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Sephirah Caelum

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Everything posted by Sephirah Caelum

  1. I like your style, good job.
  2. [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1298667256' post='79622'] Mistletoe bridge is one and you can see the sun's rays pouring through the clouds at Wasp's totem and through the leaves of Ravenhold, I'm sure I've seen it other places as well [/quote] The sun can also be "seen" in East Lands, looking at the shadows that appear from the pillars and the light that cross the windows.
  3. 2 anos, mas nao sei se ficarei em Sampa ou irei para outro lugar. Mas com certeza nao voltarie para Vitoria por enquanto.

  4. Happy B-day Aster. Sorry the late.
  5. Morava em Vitoria/ES, agora estou fazendo residencia medica em Sao Paulo. :)

  6. :-) Estou bem, me mudei para Sao Paulo. E vc?

  7. Yours avys are very good. I consider the clown, the best you did untill now.
  8. I've read the forum, Announcements and AL, so the information probably passed by and I did not read. Anyone cares to tell where, except in this topic, it is written that a part of AL is rubbish? @ Chewett: "quest" = PAL @ Zleiphneir: [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1295942305' post='77996'] I don't think anyone remains quiet silent and dumb. Quite clearly not or you would have nothing to be arguing with right now and nobody would be answering you. Also, what Chewett said. [/quote] [u]To me[/u], the arguing came very late. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1295942305' post='77996']Actually some of us did comment on that fact, just not on the forum and not making a big fuss about it - what would you rather? Being forced out of doing something fun you enjoy just because it isn't factually accurate?[/quote] Yes.
  9. Let us get this straight. You mean besides the Ancient Lore, is the AL a myth as well, at least the part Ren's wrote (and this part is ... ?!) ? And that was only exposed after our Memorial Service? So the AL, the part that should be one of the most reliable sources of information about MD, where I should base my questions and discover "secrets" is false? It means that if none of this had happened I would continue to appreciate what is written and think about them and how them happened, while the fossils and otheres that know the facts better remain quiet, silent and dumb. Saying for some questions I ask that the answer is secret while others questions are politely ignored? And while the quest was going on because no one argued the action was wrong act, and remained silent until now? Why did not try to correct the mistake while it was in process? Are you on a pedestal so high that it can not bend and steer the others that are in the wrong way?
  10. Shouldn't the Legend Speakers support this event? I know the importance of the community participation, but the points of help that you are wishing, from my point of view, are things you should be receiving from your alliance members.
  11. I would help you also, but I'm not sure if it will be possible, since I'm moving of city. The first days of february can be difficult to find me.
  12. Congratulations Billy!!!!
  13. Hello! I loved your hat. is yours, isn't it?

  14. The artist I met today, after read a magazine about technologies. [url="http://www.janhenrikhansen.com/about/"]"The music becomes sculpture" (free translation)[/url] [url="http://www.janhenrikhansen.com/joomla/media/071017_FFF_Book_Screen_WEB.pdf"]Onesense (pdf)[/url] Reason of edit: adding 2nd link
  15. [url="http://web.mit.edu/synesthesia/www/"]Link[/url]
  16. I disagree with the idea of MP-level as requirement to upgrade creatures mostly because I never had issues with full token max creatures on my stages as MP4 and MP3, and I wasn't at this stages long time ago. My issues with the fighting system only started after alliance/MP5. So if you wish to restrict something restrict the great stats, something like: if you have Xk of stats, you can't attack that player, because his stats are X/4. Maybe could be valid only to MP5, since from my point of view is where the problem is.
  17. Happy B-day Lord of bunnies!
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