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  1. Downvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Watcher in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    @RJ:"Ignorance is no excuse for not knowing the rules" especially if they concern your character directly RJ so please don;t bring this forward , you only make it worse.

    If you state that you didn;t know the rules( because the announcemnent was on the forum not "ingame" - i don;t know for sure but i'll check as soon as i can) you dismiss your own character because you weren't interested enough to maintain your own role ( as an retired drachorn master). You and Lifeline are no noobs so your excuse for not reading the forum only shows lack of interest.Even if reading it in a diagonal and that should have popped out since you were directly involved and it was also quite a fuss about it. And i see you both use the forum when in need .You desacrated a sacred place , that most of all should be sacred to you ( as a drachorn master) So please choose were you stand ( are you the retired drachorn master or just a regular player with no role ?) or at least have the decency to take responsibility for your actions. As a former RPC with a specific role and as King of one of the Lands you have to be an example - both of you failed.

    @ Lifeline : if i would have started a training grup in Champions Dome or inside the Angien Shrine - would you go quiet if i didn;t ask your approval before i did it ?

    (edited for spelling)
  2. Upvote
    Indyra reacted to Espartano in How To Make An Avatar "looking Good"   
    1-First of all get married with a woman who loves to criticize you.
    2-Imagine what kind of character will represents.
    3-Sketch drawing.(check the attached image)
    4-Note the ratio 100x160 to make the most use of space.
    5-use the techniques described in http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/54-md-artworks-former-artisans-guild/ so it has alpha transparency.
    6-When everything was ready, show the avy to your wife and hear such a response:
    "What the f**k is this? What design horrible!"
    7-Be angry (not with wife) but with himself for having made a mess and seek inspiration.
    8-Make several new designs to improve the physical appearance of each character, bring, equipment and face.
    If overcome, do not rush and whimsy in the details.
    9-Remake the avy and again show to his wife (the best work of his life) and get an answer like this:
    "...... It was ... good! "
  3. Upvote
    Indyra got a reaction from dst in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    @RJ:"Ignorance is no excuse for not knowing the rules" especially if they concern your character directly RJ so please don;t bring this forward , you only make it worse.

    If you state that you didn;t know the rules( because the announcemnent was on the forum not "ingame" - i don;t know for sure but i'll check as soon as i can) you dismiss your own character because you weren't interested enough to maintain your own role ( as an retired drachorn master). You and Lifeline are no noobs so your excuse for not reading the forum only shows lack of interest.Even if reading it in a diagonal and that should have popped out since you were directly involved and it was also quite a fuss about it. And i see you both use the forum when in need .You desacrated a sacred place , that most of all should be sacred to you ( as a drachorn master) So please choose were you stand ( are you the retired drachorn master or just a regular player with no role ?) or at least have the decency to take responsibility for your actions. As a former RPC with a specific role and as King of one of the Lands you have to be an example - both of you failed.

    @ Lifeline : if i would have started a training grup in Champions Dome or inside the Angien Shrine - would you go quiet if i didn;t ask your approval before i did it ?

    (edited for spelling)
  4. Upvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    @RJ:"Ignorance is no excuse for not knowing the rules" especially if they concern your character directly RJ so please don;t bring this forward , you only make it worse.

    If you state that you didn;t know the rules( because the announcemnent was on the forum not "ingame" - i don;t know for sure but i'll check as soon as i can) you dismiss your own character because you weren't interested enough to maintain your own role ( as an retired drachorn master). You and Lifeline are no noobs so your excuse for not reading the forum only shows lack of interest.Even if reading it in a diagonal and that should have popped out since you were directly involved and it was also quite a fuss about it. And i see you both use the forum when in need .You desacrated a sacred place , that most of all should be sacred to you ( as a drachorn master) So please choose were you stand ( are you the retired drachorn master or just a regular player with no role ?) or at least have the decency to take responsibility for your actions. As a former RPC with a specific role and as King of one of the Lands you have to be an example - both of you failed.

