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  1. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to No one in Let's Try To Be Stupid   
    In this topic, please post your own "stupid" stories.
    No comments are necessary for my post as these are just words of me as a noob at being stupid.

    [b]Day one:[/b]
    [i]This is crazy, I cannot anymore, I'm getting kicked every time I go out of a sanctuary.
    Immediately after I created 1 def ritual, it gets killed. I have to time to attack myself.
    Ok, I agree, create fighting levels with different rules and restrictions.

    [b]Day two:[/b]
    [i]This is really cool. It is getting implemented and there is a poll on the number of lvls Niceee [/i]
    Lets create 3.

    [b]Same day[/b]:
    [i]Wait, wait, I want to change my mind.[/i]
    No, 50 levels.

    After that you can remove the MP levels as they are obsolete.

    [b]Some days later (no more then 5)[/b]
    shish, nice, I love it.
    I am lvl 46 (lets say) , I simply love it
    Just 4 more lvls and I'll be in the big league.

    [b]Same day (or probably next)[/b]
    wtf, waaaaait, it is only me and 2 more on this lvl.
    And the timezone difference does not allow us to fight.
    DARN, I don't like it.
    I want less level.

    [b]Day 15+[/b]
    Lets make just 3 lvls.

    [b]Day 50[/b]
    Lets rename the new level system to MP it sounds more ... familiar.

    [b]Later that day[/b], as response to MP suggestion:
    What is the difference between current MP and the old one?

    [size="5"][b]Moral of a stupid thought:[/b]
    - MP where created to protect the youngsters (MP3 & 4 from MP5)
    - enough MP (ONLY 3) were created so that there will still be enough fights to keep interest
    - there is no automated MP advancement system so that one can stay & LEARN as much as they desire [/size]

    By the way, I forgot the name of the game where a noob will always have a change to kick ass to an older and more experimented player. Can you help me finding that game ?

    There is a saying : [quote]Don't try to lower yourself to the lvl of a stupid to argue with him. He will beat you with experience.[/quote]

    [size="1"]Any resemblance with RL is merely accidental.
    Please accept my apologize.[/size]
  2. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Magic Duel Road Rally   
    DST, no - on several levels.

    1) You did not participate - why do you want them? If you're thinking of running one, you'll need a whole lot more. I am open to that. Somebody who needs to award 3 wp to get their Q doc should consider apprenticing on this.... It would also allow more diversity in time of event.

    2) They are hardcopy, and it would be a lot of wasted work scanning them etc. Better put the energy and time into another Rally.

    3) Because the peasants do not have mail managment (and Chewie said it might be alt abuse if I gave them credits) there is a lot of messy calculations of PM time. I would have to add volumes of commentary to explain them. Again, not worth the effort.

    p.s. If anybody cared to give each alt ONE credit (via avy transfer, for instance) Rallies would be easier..... (I think one each would do it).
  3. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to dst in Magic Duel Road Rally   
    So what? If I did not participate I am not entitled to ask for the logs?
    Don't worry, I am not going to steal your bright idea.
    I want the logs for transparency. And instead of dissolving my suspicions you just made them worst.

    So until I am not sure how "fair" your quest is I will not try it. Be happy! You got rid of dst!
  4. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Poppi Chullo in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='Pipstickz' date='14 June 2010 - 01:32 AM' timestamp='1276479137' post='61851']
    Yes, because the last two sentences of a paragraph define the whole thing.

    As for Poppi's suggestion: Giving EXP for non damage fights is a ridiculous idea. It may limit the amount of GGG training you can do, but so would closing the GGG, just with different effects. It'd make EXP much too easy to get, and just gives people more reward for no risk.

    ridiculous idea? u are the joke! Now i really dont understand about u guys want, i thought u want close the GGG (that in fact u can close the place but can't close it essence ..forever)
    I just give an alternative which is not directly "close" it (And i'm just on now and open alot lot message that bashing me badly), and if u said easy exp without any risk, i 'm sure u already forgot how as the MP3 and MP4 they DONT want an easy exp.

