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Posts posted by Tipu

  1. want to bring back age of sail.
    yes possible - oil is limited resource
    why can't - nuclear powered engines
    why - adventure

    want to create my own MMORPG
    yes possible - have friends who can
    why can't - i want it totally free to play.
    why - fun.

    want to play MD along with lord life line
    why can't - Murmuss, Murdom
    yes possible - Its council members.
    why - he is my King, i don't want him to leave.

  2. 17) GG Drach cave really belong to GG?
    Iam taking a similar Case comparing vatican city and italy with cave and GG.
    a)" City of the Vatican", is a landlocked city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome, the capital city of Italy.
    "Drach cave" is similar to it vatican city. Even thou it is within the territory of GG but has its boundary of itself.
    "Vatican city" It has an area of approximately 44 hectares (110 acres)
    "Drach cave" has one one screen area (no idea how to measure area in MD)
    "Vatican city have a population of just over 800.
    "Drach cave" has one population and that is MD Char SmartalekRJ. The only player who can enter the cave.
    b)"Vatican City State" issues normal passports and its Own visa. Italy isn't the one issue the passports nor the visa for vatican city.
    Its true in MD, "GG paper pass" does not provide u an access to the cave.
    c) "Vatican City" is ruled by the Bishop of Rome—the Pope. it is also and the location of the Pope's residence, referred to as the Apostolic Palace.
    "In MD " the residence of the Smartalekrj is in the Cave itself. And even GG king have no access to the cave = no authority over the cave, which means Smartalerj is the one who in charge of the Cave. In fact he founded the cave in the first place.
    d) "The military defence" of the Vatican City is provided by Italy and its armed forces, given the fact that Vatican City is an enclave within the Italian Republic. Accordingly, Vatican City has no armed force of its own apart from the Swiss Guard.
    "In MD" its true again. Its the GG Citizens who r bound to protect the cave.
    Points to note from above is
    drag cave thou falls within GG territory but SmartalekRJ has more authority than GG King in regard with the cave.
    The fact that King of MD allowed SmartaleKrj access to the cave and not any GG citizen is a proof in itself.
    Therefore Lord lifeline on the permission of SmartRJ did used his spell to bring MP5 players for training purpose only.
    It was therefore considered that GG king permission wasn't required.

    18) Now i will take the previous two case study where players have been punished or warned in the past regarding the cave:
    Case 1
    [quote][2009-04-18 20:36:34 - Alpha 8]
    Drachorn Eggs sacrifice day..not for Easter Eggs :(
    Because of excessive amounts of drachorns when usual reward is 1 maximum 2, several measures have been taken against following players: Caster masc (aka tankfans) killed 7 drachorns eggs (all), .MRD. killed 10 drachorns eggs (all) , PTB killed 5 drachorns eggs (all), .Grido. killed 11 drachorn eggs. A few players were left with over 5 drachorns because of their role and because those drachorns are expected to be used as rewards for other players. .SmartalekRJ., the drachorn master, lost his ability to give access to the Drachorns Lair. Access to the Lair was removed from all characters except .SmaralekRJ. . Access to the Lair and recruiting of just one, was a matter of trust, but it seems some considered it as a great opportunity to get too many rare creatures. Distribution of drachorns in the realm will be increased later when they will become again very rare (more than now). Those penalised should be happy that the penalisation was not higher.

    a) As u can clearly see, The punishment was given for distributing or taking more than 5 dragons for personal use.
    b) The punishment was not given for entering the cave as it wasn't closed that time [b]but also not open to all[/b].
    c) Since its the first kind of a crime or let say abuse the penalty was not higher. Only temp punishment, Not permanent one.
    d) But still SmarRJ was allowed in the cave.