    @ Lifeline : if i would have started a training grup in Champions Dome or inside the Angien Shrine - would you go quiet if i didn;t ask your approval before i did it ?

    (edited for spelling)
  5. Downvote
    Indyra reacted to smartalekrj in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    @Mur: So then you agree that what you said about the cave was in a forum post and not an ingame announcement? If you want to call me ignorant for not reading 30,000+ forum messages be my guest. But it's not like I missed an announcement or a personal message from you saying that the cave was restricted. And I don't expect you to care, however I do expect the use of practical reasoning skills. Not something like you dont like me or Manda for some reason or another and that is where you seen the opportunity to classify some "just cause."
  6. Downvote
    Indyra reacted to Ravenstrider in Forum Signatures   
    I'd just to state the signature was meant for all those people that come here only to argue and gnaw at each others necks. It was left in Serbian because it's (in my opinion) a piece of poetry and can't be translated correctly by me. I considered it short enough to be in both my signature, and in another language, according to the rules.

    And why open a topic about it anyway? Anyone who wanted to know what it means could have asked me. I even translated it in-game the other night. If you wanted to execute a punishment, again, it's nothing that should be handled in public... This just looks like a stoning for the amusement of the masses.

    I don't know what you find offensive. I was thinking people would like it, in a sense they can see the message behind it (even the google translation does to an extent). Guess I was wrong.

    Edit: Very loose translation for Firs and anyone else who is curious. Note: It's not even close to cover all the metaphors and subtle messages in the song, and I apologize to all of those who love EKV and Milan for translating this.

    "You blind, you deaf, you selfish people, making the noise, without order and sense, without why and because, for whom and how, without the question that maybe would dry out the prideful smile on the face without tears (as in crying tears), on the face that never turned the cheek.

    Tear (as in a rip, a scar), coffin, a worm, and face(or cheek) and hair and blood.

    You mute(or silent) players of your ritual dance, happy in trance in a world that exists only in heads of people without scrupuls, of the people without mercy, people without memory, you who don't know the showers(or storms, waves, tough to translate the message here) of sound, colors and smells. You foolish people. "

    [code]And here's the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMj4dn2Vd_o&feature=related[/code]
  7. Downvote
    Indyra reacted to Jubaris in Forum Signatures   
    Udgard you're right, it's lyrics from a song called "Crv" (translated as Worm) by one of the best musicians in modern Serbia. If anyone finds him/herself in the song... well what can I do.

    Rendril, as one of the, I can say, officials of MD, stated many things objectively which I wish to thank him for, that's usually not the case with such figures of power in MD, and people that question accusations of other officials are often labeled as some kind of MD enemies. You have my respect (as you did before)

    Rendril said many things that I support, but I'll repeat it as response of my own cause that's what people want I guess. I will be gladly to remove anything that is against the rules, assuming that rules apply for each and everyone, that are clear and without space for self-interpretation. For now, I don't understand what is our mistake, except being said that I (and Raven) acted controversially with this signature.

    [quote name='Akasha' timestamp='1290504966' post='72882']

    - Signature pictures may not exceed following rules: Height: 150px Width: 500px File size: 50kb.


    "Signature Pictures", each and every one is according to the rulebook.
    Rules didn't state the size of the text... so please modify that if you want, and I'll change things accordingly. Text is rather short, so I don't see the problem there
  8. Upvote
    Indyra reacted to Yrthilian in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    first of all this is no joke i am dead serious!
    and while speaking of death i will put my life on the line for this in order to avoid this trial being fake, postponed, stagnated, not taken serious, or whatever else like it was the case in the fenrir vs dst trial for example.

