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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. Please use link to download the current alliance statement for the Dimensional Shifters. [attachment=3680:Dimensional Shifters Alliance Statement.pdf] ~Sasha {Just been informed of the naming, my mistake :S It should be "Alliance recruitement")
  2. Belated happy birthday Mya!!! Hope you had a great time! x
  3. I am willing to become a..."slave".... ~Sasha
  4. The plans are coming together.....Excellent *taps finger tips together* x3
  5. I am posting here before I read so as I post JUST my views. Yrthilian is [b]no longer king[/b]. Therefore he has no higher authority other Golemus than that of Quas over the Undergrounds. He may be seen as a spiritual leader still, but he [b]does not [/b]have the authority to say who is allowed in or out of an alliance in Golemus. He has that right, but he declined it. As far as this matter goes you have done nothing more than abuse your powers and made your retirement nothing more than a simple lie. As far as I see it, you have retired, that does not mean that you still must hold the fort and throne whilst a new king is elected. You abandoned your land as their leader, and now you decide to dictate who they may have in their alliances? Ridiculous. I am [b]fully[/b] on Azull's side here. ~Sasha
  6. I'm not sure what this "appropriate" thread is? ~Sasha
  7. I have a few arranged purchases and I must go back to work within the next few days, so I won't be on often at all. If possible I'd like to get it done soon as. ~Sasha
  8. I am looking for someone to break this down for me, it seems VERY few are either willing to or even have the gold. If you can I'd be very grateful. ~Sasha
  9. I'm looking to buy: [list] [*]Windys [*]Drachorns (Any sort) [*]Angiens [*]Shades [*]BPs [*]Imps [*]Pimps [*]SW's [/list] The more tokens the creatures have the more I am willing to pay, as with experience and age. I will only pay extra for age if it will be 200+ after trading and extra for experience over 1mil. Tokens will add 2sc to the creatures value per token. I am looking to buy trees with both age and experience (age being essential) for 3sc+. Finally I am looking to purchase already enchanted memory stones with either: [list] [*]Teleport to Gazebo - 20sc [*]Teleport to Paper Cabin - 15sc [*]Teleport to Golemus - 25sc [/list] ~Sasha
  10. [quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1325060926' post='98885'] 5 colored papers... It has a charm of seducing gorgeous girls hehe [/quote] Fortunately you do not. ~Sasha
  11. Sasha Lilias

    Old pictures of Clar(Mcvitie)

    lets see how she reacts :D
  12. I'd like to thank BFH for his amazing three days of fun, happiness and joy! It took him a lot of hard work to pull it all off but he managed to do so spectacularly. Thank you BFH. I hope we can do something like this again next year. ~Sasha
  13. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1324940481' post='98718'] If stricter punishment and such were implemented previous you would not be here sasha, remember that. You have been banned... at least 2? Maybe even 3 times for WP abuse amoung alts. Not to mention all the other things. The system works to be quite honest, People like you have the chance to be forgiven and play a good part in MD. Asking for harsher punishment, dealing with alts, and such is foolish. The tree rewards based on activity, perhaps if it were changed to activity over the previous year it would be fairer, i know people who have played all year, but joined when i started, meaning they have no hope of ever getting a reward. But overall the tree works. Last year was a nightmare the first day, i was attempting to keep track of alts, and had a MASSIVE list of people who had traded shades to their mains, Even vets HELPING, them do this. This year this has been drastically reduced, and i am very happy about that. [/quote] The banning is exactly what is needed! I'm not meaning Ip bans, three year bans, etc. That would be ludicrous! As for my actions, there is no point in crying in spilt milk. I have said my apologies, and have tried to do right since. It is through my experience that I can say we need harsher punishment for things like the tree and WP's. Anyway, we are going on a tangent from my main point. I want to know what you see as a truly "Active and loyal" player. ~Sasha
  14. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1324925623' post='98687'] Things will improve. I am sure. But such topics really disgust me. Sasha, haven't you learned that the amount of money you "invest" in this game doesn't matter? Haven't you learned that you'll NOT get special treatment just because you're a "paying" member? [/quote] I don't expect a "special treatment", but I would have thought that it would have been taken into account as much as a players age? As I said before, I don't pay just for the "AMAZING POWER-UPS AND CREATURES" WOOO! No. I pay to see the game continue better than if it were just surviving on adverts and Mur's own money. I'm sure many others do as well. "Care and care alike". We show care to the game, and the game should care for us, even if we do have negative comments to make at times. You may despise these "sorts of topics" but many others don't, it allows people to speak when they normally wouldn't. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1324925623' post='98687'] LE:more monitor jobs? You think THAT is the solution? No. I can asure you it's not. I know what is needed and hopefully I will soon get it. Trust me, I know how to do my job. And I am good at it even if you don't see it.[/quote] There are many answers I could give to you here, but I think I will give the nicest; You may not have noticed but I have mentioned your name a lot in this topic, when talking about needing investigative skills. Do you not think that may be for a reason? Hm?
