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Everything posted by Tipu

  1. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/NECRO1.jpg[/img]
  2. Thats no Bug .....Thats the RIGHTS of the Fugitives.
  3. Tipu

    What is that?

    Holy Cow !!!...The end is near ... So girls what r u waiting for ...Lets be happy together with Lord Tipu before its too late hehe.
  4. Tipu

    Sugar Rush

    Ha ha ha...Lord Tipu has mistakenly clicked the Sign up... Anyway ... So Mp5s prepare ur butts to turn RED... U can't hide U can't run ...all u can do is to bury urself muwahahaha... BTW ...[size=1] Do sanctuaries protects the contest participants isn't ?.[/size]
  5. [img]http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv291/kvsubash/TeamRocket.jpg[/img] Prepare for trouble! - Make it double To protect to world from devastation - To Unite all people within our nation To denounce the evil of truth and love - To extend our reach to the stars above.. Jessiee... Jamezzz... Team rocket blasts of at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight! Meowth thats right!
  6. Me the Lord Tipu
  7. HE HE
  8. 46 sc coin + 1 nutcracker with (four tokens) on the new one
  9. Want to Exchnage Tokened Nuty for an Untoken Nuty Age 31 Tokens : [b]stardust[/b] [b]blooddrop1[/b] [b]blooddrop2[/b] [b]blackdiamonds[/b]
  10. Lord Tipu AD 85%...
  11. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1327030639' post='101310'] The way I see it, since shop resets are usually free, but take a while to get, Eon is paying 30 gold to get something that is usually free, just faster: I say let him. Though I don't really know how shop resets are given out most of the time, since I've only reset the shop once, and have never had no resets available. [/quote] No thats not the point uhm...if u know my language i would have explained u better. Ever wonder why its called Free Mmorpg when u can put cash to purchase permanent powers. I will give u an Example : Example : Lets say MD started 2012 jan ..three players joins Pip , Tipu & COTS So when we joined we had 2 shop resets as default and only creature available is Armor. Now Cots wants to kick ur butts so he uses both the shop resets to token all his Armors. (left with zero resets) And Pip have used only 1 shop rest and tokens his armors .U now left with 1 shop resets.(left with 1 resets) And Tipu he doesn't use the shop at all and goes for stacking Free credits. (left with 2 resets ) So ranking in Jan 2012: 1 Cots , 2 PIP and 3 Tipu. June 2012 : The MD have introduced Pimp Garsans( powerful than Armors ) as their new creatures. Cots HO LA LA LA.....cos' now he doesn't have any tokens left for his Pimp. (left with zero resets) Mean while Pip take this advantage and use his other remaining shop reset to tokens his Pimp. (left with zero resets) elsewhere Tipu still haven't used his tokens and stacked a good amount of free credits (left with 2 resets) So ranking in June 2012 : 1 Pip (cos of tokened pimp) 2 Cots and 3 Tipu Dec 2012 : The MD intro. Rusty (powerful than both pimp and armors ) CotS Ho LA LA LA ...(Left with zero resets ) Pip HO LA LA LA ....( Left with Zero resets ) where else Tipu MUHAHAHA....(Left with 2 resets ) So ranking for Dec 1 Tipu ( he uses all his free credits + buy credits to token his rusty) 2 Pip and 3 Cots. This is the basic hidden truth in all the Free games shop. This is never written anywhere or told as the numbers supporter for th game will drop thats bad for the game. Also this give the newb a good chance to outsmart the vets. Lets say someone joining in Aug 2012 (in the above example). He got two shop resets with rusty. Thats how the Game developers balances the realm with Vets and noobs and doesn't allow any single group to continue dominate tha game. Yeah shop resets r free but remember whoever wins this auction will have 6 shop resets in total and others with 4 resets so when a extra resets happens he will have 7 and others 5. So he still has the upper hand. In other online games we have set value above which no one can cross ..just say like 1000US $. This means no matter what.. no players can buy shop items once he reaches this valve. But in MD we got no limits just like ur stats hehe...so Shop resets r the only limits we have.. It is actually ok since only one guy will win this but why me against this is co's ....if we allow this to happen now Demon king will start putting 'shopresets in tombola events.... then as a rewards for metal torture .....then as gift for whomever he sees fit ....cos' he can.... U know Demon king hehe... Even i could collect 35 gc with credits and buy 2 shop resets so why still call it as " FREE Browser game" ah ????... There should be a limit ...for everything ...remember for some $$$ is an unlimited resource .....hehe.
  12. Excuse me Demon King ...Lord Tipu objects this... Shop resets should be a global one and should not be available for any kind of rewards, auctions or for achievements. If u want to auctions any shop items Plz go ahead but not shop resets. And if u r run short of $$$ yeah plz increase the resets as u wish but for everyone. The above is the standard rule followed in all those FREE mmorpg. And u being a game developer for over 7 yrs should be knowing this better than me.
  13. Yep show no mercy ..I like that hahaha!! Also it would be better if all the tokens wear off this day alone yay no steroids for that day hehe.....
  14. yeah Welcome and hail me The Lord Tipu hehe...
  15. ah only the black one 2sc hehe...
  16. I didn't know such a Quest was running. Aw i would have solved it. Darn it missed a WP....
  17. me got all the colored creatures including the limited Eds yay....