    [color="#DDA0DD"]Sorry but within your first statement it shows this topic was started in anger. From personal experience i have found this to be a bad idea. But if you want me to take this seriously I will but that in turn meens i have to take another look at the incident as a whole.[/color]

    just for the record the trial just stagnated and the judgement was never carried out while fenrir still played. then after several months fenrir quit the game and a few days later the judgement was spoken and of course against fenrir who had left by that time. so in order to avoid any fake trial and show my huge dissatisfaction with the last incident i will go all out on this one and make this about life and death for me. i will show all my determination in this trial and go down fighting for what i not only as player but also as king of a mainland believe is fair justice.

    [color="#9932CC"]Again another refrence to call the trial fake? I for one could not comment on that trial as i do not know why it took so long and would not dare to comment on that trial without the facts.

    if i loose this trial i shall be openly executed (execution followed by perm ban for my main account and other accounts i have) and will pass the crown of marind bell and kingship title with all the kingship items to one of the council members of marind bell who i deem worthy of being the next king/queen.

    [color="#9932CC"]Sorry but if you make the desision to go with this you leave the position open to the public, The people should be the ones to make the desision of their next king/queen.It does not matter whom YOU deem worthy of the position. That kind of change of the kingship position works for Necrovian as that is the particular setup for that land.[/color]

    little info beforehand: i trusted a former rpc who wasnot stoned/demoted/kicked or anything. RJ ensured me he is allowed to invite as many people inside the drach lair as he wants so i believed him because he was still the master of the lair and it never says in the rules or announcements that the area is offlimits plus no more drachs can be recruited.

    [color="#9932CC"]There are some many issues with this statement. It does not really matter what RJ’s rep is. The fact is the cave is part of Golemus, This SHOULD have flagged as an issue to you as it was not part of YOUR land. This should have made you go “oh hang on i should check this and not go on blind fate”. It does not matter IF he was still master in fact he was NOT by his own request he stepped down as such. This is in your own post showing the announcement [2009-09-01 13:06:58 - Alpha 9][/color]

    so now lets get this started:
    i hereby want to go to court against how mur and the "royal" court passed down judgement and handled the drachorn lair incident. especially how innocent players like masterb who didnt even know he would end up in drach lair got punished. he left the lair seconds after he got teleported in so no matter how u look at it he is perfectly innocent!

    [color="#9932CC"]Now you start to insult me here. MasterB is a citizen of Golemus there for his issues with the punishment is in my hands NOT your again you step on my toes regards the issue, again you try to rule in my place with regards a citzen whom is not of your land. Is there something i should know?[/color]

    i believe that the recent drachorn lair incident was handled most unfair and unjust. i will begin by posting all the announcements involving the drachorn lair:
    [2009-09-01 13:06:58 - Alpha 9]
    [b].SmartAlekRJ. steps down from RPC list on his own request. Part of his rpc abilites will be withdrawn together with his status, future of Drachorns is still to be decided.[/b] (For the record, the stated reason for him requesting the demotion is the recent situation with .Raven. where he considered that .Akasha. kept the issue public instead of solving it closed curtains between rpcs only.) [/i]

    RJ steps down on his own will and isnt stoned/demoted/kicked or anything. the players in the recent drach lair incident had no reason to mistrust him. he was a former rpc, still had access to the drach lair and is still the master of the cave (only he got access not even the golemus king can enter). RJ himself invited all of us into the drach lair so we had good reason to trust in his word and believe him.
    ("Part of his [b]rpc abilites[/b] will be withdrawn together with his [b]status[/b]" its a little unclear but status with a clear mention of rpc before can in my opinion only mean rpc status things get removed but not his role as master of the drach cave)

    [color="#9932CC"]So again you assumed, Again you show you did not consult others in this matter that has now come to a really big issue. Part of RJ’s rpc abilities was that he was a” drachorn master” He steped down as such by his own request. Stepping down from this position removed his status (Status = Drachorn Master). So from this announcement it should have already shown as an issue[/color]

    [i][2010-03-13 01:57:27 - Alpha 9]
    [b]Drachorn Cave closed for undefined time.[/b] It might get opend later or integrated somehow with a quest but for now it stays closed. (@Smartalekrj, drachs were supposed to be used as rewards for smart quests , not for who pays more.)[/i]

    it merely says it is closed with RJ still having access to it. it NEVER says anywhere that the location is offlimits or illegal to enter. since i know i will have to be real clear on this: open is the opposite of closed. so closed means that u cant open it. and indeed yes nobody can open it but RJ can walk inside (he has access) and several people can teleport others inside. it got closed when RJ lost his ability to open it for others. so closed refers only to nobody being able to open the lair and not that the location is offlimits or forbidden to enter.

