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Posts posted by Yoshi

  1. I like those ideas MB. As for the beer thing, there could be one item that's like an everlasting keg or something, and it makes it so that you automatically get a pint of beer in your invent, and then once you either consume or give that beer to someone, another one will appear. Or you could even go so far as having ten or so beer glasses, filled when in the same inventory with the keg, and once consumed you are left with only the glass, which you then should give back to the person with the keg, or if you choose to, can steal or take the glass with you.

  2. This was an excellent idea... although the only problem is that there will be those that will not be able to compete in the slightest.

    You know, I was going to bid all my crits, all the coins, basically the essence of me. I won't though. The creatures I have are way too special to me, more so than any collector creature offered.

  3. RJ brought up a good point, what about our birthdays? Yeah sure, maybe not everyone that signs up should get a birthday if they leave within a week, but once you've been around for a year by AD count, then it can be added to the calendar. Almost as an achievement/congratulations for it.

  4. Yes it would appear that Mr Mystery is another one that is using a regen rit.

    ~V~ ~L~ Player You lost Enemy lost Rounds Time
    IN X X Mr Mystery 0 -44987 10 04-01-2010 13:58:17 replay

    Two 7 AD people were hit with his regen rit. The one has confirmed it hasn't deterred them, the other I'm not so certain. I will be having a talk with Mr Mystery next time I see him.

  5. [quote name='awiiya' date='30 December 2009 - 05:16 PM' timestamp='1262211388' post='51477']
    This is good, Cutler, except I don't know people's ID.

    The only easy for me to find out is to look at a PM of theirs... and if I have a PM... I can just reply.

    It's useful for when you need to send a message to someone and don't know when or where to find them, but I sort of like the idea of a postmaster running all about the land looking for people. Ah well.


    That may be true but this was intended to be used for people to get into contact with quest makers. In the quest topic all they have to do is add their ID and voila, you now have their ID to contact them if for some other reason you cannot. The only thing I don't like is that there is two post offices. I know that since there is two, it creates competition, both posts enhancing themselves to beat the other, but wouldn't it be better if there was just one Post Office? This way you don't have to keep checking both places and have it at one central location. I'd suggest merging both scripts (Cutlers into Chewett's) cause I like the simplicity and clean cut feeling of Chewett's, yet I like the Motto of Cutlers. :) Also, maybe in the name field you can also be able to put in the ID's of others?

  6. I have a couple problems. Why do you have to immortalize your creature? Why can't you just get a page every time you upgrade your crit? Also, when seeing another's pages, you should just see the picture and name of it. Not stats. The stats is the spoiler part.

  7. Winners have been chosen! Quicker than I thought but that's OK! :D

    First place is Totenkopf with his Killer Tomatoes. :P
    Second place is Princ Rhaegar with his Wartime 7:02. :)
    And third is Burns with his Unemployed Rage. :)

    Winners, message me at the GoE and I will promptly send you your rewards. Thank you to all that participated. This can now be moved into offtopic or something, and continue to be used to post any funny captchas that everyone comes across in the future. Again, thank you to everyone that participated and I'm sure next time you will read and follow the rules more clearly! :P

  8. You know how every place has the [Visits here: xxx] at the bottom? Well what if we had a [Time spent here: xx:xx:xx] as-well?

    It would show you how much time you have spent at that location. You could even go so far as to having a link where Wishpoints Top is, called "Game Stats" or something. This link would show you your personal top 5 location visits and your top 5 personal time spent locations. It could also have an overall top 5 locations/time spent for everyone. Idle time may or may not be counted. Besides the programming work/amount this might take, I think it would be an interesting addition either now, or in the future, once other more important things are dealt with.

    What do you think?

  9. Where's the Nothing about everything or everything about nothing?

    Personally I'd rather know a little about alot, this way you can add your two cents into everything and you'll always know at least something relating to a conversation. If you know alot about a few topics, people might not like talking to you because you might come off as a know it all for those topics, and have no knowledge of other topics which they might be more interested in.

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