    Case 2
    [b]you took 16 drachs ang gifted [/b]just a few to bfh, and to one other guy that happend to be at the cave entrance. You sent one to ailith to confirm you can access the cave, she sent it back.
    you had 11 drachs on you when i locked you. i confiscated all 16 drachs.
    i have no clue how you got that admin key to enter all those locations (they are all closed by same key). One thing is certain, you did not struggle to much to find out yourself and you tottaly abused the drach cave. you will do jail for abuse by ignorance. You are very lucky i stopped you before you SOLD any because then you would have been ip baned forever.
    bfh, you have no excuse, you as a lho should know better and not allow this to happen without checking with grido or me. [b]If you think its normal to get drachs from the cave then you have no place as a lho.[/b] you will do jail for your ignorance and [b]for receiving those drachs without reporting [/b]something odd was going on when everybody knows the cave is locked.
    i will decide an other time your jail time but it will be long. your accounts remain locked untill then.
    this should be a lesson to lho that they are responsable for the advices that they give , if those advices lead to abuse be neglijence or intent.[/quote]
    This was the post made by the king of MD in regard with manda's case.

    a) again u can see that Manda was primarily punished for taking and gifting dragons and not for entering the cave as such.

    In the both the cases the payers were punished mainly cos of taking dragon and not for entering alone
    Points to note from above:
    1) Lord lifeline did make sure that recruiting of drogans not possible before bringing other players inside the cave
    2) In this case none of the players did not or where not able to recruit the dragons
    3) They entered the cave since they left with no other options for a safer training place as balcony was attacked by Anti GGG force.
    4) Secrecy of the location of the training was most important and thus Lord lifeline kept this training as a secret due to GG king wasn't informed.

    19) In giving Verdits the past crime of the players should be know
    In this case Lord lifeline have never abused his powers before and has a clean record throughout his game play.

    20) Why punishments given
    a) Of repeating the same crime or mistakes even after waring:
    well here no one has rpt the crime excerpt of Manda and no warnings was issued to lord life line before his punishments
    b) Why the crime was made:
    In this case it is clearing for training purpose only and not as claimed for invasion of gg. Did they tried to enter the cave when they were MP3 or MP4? and also this location was chosen only when they left with no other place to safly train.
    c) Nature of the crime :
    Entering the restricted area but also we have see did they gain anthing by doing so?. They didn't.
    d) So that in the future no one repeats the crime again:
    As this can't be applicable since the last announcement reads "[2010-11-22 03:26:41 - Stage 10]
    [b]Drach Lair access restriction rule will be lifted as soon as the cave becomes technically a prison[/b]. This means it will no longer be forbidden to be inside, but it will be theoretically impossible. (This leaves space for certain things)"

    Well thats all, I kindly request the council members to go through the above points in the topic and request temporary punishments along with warnings as applicable to Lord life line and others involved in this trail Thanks
    Others might consider this trial as a joke but i have full faith in them.

  3. [quote]@ Tipu
    thank u very much for the support i am really touched but please think about it very clearly. u now have a clear mission to carry out, how i handle this situation is my way of living so please dont rush into something u might regret.
    I understood u want to take on ur own shoulders and iam on my mission lord.
    The supreme duty of every Citizen is to defend his King and iam only doing my duties so no need any thanks lord. Well iam posting few more points hope this helps u in ur trial.

    11) Spoiler is again an offense in MD right? But how come u can have Alts then, Ok let me explain this
    Lets take two scenario:
    a)Lets say player 'A' Join MD and plays for 200 active days
    b)Player 'B' joins in
    c)Player 'A' gives all the spoilers of MD to player 'B'
    Player 'A' gets punished cos he has given all info which he knows to player 'B' and thats spoiler.ok
    a)Player 'A' joins MD and plays for 200 active days
    b)Then player 'A' creates his Alt player 'A1'. Now player 'A1' knows everything what player 'A' knows(how to solve bresker puzzle, How to beat LR guards, knows which ritual to be used to increase certain stats and many more it goes on)
    My point what difference it make btw player 'B' and 'A1'. Cos now player 'A1' becomes legal. Even thought all the spoilers or fact are shared btw player A and A1 but thats legal????
    Now if i had the RED button i would have used it and removed all the alts from the system just one account per IP address. :)) . Now how fare is my decision for those who have really worked hard to bring there alts up.
    My point is different people interpolate rules and systems in different way i just took one example about 'spoiler'. So player will have different option about rules closed or restricted means.