    [color="#9932CC"]Right so now you are attacking how things are worded? You know well that English is not Mur’s first languadge. You know as well as i do when he says somewere is closed off that it also meens more. I think you have been very rude and also insulting to Mur in this. Your comment of “closed is the opposite of open” that was in its self extreamly rude of you to say that. As was said in another responce to you if a shop says it is closed, You know it is illegal to be in that shop even if someone that works there lets you in and leaves the shop. The damage you could do is huge in that sence and in RL it become a crime. Just because RJ still had access he did not have the ablity to give access or to even call people in. So he was limited to the having the lair access himself. YOU chose to jump to him with an ADMIN spell and then summon people in without thinking of the effect this would have on the others that were forcibly involved. [/color]

    [i][2009-04-18 20:36:34 - Alpha 8]
    Drachorn Eggs sacrifice day..not for Easter Eggs
    Because of excessive amounts of drachorns when usual reward is 1 maximum 2, several measures have been taken against following players: Caster masc (aka tankfans) killed 7 drachorns eggs (all), .MRD. killed 10 drachorns eggs (all) , PTB killed 5 drachorns eggs (all), .Grido. killed 11 drachorn eggs. A few players were left with over 5 drachorns because of their role and because those drachorns are expected to be used as rewards for other players. [b].SmartalekRJ., the drachorn master,[/b] lost his ability to give access to the Drachorns Lair. [b]Access to the Lair was removed from all characters except .SmaralekRJ.[/b] . Access to the Lair and recruiting of just one, was a matter of trust, but it seems some considered it as a great opportunity to get too many rare creatures. Distribution of drachorns in the realm will be increased later when they will become again very rare (more than now). Those penalised should be happy that the penalisation was not higher. [/i]

    now here 33 drachorns were illegally purchased and the only punishment they got was that their illegal drachorns were sacrificed. RJ stayed drachorn master and still kept his access to the lair = he is the master of the cave, he owns it.

    [color="#9932CC"]What does he have the deeds to the lair now? Come one that is a week argument just because some one has access does not give them automatic right to the ownership. In fact if you wanted to go the route then i am the owner of the lair as king of the land.[/color]

    now here 33 drachorns were illegally purchased and the only punishment they got was that their illegal drachorns were sacrificed. RJ stayed drachorn master and still kept his access to the lair = he is the master of the cave, he owns it.
    please compare to the recent case: nobody was able to recruit a single drachorn in the cave so no real harm was done and everything else like unjustified access ect was exactly the same as the situation before but never even mentioned back then. but now players got high punishment unlike the ones from the previous incident who completely abused the situation and recruited up to 11 drachorns per person illegally and got away with no punishment at all (expect the illegal drachs being sacrificed)

    [color="#9932CC"]Well read the statement above again. And what was the last line “Those penalised should be happy that the penalisation was not higher. “ wait what does that tell you if something like this is done again the punishment will be much harsher. Just that line alone would make me think twice before trying to pull of what you did.[/color]

    and finally in the rules and restrictions it never says anything about locations being offlimit forbidden not even anything slighty close to that. but it does say the following:

    [b]"You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator. "[/b]

    that is official game rule and it tells me of no restriction but even the contrary that i can do pretty much whatever i want.

