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Sasha Lilias

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Everything posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. There are many ways you can turn this "quest"... That's your decision. If it takes me rewarding some, however, to perform an act of "kindness" then so be it. There is a very simple action to what I quoted...but I'll let you decide. ~Sasha
  2. Yes they would my dear, unless someone is willing to post for them. ~Sasha
  3. "We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness." —Charlie Chaplin This quest is a simple one but the reward is...well, who knows? Once, for every player that gives another $5 as an act of kindness, will receive a reward. This reward however you will not know until you have completed the criteria of giving to another. It could be simple heretic archer or perhaps something worth far far more. However, as this is meant to be a quest of kindness and not one of greed, I am hoping to see people stand out and break away from these chains of materialism. Surprise me. This is a permanent quest. Rules If you wish to be reward then please follow these guidelines; 1. The player should be someone you do not know so well, perhaps someone you wish to get to know, perhaps a new player with not much of their own. Not your closest friend. 2. All entries should be submitted here, along with proof their act. 3. To be valid for a reward the gift must be in either- Credits, Gold or silver. Most importantly: 4. By entering into this challenge you accept that if any alts are used you will be banned from any future quests I may hold and I reserve the right to claim back the reward I give. Details on rewarding Rewards will be distributed on a "first come, first serve" basis. Rewarding times may vary depending on the reward being given, rest assured though that all rewards will eventually be given. If I am taking time, be grateful, it probably means a bigger reward. With that said, Good luck, ~Sasha Lilias, Ghost of Fortune
  4. That genuinely made me laugh, especially the "Hope it was tasty"! I knowwwww. It started off so cute and proud and then over time it just sank and sank...and sank. I thought it was just going to be a puddle by the time I put it in the oven! The tail? Well...I'm not even sure what happened there so we just won't talk about it. As for eating it? It's salt dough! 2 cups of flour and a cup of salt! Unless you want a blood pressure high enough to make your heart explode! That and the horrible horrible taste...urgh. :))
  5. So I loved your idea of baking a drachorn so much Az that I decided to give it a go myself! (though mine is nowhere near as cute as yours...mine looks kinda scary to be honest...) Mine is made from Salt dough though which, as I found out during the process, has near no structure. So it was hard trying to make sure it all didn't blend in. The red, in case you wonder, is where I tried to make it look like blood spatters...which did and didn't work. May colour it in later but here is my entry! :) http://imgur.com/a/xg5gH and the cooked version! http://imgur.com/a/zocgL I'm not 100% satisfied about it, but it's still alright I hope! :) ~Sasha
  6. Say what you will. It is you dead and leaving, not I. Perhaps it's your ignorance that you should focus on, hm? ~Sasha
  7. My dear, I was meaning him. Not you... He and his "groupies" are all over reacting by far. Rather than leave a game fight back! You're giving up at the first bloody hurdle! So much for wanting him alive so much hey? If you are going to miss him so much, stop complaining, start acting. Simple. End of. Finite. ~Sasha
  8. Actually I have been through rather the same as you, I do believe...although you are exacerbating this whole in game ordeal and slandering people for it, making rather poor comments such as: As for this: It doesn't matter what they are, they are still a part of society. Besides, I noted more than just a few hands in protest for him to be revived last night. So obviously the majority are haters then, yes? So what you don't see, doesn't happen? Yes? Last night Molq gave everyone a hand in the decision (pardon the pun :P ), they chose to not revive him. Now, if they had revived him...do you you think they'd have stormed and quit the game? Created a forum thread to gain more attention in the hopes of him being killed through pity? Or do you think that perhaps they would have stuck together and planned a counter move? Hm? There are many items out there able of reviving someone, why don't you put efforts into collecting one of them, or source another means to revive him, rather than threatening to leave a game and shouting "Abuse, abuse!". I think you need to all calm down and realise how you're making a mountain from a molehill. ~Sasha