    12) About alche statue " the reason why that statue is build because he discovered MDA lands long before it was official opened. Any one who sees that statue will be under the impression that going to the places that can't be access is a great Achievement to do. The place that is not official opened is an restricted area or a closed area. if so why the statue then. If that is called adventure where is Manda's statue near the cave in fact it should be two :)):))

    13) If training with the Libs is against the rule then how about players using the armors in GG during HC contest. I mean every one knows that they r steeling head from the armor (why steeling - most of them don't have creatures left for fighting, so basically u click them u get their heads). No action is taken to prevent that and non punished. I know why.. it is just cos' VETS can't participate in HC. Imagine DST is allowed in participating in HC and u try to steel heads from the armor u will no doubt will end up counting the bar behind prison hehe :)) ( Sorry DST to put ur name there).

    14) Who has more authority ...
    A MD char or a King . I belive A MD char since he have done good or bad thing for the entire MD realm and not just a part of land. On that text what Lord Lifeline did is correct to my view.

    15) When MB and GG was still in taking period about the whole incident, why did the announcement pointed about the gravity about a King not concern about the other land territory. King of GG already punished lifeline in that regard "MB citizens will be attacked in GG territory". And it should be decided between the two king. The punishment should only be given for entering the cave and not for trespassing the territory that remains with GG king.

    16) Some say that Lord life line was trying to take over GG. ho yes he is trying to take over GG with some fresh mp5 players who r struggling to find a Win. And remember even GG citizens where included in that group. So this can considered as a joke .

    lord I have few more points but no time today. thanks

  4. I Tipu, Citizen of MB would support Lord Life line in this case
    Cos' Today i don't need to beg for a Win and have won Head competeion 2nd place and maxed 16 creatures all credits goes to two player who helped me one is King Life line and the other is Queen of necro Peace. And i will defend them to death. Infact lifeline helped me when i was almost about to quit this game.

    1)First of all these things happened cos MP5 players wants to train without being attacked and getting a loss.
    2)That was not posible in an open area as they will be attacked.
    3)So they chose to go balcony, even that area will discovered and attacked
    4)Then they left with only one choise and that is Cave.
    But all those four announcement did not solve the Root problem.

    5)On one will use MD chat box any more other than for Role playing. I will prefer or even recommend messengers, even to say hi or bye.
    6)No Vet MP5 players will come to aid weak player and get into trouble as in this case lifeline. iam sure He don't need a GGG for training he is too good for that.
    7)How come the same rule applies to a MD char and a normal players.
    8)As u can see lord lifeline still not fighting for himself but he is fighting for all those who get affected by this Courts decision. I don't need to say about his Character as the above say all.
    9)Active ingame does not mean 24/7 hooked in front for a computer and play all life long. Plz understand everyone is playing a bigger game and that is "real life". I know since Lord lifeline is out in US and has to use a Netcafe to play this game, due to which from outside it seems he isn't active but those who have access to MB private forums will know the truth.
    10)And where it states u should be active in forums too. Does it mean u can't be a king without having a forum account.

    Finally all i have to say it this [b]If Lord lifeline accounts gets a Ban plz ban my ID too[/b]. (I really require a ban cos if not i will for sure login can stop my fingers from typing my MD account username hehe :)) )
    And i know many player who r close and friendly to Lord life line plz speak up. Plz don't see what Game creator will think of u or other will think about u. Its a matter of Loyalty, Friendship which other can't understand.

