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Posts posted by Tipu

  1. Torch competition ended
    The torch competition ended! The final score for each land is as follows:
    Loreroot 4,
    Underground 2,
    Golemus Golemicarum 3,
    Necrovion 1,

    Actually the score is counted like this
    ur one point gets canceled by the another point scoured by Necro against MB.
    See let say MD got 1 point against Necro and Necro got 3 points against MB then the score will read like

    MD 0
    Necro 2 ( even thou necro got 3 ponits. 1Point from both Necro and MD gets canceled)

    So if MD want a score then they have to get 2 points so that the score will read like

    Necro 0
    MD 1

    Thats what i have observed. Hope iam correct hehe ^_^

  2. [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='07 December 2009 - 04:24 AM' timestamp='1260140064' post='49323']
    The scavenger hunt was won by Clock master who shall recieve 5 silver
    Handy pockets and tipu both tied for second and shall recieve 3 silver
    each and there shant be a third place award, Congratulations,
    you should have your silver already :D

    Confirmed Received 3 silver thanks a lot. I really enjoyed this festival looking for more such contest in future. Thanks.

  3. Load Lucan creatures
    Load Tipu creatures
    Lucan's Creature Tokens [blooddrop1]
    Principles based tokens are at 50% capacity
    [blooddrop1] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop1] Chaos Archer One gets 1 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination.
    Lucan's Creature Tokens [claw2]
    Principles based tokens are at 50% capacity
    [claw2] breakes freeze.

    [claw2] Chaos Archer Two gets 12 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles.
    Influences for Lucan: regenaura, poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze ######
    COMBO: Adding 684 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
    Applying 50% of Lucan's energetic influence
    Applying 100% of Tipu's energetic influence
    Lucan's Walking Tree does regenerate to multirandom creature(s) of Lucan and:
    - Regeneration power: 38, regen. vitality: -3219

    - Walking Tree doesn't need any regeneration for now. and remains with 8219 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 38, regen. vitality: -3219
    - Angie doesn't need any regeneration for now. and remains with 4719 vitality
    - Regeneration power: 38, regen. vitality: -3219
    - Majestic Winderwild doesn't need any regeneration for now. and remains with 3419 vitality

    - Regeneration power: 38, regen. vitality: -3219
    - Chaos Archer Two doesn't need any regeneration for now. and remains with 6719 vitality
    Tipu's Elite Knator does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Lucan and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 221 damage to Walking Tree and remains with 7998 vitality

    - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Angien and remains with 4718 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 205 damage to Majestic Winderwild and remains with 3214 vitality
    Tipu's Elite Lorerootian Archer does aimedhit to strong creature(s) of Lucan and:

    - Angie receives AIMED HIT with 462 damage and remains with 4257 vitality
    Tipu's Water Daimon I does steallife to strong creature(s) of Lucan and:
    - Steallife power: 9%
    - steals 383 vitality from Angie and gives it to Elite Knator and remains with 3874 vitality

    Lucan's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Tipu and:
    - Water Daimon I receives 688 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 180 Ve) and remains with 2013 vitality
    Tipu's Elemental III does steallife to strong creature(s) of Lucan and:
    - Steallife power: 5%

    - steals 194 vitality from Angie and gives it to Grasan II and remains with 3680 vitality
    Lucan's Angie does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Tipu and:
    - Water Daimon I receives 529 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 141 Ve) and remains with 1484 vitality

    Lucan's Chaos Archer One does damage to all creature(s) of Tipu and:
    - Grasan II receives 54 damage and remains with 1841 vitality
    - Elemental III receives 16 damage and remains with 1485 vitality
    - Elite Knator receives 16 damage and remains with 2468 vitality

    - Elite Lorerootian Archer receives 48 damage and remains with 2453 vitality
    - Water Daimon I receives 24 damage and remains with 1460 vitality
    - Dark Archer II receives 56 damage and remains with 2645 vitality

