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Elthen Airis

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  1. Downvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to aaront222 in Brotherhood   
    I want to make a brotherhood!
    I have little or no ideas about this.
    I don't want this to just be a male version of the sisterhood.
    Something more.
    Post your ideas here.

    Idea- The Brotherhood will be ONLY for the uninfected..... (unSMOOCHED) Once a Brother ALWAYS a Brother.
    Idea- You have to LOVE cheesesteaks
    Idea- You help getting more ideas
    Idea- It helps you find your role
    Idea- We dislike the sisterhood (as an alliance)(not as people)(as in we annoy them)
  2. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Nex in Mesmerized   
    [size="3"]Technicalities and Explanations:[/size]

    i decided to finally release the quest, since "completing" it as originally planned would mean writing half a novel of narrative and double the amount of tasks. i guess neither you nor i have that much time instead it will be a potentially short, potentially different kind of quest.

    while the tasks themself are classic, the narrative is sorta unusual and breaks with most paradigms. bear with it (you might actually enjoy it). while most ideas are mundane or even banal, they might spark some interesting trains of thought if you let them.

    if you think you have a good reason, you may converse with your "inner voice" (sending me a pm about a particular thought in this quest), potentially altering your journey completely.

    if you see something like (3/4/5) those values are for mp3 / mp4 / mp5 respectively.

    its not a first in = first win quest. you will have enough time to think, no need to rush. try to follow the path of kings if you can, even if it's just for a few steps.

    Common Sense:[/size]

    you may participate with one account per player.
    if you are asked to help, please give very enigmatic hints or none at all.

    [size="3"]WP distribution:[/size]

    in case of many solvers, steps on the path of kings will determine the WP winners.

    PM me ingame to initiate the quest, i can usually be found at Golden Globe Gazebo interior.


    [time for searching is simulated by delay. if presented with choices, pm me your choice. you will not have to interact with rp items or to enter remote places]
  3. Downvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to death ray in Tpbobtittaiaap- East Land Pub   
    i thought the Tribunal lands was a ghost land, i go there from time to time and i never see a soul there not even a shadow.
    (tho it's a great place to hold acult meetings;))
  4. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Ivorak in Low-Leveling   
    And why would you have to force someone to go to MP5? What is the problem to stay in MP3 and MP4?

    You are missing the part that there are players that play for the RP mostly and not for the battles. Well yes, i guess they could just donate or sacrifice their monsters and don't battle at all, but it's always fine for a change to have a battle against an enemy close to your strength. MP5 is best? Why is that? Because you have no exp cap? Restricting MP4s from obtaining spells from the wish shop is a truly indecent idea. Everyone works hard to obtain WPs, and we all know they are not easy to get, despite the MP level of the character. Most quests are open to every MP, so if you are MP3, 4 or 5 doesn't matter. And what are you aiming with forcing people to become MP5? To make people exploit the MD Shop bonus? War for adepts, which will be forcefully made MP5 and voila, you have 15$ bonus. I reckon there are enough MP5s in the GGG every day, for more than a decent grind. I'm MP4 and with 3-4 people in the GGG i could farm stats. It does take time, but what the hell, why should it be easy to grind your stats in the first place?

    I don't know what is Z's opinion on going to MP5, but i surely think that it shouldn't be obligatory or forcefully, no matter how you put it. And what's more, just for the benefits of the battle system and grinding, which wasn't tolerated as a start.

    Edit: The possible solution for overpowered MP3s is to prohibit trading the strongest creatures with an MP3 account. If they can't transfer a drachorn with a trade, then the only way to obtain it would be by a quest, fair and square. If they do that, they deserve to do what they want with it.
  5. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Liberty4life in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    granos thats nothin, out of 48 cro accs 44 are mine so think again how much do i get asked
  6. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Akasha in Forgotten Part Of Md   
    If we look back, because of the old al that was written by someone else, Mur decided to close it and write it on his own.
    As he has more things to do it needed to be put on pause.

    AL it is not something to fill with 'tales' especially fantasy ones from papers; I am here for a long long time and i saw how real AL is written and how things happen to be in an order, how an end of a story is the beginning of an other, regardless of how long it takes or if there is something planed or not. Things in the AL (beside the story written by archis) are simply happening and follow an unwritten order that not even the writer or the character inside is constient of some times.

    We can all have our tales , separately from the AL , that's why we have the papers .. to fill them with tales that might complete our character and that's why i think that we should keep this thin line between paper stories and AL ones. As you saw, the paper stories come to a disaster to the AL and what it was supposed to be.

