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Posts posted by Tipu

  1. [quote]
    Posted 24 November 2010 - 04:56 PM

    11) Spoiler is again an offense in MD right? But how come u can have Alts then, Ok let me explain this
    Lets take two scenario:
    a)Lets say player 'A' Join MD and plays for 200 active days
    b)Player 'B' joins in
    c)Player 'A' gives all the spoilers of MD to player 'B'
    Player 'A' gets punished cos he has given all info which he knows to player 'B' and thats spoiler.ok
    a)Player 'A' joins MD and plays for 200 active days
    b)Then player 'A' creates his Alt player 'A1'. Now player 'A1' knows everything what player 'A' knows(how to solve bresker puzzle, How to beat LR guards, knows which ritual to be used to increase certain stats and many more it goes on)
    My point what difference it make btw player 'B' and 'A1'. Cos now player 'A1' becomes legal. Even thought all the spoilers or fact are shared btw player A and A1 but thats legal????

    I Post this almost a yr back ...
    and this is what i got in return

    [quote]reading the other things i saw in the above discussions make my head spinn, i won't reply to them.

    [quote]i would declare your brain as a separate state with a will of its own , not in relation with you or what you type, that would be your only excuse for such a nonsense. Do you even read what you're posting ?[/quote]

    So now u know why i became an Anti-Social hehe

  2. Great mighty kings with all their godly powers tried to stop Eon ... but ended up in retiring.
    Phantom killed Eon ...only to make Eon immortal.
    And all the community with all their powers could not stop Eon from training. After all this.. Eon was not shaken.

    But u single handedly just by ur action ...u annoyed Eon so much that he stopped his training and hold u for more than 4hrs WOW...
    This by itself is a one hell of a achievement. So finally it was a FUGITIVE that stopped Eon from training..hehe.

    Do u all think he did all these for my Quest rewards. Even i got no idea of the rewards. He might end up with just a sc and he knew this very well. But why he did this ...u need to ask urself.

    Fugitives were not born ...they r created
    they r created by the community in which they live in.
    So stop blaming soothing sand and blame urself.

    The day will come when this community learns to feel others pain until then We fugitives shall not Rest...In...Peace.....MUWAHAHAHA..

  3. Ho ho ho very serious bug needs to be fixed ...Iam doomed

    Can't login it says " *Verify invalid account "
    Double checked password, username and catchphrase and everything but the same thing keeps popping out.

    Well yesterday an evil plot against me many spells very thrown on me and among one changed my name something like " tipu rabbit " (not sure thou) is this because of that...even my profile page not working.
    account name : Tipu (id i don't know)

    Plz fix it before cookies ran out. Don't u all want to c good lord tipu handing out ur gifts hehe

    btw Merry Xmas to all hehe

  4. Quas how about this one

    When Lord Tipu enters the Park

    and when Mp4s gets the butts kicked by Lord Tipu

    and when me plotting

  5. one thing have changed from previous TC is that now u can't gain points(score) by defeating a similar land torch holder.
    That means a MB TC holder def another MB Torch holder
    result : The winner does not get any score and the looser neither die.

    Thats a good change hehe

  6. Alright without further adieu i declare the Judges :

    from depth of Hell ...i give u... the leader of tainted alliance ...the future of necro ...my brother [b]Azull[/b]
    .... SoS member and master of Void ...[b]Master Granos ( was replaced by [/b][b]Zleiphneir)[/b]
    .... King of propaganda ... leader of Advertisers ... [b]BFH Lightning[/b]

    And this Quest dead line has been extended until [b]31 dec 2011[/b].
    so what r u waiting for Unleash ur Dark side hehe.
    [b] [/b]

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