    Lucan's Chaos Archer Two does damage to all creature(s) of Tipu and:
    - Grasan II receives 60 damage and remains with 1781 vitality
    - Elemental III receives 22 damage and remains with 1463 vitality
    - Elite Knator receives 22 damage
    and remains with 2446 vitality
    - Elite Lorerootian Archer receives 54 damage and remains with 2399 vitality
    - Water Daimon I receives 30 damage and remains with 1430 vitality
    - Dark Archer II receives 62 damage and remains with 2583 vitality

    Lucan's Majestic Winderwild does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Tipu and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -108
    - weakens Grasan II for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -108 and remains with 1781 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -108
    - weakens Dark Archer II for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -108
    and remains with 2583 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Tipu, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-108 )
    Tipu's Dark Archer II does damage to random creature(s) of Lucan and:
    - Angien receives 1 damage and remains with 4537 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Tipu, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-108 )
    Tipu's Grasan II remains frozen, skipping turn

    My question is this:

    1)If i made a damage greater And reduced the enemy creature vitality below 100% then the tree will give them -3K negative VIT and they will die.
    2) Guys not every time the tokens give rewards they might some times be a curse too Correct?
    3) Also now i want to talk about the archers ability here, that means if i would have won the battle i would have captured some of his principles. What i mean is if the enemy uses his token then only i can absorb his principle correct?

    Plz if iam worng correct me and teach me a bit iam ready to listen anything and every thing. I want to make a good ANTI - Token ritual but if i don't understand How the token Works then how can I plz help me thanks.

  4. hehe Of course i have chosen for MAx Wish points
    But how do we decide which one is the Main account. because some would like to have A as their main and some B so It would be great if the players decide the main account and let only those main account receive it. Plz no ALTS hehe. Finally a chance to reduce EXP down to Zero hehehe I love it....hehehe

  5. well ur First Task will be become an Adept of a Exp player

    There is a Quest for starter, Try to find a MP5 player "Emerald Arcanix" Read his Quest papers. By doing this Quest u will understand the Game Concept and u will get a good rare Creatures by completing his Quest.hehehe

  6. [quote name='Redd' date='03 December 2009 - 08:06 AM' timestamp='1259807784' post='48993']
    Tried it on Fenth's Press today(Day 336). Got everything right. Temp, permanent and heat bonuses...

    EDIT: I used crits with permanent boosts...

    Can u plz try with newly bought creatures lvl1. And u ware aware that there was a bug in the fenth press so why did u take the risk of sacrificing a full grown creature?. I mean u should have tried with a lvl 1 creatures just to check it. :P
    I find Exp player always want to close this Topic uhmm Some thing is Fishy :P
    hehehe ;)

  7. Ok i will add some Tips how to get people hehehe
    Now MD is a unique Game for unique people, Ho yeah thats the truth, Its not for everybody.
    SO how to find those unique people uhhnn.

    I got to know this world my a player named blu sapharine ( she not playing any more ) i meet her in Tribal wars (another mmog ). So plz every body post how did u know this game and Mur can concentrate on Advisement on those ares

    1)Ok speaking of Advertisements i was clicking all those Free credits and i was laughing to myself hahaha. Mur u r just wasting ur money on making a golden member on those online list hehehe. Believe me iam playing MMORPG for more than 10 Years. And we don't get attracted by those Golden color on ur MD ADD hehehe. All we see is
    A-the Ranking
    B-INs and OUTs figure
    c-And a those description of the game.

    2)And i found on some Game list we rank well below, that i have to click on page 2 to find ur game hehe. In those game list its better we don't paste ur adds hehehe

    3)Always remember a true Online mmog player will Go through the game forums so i think if we put some ADDS in famous game forums we might find those unique hardcore gamer. I can give some like " Tribals wars" " Atlantis mmog" " battle dawn"
    " Immperial Online " and many more just try to find RPG which is played by most people and try to get a space in their forums, which will bring many player in.