    I say that AL will continue when it will be time for it. Believe it or not, things happen at their time, even in MD, i have been witness to that.

    AL is not something to fill with stories, but something that looks it's own story line, so ..when nothing is happening it is not a panic moment that needs to be filled with tales, but a simple break, that maybe prepares it's public for a new exiting story.
  7. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from pamplemousse in Forgotten Part Of Md   
    As i'm currently a few months dweller in this realm, to be honest i felt something missing, but didn't really think about it. Now that i read all of your posts i see what it is.

    I still have a lot of materials i haven't read, so my interest is kept. However, i see now the point of view of the older players. What are they to do, when there is no new information? They have read and reread the AL and everything times and times again and know it by heart. And what now? All that is left is farming stats, becoming the greatest tamer and fighter. Yes, there are of course a lot of mysteries in the quests and riddles of people's quests, also in the exquisite artwork of every scene, or earning wish points to buy a fancy spell or whatever, you can also RP as you like, that is in fact what i liked most about the game. The freedom it gives to a player, to be able to make a role of whatever he likes, be it a tree guard or the tree itself. And in fact, every role has it's place here, and it suits the RP of the game, and that is truly great.

    I, for once, am really wandering why Mur actually decided to close the matter concerning the Ancient Lore. It makes you wonder about a lot of things. Why was Marind Bell, named like that if it wasn't for that story? Why shouldn't there be a past of the realm? After all, let's say 65% of the quests rely on facts in the AL, or things written in the Archives. Moreover, why were the Archives created if not to keep the history? What happens with all the players whose roles are based on the history of the realm? Like Akasha, Peace, Wodin Ullr, Metal Bunny, SmartAlekRJ...
    I surely expressed a great interest in the Ancient Lore and especially Marind's murder, since it greatly fits my new role - a private detective. However, whenever i asked for info, i was greeted with replies like "Beware, what you may be starting with gathering info like that." And most people actually wouldn't like to share that info. But all the same, the murder wasn't actually investigated and revealed and yet it is a part of the main story, of the game, itself. I did gather a lot of info and i do have an idea about what has happened, but really with the limitation of the information on the matter it's hardly possible to gather the clues and tell for sure who is the murderer.

    Principles are also not referred to, except for the various characters who tried to reach Mount Kelle'tha for obtaining the knowledge of the books in the AL. One of the reasons i didn't like the new drain ability of the creatures was indeed the fact that principles are treated as a combat stat. And i really did pay attention which exact principles i chose, concerning my future role. And i chose them in the order of importance they are for me in RL. Because to be honest those principles really are encountered every day in daily life, believe it or not. And i think the whole idea of creating a community, a game, which connects RL and the virtual experience of playing a game is probably the most innovative approach game manufacturers have ever had. When i read an old topic about Mur saying that he has the idea of making a RL quest for MP8s for example, i was staring at my computer with open mouth. That is indeed as if i'm the researcher of the film Da Vinci Code, or any of those films looking for the Holy Grail and mysteries, which hide great treasure. That's as a dream coming true...

    About the AL, i always asked myself why is Mur the only one who could actually write in the AL? I do realise he is a quality seeker and that's the main reason he himself writes the AL, but why not give a chance to others to get involved in the history of the realm? After all, we all have a very good example of what a AL story must be like, from all the stories written until now. I reckon players should be able to create their grand stories and to be enabled to send their stories to Mur for a review and if he considers them good for the AL, they would get implemented. I mean, there are a hell of a lot of intelligent people gathered from all over the world in this game, they won't write some boring story, with no style. And even if that's the case i would still risk it to allow players to write, after all he will have the ability to review them and decide if they are worthy or not.

