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Posts posted by Yoshi

  1. Uhhh not sure if I should do this, but I'm going to hijack this thread.

    I got this just now. along with others at the Sparring Grounds...

    Error: SyntaxError
    Err description: undefined
    Err number: undefined
    Err message: illegal character

    Ajax response:

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  2. I don't recall ever hearing of that type of birthday having a specific name. I tried googling various terms though for about... an hour or so ;)

    The only thing that I could find would be a Golden Birthday, which is when you have your 25th birthday when you were born on the 25th, etc.

    I did find this though (not sure if it'll help :D ):

    3: Is it true that everyone celebrate their 28th birthday on the same weekday on which they were born?

    About 79 % of the people celebrate their 28th birthday on the weekday they were born. If you have already read the Babwani's Congruence especially pages 19-23 you would know the 5-6-11-6 cycle. Which means that your birthday falls on the same weekday of your birth in the cycle of 5 years, 6 years, 11 years and 6 years and again 5 years.... depending upon the type of year of your birth. Therefore, one can infer that one's birthday repeats on the same weekday of birth after 28 years. This takes place if the years follow the pattern of 1 leap year after every three non-leap years. (One in every four years)

    But this cycle is obstructed by the Heap year. (Heap years are those years which is divisible by 100 but not divisible by 400 E.g. 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, etc.) A Heap year though looks like a Leap year because of its divisibility by 4, does not have 29 days in February. Therefore if a person is born in the year 1887 will not have his/her 28th birthday on the same weekday of his/her birth. Because he/she goes across through the Heap year where one day (29th February 1900) was missing thus disturbing the entire 5-6-11-6 cycle.

    Thus any one born on or in between 29 Feb 1872 to 28 Feb 1900 will not have his/her 28th birthday on the same weekday.

    However, one born on or in between 1 Mar 1900 to 28 Feb 2172 will have his/her 28th birthday on the same weekday. This includes every one of us. Thus, for practical purposes (for this present time) we all (about 100 %) have our 28th birthdays on the same weekday of our birth. This is because 2000 was not a Heap year but a normal Leap year.

  3. [quote name='Grido' date='26 February 2010 - 06:20 PM' timestamp='1267226448' post='55365']
    I thought up an idea which whilst taking a while the first time you play, would then result in no spoilers.

    My idea is to enter CTC-MDC's of creatures you have, to unlock the card and previous levels of the creature, the MD code allows for you to determine the ID of the owner, which you can match against the person entering the game, to ensure that the player actually has those creatures, and isnt just using someone else's CTC's. You then wouldnt have an issue with anyone seeing stats of creatures they dont have, and so removes the issue of spoilers. Just takes a while when you go to start playing the first time.

    And what if you don't have any crits because you sacced them?

  4. Uhm, how about one person gets to see all the responses, and is able to remove the ones that are clearly joking/not appropriate, and combine the true answers into several possible outcomes. Then, they take the possibilities, and send them to Mur to be incorporated, therefore Mur only has to read several, instead of several hundred.

  5. Dannngggg, I was doing good, won 5 games in a row then BAM! He copied my strategy I think, and won every card straight through O_O No time to react lol... awesome card game though. Perhaps a bit spoilerish, but I don't understand when you say you only show the base value to avoid spoilers...

    Currently: 5 wins, 1 loss, 4 wins, 1 loss, 4 wins, 1 loss, 10 wins, 1 loss, 4 wins.

  6. [quote name='CrazyMike' date='26 February 2010 - 05:59 AM' timestamp='1267181950' post='55279']
    Yes.... I heard Blackberry supports Opera Mobile which supports Flash Lite.

    I am hoping someone already has it, but it looks like I would be the first.

    Wish me luck!

    Good luck!

    Break a leg is used when acting, so break a... cord?... antenna?... codec?... this requires more thought :unsure:

  7. [quote name='DarkPriestess' date='25 February 2010 - 08:48 AM' timestamp='1267105720' post='55201']
    I gave Mur a gold coin because he said he didn't have one before this topic was made. Does this count?

    Haha, I was totally there :))

    I gave a bird egg to Atlas but I didn't have this on my mind at the time so it's not like they are obligated to pass something on.

  8. [quote name='CrazyMike' date='25 February 2010 - 02:10 AM' timestamp='1267081847' post='55164']
    Granos plays a delicious villain.

    He is so good, he is even respected as a villain.

    But his character has always been done in the realm with RP, but to do this scam in a Forum, it is possible he may have crossed the line.

