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Everything posted by Tipu

  1. The dark age has begun. The lord Tipu unleashing the first ever [b]Fugitive quest : " The Master of all Stealer "[/b] [b]Mission[/b] : Is to steal others property by what ever means(Rules apply see below). It can be either coins, items, creatures, avatars, or anything that can be stolen.(use ur imagination to the fullest). Cheating, lies, backstabbing, bullying, blackmailing, robing, anything goes. (Even Fugitives have Honor and Code) [b]Rules[/b] : 1) Bugs/ Scripts not allowed. 2) Hacking/ Stealing passwords of others account not allowed. 3) U need to hold the "stolen property" until the end of this Quest. U may if u want can return the stolen property back on good will after the Quest ends or can keep it to satisfy ur greedy needs hehe. 4) All ur fugitive adventures( proof with screen shots) should be posted in this part of the forums. So that we can verify ur bragging. 5) If someone complains ur action to council members or take u to court then its ur problem and this Quest won't protect u. So take calculative risk. (There is no gain without a pain) 6) Don't even think of cheating me. If u dare then u will be a Victim to my Fart Attack for eternity hehe. [b]Duration[/b] : The Quest will run until 31 Dec 2011. [b]Judging[/b]: The winners will be judged by three judges. (Judges will be announced latter currently hunting them down) Judging will be based on the valuable of the stolen items, planning, tricks, time, and other things too. [b]Rewards [/b]: Sponsored by treasure keepers. Remember the cheaters who get caught r called fools but those who don't get caught r called Fugitives. Do u have what it takes to be a Fugitive? if so then show the world ur dark side hehe. MDers Start insuring ur valuables items or creatures or urself...Yes whether u like it or not u r already a part of this Quest. Cos' this is no ordinary Quest it is FUGITIVE GUEST and during this time Hell will be relocated down to Magic duel. Let the chaos Begin... Muwahahahahum......
  2. So finally i will get my MB citizenship back muwahahaha...
  3. So Council members were intending to have POE in Jail for more Time than what was her announcement Jail time. Uhm..Very Interesting hehe.
  4. (Let me brag too i got into finals) Its was a battle of warriors Brother vs Brother Kc Guard vs Kc Guard The lord Tipu vs Sunfire And sunfire wins I am very proud to call u my brother. Iam so happy i got defeated by my own brother isn't of that passant the grinder. And i am sure ur commander would be proud of us if only he is in conscious state hehe. ok now to the serious part, i want my share *cough cough* yeah 50 -50 as per the brotherhood rules. Wondering when it was written? well just after i got defeated. muwahaha And need a grant party since it is ur first ever victory in a battle tournament.
  5. In MD i hate to do two things one is to follow the Rules and the other is to hurt my own brothers Yes The lord Tipu vs Sunfire : The Lord Tipu WINS !!!! Sorry brother, i value cookies more than brotherhood. And Good luck in ur other fight with Passant the grinder. Kick his *censored* hard. Let him know what KC guards r made up off...Muwahaha Respect and Honor.
  6. Halloween comes with a ghostly wrath everyone shits in their pants so fast that their auras has awaken the deadly wrath but nothing shall match Tipu's Fart.
  7. My First try to become an LHO has failed . But it is just the beginning of my grant mission : *Tipu The Greatest LHO* . Thanks to my bragging both leddah and wizard if heaven r unbanned.
  8. Bot check is a automatic generated reply-email. When ever a new email address is rcvd it will automatically reply with a bot check mail. I guess brulant ur Email id was already is the safe list of the council members. Actually when i got into jail i did send a email to CMs from my Rediffmail account but the Bot check mail backfired. Then i used hotmail then everything was fine. U may think the CMs have revd ur email but actually they won't had rcvd. And important Plz stay online (Idle) don't logout. Cos the unban spells affect only when u r online. Also some times demon king might visit jail to annoy Prisoners with his jokes. So that time it is important u say online so that he can unban u. There was one more guy who got into jail due to fugitive feature his name was " wizard of heaven " ??(something like that ) Ledah plz pass him this info too if u c him.
  9. Sir u can also send a PM to Girdo sir. He has the Unban spells. Explain him with proof and he might help u. He was the one who unbanned me. So contact him politely *coughs coughs* Haven't u recd the validation mail at least from the council?. (Bot check)
  10. [size=3][b][color=#003366][url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3358"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3358[/url][/color][/b][/size] [i]"Behold ladies naked tipu has risen u can't hide u can't run muhahahum."[/i]
  11. The Scariest Monster - DST [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/DSTHallow.jpg[/img] It dwells in the underground hunting down the weak and Innocent people. Poking its nose where it doesn't belong. Only one Hero can save MD from this annoying monster and thats ur Awesome, handsome and smartest guy in the Town - ho yes The TIPU muwahahah...
  12. Hey PTW Happy news ...Now they all got trapped in necro . Now they r whining " I want to GoE " . Keep whining fellow MDrs ... PTW has cursed u .... Now lets rejoice their sufferings muwahaha...
  13. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/HalloweanContest.jpg[/img]
  14. I will miss ur Avatar ....
  15. What the hell... Eon is a girl ...dammit!!! she offered me a flower and i just Ignored her thinking she is he :-((