    As for the combat system... Well, for me it is rather secondary, basically because i'm interested in the quests, riddles, reading, researching more. I love thinking and practicing my mind, another reason i adore this game. It's one of the few games that actually encourage Thinking. However, for the others that are mainly battle oriented i guess there should be something done about connecting their role-play and their creatures. Although in fact there is, Knator Commander is one of the things that does connect that area. Shades also. Other ways of doing that is roleplaying that. Mya Celestia for example is roleplaying a pixie she found in the woods, i reckon that's indeed a fabulous idea. And it also encourages dual thinking, as she has to roleplay both characters and still stay in character. Asterdai was roleplaying his Angien, though as Mur said creatures are just in your mind, they are not real like the players in the game. Nonetheless, it's a good idea, so he just summoned the creature and he roleplays it, also requires dual thinking.
  8. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Asterdai in Mp4 Personal Experience   
    When you have -500 honor, you cannot gain more exp, before you gain more honor than that amount. It's as if you are indecent as a leader to your creatures and they don't want to learn any more before you raise your image in their eyes.(although this isn't the real explanation, it's a way to understand it)

    P.S. Creatures aren't real, i know. They are in your mind, nonetheless they gain experience.
  9. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Asterdai in Forgotten Part Of Md   
    As i'm currently a few months dweller in this realm, to be honest i felt something missing, but didn't really think about it. Now that i read all of your posts i see what it is.

    I still have a lot of materials i haven't read, so my interest is kept. However, i see now the point of view of the older players. What are they to do, when there is no new information? They have read and reread the AL and everything times and times again and know it by heart. And what now? All that is left is farming stats, becoming the greatest tamer and fighter. Yes, there are of course a lot of mysteries in the quests and riddles of people's quests, also in the exquisite artwork of every scene, or earning wish points to buy a fancy spell or whatever, you can also RP as you like, that is in fact what i liked most about the game. The freedom it gives to a player, to be able to make a role of whatever he likes, be it a tree guard or the tree itself. And in fact, every role has it's place here, and it suits the RP of the game, and that is truly great.

    I, for once, am really wandering why Mur actually decided to close the matter concerning the Ancient Lore. It makes you wonder about a lot of things. Why was Marind Bell, named like that if it wasn't for that story? Why shouldn't there be a past of the realm? After all, let's say 65% of the quests rely on facts in the AL, or things written in the Archives. Moreover, why were the Archives created if not to keep the history? What happens with all the players whose roles are based on the history of the realm? Like Akasha, Peace, Wodin Ullr, Metal Bunny, SmartAlekRJ...
    I surely expressed a great interest in the Ancient Lore and especially Marind's murder, since it greatly fits my new role - a private detective. However, whenever i asked for info, i was greeted with replies like "Beware, what you may be starting with gathering info like that." And most people actually wouldn't like to share that info. But all the same, the murder wasn't actually investigated and revealed and yet it is a part of the main story, of the game, itself. I did gather a lot of info and i do have an idea about what has happened, but really with the limitation of the information on the matter it's hardly possible to gather the clues and tell for sure who is the murderer.

    Principles are also not referred to, except for the various characters who tried to reach Mount Kelle'tha for obtaining the knowledge of the books in the AL. One of the reasons i didn't like the new drain ability of the creatures was indeed the fact that principles are treated as a combat stat. And i really did pay attention which exact principles i chose, concerning my future role. And i chose them in the order of importance they are for me in RL. Because to be honest those principles really are encountered every day in daily life, believe it or not. And i think the whole idea of creating a community, a game, which connects RL and the virtual experience of playing a game is probably the most innovative approach game manufacturers have ever had. When i read an old topic about Mur saying that he has the idea of making a RL quest for MP8s for example, i was staring at my computer with open mouth. That is indeed as if i'm the researcher of the film Da Vinci Code, or any of those films looking for the Holy Grail and mysteries, which hide great treasure. That's as a dream coming true...

    About the AL, i always asked myself why is Mur the only one who could actually write in the AL? I do realise he is a quality seeker and that's the main reason he himself writes the AL, but why not give a chance to others to get involved in the history of the realm? After all, we all have a very good example of what a AL story must be like, from all the stories written until now. I reckon players should be able to create their grand stories and to be enabled to send their stories to Mur for a review and if he considers them good for the AL, they would get implemented. I mean, there are a hell of a lot of intelligent people gathered from all over the world in this game, they won't write some boring story, with no style. And even if that's the case i would still risk it to allow players to write, after all he will have the ability to review them and decide if they are worthy or not.

    As for the combat system... Well, for me it is rather secondary, basically because i'm interested in the quests, riddles, reading, researching more. I love thinking and practicing my mind, another reason i adore this game. It's one of the few games that actually encourage Thinking. However, for the others that are mainly battle oriented i guess there should be something done about connecting their role-play and their creatures. Although in fact there is, Knator Commander is one of the things that does connect that area. Shades also. Other ways of doing that is roleplaying that. Mya Celestia for example is roleplaying a pixie she found in the woods, i reckon that's indeed a fabulous idea. And it also encourages dual thinking, as she has to roleplay both characters and still stay in character. Asterdai was roleplaying his Angien, though as Mur said creatures are just in your mind, they are not real like the players in the game. Nonetheless, it's a good idea, so he just summoned the creature and he roleplays it, also requires dual thinking.
  10. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Liberty4life in Forgotten Part Of Md   
    As i'm currently a few months dweller in this realm, to be honest i felt something missing, but didn't really think about it. Now that i read all of your posts i see what it is.

