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Posts posted by Tipu

  1. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/Dstroy1.jpg[/img]


    Yes as u can see i have gained 1sc and 1 rain bow candy with a day.

    Whats special is i did not acquire those resources but i generated it hehe. Yep i got those resource not by trading nor by MD shop or anything. I got those just like that...Thanks to my Gen6 Kidneys.

  2. No : 99

    A legend was born
    when tipu made an MD account.
    the skies turned dark and toilets shined bright.
    Little did they know about the mysterious yet powerful guy.
    so they named Tipu as The lord tipu for his might.

    He is so powerful that his enemies runs on his sight
    but his only goal was to have a fight
    but none understood him for he is so bright :D
    now i don't know what to write ...
    perhaps one day MD recognize his might.

    I dedicate this poem to the future legend of MD and yes that is me :cool:

  3. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1321981684' post='96406']
    The one question I have is...

    How can you differentiate from stealing and getting gifted/rewarded?

    I "took" Mur's 3 7sided rare dice a while ago. I don't think he'd consider it stealing, and they are mine now, but I wouldn't call it stealing either. So where is the line between stealing and getting?

    I can't define stealing and getting but i can give u an example

    1) Advertise of my tree

    2) Rcvd PM from [b]Asad Suhail[/b]

    3) My reply

    4) His mistake & my Trap hehe

    As u can c i gave the CTC of the Tree creature but he didn't transfer it rather he gave ITC of the coin which i transferred it hehe

    5) My plot - I sold the Tree creature to a third person of another silver
    [proof Required]

    6) so basically i stole his sc :D

    So now avoid him reporting to council members or demon king.how u do that is up to U. If u can't then face the song As i said before if u r caught u will be tagged 'fool' if not then u belong to elite group called ' Fugitives'. U will even get high points if u were able to brainwash or make a fool of council members or demon king (proof required) and escape with ur mischief hehe.

    Now i will get low points cos
    1) This could be a set up between me and Asad just to win this contest.
    2) The stolen item low valve (just 1sc coin).

    I will get high points for
    1) Screen shots proof added where required.
    2) Above also teaches a very important lesson to noobs :" Never give coins before u actually transfers ur creatures when u r trading"

    And Asad don't worry ur tree is safe its only an example :))
    I will soon hunt down judges asap. So basically it will be them to judge ur entries they might cross question u if required.

    Its sometimes Hell trying to reach heaven ....being always good isn't good .....MUWAHAHAHAHA......

  4. I The Lord Tipu Claiming reward or rewardsss for finding a in-game feature before it was officially released.

    As u can clearly see i made this Video and predicted the evolution of Grasans and also very accurately predicted the Fart grasans feature before it was officially announced. Thanks to my AI Generation-6 Kidneys.

    [log=announcement] [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2089 - [2011-11-15 07:46:14 - Stage 11][/color]
    [b]The Farting Grasan produces Toxic gas[/b]
    A farting grasan (thx Mya) will fart excessively. These ..products..of his ability *cough* can be collected for later use, whatever those uses might be. Toxic gas together with toxic herbs and other similar things to come, will be usable as primary source to extract deadly poisons or power up items with effects such as paralyze or intoxicate. [/log]

    Alche got his statue for finding a route before it was officially opened. But iam not asking for a statue or monument for me (iam not that greedy or self-centered guy as u know). A reward of 100 gc or equivalent will do too. :D
    -The Lord Tipu.

  5. The dark age has begun.

    The lord Tipu unleashing the first ever [b]Fugitive quest : " The Master of all Stealer "[/b]

    [b]Mission[/b] : Is to steal others property by what ever means(Rules apply see below).
    It can be either coins, items, creatures, avatars, or anything that can be stolen.(use ur imagination to the fullest).
    Cheating, lies, backstabbing, bullying, blackmailing, robing, anything goes.

    (Even Fugitives have Honor and Code)
    [b]Rules[/b] : 1) Bugs/ Scripts not allowed.
    2) Hacking/ Stealing passwords of others account not allowed.
    3) U need to hold the "stolen property" until the end of this Quest. U may if u want can return the stolen property back on good will after the Quest ends or can keep it to satisfy ur greedy needs hehe.
    4) All ur fugitive adventures( proof with screen shots) should be posted in this part of the forums. So that we can verify ur bragging.
    5) If someone complains ur action to council members or take u to court then its ur problem and this Quest won't protect u. So take calculative risk. (There is no gain without a pain)
    6) Don't even think of cheating me. If u dare then u will be a Victim to my Fart Attack for eternity hehe.

    [b]Duration[/b] : The Quest will run until 31 Dec 2011.

    [b]Judging[/b]: The winners will be judged by three judges. (Judges will be announced latter currently hunting them down)
    Judging will be based on the valuable of the stolen items, planning, tricks, time, and other things too.

    [b]Rewards [/b]: Sponsored by treasure keepers.

    Remember the cheaters who get caught r called fools but those who don't get caught r called Fugitives. Do u have what it takes to be a Fugitive? if so then show the world ur dark side hehe.

    MDers Start insuring ur valuables items or creatures or urself...Yes whether u like it or not u r already a part of this Quest. Cos' this is no ordinary Quest it is FUGITIVE GUEST and during this time Hell will be relocated down to Magic duel.

    Let the chaos Begin...


  6. (Let me brag too i got into finals)

    Its was a battle of warriors
    Brother vs Brother
    Kc Guard vs Kc Guard
    The lord Tipu vs Sunfire
    And sunfire wins :mellow:

    I am very proud to call u my brother. Iam so happy i got defeated by my own brother isn't of that passant the grinder.
    And i am sure ur commander would be proud of us if only he is in conscious state hehe.

    ok now to the serious part, i want my share *cough cough* yeah 50 -50 as per the brotherhood rules. Wondering when it was written? well just after i got defeated.
    And need a grant party since it is ur first ever victory in a battle tournament.

  7. Bot check is a automatic generated reply-email. When ever a new email address is rcvd it will automatically reply with a bot check mail. I guess brulant ur Email id was already is the safe list of the council members.

    Actually when i got into jail i did send a email to CMs from my Rediffmail account but the Bot check mail backfired. Then i used hotmail then everything was fine. U may think the CMs have revd ur email but actually they won't had rcvd.

    And important Plz stay online (Idle) don't logout. Cos the unban spells affect only when u r online. Also some times demon king might visit jail to annoy Prisoners with his jokes. So that time it is important u say online so that he can unban u.

    There was one more guy who got into jail due to fugitive feature his name was " wizard of heaven " ??(something like that ) Ledah plz pass him this info too if u c him.

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