    4)Most important is Google : Yes thats correct Plz put ur adds in Google. There is way to get ur Wb address in the first place by just changing the Title and description. Plz consult a Google specialist. I mean lets say i type " FREE RPG ONLINE game " and when i click search ur web side should atleast fall in the Top 10 List. Actually we can do this if we understood how the google search engine works.

    5)Try to add one more Question in the game registration page like : How did u came to know about this game ?." something like this. This way we can concentrate on those areas in Adds.

    Finally iam doing my best to this game i have 8 adepts hehe iam a noob myself but iam traing those who get defeated by me hehehe. amoung 2 will shortly get to mp4 so iam trying my best to get all those 8 in mp4 just give me some time and i will support this game shortly thats all i can do byee
    WARNINGS !!! Don't underestimate me i have ruled all RPG Game now i have set my sight on MD soon i will conquer This world too. So get ready so called GODs, Tipu is hear , Say ur last prayers hehehe :)

  8. Ho PLZ don't do such a change. let me tell u it will only make strong people more stronger. Plz don't do it. Lets every body get a chance and have a equal Stats
    First of all we iam a mp3 player face these problems
    1) ALTS with lore root creatures
    2) Players with sun god sets, royal guard sets and medusa sets ( I have no idea how they do this even at MP3lvl )
    3) Token whore player with heavy token Creatures or Creatures from MD shops
    4) The Archers which does 1dmg hehehe . I mean r u guys expecting us to defeat mp4 player( when we get up to MP4 lvl) who has lore root creatures. Yes i can but i have to use fully grown Garson, armors and elemental if i have to score a win but what's the point i get Person XP which i don't want and waste my creatures XP which is already fully upgraded.
    5) Quest which is not game related. U guys all know i don't need to mention those.
    6) Torch competition with no rewards

    Now no Top of these thing if u allow Vets to participate in Head contest let me tell u simply " MANY WILL QUIT MD " It is fact u have to face it.
    Iam sorry to make such a comment i respect Life line a Lot more than ANY Md players but i won't agree to this Idea if Mur will implement i will Go on a unconditional Strike hehehe :P

    Head contest is all what we see a change to even the odds. If u implement Vet to participate i will tell the winners in Mp3 section now itself. Kyhpis, H, Chewette well u can start giving them 7 K Vit and 10 K Vp with 200 attack and defense Stats right away for next month too or perhaps for the next whole years hehehe No need to conduct head contest for mp3 hehehe.

  9. Ok According to chewett instruction i did the following

    1) I got 2 Garsons from Armorer
    2) Waited till i got back my VE and VIT to max
    3) Went to fenths press
    4) Clicked The refresh Button 2 times
    5) Checked the Rest Clock it was reading something like 7:13
    6) Then i sacrificed both the Garsons
    7) Then i clicked Refresh button 2 times
    ;) Nothing happened I did not get Temp VP nor VE :D

    There was an error report But unable to get a picture Since it goes of very fast.

    Now iam not doing this First time i have upgraded all my creature thru this method so i won't make any mistakes. Plz look it in this issue. I will not waste any body time i only talk when It really needs to be talked [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img]

    And kamate Subject and Description is all matter to get MODS attention hehehe :D
    Just put the Subject as "MD Server Crashed" hahaha All the Mods will be answering ur Question. But don't get surprised if u get Banned. hehehe :)

  10. Guys today i sacrificed on garson and found no increase in both VP and VE but my 20 Action points got reduced. I tried refreshing the page but did not get any thing. I tried it again keeping a eye on the reset clock but again i didn't get any increases in VE and VP. please correct this bug. Iam able to see an error report when scarified but it disappears Quick before reading. Plz set it up i have to upgrade my archer :D . Thanks byee
    Srry forget my GAme ID is FYI: your id is: 177326

    Added Screenshot (Chewett):

    [attachment=1309:sacrefice bug.png]

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