    1. Tipu


      And me no even spend 1$ in MD shop muwahahaha...

    2. nadrolski


      remember me when you quit, Lord Tipu


    3. Seigheart


      When he quits? Tipu is like herpes, once you get it, you got it for life.

  18. This is the best wedding party i ever attend. Thanks to Eon, Azull, Dst .... I had a blast hehe.
  19. Alright Finally its time to announce the winner of Fugitive Quest 1 haha.. So the Master stealer 2011 is Soothing sands. Scores r Soothing sands 3 Points , Raven 2 Points and Shadowseeker 0 Points (Thanks to Judges) ok now the reward r a rare creature [b]ELU[/b] with a rare Item [b]History of the Elucubration Creature[/b] So Soothing sands ur Rewards r ............[b]NOTHING [/b]haha... I stole ur rewards ... Epic isn't ? hehe ^ ^ ^ Just kidding hehe ..Check ur forum PM i have send both the CTC and the ITC. Congrtz . (Thanks to seigh and his team. I liked the choice of the rewards. Since Elu does represents fugitive in a way hehe) In fact everyone could have applied for this Fugitive Quest. Yes i mean u all. The guys who trains at the Park (Stealing others creatures ve to gain stats) The guys who have SD ( Stealing others hard earned Skill to gain personnel stats ) The people who steels Victory ( " can u set a tree for me plZ " ) The people who deplete resources which r meant for everyone and even sells it to gain power. And even those who wins Contest and gets away with Wps and rewards just cos they have extra 20kg brains or smarter than u or faster than u.The red carpet is laid down for them, congratulations r pouring from every corners and claps r made and smile gestures towards them. But when a fugitive uses his skills and outsmarts u and gets away with an item or creatures u people handcuff him, tag him as criminal, remove his citizenship and put him behind bars and make him to beg for unban. Now u will all say the above r lies ... This world was never about truth or lies there r only hard facts ...Despite that ... everyone who lives in this society mistakenly believes that ... only facts that r favorable to them r truths... they know no other way to become powerful .. But for the powerless and weak who makes up most of this society.. Facts that act against them r the only truths.. Do u all know the Facts? Well the fact is that they(Fugitives) just want to be like u ...to become rich ..to be on Top ..to dominate ..to gain power ..but in a different way. In fact there r more legal criminals outside than many innocent players in Jail just cos' they r different from the way U wanted them to be. I dedicate this Quest to many fugitives who were IP banned, and those who rotted in jail without unban, and many more who were jailed. just cos' we can have fun peacefully...cos' ur live shows in MD don't gets interrupted...cos' we don't want ur chat rooms to be spammed...cos' we want to have fun in ur own way. TIPU KC guard Pending MB citizen EX- Fugitive
  20. Tipu

    lost spell

    Do u have Elu?
  21. Haha hey nad relax man. everything will turn fine in the end. we r here to have fun isn't? it so lets enjoy dude haha... Don't mind DST ..she is running short of people for her victims haha... She makes those who can't be defeated as her friends ..and those who can be defeated as her enemies. Thats why EOn falls in her friends category haha. And Eon she is just having fun out here and yeah by giving u some trouble hehe ...just play sportive and don't take anything to ur heart. Bottom line is have fun and enjoy dude don't take anything serious after all its just a virtual world haha...
  22. [quote] Posted 24 November 2010 - 04:56 PM 11) Spoiler is again an offense in MD right? But how come u can have Alts then, Ok let me explain this Lets take two scenario: First a)Lets say player 'A' Join MD and plays for 200 active days b)Player 'B' joins in c)Player 'A' gives all the spoilers of MD to player 'B' Player 'A' gets punished cos he has given all info which he knows to player 'B' and thats spoiler.ok Second a)Player 'A' joins MD and plays for 200 active days b)Then player 'A' creates his Alt player 'A1'. Now player 'A1' knows everything what player 'A' knows(how to solve bresker puzzle, How to beat LR guards, knows which ritual to be used to increase certain stats and many more it goes on) My point what difference it make btw player 'B' and 'A1'. Cos now player 'A1' becomes legal. Even thought all the spoilers or fact are shared btw player A and A1 but thats legal???? [/quote] I Post this almost a yr back ... and this is what i got in return [quote]reading the other things i saw in the above discussions make my head spinn, i won't reply to them. [/quote] [quote]i would declare your brain as a separate state with a will of its own , not in relation with you or what you type, that would be your only excuse for such a nonsense. Do you even read what you're posting ?[/quote] So now u know why i became an Anti-Social hehe
  23. Nad isn't Man enough like u to have the guts for debating in forums hehe

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nadrolski


      correction, Lord Tipu: I do not have the balls in forum.

    3. dst


      You should bring the screen shots not ask anyone to "come and watch". Open a case, sue him for abuse if you have the guts. Ally with nadrolski and maybe then you'll have anough to at least open a forum topic and STOP complaining on the mood pannel!

    4. ignnus


      Sure..coming soon

  24. Well i will share my wisdom and yeah its free The five elements r Earth , fire, wind, water and sky(everyone misses the last element) Sky is a important element as it brings rain, clouds, lightening and Oxygen and various other important things necessary for life.
  25. 1g + 30 sc for santa
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