    Thats the problem for all of u, u guys just see the topic from the MP5 eyes without try to remember how the lower level struggling for survive...
  5. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Vampire Shows......   
    I choose neither, and choose Spike from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

    Buffy and Angel are pretty cool vampire shows that I'm currently watching.
    Saw seasons 1-3 of Buffy last week, working on Buffy season 4+ and Angel this week :3
  6. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='apophys' date='13 June 2010 - 05:13 PM' timestamp='1276470805' post='61838']
    From this, you suggest B is a subset of D (GGG is against the rules). This is a fallacy, Pippy. By your logic, I could argue to reset your account to make thing less easy for you.
    You might assume that GGG is against the rules, from my statement, but I didn't say that, did I?
  7. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='apophys' date='13 June 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1276467667' post='61833']
    Some players are indeed way overpowered, but they did not use the GGG to get to that state. They used tokens, especially on creatureboost creatures. Protest this, please.
    (most) Tokens are already capped in what they can do for you. Besides, tokens and creatureboost are bonuses that are gotten through supporting the game with the MDShop. How does GGG help the game? The answer is that it doesn't. It only makes it easier, which is the same thing spoilers do. Spoilers are against the rules, are they not?
  8. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Toxic Endurance Potion   

    Topic from Fyrd back in March.

    I guess it's been confirmed.
  9. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Rangers Of Loreroot   
    [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='11 June 2010 - 03:41 AM' timestamp='1276249263' post='61624']
    I am not accusing you of planning anything in secret. I am simply saying that it was never brought to my attention before being made public. You say that Knator Commander was not respected, yet it seems ok for that trend to continue? Announcing any guild, governmental or otherwise while using the name of a land gives the impression that it is official or endorsed.
    So ask for it to be renamed.

    [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='11 June 2010 - 03:41 AM' timestamp='1276249263' post='61624']
    On a final note about guilds. Only Mur can setup a guild. We can setup a group in the hopes that it will be recognised as a guild in time. But ultimately that power rests with Mur. So anyone declaring guilds could result in Mur's wrath.
    So, you're saying using words like "guild" and "alliance" in certain context makes Mur angry? Besides, Princ never requested, or expected, the Rangers to be an official alliance/guild, as you can see in the first post.

    [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='11 June 2010 - 03:41 AM' timestamp='1276249263' post='61624']
    I make my views very clear to them and they let me know too. Suddenly announcing guilds is not transparency is it? And it is disrespectful to the king.
    Do you really think Princ would do this to disrespect you? Nobody meant to disrespect you, I'm sure. Hey, I could be wrong, but what's the point of putting together a plan for a bunch of groups intended to support something, just to insult somebody? Especially somebody with power over you.

    [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='11 June 2010 - 03:41 AM' timestamp='1276249263' post='61624']
    One of the issues that has plagued Loreroot is this sense that people can do as they please with no consideration for the impact it may have on their fellow citizens, MD in general and Mur even.
    Yes, that's generally how the world goes. Some people seem to care, some people seem not to care. Loreroot is not the only place with such problems. They may be more noticeable, just because Loreroot citizens all personally involve themselves in all of the problems that they have, generally.

    (Disclaimer: I may be wrong about stuff, this is just based on observations I've made, or thoughts I've thunk.)
  10. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Sparrhawk in Rangers Of Loreroot   
    My issue remains.

    I cannot know something is one way without previous being told.

    What example can I use. My country is technically run by parliment who answer to the queen.
    If I wanted to start the New Zealand snorklers guild I could no problems. No one owns the
    name New Zealand. The Rangers never claimed to have king support. It was infact stated
    after it was non-governmental and unofficial.

    I have no ego in this. I am talking about an issue. Which wasnt chosen by myself to be
    aired in public as it started that way it should end that way.

    If I am the only one to stand up and tell my king his farts dont smell like cinnamon
    then I am here and no one can say I didnt stand for what I believe.

    It is obvious we have differing views on loreroots structure. but if you move that aside
    there still remains the fact that as a citizen I wasnt aware of that.

    I am accused of secretly planning groups to help Loreroot. I talked to a few people.
    I gained support of people and I had many interested. but lets turn the tables.

    LRs biggest issue since I have been apart of it has always been transperency. I was here
    during Ravens rule, During the high council where the Knator Commander wasnt given his
    due respect. During the Golemus war. things havnt changed alot. Just like back then
    you dont know whats going on if your a common citizen the only difference is back then
    there was a forum where you might pick up a few breadcrumbs.