    [color="#9932CC"]So what you are saying here is if i have a way of clearing out every member of your alliance and destroy it, that i should do it because it is not agenst game rules and because i think i can? I also meen without using a bug to do it. There is a bit of common sence here as a king it is expected you have that as a skill and would know better.[/color]

    the forum has 67,072 posts and mur has 1,355 posts. its not realistic for any person to read every single one and memorize it perfectly so even if somewhere on the forum it was explicitly said that the drach cave is forbidden to be entered or offlimits then it matters little because players simply dont see it, never did, or cant remember. actually i believe i checked all forum and here is the only thing i could find about drach cave from mur: "drach cave is closed explicitly, regardless if you have access to it or not." again it says CLOSED not forbidden to enter, offlimits, ect. but i wont explain the meaning of the word closed and its implication again.

    [color="#9932CC"]Again you make an insult with regards a single word and trying to use a week argument in regards to it use. The forums may be large but there is also a large community that reads them. How hard is it to go to the king or even the leaders of the land involved and see if there would be an issue. A simple question to the people that are part of that land involved how hard is that?[/color]

    so to summarize this whole thing: heavy punishment was delivered to people who had no chance at all of knowing better. on top of that did the only player able to enter the cave and master of the drach lair personally invite them all. he is a trustworthy former rpc.
    i believe the punishment is out of place because players involved simply didnt know it was against the rules and in fact NOWHERE in MD does it ever mention that it is against the rules.

    [color="#9932CC"]As pointed out you have been wrong in many areas. It is by the fault of you and the others whome organised this event/training ground to have let all involved know of the posiable issues. As i recal Grido made the warning to 2 players and they decided it was worth the risk. But had already moved people over to the location kowing this could be an issue.[/color]

    from the announcements after the punishment: "Lifeline Kingship penalty
    An official character, especially a king, commits a big crime if he sets such a negative example of ignorance towards announcements and rules. Cave was closed, officially, and announced, long ago. "
    i am sorry but neither in the announcements nor in the rules does it say its a crime, offlimits, forbidden to enter, ect as i just prooved above. [b]ACTUALLY IT EVEN SAYS THE CONTRARY IN THE RULES. "YOU ARE FREE TO DO ANYTHING IN THE GAME THAT IS TEHNICALY ALLOWED".[/b] (just a short remark before this is held against me because of possible abuse or whatever: i have the chase spell since almost 2 years i could have chased into the drach lair and recruit drachs several times, i could have even went to angien shrine before it was open. but i never did because it made sense to me that u can recruit crits there that arent supposed to be bought easly.) and once again only the word CLOSED is used even in the forum post from mur. heck every damn shop tells me its closed after the workingshift is over but there are still people inside shopping who get to pay and purchase everything.

    [color="#9932CC"]As a land king you did something so agenst the rules even though they are not written and you realised that far to late. You as a king and official character of another land did something that should have been considered as an act of WAR is that what you want it to be? You are an official character of Marind Bell you know what the meens and what responciablities that has with it. You know your action should have been seen as a very aggressive action agenst Golemus but you know i worked to make it not the case.[/color]

    PLUS: i have another very good reason and PROOF why this punishment and whole incident has nothing to do with breaking rules, announcements, written laws or even offending anything that was ever mentioned to me or other people. i will not post that openly on forums but once i know who to contact with this i will send it to that/those person/s. i will ask if i am allowed to post that proof here because then the ultimate proof will be served.
    what this case is about is a "law" that probably even the MDStaff (in case that staff even exists) never heard before.

    [color="#9932CC"]Now you make a treath to Mur/staff/court. In regards to some information you have, so now you are taking an even more aggressive stance towards the community of MD and not just agenst Mur. This speaks volumes about you and i am sorry but that is not good in my eyes. [/color]

    SO to finally wrap this up:
    if the trial goes in my favor i request that the punishment for all players who i teleported including myself to be undone and no further bad consequences to follow for us. since mur explained to me that prison time is impossible for a king i am willing to keep the kingship penality point which should serve as the punishment that would have been justified - a warning for something i didnt know was against the rules and something that was never anywhere written/declared as crime/offense.

