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Everything posted by Tipu

  1. 1gc + 35 sc for santa
  2. Happy new yr.....lets rock 2012 yay....
  3. hey offering a colorless joker + 1gc + 10sc for santa
  4. Hey Dude join the Elite Group called FUGITIVES its is the most bad@$$ group in MD We lie We steal We cheat. Yes we follow only one rule and thats NO RULE hehe.
  5. 5 colored papers... It has a charm of seducing gorgeous girls hehe
  6. SANTA do u think u can get away with my stone . Next Xmas i shall be there waiting for u...HE HE HE ... Demon king i hate u but now a merry merry Xmas and a happy new yr to u and ur family . And guys don't forget the council members even thou they r useless they r part of our team. so Merry Xmas and a happy new yr hehe.
  7. Offering colorless joker + 1gc for santa
  8. Macha offering colorless joker + 1gc for santa
  9. Tipu

    Login Problem

    Thanks a lot guy ... i login using "tipu rabbit" everything is fine now ...wish it was "LORD TIPU" hehe i love u bus and thanks again
  10. NOOOOO iam not able to login ...so don't eat my cookies ....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nadrolski


      Please do not remove SD, remove Eon instead, totally :P

    3. Quas
    4. Dragual


      Sorry Tipu... I got hungry. :p

  11. Ho ho ho very serious bug needs to be fixed ...Iam doomed Can't login it says " *Verify invalid account " Double checked password, username and catchphrase and everything but the same thing keeps popping out. Well yesterday an evil plot against me many spells very thrown on me and among one changed my name something like " tipu rabbit " (not sure thou) is this because of that...even my profile page not working. account name : Tipu (id i don't know) Plz fix it before cookies ran out. Don't u all want to c good lord tipu handing out ur gifts hehe btw Merry Xmas to all hehe
  12. Quas how about this one When Lord Tipu enters the Park [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb3NUxXt77c"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb3NUxXt77c[/url] and when Mp4s gets the butts kicked by Lord Tipu [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoMrkPLBuCs&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoMrkPLBuCs&feature=related[/url] and when me plotting [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPpydm2-0PQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPpydm2-0PQ[/url]
  13. one thing have changed from previous TC is that now u can't gain points(score) by defeating a similar land torch holder. That means a MB TC holder def another MB Torch holder result : The winner does not get any score and the looser neither die. Thats a good change hehe
  14. Alright i taking part in this contest. Herefore i Lord Tipu nominating for the Villain of the yr to Iconic Tailser.
  15. Alright without further adieu i declare the Judges : from depth of Hell ...i give u... the leader of tainted alliance ...the future of necro ...my brother [b]Azull[/b] .... SoS member and master of Void ...[b]Master Granos ( was replaced by [/b][b]Zleiphneir)[/b] .... King of propaganda ... leader of Advertisers ... [b]BFH Lightning[/b] And this Quest dead line has been extended until [b]31 dec 2011[/b]. so what r u waiting for Unleash ur Dark side hehe. [b] [/b]
  16. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/Dstroy1.jpg[/img] [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/Untitled.jpg[/img] Yes as u can see i have gained 1sc and 1 rain bow candy with a day. Whats special is i did not acquire those resources but i generated it hehe. Yep i got those resource not by trading nor by MD shop or anything. I got those just like that...Thanks to my Gen6 Kidneys.
  17. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/Mostnegreps.jpg[/img] Yes i claim to get the most neg reps for a single post. Thanks to the awesome community. Without ur help i would not be able to reach this milestone achievement. Plz keep continuing support to ur Lord. Thanks again .
  18. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/necroXmas.jpg[/img]
  19. When will Lord Tipu have his statute erected ???.
  20. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/sigil.jpg[/img] There is nothing better than having gorgeous girls in my dreams Tipu Pending MB citizen 232
  21. No : 99 A legend was born when tipu made an MD account. the skies turned dark and toilets shined bright. Little did they know about the mysterious yet powerful guy. so they named Tipu as The lord tipu for his might. He is so powerful that his enemies runs on his sight but his only goal was to have a fight but none understood him for he is so bright now i don't know what to write ... perhaps one day MD recognize his might. I dedicate this poem to the future legend of MD and yes that is me
  22. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1321981684' post='96406'] The one question I have is... How can you differentiate from stealing and getting gifted/rewarded? I "took" Mur's 3 7sided rare dice a while ago. I don't think he'd consider it stealing, and they are mine now, but I wouldn't call it stealing either. So where is the line between stealing and getting? [/quote] I can't define stealing and getting but i can give u an example 1) Advertise of my tree [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/ex1.jpg[/img] 2) Rcvd PM from [b]Asad Suhail[/b] [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/EX2.jpg[/img] 3) My reply [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/ex3.jpg[/img] 4) His mistake & my Trap hehe [IMG]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/ex4-1.jpg[/IMG] As u can c i gave the CTC of the Tree creature but he didn't transfer it rather he gave ITC of the coin which i transferred it hehe 5) My plot - I sold the Tree creature to a third person of another silver [proof Required] 6) so basically i stole his sc So now avoid him reporting to council members or demon king.how u do that is up to U. If u can't then face the song As i said before if u r caught u will be tagged 'fool' if not then u belong to elite group called ' Fugitives'. U will even get high points if u were able to brainwash or make a fool of council members or demon king (proof required) and escape with ur mischief hehe. Now i will get low points cos 1) This could be a set up between me and Asad just to win this contest. 2) The stolen item low valve (just 1sc coin). I will get high points for 1) Screen shots proof added where required. 2) Above also teaches a very important lesson to noobs :" Never give coins before u actually transfers ur creatures when u r trading" And Asad don't worry ur tree is safe its only an example I will soon hunt down judges asap. So basically it will be them to judge ur entries they might cross question u if required. Its sometimes Hell trying to reach heaven ....being always good isn't good .....MUWAHAHAHAHA......
  23. Tipu

    Tipu vs. Grasan

    I The Lord Tipu Claiming reward or rewardsss for finding a in-game feature before it was officially released. As u can clearly see i made this Video and predicted the evolution of Grasans and also very accurately predicted the Fart grasans feature before it was officially announced. Thanks to my AI Generation-6 Kidneys. [log=announcement] [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2089 - [2011-11-15 07:46:14 - Stage 11][/color] [b]The Farting Grasan produces Toxic gas[/b] A farting grasan (thx Mya) will fart excessively. These ..products..of his ability *cough* can be collected for later use, whatever those uses might be. Toxic gas together with toxic herbs and other similar things to come, will be usable as primary source to extract deadly poisons or power up items with effects such as paralyze or intoxicate. [/log] Alche got his statue for finding a route before it was officially opened. But iam not asking for a statue or monument for me (iam not that greedy or self-centered guy as u know). A reward of 100 gc or equivalent will do too. -The Lord Tipu.
  24. This Quest is now sponsored by the Treasure keepers. Fugitives of MD its time to Rise....
  25. Will be away for next 5 days ...don't be too happy ...cos i shall return muwahahaha...

    1. ignnus
    2. nadrolski


      good luck, be safe and see you later, Lord Tipu

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