  15. Or...how about we JUST have a tree. That's it. Leave the present giving to the those that wish to give and organise a few of our OWN competitions, events, etc. BFH's event was amazing and I think if people could make their own each year it would be by far a more...Christmassy....time, not to mention prevent any hard feelings and complaints. ~Sasha
  16. I am no coder or programmer but even I know that there are other ways of checking and preventing alt abuse. Alt abuse should be tackled from the root, not the offspring. I know from my experiences, that I'm not proud of, that alt abuse can only be stopped by tackling all the accounts, not just the one in the wrong. There MUST be ways of checking for alts and punishing them and the main. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Yes sasha, people are available to check such things. But as I said, Council is flooded, dst new role might be useful, but for a huge number of alts we would see more complains because I;m sure there will be massive bans.[/quote][/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]I am sure more jobs can be given to help monitor and prevent the abuse. [/color][/font] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]~Sasha[/color][/font]
  17. Do you think the abuses would continue if STRICT rules were set in place? Firm and clear warnings need to be set and IF those are broken the BIG penalties need to be implemented. Jail, Bans, etc. I am sure there are people that are able to check these things? In my eyes the Active Days requirement is a very....lazy...way of preventing alt abuse. ~Sasha
  18. Mur himself has stated that creatures will slowly become more commonly available to all. ~Sasha
  19. BFH, when I said a "few" I meant as in the few that create the alts to abuse. (Not long ago the tree was available for ALL, and was never actually specified that alts were not allowed to use until in recent years, so many would use their already made alts to get the rewards.) As for your comment on the "unbiased santa", do you really think Mur would just let some random person do it without actually giving them a few tools and knowledge on the game first? So "come on" BFH! ~Sasha
  20. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1324914215' post='98659'] So, people who create accounts right before Christmas, to get the presents, don't abuse the tree. Simple. Yeah, the tiny few new players who get affected still get a present from Santa. A Big one. Do you know who many morphs, darklings, and other INCREDIBLY rare creatures were given out this year? Tonnes. The small gifts you get from the tree are chump change compared to the Confused Santa gifts. [/quote] Yes it is abuse, but I'm pretty sure Dst, the council and everyone else that watches the who takes from the tree can do something about that. Why should so many others miss out because of a few? I DO realise how many were given out, and I think he did do a good job. What I don't think is good is having a biased Santa. Therefore I still think a santa should be found from outside the game, or some other unbiased way. And Seig, I assume that because what you get from the tree is so little you didn't take it? Be far to below you? Or..perhaps you did? In that case would you be willing to give it up for your cause? Of course you wouldn't. You take whatever you can and become critical on everyone else's problems.
  21. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1324880463' post='98631'] Your disdain is as if Mur stole creatures from you for being inactive. Awi [/quote] If I truly felt as if I were cheated from something, would I have given away a Morph? I think not. I do not post here because I got no presents, I post here because I am very confused to as what you all assume a "active" player is? If I am completely wrong in my thoughts, then I am so very sorry, but for some reason I think I'm not. Also your view seems very narrow minded here Awiiya. Try expanding the view of gift giving; 1) You obtained your creatures and rewards for "being active", therefore you thoughts will be biased even if you wish them not to be. 2) We are all told to "watch out for the gifts under the tree" for christmas and also are asked "Who has not had a gift?" from santa, does this not all point to the thought of receiving something? 3) Continuing from the last point, how would you feel if you see everyone else receiving a gift, yet you receive nought. This would bring up some sort of emotion in you, whether it be sadness, annoyance or the feeling of being "stolen from". Also thank you Awiiya: [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][quote]as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present.[/quote][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]This proves my point in why I did not want want Santa's present when he gave it to me. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]And as we move onto the santa subject:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Seig, of course you will hear he did a good job; from those that actually got something from him. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] As for him being "confused", this does not mean he is dumb. From my experience, this santa should have been called "Ignorant Santa". Read the logs, you will notice how he could not have missed me answering his question.[/font][/color] Finally, please Rendril, do explain why the tree has such coding on it to prevent low active day players from obtaining...a present? ~Sasha
  22. Of the percentage I am unsure. Around 80% or 90% I believe though. A percentage that once it has gone below the required it cannot be reached again, it will just remain equal if you log on every day. Therefore making it near impossible to ever gain the required active days. ~Sasha
  23. This Christmas I, and quite a few others, have received a rather large disappointment in the Murmas celebrations. Instead of receiving the gifts as so many others have, we received nothing, Zilch. It seems that [i]active days[/i] has become the new currency of loyalty to the game, although some don't quite seem to get the idea that not all of us can log on every day for a few hours due to work, family or other real life issues. This makes the Christmas a very unfair period, especially to those that [b]have [/b]been around for a long time and trying to get as involved as much as we physically can. I myself felt rather disappointed, and slightly annoyed, as I watched those that are rarely seen doing anything in the community, receive so much. I see people hold such an arrogance to active days these days, and this raises my annoyance, especially as I have tried to log on as often as possible, do as much as possible and, trying to keep in contact with it as much as I can. I'd also like to point out here that someone would not spend around $2000 [b]just[/b] for the [i]perks [/i]of a game. Active days, for the tree, is a rather petty, and lazy, way of looking at [i]loyalty [/i]to a game. On a personal note I found the Confused santa rather ignorant and [b]very[/b] annoying, due to the fact that the confused santa decided to ignore me completely when he asked "is there anyone that hasn't received a present?" and when I asked "I wonder if santa has some sort of grudge against me", of which I may have missed the reply if these was one due to real-life christmas issues, that when I asked "Did I miss Santa's reply?" he decided to say "[b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=GIU3LEK8AGLtrpaNcFk-hA,,"][color=#CC0033]Confused Santa[/color][/url]: [/b][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]Sasha you missed it, too bad." [/size][/font][/color] If you get a Santa then you should make sure it is a neutral player or an outside [i]adjudicator[/i] of sorts. So basically, what IS game loyalty based on? In my mind if a player that has been playing for three years, logged on regularly and spent around $2000(and more) then I don't really know what you would say a [i]loyal[/i] players was. End of Rant ~Sasha P.s. Sorry, to be precise " a player that has been playing for 1238 days." Edit: After around 3 people asking Santa to give me a gift he decided to give me one. I chose to accept it and then pass it on. My point still stands. Would you enjoy a gift if it was given to you through pressure or because they actually wanted to?
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