    [color="#9932CC"]Ignorance is not bliss this is one of the rules. It would not be so bad if you accepted your punishment with grace but now you are doing this. I am sorry i have tried to be partial but i have read this 3 post 3 times and the more i read it the more i find i am disappointed in you and your actions.[/color]

    ALSO very important: Seigheart never entered the drach cave and i didnt teleport him! but if i understand the announcement correct he was pardoned anyway. and i cant speak for smartalekrj i believed him when he told me he is allowed to invite as many people inside as he wants. i dont know if he lied or not but RJ if u didnt know it was against the rules please speak up here and explain ur situation.

    [color="#9932CC"]So you are saying you CAN speak for seigheart? He may not have enterd the lair but he was intending on doing so and even said he would accept the punishment. None of us know why Mur pardoned him only him and mur know why. So please stick to what you know[/color]

    if this trial is decided against me i will go down fighting for what i believe is right and just. these will then be my last moments as the first king of marind bell and seeker of knowledge lifeline. may my death hopefully at least accomplish that laws/rules get publically and officially posted so that they are well know and nobody else suffers my fate.

    [color="#9932CC"]You have brought this upon yourself and you have only yourself to blame.
    I know there are many spelling mistakes in this responce but i have already wasted 1 hour and 30min to respond to this topic and i am am to tired to clean it up properly.
    had to remove all quating as i get this message You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text[/b]
  9. Upvote
    Indyra reacted to Metal Bunny in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    I have but one extra notion to enter into this topic, I'm still thinking about the rest.

    My notion is that you, Lifeline, are a king.
    As a king, you can be expected to be aware of the current state of affairs, as well as being an experience player, into any random category of MD, though not necessarily in an expert manner.
    It's not a necessity, but it is to be expected. Why? Because otherwise these kinds of affairs and problems will come your way.

    You as king should've known that RJ had indeed abused the right to distribute the drachorn eggs. That is why it was closed, implicitly it means that RJ is not the real trusted player he once was.
    You as king should've known that RJ doesn't play on a daily or regular basis and as such, could've, much like you, not be in complete awareness of the current state of affairs.
    You as king should've realized that the drachorn cave is in GG lands, that the authority of the king supercedes that of RJ as the already 'demoted' drach master, as well as come to the realization that by simply [i]being inside of the drachorn cave you still re-open the possibility of the same abuse that got some of RJ's powers removed'.[/i]
    Not only that, you completely ignored the 'Manda incident'.

    You as king, should've taken these things into account and realized that a new GGG could've been in a much better place, than in a place [i]which was closed down, simply because of being there, opens up the ability to abuse[/i].
    The aforementioned facts should have made you doubt the worth and legality of the drachorn cave as a new training place.

    As a king, no, as an experienced player, you should've contacted either the staff beforehand, or Yrthilian.
    We may not have treaties set up between MB and GG, but I assure you, it looks insulting.

    You are king, not a newbie.

    The only part where you actually behaved as a king, and I commend you for that, is that you lay the blame upon yourself and wish to absolve others, as you believe it was beyond their control and they are not implicitly involved in the crime.
  10. Upvote
    Indyra reacted to Kafuuka in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    [i]"An other condamnable act is that a King of a land cares to develop something in an other land, ignoring borders, and not trying to bring the activiy to his land."[/i]
    Since it wasn't mentioned in this thread, I take it this is not being contested?

    [quote name='Lifeline' timestamp='1290478779' post='72837']
    It merely says it is closed with RJ still having access to it. it NEVER says anywhere that the location is offlimits or illegal to enter. since i know i will have to be real clear on this: open is the opposite of closed.
    The word closed often implies off limits. In this case the implication is very clear and anybody that is around long enough knows that Mur isn't the kind of person who is going to triple check his statements for being juridically perfect. But let us take your second quote: [i]"drach cave is closed explicitly, regardless if you have access to it or not."[/i] ie, the cave is "closed" even if it is mechanically "open". So either Mur was trying to contradict himself or he used "closed" to imply "off limits".

