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Everything posted by Tipu

  1. uhmm...i thought iam the only spammer of MD forums my my i forgot the world is competitive ...hehe. So now i know why noobs r not taking part in MD activities. cos when they start something ...someone will say " hey u have started in the wrong time ...Moon is not in conjunction with planet Pluto.. ". And when u post something serious " hey it is very funny so Offtopic " and when u post funny " hey its very serious not suitable for lighthearted players they might get heart attack so deleted ". And then u need to comply with all those Ten trillions MD rulz. U can use the above tricks on a Noob but it won't work on me. Yeah keep throwing all the stones at me for i shall build a castle out of those stones and will fight u all from there ...for iam the Lord Tipu. What iam trying to achieve is to remove the word Poor from the MD itself. Every yr its kind of a fashion rich donating to poor. But is this a solution? no not at all ..all its shows is how big is the difference btw poor and rich. Come on guys lets donate enough so that there shall be no alms for poor next yr. Lets the alms for poor 2012 shall be the last of its kind. LETS DO IT ......gggrrrrrrrrr.....
  2. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1354298913' post='126900'] (does not make) sense [/quote] idk
  3. " Welfare of this community "... is self explained. Don't u want to give me a chance to change. Have trust in me .. 1 day gone and still no donation...com on guys & gals we r not a ordinary community. We r the UNIQUE intelligent smartest community ever .. We r magic DUEL...Lets donate and delete the word 'poor' from the dictionary of MD...
  4. Happy Bday
  5. Alright i have changed ...Yess thats right i have finally decide to do something good for this awesome community. I wanted to pay retributions for all the sins i have committed over the yrs. So this yr Xmas Alms for Poor collection will be conducted by none other than MD's trustworthy knight, your lord Tipu. So ladies and gentleman, boz and gals donate generous for the good cause. I accept dragons , rare creatures, Morphs or anything that is valuable. This collection will ONLY be used for the welfare of this community. " Alms for poorrr...Alms for poorr..surrender ur dragons or prepare for hell "
  6. Happy Bday ..and sorry late
  7. So u don't want to loose your Pride and power cos' u don't want to lie, cheat and steal hahaha... u r just like other noobs ...disappointing Well let me enlighten u...When i was in my school in Pallavarum(literary means mountainous terrain) there was one bird that i did learn from. Story goes like this.... other than looking at girls and watching porno movies me and my friends had a bad habit of observing nature Yesss. So there was this bird's nest next to your class window. And in that nest had 5 eggs. So the eggs started hatching and 2 tiny birds made out to the world of living. As the time passed ....one day we saw 2 eggs broken down under the tree..we though it would be due to wind. The next day we saw the horror ...as the mother bird flew away from the nest one of the tiny bird broke the 3rd egg and drank the fluid from the egg shell. We were like O-O. Ok we though it was due to hunger... poor tiny bird. Now out of the 5 eggs the 2 tiny bird survived and grow 2gether. ... then comes the bomb shell....guess what ...?/? The tiny bird A pushed the tiny bird B from the nest and was ate by the dogs below the tree. Now all my friends called Bird A as demon, Ravan, evil but i c the other side of the picture. If all five eggs would have been hatched not all will get food properly making them weak to hunt in that mountainous terrain. Bird A killed all his siblings will make him stronger and would had better chance of survival..than to die along with his siblings. Well as u can c sometimes its better to lie, cheat and steal than to be hold on to your pride and power and die invain. What u thing... u can hold your position and power forever hahaha...Soon or latter the Vets will find something or the other and will get to kicked from your alliance. So allow me to join your alliance. Then we both can find official ways to make the treasure money ours b4 u loose your alliance. Soon we shall be the richest of MD hehe.....
  8. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1349927706' post='123746'] [left]Baby girl[/left] [left][color=#000000][font=arial, sans-serif]Turn me on with your electric feel[/font][/color][/left] [/quote] Babe girls turns me on hehe
  9. Why don't we have HC for all those who have black HC medal. A rare HC competition for a chance to change their Black HC metal to Gold medal. Participants would be all those who holds black HC medals Separate for MP3, MP4 and MP5. Rest is all the same as per HC rulz. It will be fight amongst the warriors for their lost honor till their last blood for glory for victory and more importantly for REWARDS HAHAHA.....
  10. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1349796543' post='123624'] wise [/quote] Lord Tipu Also
  11. Fang r u kidding me, u r begging for a SW ...my my Sux was right about u ..u r Total noob If i were in your position by now i would be having some dragons and gold coins stacked in my inventory. Dude u have the Treasure key USE IT ....
  12. Ban me they can't do that ....iam the future legend of this game. Don't worry i will bring this community to the righteousness thats my ultimate goal but ...err its Costs a Lot... Do u have a Dragon, Morp or Rare creatures to Donate for this good cause
  13. Ah now who is going to bring charms to the Jail hehe. Good luck
  14. Girls [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1349428783' post='123151'] FUN! [/quote] Gorgeous Girls
  15. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1349369664' post='123090'] Kindness (again...sorry) [/quote] Weakness
  16. Vicious how did u managed to cheat a kid . And Bus great Quest and Awesome Kid. Yeah i love Rabbit Curry
  17. Alright i have lost 1 Active day and 0.30$ ...iam not asking for a something big..All i need for compensation is Just a Dragon or a WP will do also.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      I get .19 every day.

    3. Maebius


      just counted. yep. 0.19 for me. It must have changed.

    4. nadrolski


      Lord Tipu, are you bullying the Advertisers for higher clicks every day? LOL

  18. Me too not able to login,, It say SECURITY LETTERS INVALID .. tried many times but in vain, no wait u can't ban me .. i just started ...its too early
  19. Wish u a happy BD dst and now cookies Plz
  20. Topic can be closed.
  21. Thanks a Lot Nimmy and Thanks manda I have traded with Nimmy. I Hate Tokens Seigh. @ Chewy Trying to Spoil my trade ah ? U need to try harder if u want to Stop me Better luck next time HAHAHAHAHUM....
  22. I have a Tokened nutty age 266 Tokens [b][stardust][/b] [b][blooddrop1][/b] [b][blooddrop2][/b] [b][blackdiamonds][/b] [b]I need a Untokened nutty. [/b]
  23. Hey Mom why don't u just gift these coins and creatures to the deserving players of MD like me .
  24. [b]WARNINGS : The following will be very emotional , sad. Girls r requested to have their kerchief standby. Try not to Cry .[/b] Yep my bank balance have come to negative and my parents/friends had enough of me. Also my ship is ready so me going to sail again will be back only after 6 months. Will start ..my Sea adventure from 2marro...[i]Sao Paulo[/i] Brazil (I heard Girls r awesome over there ) To friends : Hey guys i know u might be very very sad by hearing this news ...But u know all Good things have to end *coughs coughs* To MD girls : Yeah i can see the tears flowing down ur gorgeous faces. Don't cry girls ..It makes me sad. . But It doesn't mean u won't be logging to MD anymore. Plz do login, there r other guys here too ..SS, FS, Princ Rhaegar, Meter Shem and many others. Give them a chance ..ofcourse they aren't smart like me but u never know even monkeys goes bananas..hehe. To my Dear Enemies : Don't think this is my End but its actually the beginning of ur ENd. Prepare urself for the rebirth of Lord Tipu... say ur best prayers ... I SHALL RETURN ....MUWAHAHAHA.... "When u r confused which path to choose Right or Wrong ...u can take Left or Straight - Lord Tipu " .
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