    Granos cannot always say that he is a villain and gets away with everything. There must be a boundary. Does his character allows for scamming? If I am to scam another player, can i say that it is coz my character has been seduced by the dark side? Or maybe I can say my character is now playing a lying thiefing scoundrel... would that be allowed?

    Can you imagine Granos knocking on yr door and saying "Give me all yr money", and you cannot report it coz he is Granos!

    What he did here is really what anyone can do. Jaco should have been more careful when dealing with such a shady character as Granos. That said, I too am curious as to what Jaco will do now against Granos. Perhaps trade embargo, perhaps attacking him in a way that will hurt him? Perhaps beg? Or even perhaps do nothing and cut his losses. Or something totally unusual/amusing that Granos will follow through with the trade. Who knows. And if Granos ever came to my house, I'd give him a couple beers or money for them and invite others down to have our own MD party since it costs too much to go to Romania :D

  9. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='24 February 2010 - 02:44 PM' timestamp='1267040658' post='55111']
    lmao, that's wrong for so many reasons

    Well, it very well could be right. I'm not going to go into the logic of it, but with similar brain teasers, it's possible for most every number to be correct.

  10. http://mmorpgindex.com/

    Gives this:

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mmo0910003545727.db.4218798.hostedresource.com' (4) in /home/ggot666/public_html/MMO/mmorpgindex.com/sources/misc/skin.php on line 210
    Could not connect:

  11. Wow... Orlando, based on what you said, I or anyone else could be able to crash any plan you might have with no consequence. How would you feel if someone did that? Based off of what's been said, Redd has been wronged in a way that went against the rules of where he was. Whether it was on accident or on purpose I cannot say. I can say though, that the person that did it does not have enough maturity to either own up and apologize, or doesn't have enough of a conscious to admit it was them.

    Since the GGG is a community run place, you being a part of the community and not caring for the rules, have let down the community, and as a result, MD itself. Now, since there is no way to really find out who it was as of now, the best thing is to just change your plan as best you can, and move on. To avoid this in the future, you may have to either stop being idle there, or know the risk involved, or come up with another way to stop it from happening.

    And as someone said earlier, most MP3's would welcome the experience... I cringed while reading that. Perhaps that may be correct, but at the area where Redd was, he obviously did not want/need the experience, and therefore it WAS unwanted. Think before you start posting about how anyone should feel a certain way towards something. Not everyone has the same feelings/emotions towards similar ideas or situations.

    And Orlando, no-one should have to start over unless they choose to out of their own free will and not out of pressure from a certain event that occurred. Your post makes me realize your character, and frankly, I don't like it.

  12. [quote name='Sephirah Caelum' date='21 February 2010 - 06:23 PM' timestamp='1266794610' post='54927']
    Good morning,well ... is the third time that when I vote at the [b]MMORPG Index[/b] shows this mensage:

    Third time in a row, or third time over all the collective times? I can say I've gotten similar messages about 6 times overall.

  13. Well, I'm back now. Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers :). Basic consensus is that it's inoperable, at least right now, but they did say that they can move/shrink, so they could be operable later. I'm really not freaking out about it or anything, everything's going to work out to the will of God so whatever happens, happens.

  14. [quote name='Grido' date='19 February 2010 - 04:08 PM' timestamp='1266613728' post='54791']
    the 4 4 guess was actually me....you've referenced both those to the same post as well, not that it matters, cos it's still wrong, but i'm pedantic

    Row 1, Column 4

    Ah ok, thanks, I think what happened was that I didn't copy your name properly and I pasted the last thing which was Windy's guess. Thanks again.

  15. You know, people say it's good, but I personally don't see what's so good about it. It teaches people nothing but setting one type of ritual and that's it. It doesn't require knowledge of really anything but reading if a crit does damage or not. There's no challenge, nothing that gets your heart pumping. That's where the dullness is coming in. There's no excitement when your just sitting there with the same rits or rit type and knowing what to expect (for the most part) when attacking others there. I for one think that the GGG shouldn't be completely demolished, but rather just less used. Now, I don't think you can ever completely demolish it because anyone could start up another one somewhere else, and it's decent if you want to get wins for a certain crit but if you just sit there stat grinding all day just to get higher stats, what's the point? What are you bringing to the MD Realm by doing that? The negative is that you are making it so that others will have to statgrind aswell just to get their stats high enough to even stand a remote chance of survival when outside of the GGG, which rarely happens when people are statgrinding. So instead of trying to demolish it, give people a reason to leave/have no use for it anymore.

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