    [quote]PLUS: i have another very good reason and PROOF why this punishment and whole incident has nothing to do with breaking rules, announcements, written laws or even offending anything that was ever mentioned to me or other people. i will not post that openly on forums but once i know who to contact with this i will send it to that/those person/s. i will ask if i am allowed to post that proof here because then the ultimate proof will be served.[/quote]
    So it was impossible for you to contact either Mur or Chewett discretely? I know Chewett is not in charge of the game, but he is in charge of the forum so he should be able to help you. You couldn't wait even for a single day? Instead you post that you have ultimate proof, leading to another ten pages of speculation on whether or not you have it.

    [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1290492154' post='72845']
    Fenrir vs. dst: Where in MD does it say you can't slander someone? I mean, I'm even doing it a bit in this post. Fenrir went to jail anyways.
    I'm quite certain it isn't allowed. Any online community has a standard 'no slander, sexual harassment, denial of holocaust...' policy because those things are not legal in the country where the server exists and legal blah blah... it's also common sense.

    [quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1290502913' post='72873']
    1)First of all these things happened cos MP5 players wants to train without being attacked and getting a loss.
    2)That was not posible in an open area as they will be attacked.
    3)So they chose to go balcony, even that area will discovered and attacked
    4)Then they left with only one choise and that is Cave.
    Motives are interesting to consider when determining punishment. They are not relevant to establishing guilt.

    7)How come the same rule applies to a MD char and a normal players.
    We're upset the same rules apply to everyone? Not that I know what 'MD char' you are referring to...

    And i know many player who r close and friendly to Lord life line plz speak up. Plz don't see what Game creator will think of u or other will think about u. Its a matter of Loyalty, Friendship which other can't understand.
    This is the court section of the forum. If you want to show support without arguments, there are other and more efficient ways.
  11. Upvote
    Indyra reacted to Chewett in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    This trial has been closed.
  12. Downvote
    Indyra reacted to Seigheart in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    Again, you show circumstantial evidence. From what I understand, Fenrir gave away ALL his creatures to new players.

    I would like to see some real proof, like proof that we share the same ip addresses, that we live in the Same city, or even that we are the same person.

    I don't know why everyone cares so much about who I am, it doesn't matter. This case is about dst's constant harassment of Seigheart. Not Fenrir.

    I, Seigheart, have done nothing against anyone. Fenrir may have, I don't care. I am NOT him. I wish people would realize that we are different people. I speak like him? So what? I don't act like him. I'm not an arrogant self centered prick that looses his cool every time someone says something against him.

    So, instead of trying to ruin this trial with this garbage about be being Fenrir, try realizing what the real purpose behind this trial is; Dst and her harassment of others! She has no right to treat others the way she does, and just because she is nice to you, doesn't mean she is nice to everyone else.

    And don't get me wrong, I don't expect her to be nice to me, but I would rather she would just ignore me as I have tried for so long to ignore her.

    And Indyra, remember what I said? About your targeting me as Fenrir as well? Again. You're doing it. I expected more from an LHO.
  13. Downvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Watcher in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    Oh but there is proof:))

    Simply follow the logic ...in my previous post i addressed to Fenrir ..Guess who answered ??
    Oh Yes ! You;re right Seigheart did ...feeling offended

    Now you do the logics..i;m still wondering if i should start a trial against Seigheart for slander or should i wait until he start his own trial against me ( after all i am "just like dst" or maybe i am her - who knows )
  14. Upvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    Oh but there is proof:))

    Simply follow the logic ...in my previous post i addressed to Fenrir ..Guess who answered ??
    Oh Yes ! You;re right Seigheart did ...feeling offended

    Now you do the logics..i;m still wondering if i should start a trial against Seigheart for slander or should i wait until he start his own trial against me ( after all i am "just like dst" or maybe i am her - who knows )
  15. Upvote
    Indyra reacted to Peace in New Ggg?   
    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1290077915' post='72420']
    Public place where everyone can get access to. No rules on how players should attack. If you wish to set a tree, do it without screaming if someone breaks your rit.

