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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. He's been moved up to Neurology now and they're going to see what sort of tumour it is. He had another fit earlier this afternoon but is resting well for now. Thank you for your wishes guys. Although we may not know each other personally...it means a lot. This why we're a "family". Will let you know more when we find out. :(
  2. On Tuesday morning a very close friend (like a brother to me) was rushed into hospital after having a fit in his room. He later had two more episodes of fitting and tests showed a large mass in his brain. Doctors are speculating that it is likely to be a tumour, though we are currently awaiting for him to go up the Neurology department. Some of you may know him as he also used to play the game when he lived with me; Chris AKA "Mcvities Shadow". This is a very tough time for both of us as neither of us have anyone else close to us in family terms, so I am going to be spending near all my time with him from now until we are certain what it is and depending on how he is coping. This is not me leaving MD, far from it, all quests will continue running and I will do my best to get on as much as possible..but family first. I apologise if I have been rash with any in the last few days...but this hasn't helped. I'm sorry. ~Sasha
  3. You know, back in the old days we weren't so old... Don't worry. We'll have the Elite Vets, Vets, Noob Vets, Oldies and Noobs. That gives you quite a range of groups to work your way through. ;)
  4. Commenting purely on the morality of giving favours: I myself have asked for a few favours, in exchange for something. Usually this is granted, which of course makes me happy, makes me think "Great! I can further my role in MD a bit more, have a bit more influence and actually help others more than I could before!". For example: Trading Mur's leash for DS to be revived: I had many hopes for this and had hoped that the guild itself could be filled with all sorts of various roles to do with travelling, as that is essentially what the DS is meant for, especially with how things have progressed now! You could have cartographers, viscosity experimenters, item charters, all sorts! The tome of solidified mist: Was to not only further my role as a character but to also help persuade others to role play more, especially during death. Making revivals more of a "community thing" again. Dark Demon can testify for the fact of RP purposes. All these were not just for my own personal delight. They both encompass helping others and, at the same time, furthering my role. So, my views are; so long as it fits within boundaries such as role, personal abilities, confinements of the game, etc and is not purely for greed or selfish reasons, favours are a good thing in moderation. It keeps a spark alive. No doubt most of us will have had a favour in the form of something. If not? Well, there's still time! ~Sasha
  5. As the title suggests I am selling a GG Drachorn: Age: 596 Stored Heat: 1253674 ID: 779073 I am selling for Timless dust and heat stones only (gold may be used to increase "bid worth" but offers with higher amounts of heat stones and dust are more likely to win.) Bids can go on until I see an offer I like ~Sasha
  6. Happy birthday Fenrir! :P (I still find it weird thinking of you as Seig to be honest...) Have a wonderful time! Hopefully you won't eat or drink too much! If you do...well...take some pictures of the aftermath! :)) Best wishes ~Sasha x
  7. Considering the lack of anyone active around me at the time, apart from one new MP3 (and the fact live help was sending to me anyway) I couldn't have asked someone then and there in game. People were active on the forum and this is the questions section,I don't really see why me asking here is any different to in game. I did't care who answered. I couldn't see the button therefore I asked. That is the simplicity of it. I see no reason to continue this conversation, but if you wish to talk more about this then please message me.
  8. I am not asking what it is, I am asking how I got onto the page. I do not see any button on the right toolbar and nor did I click anything near it. As for your little snipe towards me, even if I didn't know what it was (which I do, especially as I can read) an LHO does not know everything. It is the fact than one should ask if they do not. Or am I wrong? Does every LHO know all there is to know in the game? If so I'm more than happy to test their knowledge myself. :) My question remains, how did I get there, as I cannot see the button (unless I am being blind.) Edit: Found out myself how to get there! Apparently it is the only one I haven't yet clicked! :)) Topic may be closed now! (This is what happens with a lack of sleep. :rolleyes: )
  9. After another very long stint sat online, watching nothing and trying to figure out the meaning of life, I found myself looking at this and thinking "Now how on Earth did I get here?". http://storenow.net/my/?f=627d9183076a7cf079b3b5eb2b35d60e How on Earth did I get here? ~Sasha
  10. And do we have statistics to show that this is true? I myself have spent a lot of shuffling, not even wanting to buy...just to look. There will always be those that give up on shuffling and there will be those that continue as normal. In the long term removing all avatars WILL be a knock on funds as fewer avatars means fewer needs to shuffle. Bearing in mind that each avatar sent to shop gains the player $3...we need more shuffling OR place the avatar unlock even deeper. ~Sasha
  11. What you need to remember is that the low quality avatars, yes, would have been awarded credits, but that is to one person. Imagine the amount of people that shuffle when they see that poor avatar. Removing avatars is actually more catastrophic to MD funds than leaving them. For when they are removed profit is lost due to shuffling and the fact that the creator was actually rewarded credits for the drawing. Leaving the drawings, however, will increase shuffling and will quickly pay back what was gained by the artist. ~Sasha
  12. Firstly an avatar is not an obligation. You're actually rather lucky with what you have nowadays as, as DST correctly pointed out, avatars were rare and would only be bought by those quick enough to scavenge them. Secondly, having a shop filled with bad avatars helps you more than it hinders. It prevents collectors, such as myself, from grabbing all the best drawn straight away. It helps to fund MD It balances out the "rarity" as it takes time to find one you may like. People seem to forget that the MDShop is practically what keeps MD running. You all love MD so much, yet you'll complain when you have to spend a few extra credits on finding an avatar? Even though years ago you would have been lucky to have gotten one? I wouldn't complain... Finally, I do agree that there are many poor quality avatars in the Shop. I disagree however that they should all be removed. I think 70 removed is actually a very good start and would even say that perhaps only another 30 more should be removed at this time. Make it a yearly cleanup. Having to shuffle is a hindrance, yes, but also helps players in the long term. ~Sasha
  13. I was. I also nominate Grido.(No one said I couldn't partake! :P) Nominee: *Grido* Nominator: Sasha Lilias Reason: Not only has *Grido* continuously been a hard working *LHO* he has also be extremely giving, kind and selfless. I too have experienced his giving, only the other day I received help from him that NO (apart from myself...maybe :P ) other play would have done. Based upon trust and friendship he gave/lent be two creatures so that I may start my training from scratch. He asked no repayment. This should not be considered anything to do with the fact he is an *LHO*, that is a separately awarded subject, this is purely due to his selflessness. Therefore I nominate him for: Selflessness beyond compare.