    I still have a lot of materials i haven't read, so my interest is kept. However, i see now the point of view of the older players. What are they to do, when there is no new information? They have read and reread the AL and everything times and times again and know it by heart. And what now? All that is left is farming stats, becoming the greatest tamer and fighter. Yes, there are of course a lot of mysteries in the quests and riddles of people's quests, also in the exquisite artwork of every scene, or earning wish points to buy a fancy spell or whatever, you can also RP as you like, that is in fact what i liked most about the game. The freedom it gives to a player, to be able to make a role of whatever he likes, be it a tree guard or the tree itself. And in fact, every role has it's place here, and it suits the RP of the game, and that is truly great.

    I, for once, am really wandering why Mur actually decided to close the matter concerning the Ancient Lore. It makes you wonder about a lot of things. Why was Marind Bell, named like that if it wasn't for that story? Why shouldn't there be a past of the realm? After all, let's say 65% of the quests rely on facts in the AL, or things written in the Archives. Moreover, why were the Archives created if not to keep the history? What happens with all the players whose roles are based on the history of the realm? Like Akasha, Peace, Wodin Ullr, Metal Bunny, SmartAlekRJ...
    I surely expressed a great interest in the Ancient Lore and especially Marind's murder, since it greatly fits my new role - a private detective. However, whenever i asked for info, i was greeted with replies like "Beware, what you may be starting with gathering info like that." And most people actually wouldn't like to share that info. But all the same, the murder wasn't actually investigated and revealed and yet it is a part of the main story, of the game, itself. I did gather a lot of info and i do have an idea about what has happened, but really with the limitation of the information on the matter it's hardly possible to gather the clues and tell for sure who is the murderer.

    Principles are also not referred to, except for the various characters who tried to reach Mount Kelle'tha for obtaining the knowledge of the books in the AL. One of the reasons i didn't like the new drain ability of the creatures was indeed the fact that principles are treated as a combat stat. And i really did pay attention which exact principles i chose, concerning my future role. And i chose them in the order of importance they are for me in RL. Because to be honest those principles really are encountered every day in daily life, believe it or not. And i think the whole idea of creating a community, a game, which connects RL and the virtual experience of playing a game is probably the most innovative approach game manufacturers have ever had. When i read an old topic about Mur saying that he has the idea of making a RL quest for MP8s for example, i was staring at my computer with open mouth. That is indeed as if i'm the researcher of the film Da Vinci Code, or any of those films looking for the Holy Grail and mysteries, which hide great treasure. That's as a dream coming true...

    About the AL, i always asked myself why is Mur the only one who could actually write in the AL? I do realise he is a quality seeker and that's the main reason he himself writes the AL, but why not give a chance to others to get involved in the history of the realm? After all, we all have a very good example of what a AL story must be like, from all the stories written until now. I reckon players should be able to create their grand stories and to be enabled to send their stories to Mur for a review and if he considers them good for the AL, they would get implemented. I mean, there are a hell of a lot of intelligent people gathered from all over the world in this game, they won't write some boring story, with no style. And even if that's the case i would still risk it to allow players to write, after all he will have the ability to review them and decide if they are worthy or not.

    As for the combat system... Well, for me it is rather secondary, basically because i'm interested in the quests, riddles, reading, researching more. I love thinking and practicing my mind, another reason i adore this game. It's one of the few games that actually encourage Thinking. However, for the others that are mainly battle oriented i guess there should be something done about connecting their role-play and their creatures. Although in fact there is, Knator Commander is one of the things that does connect that area. Shades also. Other ways of doing that is roleplaying that. Mya Celestia for example is roleplaying a pixie she found in the woods, i reckon that's indeed a fabulous idea. And it also encourages dual thinking, as she has to roleplay both characters and still stay in character. Asterdai was roleplaying his Angien, though as Mur said creatures are just in your mind, they are not real like the players in the game. Nonetheless, it's a good idea, so he just summoned the creature and he roleplays it, also requires dual thinking.
  11. Downvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Watcher in Forum Signatures   
    Chewett, it's width, and not weight. I won't explain the difference, i think it's obvious.