    Just my two cents here and I have to say that I agree with Dst on this one 100%.

    Personally, I see no need for a new GGG of any sorts. I quit fiighting for many months, leaving me behind in terms of strength and upgraded creatures to use to train properly. I didn't try to form a new training ground. I was out there looking, I realised some people had such defences I could get wins/victories out of them, and I did. In less than a month I managed, after being absent from training for months!, to both get enough wins to max my angiens (when they are in lvl 3, do the math how many wins they need to get maxed) and other creatures, I was finally safe from reaching skill damage. And I did it the right way. I was looking around for targets, I even still had trees on my defences for others to get wins from me and I did not complain about it.

    Now, if some people wish to make a new training ground, do it at Willow's. When fighting three trees you don't get much xp, you may also get a victory counted and offer a win with your defence to those who help you. Fight and defend, simple. Why do you desperately need a new 'GGG'?

    And come on... the Drachorn's lair? You people should get punished for even [b]entering[/b] this location. Coming from you, RJ, I am really disappointed, I expected more from a Veteran.
  16. Downvote
    Indyra reacted to Darigan in New Ggg?   
    Which just proves my point nobody asks her for her opinion she just feels free to have her way and get away with it. I wish we could all just be on the same level fighting wise but not all of us are grinders and honestly we've had this discussion before and its done nothing you are who you are and you'll get away with everything you do. So there is no point in arguing with you.
  17. Downvote
    Indyra reacted to Darigan in New Ggg?   
    You have issues with following the rules they set or you just simply enjoy grinding off of them to prove a point? The reason they hide from you is because while no one asks for your opinion on the training you see fit to inject your thoughts and opinions on them anyway
  18. Downvote
    Indyra reacted to smartalekrj in New Ggg?   
    then leave the people of it alone... Nobody asked you to join anyways... The only reason you are hunting it down is because you have a PERSONAL problem with Seigheart. You shouldn't be allowed to abuse your modding priviledges because of your PERSONAL issues with other players.
  19. Downvote
    Indyra got a reaction from nadrolski in New Ggg?   
    @raven: it was so private that you had to do it in the place that it;s locked ? you do realise that don;t you ? there are other private place that can be used if your really wanted to be private.
  20. Upvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Asterdai in New Ggg?   
    @raven: it was so private that you had to do it in the place that it;s locked ? you do realise that don;t you ? there are other private place that can be used if your really wanted to be private.
  21. Downvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Pipstickz in New Ggg?   
    @raven: it was so private that you had to do it in the place that it;s locked ? you do realise that don;t you ? there are other private place that can be used if your really wanted to be private.
  22. Upvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    Since i know Seigheart = Fenrir i will adress you as i know you

    Fenrir this sounds like a payback to me ...quit while you still have time ..if your actions would be in plain sight and NOT hidden and miscievous then you would have nothing to worrie about...she has the right to be in the same place as you ..she do tends to walk a lot in MD ... you can;t blame her for that ..it;s not stalking.
  23. Upvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Asterdai in Seigheart Vs Dst   
    Since i know Seigheart = Fenrir i will adress you as i know you

    Fenrir this sounds like a payback to me ...quit while you still have time ..if your actions would be in plain sight and NOT hidden and miscievous then you would have nothing to worrie about...she has the right to be in the same place as you ..she do tends to walk a lot in MD ... you can;t blame her for that ..it;s not stalking.
  24. Downvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Watcher in New Ggg?   
    Jail time isn;t enough in this case ...

    abusing on purpose while knowing that the Lair is closed is defiance.
  25. Downvote
    Indyra got a reaction from Ravenstrider in New Ggg?   
    @raven: it was so private that you had to do it in the place that it;s locked ? you do realise that don;t you ? there are other private place that can be used if your really wanted to be private.
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