  9. Firstly society has the final say on the way one behaves. If I were to treat half the amount of people the way DD obviously has, in real life, then I would be condemned and segregated also. The difference here is that we are in a game therefore we (as a collective) are able to punish in ways far differently to real life. Society will always dictate the limits of which we can act before retaliation. We are not talking about one person here, wishing for him to change, we are talking about many. Why should we (again collective for the MD society, before you think I'm talking about myself) have to be subjected to treatment far less than we are worth? Who is he to decide our worth? Secondly, the punishment you compare with is a complete and utter idiotic one. You are talking about breaking game rules and breaking social rules. It is known rule that the game should be kept PG friendly therefore, if his words were seen unfit for public chat, people well in their rights to jail him. Finally, as you say yourself. "Life sucks." He did not treat people with politeness or with respect therefore why should people treat him justly? A bit hypocritical don't you think? ~Sasha
  10. Anything that was once your work was turned into MD's once you gave it to them. They would now own the copyrights to it which in turn means you have no right, nor say, for it to be removed. You were not forced into anything. You have taken it upon yourself to be almighty and refuse to change anything about the way you act or are, even if it means in helping yourself. Good bye. ~Sasha
  11. All this instead of facing your own demons and accepting what has been said. If you learnt to take the criticism on the chin and deal with it then this would not be at all necessary. Material for a king? Well...all I can say is thankfully you are king of no one... It is a shame. ~Sasha
  12. What saddens me here is the amount of greed. The attitude of "These are wrong because I can get so much more for selling them." Every creature will have a base value determined on demand and rarity. Prices only fluctuate due to the demand being greater for a person and the extras that creature has added to it (tokens,age, heat, etc). What people don't seem to see is this was a topic that was supposed to evolve into figuring the very base value for each creature. This topic was supposed to evolve into a topic which newer players, or even just older players, that didn't know how much a creature was worth, could use to figure out a "reasonable" price for which they wished to tell or buy. An unbiased starting price based purely upon supply and demand; which is possible if only others forget about how they "might lose out" and think about how "it may help". Sadly, as was also pointed out to me by another, others take delight in quickly pointing the finger and casting negative views and comments that have absolutely no constructive significance at all. I did not at any point expect someone to sell a creature for the bare minimum, of course keen traders and collectors will want to make a profit to continue on. I merely wanted to provide a starting point for those less confident. Continue as you wish though, negative vote me until your heart is content, argue about how things are wrong (without providing an alternative and please, continue to point that finger and judge the person that has actually tried to do something of help.
  13. Aaaaaand back onto topic *coughs* Player : Character : Film Chewett : Gru : Despicable me Dr Nefario : Grido : Despicable me Eagle eye : Groot : Guardians of the Galaxy Dst : Maleficent : Maleficent Lintara : Tinkerbell : Peter Pan Lania : Wendy : Peter Pan Syrian : Scary Twin #1 : The shining Azull : "Johnny" : The shining Fang Archbane : Doug : Up :P :))
  14. I know what you mean Aeo but let's say...15 people "followed" *Mya Celestia* ,due to her past involvement with the Guardians, and only 4 followed Valyron. Who is to say that Mya would wish to be leader? Do you then expect her to go around to all her followers telling them she didn't want to lead them, thus disappointing them because they thought she "cared" for the alliance? That put's unnecessary pressure on an individual without even consulting them first. I personally see three solutions (going in least favourite order): If you wish for a diplomatic solution then create a way for members to vote for candidates ,that willingly step forward, at set times be it monthly, quarterly, etc. Then members may voice their opinions in who they wish for leader as well as giving others the chance to become a candidate and work for other's votes. In this case, abolish loyalty as the ruling factor in leadership. Create an alliance in which you have a loyalty leader (I would suggest a non-voting, "concerned for the alliance's welfare" sort of person, that'll listen to the majority), who will enforce the "chosen" leader(s)'s decisions. This then negates the need for the "leader" to be loyalty leader also. (Examples of this in action are seen in the Guerrillas, MRs, Shattered Illusions, etc) My personal favourite: Leave the alliances as they were! If a take over happens, then that is the alliances fault, not the system's. Alliances have been coming and going for years and I honestly believe they are fine how they are, with regards to leadership roles. Once the A25 system has been completed and implemented growth in beginner numbers will rise and, hopefully, so will alliance numbers. ~Sasha