    Transperency and communication are still an issue. If you want all your citizens to act
    a certain way you have to communicate this to them, since you became king I havnt heard
    anything of what you plan to do, been asked any opinions and I can only conclude in this
    the general public or "common citizens" havnt either. I dont doubt you have things brewing.
    but as usual its all secret also. The general public the common citizens voted you as king
    and they deserve to know what it is you plan to do with our land.

    But I am the only one to see all of this or at least the only one who will stand up
    and say no this isnt right. Well im standing alright and I can tell you im not smelling
  11. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Sparrhawk in Rangers Of Loreroot   
    I have felt disrespected by this whole thing I feel I have a right to feel that way.

    The MD way has always been DONT ask for things to happen just go and do it
    I cant magically know this is different in Loreroot without being told infact id love
    to see this list of rules.

    You speak of respect and how it must be given. Respect works both ways and respect is
    earnt or lost not given. Firsanthalas I respect the fact the greater population of
    Loreroot believed in you to become king, it is why I have never critisised you publicly
    before even though I may have gripes.

    My opinion remains. a kind word would have been much more effective. and would have in
    my opinion prevent what has happened. Firsanthalas you and Princ Rhaegar both want to
    work for good of loreroot and because of the past and grudges neither of you from what
    I have seen or heard speak to each other if they dont have to. My posts may seem more harsh
    against you if you want to know why here is the answer, You are the King of Loreroot for
    good or for ill. Position of power have power alot of it at times. but more is expected
    of you because you have this power. shoot me down for having my opinions disagree I do not
    care but read what I have said and think about it.

    The Rangers will not exist. It was as much my idea as it was Rhaegars, even though
    he was to have nothing to do with its runnings using the idea or any of the other two
    group ideas to me would be wrong. If anyone wants to create something with the same vision
    they can feel free.
  12. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Jubaris in Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar   
    I just count your posts as annoying.
    You obviously know nothing about the issue, nor you read at all, and as most important, you have nothing to do with this issue. Not to mention you have don't know how to think here at all (I certainly won't explain things to you), are you overloaded with emotions over this (and why would that be?) or you are trying to provoke with that behavior, I don't know nor I care.
    You deserve no reply.
  13. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='nadrolski' date='08 June 2010 - 08:25 PM' timestamp='1276050321' post='61405']
    just for the Gorillas anti-GGGs whatsoever who initiatively and tirelessly destroy every non-damaging defenseless rituals at the GGG

    you hate GGG because it is only used for stat grinding. the way i see it, you (together with your protest [s]bananas[/s] banners) are the one taking advantage of that "grinding" by doing headstrong [b]attacks against people who you already know that are set with non-retaliating rituals[/b] [i]I'm sorry, is there any other way to attack people in GGG? Other than following the "rules", of course.[/i], then bragging and bragging that GGG is useless. GGG stat grinding may take loads of months before you get what a trainee wants, and [s]ANTI-GGG ATTACKERS[/s] [i]Regular fighters[/i] [b]WON'T TAKE THEM EVEN HALF A MINUTE TO GAIN STATS, IT'S INSTANT![/b] [i]Which is exactly what's supposed to happen when you fight - but wait, all you do in GGG is get non-damaging wins. I wonder why you don't get instant stats...[/i] and may i ask if anyone from the GGG has already beat you repeatedly? [b]we, the GGG trainees, are generally weak[/b] [i]Is it not the point of GGG to become strong?[/i], and we know that we can't get a piece of you (because you are the battle pioneers/superiors).

    [b]don't we (anti-Gorillas) have a choice on where we can train ourselves[/b][i]Yes, you do, but don't expect zero opposition.[/i]? GoE, SG, everywhere, we can fight/train almost everywhere. a small community [s]re-builded[/s] [i]Took over[/i] an MR left-over training ground [i]after the MRs abandoned it as a group[/i], and some find it good (not the best) to train at, because it can help on their creature taming, and sometimes to their personal stat profile.

    correct, GGG isn't supported by Mur himself, but the people who train their supports it, and we are still counted as part of the community. do the GGG trainees ever stopped from training/grinding outside GGG? nah. but the Gorillas protested in an unorderly manner. if you hate GGG "grinders", [b]you shouldn't grind on our trainees too[/b] [i]if it were grinding, people would be sitting there all day doing nothing but attacking. Besides, it's not the grinders that are under fire, it's the idea of the GGG itself[/i]. we aren't the one taking advantage of grinding, BUT YOU.