  5. Selling a legendary creature of the legendary Army General the great Knator Commander

    A Sharptear (premium archer) , fully tokened (!!) , borned before it was officialy discovered, currently with 1059 age

    About this archer, the nice part is that on its first transfer it will not lose age, nor fights, nor level!( it is at maxed lvl now)only its first trade, after that it will be normal trade. Ho yes its a First ever Magic creature.


    It has fought great legendary and mighty battles, Have defeated the the undefeated Rituals.
    It has won more than Thousand battles. and Rumors say it is more than a creatures itself.

    Well we want silver or gold only. The starting bid will be 150 silver(15sc=1 gold).
    Once we r satisfied we will sell this creatures.
    The silver which we gain thru this will be used for a good cause the entire MD realm will be benified from it. Be one amoung those who make things better for the realm by being generous in this trade.
    Plz place ur bids here thanks _ Tipu on behalf of Legendary Knator Commander.

    [b]The Auction Has ended.
    Sold to Clock master for a total of 11G = 165 Sc
    Perhaps the Highest trade ever done for a Single creature trade with records.
    Yoshi, master b and lightsage thanks a lot but we have just one creature and we need coins badly.
    Knator commander himself will hand over the creature to Clock master.

    Opps since i got an error message i can't contact Clock master "cos message is full"
    so iam posting the message for him
    thanks a lot, Auction has ended and we r selling the creature to u. KC himself will hand over the creature.
    Stone biter one of ur Guards will come and collect the coins. He is authorized to do so on behalf of knator commander.
    Plz let me know ur location so that he can find u thanks.

  6. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeC7pXdWgYc[/url]

    haha plz spare me this is my first U tube video hehe
    surprisingly already 4 Views and comment before i post here hehe the Unique game tag is working hehe
    if someone has tips or ways to make the above video better plz mail me thanks

  7. Welcome to BD forums alazzah. Hey don't mind what other has to say hehe. Just ignore them. I do understand what u r taking about. The Banning of free credits through voting has affected a lot of players. Which has lead them to discover new ways to find credits and the result is what u see in this poll.
    First i want introduce alazzah to forum members
    1)He is the only player from saudi arabia and now jordan
    2)Unlike other capped mp4 with 100K ve, alazzah is a mp5 player and still continues to play no matter how much weak he is.
    3)He is not an ALT.
    4)He still gives many wins for mp5 players and doesn't stay in a sanctuary for protection.
    5)He has worked hard on his own( no MD shop, no land bonus, no alliance bonus or guild) to reach so far and i salute u alazzah.

    hehe when u point one finger at a person and say he is fool remember the other three fingers points at you :o

  8. holy cow now how do we play MD hehehe

    Any way no need credits, plz put the link back. We were having green arrows that means Growing game by removing the link we will drop all the way to the bottom. It is not the number of votes that count it is the green or red arrow which indicates the Good game. Iam sure many will vote even if there is no reward.
    Don't worry newbies i will fight for u players. I will start with the Mood panel. Don't give up :P

  9. [size="4"][b]Calendar Events on Sub- Indian continent for 2011[/b][/size]
    Based on Hindu mythology

    1)Date Festival name
    Jan 14 Makar Sankranti or Pongal

    Date of Observance:
    It marks the beginning of the gradual increase of the duration of the day

    Description : Pongal is one of the most popular harvest festival of South India, mainly Tamil Nadu. Pongal falls in the mid-January every year and marks the auspicious beginning of Uttarayan – sun's journey northwards. Pongal festival lasts for four days. Makar Sankranti marks the transition of the Sun into Makar (Capricorn)

    2)Date Festival name
    08 Feb Vasant Panchami

    Date of Observance: Fifth day of waxing moon

    Description : Vasant Panchami (also called Saraswati Puja ) is celebrated for the blessing of Saraswati, goddess of wisdom

    3)Date Festival name
    3rd Mar Maha Shivaratri

    Date of observance : Thirteenth night of the waning moon

    Description : Maha Shivaratri is the great night of Lord Shiva, followers of Shiva observe religious fasting and the offering of Bael (Bilva) leaves to the Shiva.
    Lord Shiva - Shiva is a major Hindu deity. Shiva is seen as the Supreme God.
    Bael leaves - Bael is a middle sized slender aromatic armed tree native to India. It has since spread to throughout South-east Asia. It is a gum-bearing tree.