    You can delete this post after if you like.
  12. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Ivorak in [Tribunal] Elthen Airis   
    Chapter I - Prologue

    A man was walking around the streets in the Eastern Lands. He was of middle age, although he looked much older. He was formally dressed with a coat and a bowler hat. He followed a staircase, which led to a lively pub in old-fashioned looks. There were two tables, two blazers, which ligthened the place, a bench and a bar with different various bevarage. Around half a dozen people were drinking, talking, laughing. The man went inside, ordered a glass of wine and rest his arms on the bar thinking. It was day 325 of the 4th year. The common topics were about the new alliances in the Eastern Lands - The Caretakers, the mysterious Seal of Six. Other topic were the latest quests and riddles, mostly about a Woodsman, who preached, about a person who lost his memory due to drug usage, the astral plane, a treasure chest and many more. On one of the tables the discussion was about the latest gathering at the Howling Gates, they were quite eager to gossip too. The murder of Marind, the queen of the land, which was named after her - Marind Bell, was a past story now. No one in fact knew exactly what happened, who was the real murderer, neither they knew where she was killed, and almost no one even talked about it. It was as if people didn’t like discussing that subject, because it reminded them of their past. And it wasn’t very bright.

    Chapter II - The Story

    It all happened when he found himself in a closed, isolated wooden room with the strangest encounter of a girl, who chaged her mood as quick as light went on and off. She offered him an acceptable offer. She got him out of the room, but she asked to find out who was behind her murder. A while after, he found himself looking at the crowds of people in Marind Bell’s Park who were having a carnaval, and a big one. There were clowns, citizens of all the lands, travelers, crafters and much more. Blinded by the excitement of his freedom of the wooden room, he went on, he laughed with the clowns, as they were joking around with him, and soon after he found himself sitting near a tree, tired of all that has happened. He fell asleep and it served him a good time to meditate. 
When he waked up he realised that for the price of that freedom, he has lost all of his memories. He didn’t remember where he was from, neither did he remembered anything about his background or what his family was like. He only remembered his name and his quest.

    Chapter III - Introduction

    My name is Elthen Airis. As for my appearance - middle age, dark brown hair, fit, moderately tall, officially dressed with a coat and a bowler hat. I’m a bit old-fashioned, but my principles aren’t. I’m a sleuth. It was my urge to discover the clues behind Marind’s murder that made me one. I had no background, no history, no past, so i decided to follow the present and dedicate myself to a cause. The cause could be described as to be able not to see, but to perceive. My home is situated in the Eastern Lands. I live in a middling apartment* alone with my thoughts, my books and my foundings. My services are open to everyone, for a certain price, unless i find it intriguing to solve the mystery upon which i dwell.

    Chapter IV - Roots, Eastern Lands

    Not long after i found myself sitting at Marind Bell’s Park with nothing but my thoughts, i went to search for some kind of shelter. I had heard there were lands not discovered by many and so i thought it would be the best place to start my search. It was day 277 of year 4.
 I went through a gate and followed the route through the plains of liberty. Passing through a place looking like a chapel situated me in the beggining of a city. As i followed exploring the unknown lands i found that there were an alwful lot of mysteries to be revealed and that intrigued me even more. Not long after, i realised i had found myself facing a magnificent almost untouched city with no population, except for one pub, which seemed to have had some presence recently, considering the newly stocked beverage on the shelves.
 I did find my place to live. It was an old uninhabited apartment, which i later used as an office. I situated myself immediately, though i didn’t really have a lot of possessions. I had a few books with my thoughts, and a few silver coins. I started summurising all of the information i had and day by day, with every piece of information i found, asking people or reading in the Archives, i managed to draw in my mind a vague picture of who and how could have Marind been murdered. However, the source of information was very limited and finally nothing could be said for sure.

    (This page will be continued as i progress, however only in-game. This is all i will post here. After all Role-play is supposed to be in-game.)

    P.S. Please keep the thread clean. No useless comments and spam. Thank you.

    Elthen Airis
  13. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Ivorak in Forgotten Part Of Md   
    As i'm currently a few months dweller in this realm, to be honest i felt something missing, but didn't really think about it. Now that i read all of your posts i see what it is.

