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Posts posted by Tipu

  1. [b]WARNINGS : The following will be very emotional , sad. Girls r requested to have their kerchief standby. Try not to Cry :(.[/b]

    Yep my bank balance have come to negative and my parents/friends had enough of me. Also my ship is ready so me going to sail again will be back only after 6 months. Will start ..my Sea adventure from 2marro...[i]Sao Paulo[/i] Brazil (I heard Girls r awesome :wub: over there )

    To friends : Hey guys i know u might be very very sad by hearing this news ...But u know all Good things have to end *coughs coughs*

    To MD girls : Yeah i can see the tears flowing down ur gorgeous faces. Don't cry girls ..It makes me sad. :(.
    But It doesn't mean u won't be logging to MD anymore. Plz do login, there r other guys here too ..SS, FS, Princ Rhaegar, Meter Shem and many others. Give them a chance ..ofcourse they aren't smart like me :cool: but u never know even monkeys goes bananas..hehe.

    To my Dear Enemies : Don't think this is my End but its actually the beginning of ur ENd.
    Prepare urself for the rebirth of Lord Tipu...
    say ur best prayers ...

    "When u r confused which path to choose Right or Wrong ...u can take Left or Straight - Lord Tipu :D" .

  2. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/TeamRocket.jpg[/img]

    Prepare for trouble! - Make it double
    To protect to world from devastation - To Unite all people within our nation
    To denounce the evil of truth and love - To extend our reach to the stars above..
    Team rocket blasts of at the speed of light!
    Surrender now or prepare to fight!
    Meowth thats right!

  3. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1327030639' post='101310']
    The way I see it, since shop resets are usually free, but take a while to get, Eon is paying 30 gold to get something that is usually free, just faster: I say let him.

    Though I don't really know how shop resets are given out most of the time, since I've only reset the shop once, and have never had no resets available.

    No thats not the point uhm...if u know my language i would have explained u better.

    Ever wonder why its called Free Mmorpg when u can put cash to purchase permanent powers. I will give u an Example :
    Example :

    Lets say MD started 2012 jan ..three players joins Pip , Tipu & COTS
    So when we joined we had 2 shop resets as default and only creature available is Armor.
    Now Cots wants to kick ur butts so he uses both the shop resets to token all his Armors. (left with zero resets)
    And Pip have used only 1 shop rest and tokens his armors .U now left with 1 shop resets.(left with 1 resets)
    And Tipu he doesn't use the shop at all and goes for stacking Free credits. (left with 2 resets )
    So ranking in Jan 2012: 1 Cots , 2 PIP and 3 Tipu.

    June 2012 : The MD have introduced Pimp Garsans( powerful than Armors ) as their new creatures.
    Cots HO LA LA LA.....cos' now he doesn't have any tokens left for his Pimp. (left with zero resets)
    Mean while Pip take this advantage and use his other remaining shop reset to tokens his Pimp. (left with zero resets)
    elsewhere Tipu still haven't used his tokens and stacked a good amount of free credits (left with 2 resets)
    So ranking in June 2012 : 1 Pip (cos of tokened pimp) 2 Cots and 3 Tipu

    Dec 2012 : The MD intro. Rusty (powerful than both pimp and armors )
    CotS Ho LA LA LA ...(Left with zero resets )
    Pip HO LA LA LA ....( Left with Zero resets )
    where else Tipu MUHAHAHA....(Left with 2 resets )
    So ranking for Dec 1 Tipu ( he uses all his free credits + buy credits to token his rusty) 2 Pip and 3 Cots.

    This is the basic hidden truth in all the Free games shop. This is never written anywhere or told as the numbers supporter for th game will drop thats bad for the game. Also this give the newb a good chance to outsmart the vets. Lets say someone joining in Aug 2012 (in the above example). He got two shop resets with rusty. Thats how the Game developers balances the realm with Vets and noobs and doesn't allow any single group to continue dominate tha game.

    Yeah shop resets r free but remember whoever wins this auction will have 6 shop resets in total and others with 4 resets
    so when a extra resets happens he will have 7 and others 5. So he still has the upper hand.

    In other online games we have set value above which no one can cross ..just say like 1000US $. This means no matter what.. no players can buy shop items once he reaches this valve. But in MD we got no limits just like ur stats hehe...so Shop resets r the only limits we have..
    It is actually ok since only one guy will win this but why me against this is co's ....if we allow this to happen now Demon king will start putting 'shopresets in tombola events.... then as a rewards for metal torture .....then as gift for whomever he sees fit ....cos' he can.... U know Demon king hehe...

    Even i could collect 35 gc with credits and buy 2 shop resets so why still call it as " FREE Browser game" ah ????...
    There should be a limit ...for everything ...remember for some $$$ is an unlimited resource .....hehe.

  4. Excuse me Demon King ...Lord Tipu objects this...

    Shop resets should be a global one and should not be available for any kind of rewards, auctions or for achievements.
    If u want to auctions any shop items Plz go ahead but not shop resets. And if u r run short of $$$ yeah plz increase the resets as u wish but for everyone.

    The above is the standard rule followed in all those FREE mmorpg. And u being a game developer for over 7 yrs should be knowing this better than me.

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