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Posts posted by Tipu

  1. King of MD, Sharpwind is only trying to say only about the forum part and not the in-game play.
    As u can see there r about 20 Positive reps for this post and only 3 have come forward to support Sharp and iam sure non of three used the rep too. He is asking why these 20 players didn't post here isn't of using the rep button only. What keeps them away from making post. Definitely they have something to say here but why/what they r afraid of and such.

    @sharpwind Agreed with u but if the forum mods allowed the noobs to post what they want they will start whining about every thing starting from "MP3alts , MD shop, tokens, HC, Quest, MP5 and such". The list will be endless as this is one the toughest game i ever played. That challenge is what keeps me here hehe. when i started playing, i wanted to complain about the premium creatures and how MD shop is upsetting the balance and such but now i have all MD shop creatures without paying a 1$ in MD shop using trading and Voting. So now i realize that even without spending $ u can be as powerful as any supporter but it only takes some time to get there. So it took me almost a year to learn about MD shop and why all items cost only 1$. So thats why the Forum mods are bit strict on Noobs when they post something cos' this game can't be understood within a month or so, It will take a long time (1year for a Dumba55 like me) to understand this game hehe.

  2. At the moment we r getting 6$ per month through free credits but a sever supporter gets 7$ per month(*Support the Game by paying 5$ of the Hosting Costs each month You get 7 credits every month*)
    In order to have balance between a supporter and a non-supporter Requesting to raise the free credit amount by 1$ by increase certain important add links by 0.02 isn't of 0.01 Thanks.

  3. Ah Windy my support is for u and ur Pub.
    I will be the bada55 char trying to disturb and spread havoc/chaos in ur pub and others out there.
    Stop Me through RP and i will reward u with an angien egg or any LR creatures(basically aimed at noobs)
    keep an eye on the Mood panel for windy to signal of her pub opening.

  4. 800 seafarers are held up hostage in Somalia along with their ships
    120 seafarers have been killed due to piracy.
    12 Million US$ are spent in protecting Somalian waters against piracy (Indirectly u and me r paying this).
    24 Million US$ are used extra by shipping companies to avoid Somalian waters (by enrouting thru Cape of good hope instead of taking Suez)
    They have even started piracy training course in Somalia hehe,

    Yet when Indian navy Sunk one of the pirate mother boats it was blown out of proportion and UN hammered Indian Navy and There were even protest made by the human right activities against sinking a pirate mother ship wow!!!.

    Now were r these so called Human rights activities and UN just Proved itself to be a Puppet of Rich nations hehe.
    Somalia is lucky country don't have any natural resources - oil hehe

  5. @Chewett - Agreed(i will never act against HC members of MB), I will take back my sentence. Its not a duty of MB citizens.

    @Knozz, Xrieg : Yep i have formulated a plan for having MDP Guards but its Unofficial. I believe we have enough power to urself to stop the dojorule breakers. Mostly its weak noob players that do hit&run only very few powerful players do actually break the SG rules. I cannot ask for separate forum so i have started a personnel conversation with Katt, 18 others can join too so we can use that as a forum to plan ur strategy and tricks to do with the offenders. Ur plan will include
    1) Peaceful means a)Friendly PM by tell ur problems and making him/her understand(by lowering ur EGO we can achieve a lot).
    2) Propaganda a) Pl entry, b) use press/forums c) Entry in Chat log. d)Post lost and won battle log in forums and many such.
    3) Non co-operate
    4) Use ur Mentor / protectors protection
    5) And final the last option WAR muhahaha a) inducing unwanted EXP-capping, b) Giving him more wins then need c)assassinate(my favorite part) and many others
    On the other hand we also find way to protect urself from such attack and work as a team

    I want to protect SG rules and MDP cos this is the place i grew up without dojorules and SG i won't be here making this Post. And i want the others noobs to enjoy the same which i had once. Even thou frankly i would like to be on the Offender's side and increase my stats but i will forget that before i became strong i was once a noob myself.

    And so here it goes" [b]Want to be a part of MDP Elite guards just PM[/b] ". Trust me It will be fun hehe
    Respect and honor

  6. Princes Katt plz give the names of the MP4 players(pm ingame or forums) Who do break SG rules.
    I will take care of them hehe
    first thru peaceful means if not then by inflecting pains hehe. sorry I have no powers over mp3/mp5 players.
    Recently i stop one powerfull mp4 player from breaking SG rules and now he follows it.
    Iam a citizen of MB and i respect the rules posted at MDP.
    I congrats u Katt as a citizen of MB u did the right thing MDP terriory is within MB terriorty and it the duty of every MB citizens to make sure others follow it.

    Iam trying to a make powerfull mp4 MDP Guards.
    Will be trying to include Nad and Rabert in ur ranks.

    But first let me know the Dojorule breakers names. I will not disclose it.

    Respect and Honor.

  7. 25,000 blankets have already been airlifted to Japan by India. 4 Naval ships with relief materials & rescue teams are ready and waiting for the green signal from Japanese Government. Hope they act Quickly.

  8. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1299244181' post='79957']
    Creatures needing an mp level for an upgrade would be good, if it was an old feature. Now you'll have older players in all mp levels that have creatures on levels that are now unattainable for new players. Along with stats and knowledge of older players, and all the nifty things like tokens, this will lead to an even bigger gap between old players and new players.

    Solution for this would be to scale down all upgraded creatures to 0 level and let people upgrade them all over again. [b](Leaving wins and xp how they are)[/b]

    I agree with Raven's idea. If this is practically possible why don't we try it...

  9. [quote](really surprised to see no one is against the recent announcement uhhm guess everyone is tired of whining hehe)

    Now i know why *reads the second part of the announcement* hehe
    @ Kypis, Child : agreed
    @ Chewett : Thanks
    @ King of MD : Well Understood. Thanks for explanation.

    So plz Close the topic thanks

  10. Dear admins of MD i have a Kind request,
    To increase the Won point requirements for all the creatures cos' of the latest announcement(Creatures no longer losing XP on transfer)
    Example: i can trade a aged maxed joker from a mp5 player(since essay to get XP on creatures at mp5)and upgrade it to maxed lvl without a single fight since it does not require any Won points for upgrading.
    My request is to increase the number of Won points as a requirement for upgrading the creatures proportionately.
    (really surprised to see no one is against the recent announcement uhhm guess everyone is tired of whining hehe)

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