    I still have a lot of materials i haven't read, so my interest is kept. However, i see now the point of view of the older players. What are they to do, when there is no new information? They have read and reread the AL and everything times and times again and know it by heart. And what now? All that is left is farming stats, becoming the greatest tamer and fighter. Yes, there are of course a lot of mysteries in the quests and riddles of people's quests, also in the exquisite artwork of every scene, or earning wish points to buy a fancy spell or whatever, you can also RP as you like, that is in fact what i liked most about the game. The freedom it gives to a player, to be able to make a role of whatever he likes, be it a tree guard or the tree itself. And in fact, every role has it's place here, and it suits the RP of the game, and that is truly great.

    I, for once, am really wandering why Mur actually decided to close the matter concerning the Ancient Lore. It makes you wonder about a lot of things. Why was Marind Bell, named like that if it wasn't for that story? Why shouldn't there be a past of the realm? After all, let's say 65% of the quests rely on facts in the AL, or things written in the Archives. Moreover, why were the Archives created if not to keep the history? What happens with all the players whose roles are based on the history of the realm? Like Akasha, Peace, Wodin Ullr, Metal Bunny, SmartAlekRJ...
    I surely expressed a great interest in the Ancient Lore and especially Marind's murder, since it greatly fits my new role - a private detective. However, whenever i asked for info, i was greeted with replies like "Beware, what you may be starting with gathering info like that." And most people actually wouldn't like to share that info. But all the same, the murder wasn't actually investigated and revealed and yet it is a part of the main story, of the game, itself. I did gather a lot of info and i do have an idea about what has happened, but really with the limitation of the information on the matter it's hardly possible to gather the clues and tell for sure who is the murderer.

    Principles are also not referred to, except for the various characters who tried to reach Mount Kelle'tha for obtaining the knowledge of the books in the AL. One of the reasons i didn't like the new drain ability of the creatures was indeed the fact that principles are treated as a combat stat. And i really did pay attention which exact principles i chose, concerning my future role. And i chose them in the order of importance they are for me in RL. Because to be honest those principles really are encountered every day in daily life, believe it or not. And i think the whole idea of creating a community, a game, which connects RL and the virtual experience of playing a game is probably the most innovative approach game manufacturers have ever had. When i read an old topic about Mur saying that he has the idea of making a RL quest for MP8s for example, i was staring at my computer with open mouth. That is indeed as if i'm the researcher of the film Da Vinci Code, or any of those films looking for the Holy Grail and mysteries, which hide great treasure. That's as a dream coming true...

    About the AL, i always asked myself why is Mur the only one who could actually write in the AL? I do realise he is a quality seeker and that's the main reason he himself writes the AL, but why not give a chance to others to get involved in the history of the realm? After all, we all have a very good example of what a AL story must be like, from all the stories written until now. I reckon players should be able to create their grand stories and to be enabled to send their stories to Mur for a review and if he considers them good for the AL, they would get implemented. I mean, there are a hell of a lot of intelligent people gathered from all over the world in this game, they won't write some boring story, with no style. And even if that's the case i would still risk it to allow players to write, after all he will have the ability to review them and decide if they are worthy or not.

    As for the combat system... Well, for me it is rather secondary, basically because i'm interested in the quests, riddles, reading, researching more. I love thinking and practicing my mind, another reason i adore this game. It's one of the few games that actually encourage Thinking. However, for the others that are mainly battle oriented i guess there should be something done about connecting their role-play and their creatures. Although in fact there is, Knator Commander is one of the things that does connect that area. Shades also. Other ways of doing that is roleplaying that. Mya Celestia for example is roleplaying a pixie she found in the woods, i reckon that's indeed a fabulous idea. And it also encourages dual thinking, as she has to roleplay both characters and still stay in character. Asterdai was roleplaying his Angien, though as Mur said creatures are just in your mind, they are not real like the players in the game. Nonetheless, it's a good idea, so he just summoned the creature and he roleplays it, also requires dual thinking.
  14. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Jubaris in Forgotten Part Of Md   
    As i'm currently a few months dweller in this realm, to be honest i felt something missing, but didn't really think about it. Now that i read all of your posts i see what it is.