  14. For those posting creature trades please could you also try adding the ID of the creature. Reasons for this will become apparent soon. Thank you, ~Sasha
  15. Will be selling this item for game credits. 1/10, I do believe. Lowest auction price is $10 and automatic buy is $25 or alternatively 5 gold. Sold ~Sasha
  16. Looks like she had a good time! Also as you were the only to enter...you win by default! :)) If you could make sure the image is ready to wear (MD Symbol added and uploaded to your vault) and let me know when it's done I will organise a reward. :) ~Sasha
  17. Only nominations please. If you wish to discuss it then feel free to do so in another topic. No one is forced to take part, as Ary has shown. Thanks, ~Sasha
  18. Ah! Thank you! That is what a lack of sleep does to you! :P
  19. This topic may be closed. Please see: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16042-one-random-act-of-kindness/ instead.
  20. "We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness." —Charlie Chaplin In response to this topic: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16042-one-random-act-of-kindness/ I have decided to listen to the views and change it up slightly. Every three months I shall hold a "Reward" ceremony for those that have shone in an area of kindness. This area could be by being an outstanding LHO, even simply by giving items, creatures or time and effort away for free. This will be the community's voice to vote for the one they believe to be a true beacon of kindness and selflessness. The nominations and voting shall be held in a similar fashion to those of the MD Awards, except with one change. There will be no set categories and there will only be one winner. Nomination: Nominations will be held for three weeks at the beginning of the month before the upcoming ceremony. Your nomination should look something like this: Nominee: <Insert Player Name> Nominator: <Insert Player Name> Reason for nomination: <Insert Reason> A player may be nominated for more than one kind deed, however, an average vote number will be determined based upon each nomintion's votes received. Voting: Voting will begin one week prior to the ceremony. Voting will take place on the forums for one week, the votes will then be collected and tallied. Rewards: Rewards will vary depending on how outstanding the winning nomination reason is and the amount of votes received. (If you are willing to sponsor rewards please message me in game or via forum.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first ceremony shall be held on: 31/01/2015 Nomination deadline: 22/01/2015 Please begin your nominations.
  21. I tried adding an onion to it's body for shape...it looked heavily pregnant/bloated. I decided against it... :))
  22. Ah! Now see this! THIS is the Demon I have wanted to see. Ask about revival now and it would be my right hand, not the left. Welcome back. Anyway, on topic. Wonderful idea in my opinion. With the the new scripting tools this shouldn't be out of the question! I'm liking the idea for almost a separate game play when killed. Kudos. ~Sasha P.S Perhaps as the body would be a dead weight (pardon the pun :P ) it could be dragged a scene closer each time. This would also then help to lower the casts of the currently almost pointless leashes!
  23. I understand completely what you mean, though I wish for others to give something to someone. The act of them doing it, regardless of a reward or not, is to me a sign of acknowledgment. I have not stated what rewards will be, either. Perhaps this is just an incentive to get you gifting just for me to give you a heretic? Maybe I'll double what you give? Or perhaps I actually have a brain and will be able to spot out the "reward seekers" to the ones that really care. I will state it, but I was hoping to not have to. What I want to see are selfless acts such as giving away a prize possession and then being like "Oh, keep the reward. I just did it to help." Now, who does that...well. That's what this quest is all about. Call it my own personal experiment that I am willing to fund. *grins* ~Sasha
  24. I hate the whole bloody thing (pardon the pun) if I'm honest!! :)) The "blood" is actually paprika! What a waste of a good spice hey! Thank you though. I would like the drach, please. (Changed idea) ~Sasha
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