    4)Date Festival name
    20 March Holi

    Date of Observance : Full moon

    Description : Holi is a popular spring festival. Holi commemorates the slaying of the demoness Holika by Lord Vishnu's devotee Prahlad.
    Lord Vishnu - Vishnu as one of the five primary forms of God.
    Prahlad - Prahlada is a character from texts of Hinduism, wherein he is famed for his exclusive devotion (bhakti) to Vishnu, despite attempts in the story by his father, Hiranyakashipu to turn him to the contrary.

    5)Date Festival name
    12 April Rama Navami

    Description : Rama Navami is the celebration of the birth of Lord Rama.
    Lord Rama - Rama is considered to be the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism,and a mythological king of Ayodhya in ancient Indian Puranas. Based on Puranic genealogy, Rama is believed by Hindus to have lived during 1450 BC, during the Rig Vedic period.

    6)Date Festival name
    13 July Rath Yatra

    Description : Rath Yatra is the festival associated with Jagannath.
    Rath - Temple cars are chariots used to carry idols of Hindu gods. The car is usually used on festival days, when many people pull the cart.
    Jaganath - Jagannātha is a Hindu deity, a form of Vishnu. Jagannātha is worshipped by Hindus all over India. The Jagannātha Temple in Puri is regarded as one of the four most sacred Hindu pilgrimage places in India.

    7)Date Festival name
    August 22nd Krishna Janmaashtami

    Date of observation : Eighth day of waning moon
    Description : Krishna Janmaashtami is the Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna. It is actually called as Krishna Jayanthi.
    Lord Krishna - Krishna is a deity worshipped across many traditions in Hinduism in a variety of perspectives.

    8)Date Festival name
    Sept 11th Ganesh Chaturthi
    Date of Observation : Fourth day of the waxing moon
    Describtion : Ganesh Chaturthi is the celebration of the birth of Lord Ganesh.
    Lord Ganesh - Ganesha is one of the deities best-known and most widely worshipped in the Hindu pantheon. His image is found throughout India and Nepal. Hindu sects worship him regardless of affiliations. Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extends to Jains, Buddhists, and beyond India.

    9)Date Festival name
    26 th Oct Deepavali
    Date of Observation : New moon
    Describtion : Deepavali which means "row of lights/lamps" is called "Divali" in North India, Deepa means lamp and in Hindi a lamp is mostly called a Diya or Di. The festival is celebrated on the occasion of Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama killing a demon Narakasura. Another story says the festival is celebrated for the return of Lord Rama and Sita to the kingdom Ayodhya after fourteen years of exile.

    Thats all, this is for an entire year. I found few wrong dates announcement before so i have corrected for the whole year.

  10. But if u stop mp3 and mp4 from participating TC,
    the Score board will read like:

    MD 0
    LR 0
    GG 0
    Necro 0

    U have to kill at least one opponent in order to score one point
    when Mp5 players can't find targets in normal days how they r going find MP5 players with Torches
    Remember the best way to defend a land is by not participating in TC.

  11. Kafuuka:
    "Here we have an interesting kind of paradox. Both ends of the spectrum - old players and players not yet enlisted - agree, yet the middle has opposite views. If this does not amuse you the slightest, [size="3"][b]then MD is just not for you.[/b][/size]
    Also, read up on Sorites' paradox. It's fun; I'm using it against you, which is fun ... for me, sort off."

    The only reason i still play this game is co's of this sentence which u used kafuka " then MD is just not for you " :)

  12. ok just make it fair for every one:

    from today onwards those who recruit angien eggs will not get the benefit of getting Ve but for those who already got the angien eggs will get those benefit. We can do that by creature id no. lets say creature id no from xxxxxx will not be rewarded when sac at lvl 2.
    The same happened when the archers ability was changed. I was the only one who protested. and i got neg point and consider as stupid. well all i want to say is lot of them left MD don't make the hard core to leave too that's :D all.