  15. Firstly this idea is preposterous. You are saying that if enough people become the follower of another player, they will be forced in leadership? And if they do not wish to be anything to do with that alliance? Or any alliance at all? What if that person is also in another alliance? I can't even formulate my distaste for this idea. Secondly: Isn't it funny how when in our prime the game ran far more simply and effectively with, might I add, far more players. Let's not turn this into little snide comments though, no? Which leads me to my final point: The alliances are dead due to the amount of players. Not a specific cause based in the current system!Infact...it's the same system that has worked for years and years, until we lost active players. More players are becoming inactive and less are beginning. You can't harvest a crop that hasn't grown, can you? Alliances will begin to fill again when we start to gain more new players. In the mean time, however, I once again say that forcing people into an alliance will solve nothing. Don't break something for the sake of fixing nothing. ~Sasha Edit: Saw this and decided to reply. If that is your choice then that is your choice. That doesn't mean the system is broken. Other alliances will continue as they have always done. Do you live in daily fear of being hit by a car? Or struck by lightening? Twice the DS were taken out my hand by DST, which is my fault for trusting certain people, but I learnt from those mistakes. That's not to say I would become so paranoid I'd only invite one person a year though..
  16. As some of you will know the player behind Sasha Lilias enjoys a few glasses (bottles) of wine during the festive period! For this quest you are to draw an avatar that falls into these criteria: The avatar should be wearable (able to be made into an actual avatar for me to wear during festive periods). It shouldn't be serious! The funnier the better! The drawing must have some standard of art (enough so we can see what it is!) It must be obvious that it is a ghost. Let your imagination run wild! Remember that I shall be wearing this, so keep it clean and don't make it too crowded. Please remember this should be funny! Rewards: Rewards will vary depending on the quality but will be rom the following: Wishpoint Shop Creature (Varying) Credits Coins The player behind Sasha is known to become so overwhelmed on holiday cheer that sometimes rewards are ridiculously high...so who knows what the rewards may be. Quest end date: 31st December 2014 Judgment: Players should submit all drawings on this thread. Drawings will then be placed for public vote on 30th December 2014 - 31st December 00:00ST. Good luck and make me laugh! ~Sasha Lilias, Ghost of Fortune P.s. If you are unable to make avatars feel free to create your funniest pictures. Extra funny pictures will be given a smaller(or maybe not so small...) reward! [spoiler]P.p.s. Humour I like: Sarcasm and insult![/spoiler]
  17. Exactly was I was thinking! Merry Christmas to you all! May you all have a lovely day filled with cheer, whether it be glutting on mince pies and turkey, seeing your loved one or opening a ridiculous amount of presents! Today is a day of cheer and celebration for us all. Much love from the Havelock household! (Including Shadow for those of you who remember him! :P ) ~Sasha Or: Vrolijk Kerstfeest (If you're from the lands of chocolate!) Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce (If you're from the Philippines!) Joyeux Noël (If from the land of cheese!) Frohe Weihnachten (If from the land of fine beers!) And finally, Crặciun Fericit (if you're from the land of EVIL) :)) :)) :P
  18. And this is what I love about Magicduel. Although it is only an online game and most of us have never met face to face or seen each , we are a community. A real community. We feel all the emotions for and experience many of the same problems with each other as we would in real life. The difference is though...we have no stereotypes to add a face to. Whether you're rich, poor, white, black, gay or straight...in Magicduel we are all the same! This allows us to have fun, socialise and learn without having the hate. Yes, we may all argue and squabble in Magicduel...but that's nothing compared to the "real life" hate that consumes the society we live in. It's one of the main thing that makes this game so unique. In a sense, we're just one big, extremely dysfunctional and argumentative, family. This may be completely off target and whatever...but that's something I've been waiting to see that said by someone and I can't be happier. This is what MD is for me and so long as there is a community there'll be me. (Bad luck people.) :)) :)) ~Sasha
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