    Italics=my edits.
  14. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Yrthilian in Rangers Of Loreroot   
    hmm i have stayed away but i have to say something.

    first you are breaking a rule. As per the anouncment as a memeber of the land and the allaince being bound
    to the land of LR. you are bound by the rules of the land and its king. So since you have decided to disobay
    your king you are commiting treason. This is an observation.

    Also by stating this is a group of LR you are stating it is part of LR and there for overriding your king.
  15. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Pipstickz in New Shop Feature: Compass   
    [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='29 May 2010 - 05:35 PM' timestamp='1275168946' post='60600']
    ...I think a better location would be the "Creature" slot below the live help icon which represents us...

    I assume you mean the Progress Log?

    Anyways, It's a good idea but might not be too easy to implement.
  16. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Metal Bunny in Stop Ggg   
    Oh for the love of Mur's unholy gimp named Grido;

    Boohoo, new mp5 can't do anything against veteran mp5, waah, waah, waah.
    This is not a real argument.
    If it was, you should be complaining about how new mp3 and mp4 can't compete as well.

    GGG is making combat boring/ grinders are becoming more than a nuisance.
    Yes, but it is you who must adapt, it is you who must change, [b]if[/b] you do not wish to enforce a scorched earth policy, such as No One did.
    Scorched earth, no matter how much you complain about how bad it is, how counter productive it is, how it is chasing away new players, it is still a very effective tactic.
    1) If you are bored and you blame the boredom on GGG, why not become less bored and destroy the source of boredom? (A.k.a. I have nothing to lose, you have so much more)
    2) New players are leaving all the time, if they manage to get to mp5, trust me, either they will stick with it, or they would've left anyway, because face it, GGG is not the way the game was meant to be played, or else it would've been a real institution, such as LHO.
    3) Machiavelli time; GGG is being an unarmed prophet, meaning that the GGG is quite vulnerable. It is vulnerable, it is ridiculously vulnerable. If you have to setup special rits, to make sure that you don't get swords and sheats, and I can, using a random ritual, deny all of you that, just by standing there, then really, you deserve to be denied it.
    [b]If there is a greater power in your way, adapt, or run away, to come back another day. [/b]

    You may not like at all what I am saying here, but the fact remains; Power through force of violence or threat of violence still remains a very viable and effective tactic. Simply because, the victim can't force back anything substantial upon the greater power.
    Yes, mods of GGG can 'chase us away' with spells, but you only have so much spells, and we have so much ap. So much ap .

    Now, I know what you are thinking; it's unfair and that Mur should do something about that. You will campaign and get the mods some real power, etc.
    No, no you won't. If so, then the Dojo would've gotten the those powers well before you did. The only reason why the dojo actually works, is because it is [b]enforceable[/b], GGG is not. And that's after the dojo went through an enormous amount of changes. ¬_¬
    Mur views this as an experiment, so if the people decide to gang up on GGG and outright destroy, there is [b]nothing[/b] you can do about it, no matter how unfair it may seem.

    4) My last reason as to why scorched earth tactic here is effective and viable.
    You may say that it is not at all viable, simply because GGG is just a platform and that it will be carried to some secret party somewhere else where people will farm each other there.

    But that's the point of the scorched earth tactic.

    Because GGG was [b]NEVER[/b] meant for new players. It was meant as a tactic to gain for the veterans. If by terrorising the GGG, I can force the newbies away, [b]while within the margins of the game rules[/b] then, you have nothing substantial to complain about, and I will have accomplished my task, through perhaps unfair means.

    I say, go on No One, force the GGG to go somewhere else! Force the mods of the GGG to go somewhere else, perhaps even in secret, [b]which was the frigging point in the first place[/b], where no new players will stumble upon on accident and thus forcing them to fight the normal way, [b]which will alleviate my boredom problems[/b], which, coincidentally, [b]will make the GGG enforceable according to its own self imposed rules[/b] as well. I see no problem with scorched earth tactic, except the highly subjective problem of hurt feelings.

    How is that for an alternative?

    And if you don't want to go for a scorched earth tactic, then you have to adapt, you'll just have to go with the flow or create a new institution.
    Either way, for all parties;

    Choose, or stay and lose
  17. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Stop Ggg   
    I am also against the GGG, as I was against the "Dojo". I may not be MP5, but ever since I started playing I have never used any of those training grounds and point blank refuse to do any form of "training" with anyone for the most part.