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. dst


      Oh look! Double posting! So I am definitely right!

    3. Ars Alchemy

      Ars Alchemy

      Triple posting makes you even *more* right

    4. Maebius


      Well, three rights make a left, which is Sinistral, and I can't argue about the sinister nature of DST. :)

  16. Tipu

    Tipu vs. Grasan

    [url="http://www.animasher.com/watch/351761_474973002"]http://www.animasher...51761_474973002[/url] [color=#0000ff]Unrelated to Grasan replacement-contest, split.[/color] [color=#0000ff]Burns[/color]
  17. MP4 Tipu Get ready to taste ur own blood muhahaha.
  18. [log=Announcement] [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2037 - [2011-09-29 15:50:55 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Voices on the Forum[/b] The following players have been chosen to pass on the the Council's views on matters debated on the Forums: AmberRune, ChildOfTheSoul,Pothos, Hedge Munos, Rumi, Fire Starter. A new BBCode is being created only to be used when posting answers from the Council. Players above mentioned, please contact Chewett so he can give you the ability to use the BBCode.These players are reminded to email contact@magicdul.com as detailed in their PMs.[/log] Hello Mouth piece of MD council members Welcome to MD Forums. I am really eager to see what council members r going to Post Muwahaha
  19. Also need to fix two things A)When i grabbed Katt it reads " Grab Him". MD is filled with more bad girls than good boys hehe [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/Fugitives.jpg[/img] 1) We can add '0' at the end of the players ID to identify as female and '1' for male. 2) Or just 'Grab' no need him/her. B) The fugitives tags have spelling mistakes [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/Tags.jpg[/img] We need to edit "Reabilitated " to " Rehabilitated " Funny part is even Tipu is able to find spelling and Grammar mistakes in MD hehe.
  20. Ur quest made me to beg 'plz plz' and to bow in front of other players and for that u shall face my wrath. As far as the Quest It is Awesome. I can c a lot of hard work is been put into this Quest. U deserve a WP for creating this quest. I am sure MB should be proud of U.
  21. Boast Credits Bar So what it does ? Simple whenever credits bought from MD shop reaches 100$ credits every players who r online recvs 5$ credits each. Advantages : 1) Non- supporters would be happy. 2) Online players will be rewarded. 3) Many players will prefer clicking Idle instead of Logout button. 4) Negative Viewing of the game supporters will be changed. Infact players will be rooting for supporter to purchase more credits. 5) Even the supporters will get their share if they r online when the boast bar touches its limit. 6) The Cap between supporters and non supporters will even reduce further. 7) MD will not loose its supporter just cos' of 5 $ hehe. nor it will lower MD economy $$$. 8) Yeah i agree MD do give a lot of free cookies but only at certain dates and time. People do gather a lot during that time but vanishes soon after that. But this Boast credits bar will rewards those players who r really loyal to this game not just during 'free cookies time '. 9) There r many player who do play a lot but be absent during those 'free cookies time' due to RL issue. This will sort out that problem too. 10) Conclusion : Boast credits bar = More players online = more fun = free cookies = more players = balance = More players for Tipu to destroy muwahahahum.
  22. How about when i woke up found myself out side the Jail. I miss Jail very badly How about me getting a Star Rep in forums when i trying to beat the Legendary Fenrir 583 neg reps How about all girls/ladies going behind Master shem and not me
  23. Why do all girls go behind Mater shem, Burns and other LHOs? Iam jealous now. Well the truth is real men r those who r brave enough to set fire to the underwears of MD staff. those who good enough to gives headaches to forum mods , and those who dare to Poke the eyes of police under their nose Ho yes iam talking about the Truthful, Kindhearted and good minded community of MD yes the FUGITIVES. Real mens Farts Anyway i have voted
  24. Happy B-day Ok now cookies Plzz
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