement of power, manipulation , hiding , demonstrating your abilities, hunting . Heads shouldn;t be given in RP, because they can already be given through rits .Let the ones who enjoy fighting actually fight.
  6. count me in :)ro or english doesn;t matter i just want one
  7. *smooches and Happy B-Day*

  8. Happy Birthday dear Burnsy *smooches* may all your wishes come true!
  9. [Indyra Sirenias]-[Solitude] Theme:[feelings of a soul] Lines:[12] Words:[81] [EDIT: I name Pazur as my proxy for reading this piece, since i can;t make it at the meeting]
  10. Why are you people turning this into a rant...quit it! First of all Mur posted an information i don;t think we were supposed to comment abut it. Akasha , as always you are overreacting.People bond connections and it;s natural to talk in YiM this won;t affect MD at all. Ancient lore is important to MD but i agree is should stay ancient, and reseach on it should be avoided .This discussion only turns people attention on Ancient Lore.
  11. Noooo! No spoilers Mur , please let them be in their ignorance...
  12. Bunny stew ? ..oh we were talking about items...cookies are always appreciated ... and being consumable they shouldn't return to their owner... you don;t have the apple after eating it and as any apple if left to long they should rotten. Sacrificing a creature to get one or mare cookies depending on the creature sacrificed is a nice idea. Perhaps scripting some place as storages in order to keep the cookies fresh . But the cookies can;t return on their own to the "chest" Burns mentioned, placing them there would be more apropiate.
  13. selling still on
  14. Selling 1 Unholy Pope: Age 120 - tokens : bloddrop and blackdiamonds 1 Joker: Age 117 - 3SC [s]2 Ipmerials: Agen 80 and 105[/s]Sold! [s]2 TS age 122 and 128[/s] - Sold! [s]1 BP Age 62 - tokens : claw 1 and claw2 stardust and antifreeze [/s]- Sold! [s]1 Pipmed grassan Age 77 - 3 SC[/s] Forum PM for offers LE: prices Update
  15. Congratulations Rendril, your work improved MD already ! LE: Mur we are used to your paranoia. It keeps things on the edge
  16. off topic: considering your post i would say MD is older than you aaront There's no point in bragging about your Birthday if nobody remembers it. Usually friends remember special events in each others life , that should pop out a big question to you. on topic: Happy B-Day Magic Duel!
  17. Indyra


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4CRkpBGQzU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTUIzv-aOqw&feature=related
  18. Indyra

    my myself and I

  19. *hiccups* thank you *hiccups* all now join me ..lets play some chess:)) [img]http://iulianceausescu.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/drinking-chess.jpg[/img] are the pieces moving or is it just me ??
  20. Indyra


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLeflMWMJ8I&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHt72jJ_1t0
  21. Voted :no they are ok, don;t mind them, sometimes i click them as well
  22. Was it built to keep things from getting in or to keep something from getting out ? Who built it ? i;m not sure it's a relevant question ...it's like the moai statues from Easter Island. Who built isn;t really important cause it can't affect it anymore in anyway, more important is The Wall still stands and we're the ones who can exploit it, write on it , try to get it down, stare at it;s writings , etc..but are we willing to support the consequences ?
  23. The place were you can make your dreams come true...based on a unique system MD reveals another world as you play it. The world you make ..the world you dream. Highly addictive, MD dares you to learn it;s secrets : quests ,fighting strategies, wars , politics. In MD everything is possible: moving mountains, changing destinies around you, letting your self be changed. The story grows with each one of us.
  24. In order for a shadow to exist there must be some light. Without "light" there is no shadow .Shadows are the result of light.Shadows hide in dark corners but they can't exist without light. We don;t want to kill the shadow .So ...to trap the runaway shadow. How do we do that? First of all Phantasm must be alone , so the shadow won't have anyone else to possess, second he should be alone in a room/place/cave where the shadow can't hide, a room/place/cave so lighten that the shadows only option should be bonding back with phantasm. The normal reaction of the shadow would be to hide from the "light" that gave him life. Hide ..but where?*grins* well the only place left to hide would be Phantasm dark piece of soul( where feelings anger, rage, frustration and desperation are).The Shadow will be drawn to that. We all have that. Some of us show it some of us keep it well hidden, some of us don't even realize having it. What do we need ? Torches to light up each corner of the room /place where the "entrapment" will take place . A knife ( Just a simple knife .No powers needed) Phantasm must do a sacrifice. The knife will be used by himself to open his dark side of the soul but only with his mind , no blood will be spilled, only the soul will be opened. After the shadow reacts and hides in the only place left with the hope of regaining it;s powers by feeding on Phantasm's dark feelings, comes the tricky part. Keeping it there. A ring should help us. A ring that will help Phantasm concentrate his dark feelings and draws them like a magnet. As long as Phantasm wears the ring the shadow will feast on the dark feelings trapped in it but wont gain enough power to escape again.
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