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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Time's running out, get those captcha's in!
  2. You had better be good at judging funny captchas :P

  3. Elthen... your posting a link to the exact thread you currently posted in XD Anyways, anyone think that [color="#FF0000"]Mur[/color] made it like this to discourage people from saccing a newly bought crit?
  4. I believe she was referring to the expletive that is displayed in the chat.
  5. Yoshi

    Little Or Lot?

    Where's the Nothing about everything or everything about nothing? Personally I'd rather know a little about alot, this way you can add your two cents into everything and you'll always know at least something relating to a conversation. If you know alot about a few topics, people might not like talking to you because you might come off as a know it all for those topics, and have no knowledge of other topics which they might be more interested in.
  6. At first I thought it was a regeneration timer but it seems off by a bit.
  7. It's been there since forever. No clue what it does.
  8. Yeahhh... can I just stand by the punchbowl? I don't know how to dance...
  9. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='15 December 2009 - 05:12 PM' timestamp='1260915171' post='50368'] i bet if i ask put a poll if santa is real or not and explain that those that say yes get santas gifts and those that say no get nothing ... i will get enough positive votes to have "scientific" proof that santa exists ) [/quote] Santa exists in the imagination of children (that still believe ) and through our culture as we acknowledge that we have been dragged into having Santa and gifts become the fiscal point of Christmas. Santa DID exist as St. Nick and lives on in our hearts. (Does that sound as corny as I think it does? XD) Anyways, Santa is real but just not in a physical sense anymore. *waits patiently for a gift *
  10. Yes and Article was the word Now it's Astronaut!
  11. [size="7"]DISPENSER[/size] Gratz to Grido!!
  12. All great guesses but not the correct one yet!
  13. Hmmm... ok for 2 silvers, find something that starts with... D Good luck! (Thanks for the pimped G, Z )
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