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Posts posted by Tipu

  1. [IMG]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/deadwillriseagain.jpg[/IMG]

    Well i have collected all the items required for stage 2 Quest

    4)fire woods
    5)Metal Rod

    Got a few torture devise too :-)
    1) Knee Splitter
    2) Inquisitional Chair
    3) Heretic’s fork
    4) The Spanish Tickler
    5) Rat Torture

    Ho yes iam going to make her Talk again in my way...
    Brother sunfire lets help her to regain her speech thru pain muhahaha...

  2. Why sun?
    ahh otherwise how can we play..i mean u can't expect us to play in complete darkness hehe.
    Just take a walk in the underground with the port holes closed(the ones which provides sunlight),u should be lucky if u find the exit of the tunnel hehe.
    Yes candles can replace Sun but we might need 300+ candles and a wired story about how candles came to MD hehe.

  3. The Heavy Lead casket for sasha is ready now. (Thanks to brother Ravenstriders)
    Grave is ready too..


    Sasha get ready to be buried half-dead muhahaha. Don't ever think of Stopping this Quest hehe
    and if resuscitators get in ur path they will suffer the same fate.
    Don't underestimate us...
    We r undertakers, we r silent reapers we don't make noise we just do it..
    Team leader Grido sir its time to Strike back muhahaha

  4. Ah this is due to the security code at the login page.

    May be u were typing the wrong security code in ur first few trying and not able to login
    Then u did typed the correct security code but before the page completes its loading u presumed that u have typed the wrong security code again so u would have refreshed or stopped the page from loading.
    When u try to login again u will get that 15 mins cool downtime since the serve will mark u as a login and logout ID due to the above actions.

    How to avoid it
    1) wait till the page comepletly loads even if u found in the last moment that u have typed the wrong security code.
    2) If u don't understand the security code try to get a new security code (use the refresh button besides the security code)

    And what, Welcome to MD hehe

  5. 1) Game name : Battle dawn
    Type : MMOG Turn based browser game, Military strategy.
    Works on flash.
    Played for 3 yrs.


    I was in the legendary alliance' AOHX' Angels of Hell known for its deadly defense statics.
    My best moments where when we defeated 2nd Rank alliance 'ECHO' in World5.


    We were ranking just 12 and ur enemy was 2nd. and still we managed to defeat them. ECHO consist of full Supporters members and AOHX consists of pure free members. SO this battle was considered to the most talked battle in World 5 history.
    The only down fall of this game is there is no restriction on the usage of the game shop, image u can reset ur MDshop 100 times ho yes it was like that.

    AOHX vs ECHO.

    When ur leader got attacked every one supported him, some even scarified their own colony to defend ur leader.

    I left the game cos all the OLD members of AOHX left. After playing with such Good players i don't like to play with others who cry for small losses. One of my best days of Gaming.

    2) Game name : Imperial online
    Type : MMOG real time military statergy game. Browser based.
    playing for more than 2yrs. STill playing currently in realm 50 as the leader of '300'alliance.
    One of the best military strategy game.

    3) Game name : tribal wars
    Type : MMOG statergy game. Browser based.
    Only down fall ur village can be captured. SO u will be surprised to find after a good vacations that all ur hard build villages is been conquered my ur enemies or ur own allies hehe
    Used to play in speed servers when time available.

    4) Game name : Shogun wars
    type : MMORPG browser based.
    Ranking is not done on the Net points but based on HONOR muhaha.
    Stopped playing. played for 1 yrs

    5) Game name : Runeescape
    Guess no need any info. for this one
    I stooped plying cos of the battle system.
    played for 4 months.

    6) Game name : ages of strife
    Type : MMOG browser turn based. Military game.
    Similar to utopia.
    I lead an alliance 'Order of strife' With came 2 at the end of the round. Belive me that was the first round for me too hehe.

    7) And now The best Game ever played
    Game name : Chaos lands.
    Type : MMORPG, Turn based bowser flash game.

    The good thing about this game is it is absolutely free i mean there is no in game shop. The game was run on pure donation from hardcore players and in return they don't get anything. SO is the fairest of all the games.
    The only down part is if u get defeated u can't brag that ur enemy was over powered thru cash(shop) like what we do here hehe
    Sadly the game was stopped. I tried to contact the game owner but no reply(.

    8 ) Game : Nadirim
    Type : MMORPG browser based turn based flash game
    Finally a RPG game with strategy. It is still in the closed beta stage and in testing mode.
    Already have massed a huge online gamers.
    The graphic is excellent considering it to be a only browser game.
    Iam playing as tester and working under community manager to make this game even better.
    Currently @lvl 11.

    Yeah i know no one asked for my stories but i just want to show off hehe

  6. If we make the reward for voting the BB Game site to 0.24$(sum of daily rewards thru free credits).
    And no need to give rewards for other voting sites just for 20 more days only.
    This way
    1) new players will be encouraged to vote more.
    2) The vets will keep voting the other non-reward sites as usual, so we won't drop in the other game sites (just only for 20 more days then very thing can be restored back to normal).
    We got to use Game tactics here hehe

  7. What is good?
    nothing is good.

    What is your best physical attribute?