    Pip your cyclical theory about MP5 is right, but the issue is there arn't enough players around for that to happen right now, and I think part of the reason for that is that there is no social interaction - partically because of things like the GGG. Phantasm, you are right people do complain once it gets public as once it becomes a public thing it starts going wrong, it means people flock to that one spot. When something like that is a secret group it doesn't have the debilitating effect it has once it grows so to speak, don't know if you follow. I'm not saying it's right, i'm just saying that it "is". The difference with the GGG and the dojo was people could also play and chat there, the GGG is much stricter and much much more about grinding - and you can see the difference in the game environment itself when the different training grounds have existed. (someone should do a little historical blurb on it...could be useful here...I don't have time right at this second)

    Originally people would wander the lands trying to ask questions, find victims, and fleeing to sanctuaries where they would sit chatting or call each other outside for a duel. It was the era of the pubs and such and its why the sanctuaries are dead and the pubs don't exist any longer. Nobody needs to search around anymore which is another reason most of the place is dead.

    Not perfectly worded, it's too early, but there we go - I'm with No One.

  18. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Stop Ggg   
    Didn't I say exactly the same thing a few months ago? I could have sworn I did....

    Oh wait. I did. And oh wait. I got flamed and told to shut up, and got accused of a bunch of stuff.

  19. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Totenkopf in Funny offtopic sayings by Totenkopf   
    [quote name='Indyra' date='03 June 2010 - 11:26 AM' timestamp='1275553605' post='60869']
    when i said "only the weapon" i meant Ivorak as a weapon....he did it by being pushed into it or convinced/brainwashed in some way...

    ok, i admit it, i may have accidentally slipped some absinthe-laced nightshade in his lsd porridge after stealing a quick drink from his vodka/nyquil smoothie

    [quote name='aaront222' date='03 June 2010 - 11:36 PM' timestamp='1275597384' post='60908']
    If anyone at all can do that it would be Mur. Mur can do ANYTHING.

    yes, i've once seen Mur fight a dozen midgets!!! at once!!!! with one foot!!!!! the left one!!!!!!

    in light of the log above (lolz @ kyphis's spell, very aptly worded), i'd say she meant rather "[b]Sen[/b]tinels k[b]no[/b]w [b]D[/b]arigan [b]no[/b]t [b]Be[/b]trayer [of LR]" or somesuch - i would've first guessed it meant "[b]SEN[/b]tinels [b]no D[/b]rink [b]no BE[/b]er", which would've been a horrid revelation
  20. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Blackwoodforest in New Sorting Creatures Function   
    [quote name='Chewett' date='31 May 2010 - 11:31 AM' timestamp='1275298281' post='60681']
    Please learn to READ announcements

    Allright allright, close it then.
  21. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Blackwoodforest in New Sorting Creatures Function   
    maybe this is coded to be so but: If I sort my creatures, the sorting does not stay permanent. If I switch onto another screen and go back the basic order is restored.
  22. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Jubaris in Birth Announcement   
    [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='26 May 2010 - 08:26 AM' timestamp='1274876787' post='60406']
    A new loreroot citizen Yoshi!

    Congratulations to the parents!

    Yeah but, shouldn't she make the choice herself when shes of age? Kinda sounds similar to an arranged marriage, forcing them to do/be things when they grow up and that they would have control over, if left up to them.
  23. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Yrthilian in Lol Metal Bunny Your Bunny Secret Is Out   
    Found this whill looking for tomatto icons

  24. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in The Eternal RP Debate   
    [quote name='Indyra' date='26 May 2010 - 11:25 PM' timestamp='1274937951' post='60441']
    "Where do these wars fit in the actual story of the game ?"
    Where does any of the RP in MD fit into the "actual story"?

    There simply is no "actual story" for MD, and that's why there's a chatbox, and why all of the AL is based on the roles that players chose and not a bunch of made up characters that one person made.

    Besides, if there's no conflict in a story, it's not a story. It's just boring.
  25. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Akasha in Birth Announcement   
    [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='26 May 2010 - 08:26 AM' timestamp='1274876787' post='60406']
    A new loreroot citizen Yoshi!

    Congratulations to the parents!

    Yeah but, shouldn't she make the choice herself when shes of age? Kinda sounds similar to an arranged marriage, forcing them to do/be things when they grow up and that they would have control over, if left up to them.
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