    I still have a lot of materials i haven't read, so my interest is kept. However, i see now the point of view of the older players. What are they to do, when there is no new information? They have read and reread the AL and everything times and times again and know it by heart. And what now? All that is left is farming stats, becoming the greatest tamer and fighter. Yes, there are of course a lot of mysteries in the quests and riddles of people's quests, also in the exquisite artwork of every scene, or earning wish points to buy a fancy spell or whatever, you can also RP as you like, that is in fact what i liked most about the game. The freedom it gives to a player, to be able to make a role of whatever he likes, be it a tree guard or the tree itself. And in fact, every role has it's place here, and it suits the RP of the game, and that is truly great.

    I, for once, am really wandering why Mur actually decided to close the matter concerning the Ancient Lore. It makes you wonder about a lot of things. Why was Marind Bell, named like that if it wasn't for that story? Why shouldn't there be a past of the realm? After all, let's say 65% of the quests rely on facts in the AL, or things written in the Archives. Moreover, why were the Archives created if not to keep the history? What happens with all the players whose roles are based on the history of the realm? Like Akasha, Peace, Wodin Ullr, Metal Bunny, SmartAlekRJ...
    I surely expressed a great interest in the Ancient Lore and especially Marind's murder, since it greatly fits my new role - a private detective. However, whenever i asked for info, i was greeted with replies like "Beware, what you may be starting with gathering info like that." And most people actually wouldn't like to share that info. But all the same, the murder wasn't actually investigated and revealed and yet it is a part of the main story, of the game, itself. I did gather a lot of info and i do have an idea about what has happened, but really with the limitation of the information on the matter it's hardly possible to gather the clues and tell for sure who is the murderer.

    Principles are also not referred to, except for the various characters who tried to reach Mount Kelle'tha for obtaining the knowledge of the books in the AL. One of the reasons i didn't like the new drain ability of the creatures was indeed the fact that principles are treated as a combat stat. And i really did pay attention which exact principles i chose, concerning my future role. And i chose them in the order of importance they are for me in RL. Because to be honest those principles really are encountered every day in daily life, believe it or not. And i think the whole idea of creating a community, a game, which connects RL and the virtual experience of playing a game is probably the most innovative approach game manufacturers have ever had. When i read an old topic about Mur saying that he has the idea of making a RL quest for MP8s for example, i was staring at my computer with open mouth. That is indeed as if i'm the researcher of the film Da Vinci Code, or any of those films looking for the Holy Grail and mysteries, which hide great treasure. That's as a dream coming true...

    About the AL, i always asked myself why is Mur the only one who could actually write in the AL? I do realise he is a quality seeker and that's the main reason he himself writes the AL, but why not give a chance to others to get involved in the history of the realm? After all, we all have a very good example of what a AL story must be like, from all the stories written until now. I reckon players should be able to create their grand stories and to be enabled to send their stories to Mur for a review and if he considers them good for the AL, they would get implemented. I mean, there are a hell of a lot of intelligent people gathered from all over the world in this game, they won't write some boring story, with no style. And even if that's the case i would still risk it to allow players to write, after all he will have the ability to review them and decide if they are worthy or not.

    As for the combat system... Well, for me it is rather secondary, basically because i'm interested in the quests, riddles, reading, researching more. I love thinking and practicing my mind, another reason i adore this game. It's one of the few games that actually encourage Thinking. However, for the others that are mainly battle oriented i guess there should be something done about connecting their role-play and their creatures. Although in fact there is, Knator Commander is one of the things that does connect that area. Shades also. Other ways of doing that is roleplaying that. Mya Celestia for example is roleplaying a pixie she found in the woods, i reckon that's indeed a fabulous idea. And it also encourages dual thinking, as she has to roleplay both characters and still stay in character. Asterdai was roleplaying his Angien, though as Mur said creatures are just in your mind, they are not real like the players in the game. Nonetheless, it's a good idea, so he just summoned the creature and he roleplays it, also requires dual thinking.
  15. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Death Bell in Forum Signatures   
    Chewett, it's width, and not weight. I won't explain the difference, i think it's obvious.