    What is your best non-physical attribute?
    never give up altitude.

    What do you value most?

    What is 2 + 2?

    What do you know?
    I know what others don't know hehe.

  8. I still remember back when i was mp3, there was time when others don't even care to reply mails But u even being a king was kind enough to reply me and helped others noobs when needed the most. Ur military page was very helpfull, those who had read ur military page r luckly ones. iam one amoung those who joined MB cos u were there. My Lord, I would kindly request u not to leave MD, even thou my rank is low to give u advise but still i feel there is lot more that can be done even without having a king Tag.
    Kings/queens come and go but King lifeline will remain forever in the hearts of all MB citizens.
    The Void left by u Can't never be replaced.

  9. I did face a similar situation during last head contest too. In fact almost all Philippines mp4 players did attack me.
    I did not report cos i did learned [b]all[/b] r not alts.
    They have a common messenger or a Chat system similar to yahoo messenger. So if some one needs help they will state in that chat like " take care of tipu or F.G" And as the new player login MD they also uses the same chatroom too so they can see the message left by previous players. That whys i used to wonder why none of them uses ur MD chat log. Almost all players do use 3 birds rituals.

    Hey F.G have u noticed any abnormal movements like they were in the Maze(GG) and all within few seconds they r in GOC(underground). It happened Lot of times including entering the temple(when it cost 115 AP) Twice with a day.

    All this might be allowed as per the rules but atleast in the future we have to do something about it.

  10. Now as i have recovered from the sedative effects which was injected by Shadowseeker(SS) in GG lab. Iam able to recovery my memories back.
    Well First i want to congrats the Demon Demi god for his success in getting Commander sedative and locked in a Nowhere in a cowardly manner. Ho yes I mapped all the events that happened During this Missions and i just found how Evil u r indeed.
    First i was wondering why an Age limit requirements for the Guards in this mission why not Vets now i Understood ur plot.

    Demon Demi god Plan A: Mission impossible 'Items'
    Unlike all other Mission. The items required for this missions was not delivered by Postman but by courier.
    And u manged to sabotage that courier too and distribute the items required to various player in the Realm. In this mission those 5 insulators and 1 spore. Out of which 6 Items where landed in LR members pockets. Cleaver plot u very well know that All most all LR citizens Hate Commander and against his mission. And u used ur Goldly power only to create 7 Insulators and 3 spore and we have to get 5 insulators and 1 spore Uhhmm a practically impossible mission considering some items even went in Inactive accounts. But even against all the Odds we managed to get the all the 6 items required for the mission with the help of Peace, Lord Lifeline and a Secret Friend(SF 004), Also Clock master for his Coins.

    Demon Demi God Plan B : Diversion 'GG lab thing'
    Now u really got worried as We have managed to collect all the items required for the Safe mission. U did managed to divert the attention of commander over the lab. (The details will not be discussed). And as per that we have to collect one more spore out of 2 spore owners ( GG king Yrth and Handy pocket (HP). Well again ur evil plot has used handy pockets innocence as every one knows she will even put her self before the Seeds and will never hand over a seed to an Former Army General. And while The negotiation between GG king and commander over the spore was going on and u used this Time to organism ur self and for a Bigger Crime.

    Demon Demi God Plan C : 'Party At GG lab'
    Uhhm Now u sent ur Loyal soldier SS Shadowseeker( soldiers of the inner Sun) to sedate commander. He did organize an party at GG lab for commander and food was sedated with 'Whatnot'. And SS knows commanders weakness and that is Foodie.

    Now iam sure Commander is somewhere Tied up and sedated to weaken him but i don't know where he is kept jailed.
    My request to all KC fans and his Loyal friends to help Us to find Commander.
    He is not what he is portrait 'lazy, eater and blah blah'. He is Army General and he cares for his mission and this mission is true he never bluffs for sure. But he is bound by Evil forces. If no one help us them i have left with one final option and that is to Summon an another equally powerfull Demi god Tengri and hope he answers my Question about commander. I did unknowingly summoned him Once during the mission. He seems to be a Good Demigood.

    Well Demon Demigod Always make commanders mission to fail, but not this time cos' he has his loyal Guards to Fight for him....

    Respect and Honor.

  11. The Commander's Guards stays loyal as ever and will only disband on commanders Order.
    For those who Don't understand the Legendary Army General the great Knator commander here are few words about him
    " U can't destroy what u can't understand
    The eternal flame that can't be extinguished
    the source to which can't be explained"

    Well if u Still call him a Lazzy pig and a big eater,
    U will be the one to tell him that
    But be ready to


    Ps : Yeah yeah i know i know KC= mur but if u consider them as the same char then there is no fun. So i consider him(KC) a Totally different player. I even would like to see KC vs the New demi God hehehe

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