  13. I once had 16 Adepts then i left MD for 8 months when i came back i saw this


    Problem is
    Spolier , Lore root guards, tokens, Weapon sets and MD shop creatures( which they don't have).

    Beating loreroot guards will gain access into LR - that not a spoiler
    use blah blah blah creature to defeat LR guards thats a spoiler.

    Lore root Guards
    The first set guards - an average player can defeat, but the second is way too hard to defeat them. The ritual has been changed there is no weakness in their strength. The old easy way of defeating the LR guards is now no more only brute force can take them down. Only players who have defeated them lately can understand what iam talking about. The Aimed Hit ability for LR archer have changed the Odds.
    my request is players should not get personal EXP for Lost battles against LR guards. This will make many player to try and find solution by themselves rather than asking some one.

    Weapon sets : the above can solve this problem too.

    Tokens and MD shop creatures: I have no solution for this one. well i used to give them false rumors that they have negative side effects :cool:

  14. New rule : MP3 players cannot access MD shop.
    advantages : 1) The MP3 world will be even for all, a good sign for many new players to continue playing MD.
    2) All vets players will be self forced to get MP4.
    3) Even Vets Alts will be even to a new player.
    4) No complains about token and unfair fight in head contest atleast in MP3 lvl.
    5) New player will have a good chance of judging the game before using the credit card.

    Disadvantage : 1) well only one , less money for MD :)

  15. Actually there should be an option to delete your ALTS acounts. This way we can be small and eassy for the officials to keep and eye on us.
    The other option we have is to allow only 3 accounts per players. In this case players can use the other Two accounts to develop their main one. It will be fair as 90% players do feel that they have played wrong and want restart again. Also the game developer will have more time and can concentrate on the game and Bugs issues instead of finding who is abusing which alts.

  16. Rumors say that the final stage of the angien will be more powerful than the drachorn itself. Also remember not all angien eggs hatch in the same way. Some do evolve into a creatures which can be like drachorn Hunter hehehe. And it is not luck based it is ur Karma. Ho yeah in MD every way of playing gets rewarded too. So for those who don't use Token in ur rituals the changes of getting those final powerful angien lvl are higher. Now don't ask me how i came to know this . I can't say cos its a spoiler hehehe :))

  17. Actually they should have Curse protection. Ho yeah we can use that Witch Hut North of winds sanctuary. Just get Witch there and Here it goes like this

    Spell protection lvl 1= 1 silver = 50 % chance u get protected from magic spell
    Spell Protection lvl 2= 2 Silver = 75 % chance u get protected from magic spell
    Spell protection lvl 3= 3 silver = 100 % chance u get protected from magic spell
    spell protection lvl 4= 4 Silver = 100 % chance u get protected from magic spell + 50 % chance the enemy gets the curse reflected to them.( This means its like a curse hits a mirror and they get affected by the same curse)
    hehehe It would be really funny to see some one say " Shut up " and they get their mouth Zipped hehehe.

    A) The duration of the spell protection will be valid for full one month.
    [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] The enemy will have no idea weather u have a spell protection or not.
    C) Once A fails to curse B due to spell protection they have to wait for another 24 hr to curse B again.

    Now Warning !!! Now once u get spell protection the same rules apply to all spells. Now some one want to increase ur attack stats and he does a spell and if u have spell protection then the same rules apply. so if u get lvl 3 spell protection u would have no chance to get benefited by those spell for 1 full month so be careful before u use spell protection.

    Finally i want to bring bronze in this game as Silver is very hard to get. I have some idea, if i don't get eggs, tomato's throw at me after this post i might suggest that idea too. Frankly silver is too much for spell protection we need bronze hehehe. Sorry for wasting all ur time hehehe :))

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