    You can delete this post after if you like.
  16. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Liberty4life in Forgotten Part Of Md   
    once mur said when inner magic put its step into game, that inner magic wasnt made for md but md was made for inner magic, concept of inner magic.. didnt improved, even worse it went forgotten, with dismissal of rpcs, inner magic docs were unable to be redistributed, and before that happened they were just used as collectibles, principals as laws of this realm, arent used in way they were meant to be used, now they fuel tokens, they arent used anymore to think about things, to try using them for something great and unusual (inner magic), this concept with inner magic and principals was most important aspect of game which was meant to teach, made ya think, made ya use your brain...

    that key element isnt only one that died, story mode... it became unimportant, not much closed locations anymore as well, poems of locations lost its meaning, nobody cares for them, signs at entrance to each land... huh? who reads it? afaik story mode was also only one that made connection of creats with us, today in md... in everyday rp how often do we have creats involved for anything? players are merchants, warriors, not circus tamers or TCG cards owners, why do i say that? simple.. creats are those days to rpers second part of game.. like Magic: The gathering is to us irl, ya trade creats, ya play some fighting that has nothin to do with ya, to fighters thats only aspect of game, now why would warrior with sword or somethin need tree to fight with? from rp view that got created in md which is realistic or godmoding one, md creats arent used in it, and in those rp situations where ya use them.. idk if it can be said that they are used as it was meant to use them

    and now... adventure log died as well it seems

    tell me what is AL today? what is story mode today? what are poems today? what are principals today? what is inner magic today? what is md's background story today? traces of it everywhere, but still... its used for nothing, does anyone that is older than 2 months in this game notice those things anymore? i dont think so

    story mode and AL got fully replaced by papers and "casual rp" of all sorts....
    poems and lands descriptions mean nothing, everyone has same opinion about every location and acts same, all they care is if location is crowded or is it remote one, thats all
    principals.. another stat to grind till 1k and thats it
    inner magic and background story.... wot are those?
    creats? ah thats some side game inside real game to one kind of ppl to another they are whole game
    this is current situation about those things in md

    papers are giving big freedom to players to express themselves, yes
    kings will assure human judgment on players
    but lately md is getting more and more automatized, and kinda more and more towards game that is actually click to advance
    md script is cool yeah but now... game can be 100% played without any contact with players, ya just roam around mainly at mdp and ggg, to improve your stats and creats, if ya want wp for something just do automated quests, but somethings keeps players socialized, is it theirs high need for socialization or are the "forgotten" parts of this game that makes them ask around when they start playing and fires up theirs curiosity? fact is that lately there didnt came much new players that stayed for longer time, and if ya ask players that are in here for longer time wot made them stay in md, wot made them keep playing, they will most likely say one of this "forgotten" parts of game

    question is... if md removes those parts of game which arent used, is md then still md or is just like any other game?

    idk and idc wot ya will say but i am one of those players that like revealing mystery, i wanna know wot happened next in story mode, i wanna know about inner magic and principals uses, i wanna know meaning of storymode story, meaning of AL since it had its message to tell each time, i wanna know meaning of poems, i wanna know more about creats, many creats dont have description, some creats like barren soul contain description that is related to ancient lore which got banned, and many more things, i cant think anymore if i could i would most likely wrote more, this is all i have to say for now

    i have been thinking about this few days ago but forgot to post it, then emerald arcanix made me remember it but then again i forgot, then lifeline made me remember it after his talk with arcanix, so i finally managed to post it, tnx guys
  17. Downvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Fenrir Greycloth in Gathering At The Gates   
    Looking forward to it!
  18. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Dark Archer Abilities   
    The new idea is truly great. The drain ability will balance it out indeed and bring some new research material and a lot of fresh fights and rituals. Thus, everyone will be happy for keeping their archers, or sacrificing them and not losing their $ in the MD shop for the ones with tokens. Now having a reimburse for all the tokens is rather not even considerable. That will take loads of time of Mur and practically less time will be consumed for creating a new creature.

    So, the drain ability simply doesn't connect with an archer. The archer is supposed to use a bow, or whatever range weapon, and deal damage. The weaken defense is also acceptable, as if they hit someone's leg, so he is wounded, he would be an easier target, or however you could see that happen. But drain? I reckon there should be a new creature for the drain ability. And probably some kind of spell caster too.
  19. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Jubaris in Dark Archer Abilities   
    The new idea is truly great. The drain ability will balance it out indeed and bring some new research material and a lot of fresh fights and rituals. Thus, everyone will be happy for keeping their archers, or sacrificing them and not losing their $ in the MD shop for the ones with tokens. Now having a reimburse for all the tokens is rather not even considerable. That will take loads of time of Mur and practically less time will be consumed for creating a new creature.

    So, the drain ability simply doesn't connect with an archer. The archer is supposed to use a bow, or whatever range weapon, and deal damage. The weaken defense is also acceptable, as if they hit someone's leg, so he is wounded, he would be an easier target, or however you could see that happen. But drain? I reckon there should be a new creature for the drain ability. And probably some kind of spell caster too.
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