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Everything posted by JadenDew

  1. I've been on my own mobile yes. Current (computer) browser is Firefox. I don't think I have another alt that worships Syrian.
  2. Until recently, I was always able to worship Syrian. However, today, I got this error message when entering her name into the "Worshipr Protector" box: "Account inquisitor does not allow you to become an worshipper of this person. Probably because an alternate account of yours or one you accessed in the past is already a worshipper of this player." Interestingly, we are still able to exchange items. And I'm still an adept of hers. On a minor note, is "Worshipr Protector" a typo...? (edited for formatting)
  3. Believe it or not, in the past, one of the most common thing a new player would hear from a veteran is to obtain and update their personal papers
  4. Fallout 4, Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Tree of Savior Closed Beta... aight holiday plans decided! ... I still haven't finished Witcher 3 though...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aeoshattr


      And I'm just sitting here waiting for Mass Effect: Andromeda...

    3. Rophs


      a first time blind undertale playthrough is also a good 6-7 hours well spent

    4. JadenDew


      Don't suggest more games to me >_< I've got too many to play!

  5. (Been awhile but I haven't forgotten! >_<) Day 323 Year 10 [Spoiler] JadenDew: Hmhm they grew abit.. : JadenDew puts on some gloves and starts to spread some grassan ferment fertiliser at the base of each plant : JadenDew cringes as she does it JadenDew: You'd better bear fruit soon~ I'm hungry! : JadenDew scopes a bucket of water out of the rainwater barrel to wash her gloved hands in : JadenDew then toss the water at the plants : JadenDew goes to scoop up another bucket and waters the plants [/Spoiler]
  6. Can we send in more than one as a "pack" to give to whoever it will be?
  7. Happy Birthday Nono~ :3
  8. When grabbing a torch and trying to move to another land's scene without any kills to my name, the system would prevent me from moving. However, though I did not move to the next scene, my AP gets consumed almost entirely (298 -> 2 AP on last try) The steps I did to get this bug is: Grab torch from Deathmarrow -> Run to Howling Gates without killing anyone -> Try moving from Howling Gates (NC) to Path of Loneliness (EH, Bob's scene) without kills -> Get popup saying that I can't move because I have no kills -> AP gets consumed though still staying at gates
  9. *adds "Greedo" into systems since she is already a Necro :))
  10. Harpy Happy Birthday! :))
  11. What's your MD goal?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Jubaris


      It would be a good injection of balance actually. Just give them the whole world, let them grow bored and take on each other, then take the fruits of picking the right side >:)

    3. dst


      Wishful thinking Juby :D

    4. MaGoHi


      yeah i totally want to be uncle / godfather Mag XD

  12. Trying to figure out why.. why do I spend time in fictional worlds with fictional people...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MaGoHi


      because its more fun than the real world?

    3. Aethon


      Reality often inhibits our imagination -- this is a sweet release.

    4. Syrian


      because real people rarely meet your expectations :P

  13. Day 248 Year 10 [Spoiler] : JadenDew begins the day's work on Change's plot of growing pomegranates plants, pulling out weeds that have sneakily invaded : JadenDew tosses the pulled out weeds into a neat pile : JadenDew spread grassan ferement at the base of each plant, cringing as she does it : JadenDew sprinkles the plants with collected rainwater [/Spoiler]
  14. Darn you status update, not long enough

  15. Thanks for all belated birthday wishes too ^-^
  16. Haaaaapy birthday!
  17. TY all for birthday wishes :3
  18. Came back to listen to the youtube linked again... Darn you Rophs DX This got stuck in my head faster than "Let it Go"
  19. Yay.. the first time in years I get my own MD bdae thread. *Puts on a party hat and frolicks about* So I have wondering... In MD I have been all kitty eyes and going pwwweeeease for presents.. but offline I am all "It's fine, you dont have to get me anything.." Inconsistent much ._. (Sorry I am a greedy bitch at heart) Anyways! TY for wishes!
  20. JadenDew 186134 Lease Period: 3 months Comes with various features including cleaning, singing and stabbing your enemies. Batteries included. Hugging may cause injuries to the operator. Caution advised, Terms & Conditions applies. T&C: JadenDew reserves the rights to her possessions including but not limited to items, crits and credits. Slave activities limited by Necrovion laws. TK Donations: 33% Minimum Bid: 3 Silvers
  21. Aww... the only role left is...The Man xD is the gender of the role important?
  22. (Been distracted too.. >< But i haven't forgotten!) Day 172 Year 10 [Spoiler] JadenDew: Hrm.. they are growing alright.. : JadenDew clears Change's patch of pomegrate seedlings of weeds : JadenDew spreads some "fertiliser" around the plants that look suspiciously like dead bits of thigns JadenDew: yckyck,.. i hate this part.. JadenDew: Aeo~ *waveswaves a grimy hand* : Aeoshattr nods and mutters as he taps the wrong stones Aeoshattr: Ah, there we go. JadenDew: and there he goes.. JadenDew: now i will be alone again *sniffles* : JadenDew tilts her head alittle as if she was hearing something JadenDew: ah yess i forget JadenDew: *unpacks her pot of Jade teardrops and place it among the seeldings* You be a good plant senpai and teach them how to grow faster? yes? : JadenDew goes back to busying herself with spreading fertiliser and pulling out stray weeds JadenDew: done.. yearg : JadenDew washes her hand in a bucket of rainwater : JadenDew slosh the slightly muddied water over the r plants : JadenDew takse out a squirtbottleof rainwater and water the remainign plants [/Spoiler]
  23. The way MP6 is now, or the way people appear to see it (this is how it appears to me though..).. No, I don't want to be an MP6 Firstly because people look up to them, expecting them to guide younger players and are also rather popular. I don't feel like I fit into this bill, especially the guidance part. My knowledge of MD is limited and I do worry about giving the wrong information everytime someone asks a question about game mechanics and such. Secondly, I don't find the abilities (spells) appealing. Aside from allowing others to pray heat to them for loyalty, the abilities that come with the new MP level usually don't benefit experienced players very much. Sure they could help new MP3s with them, but taking the current group of active players in consideration there are few these days that really want or need the spells to help them. If I am limited to mostly helping MP3.. then the guidance part I mentioned above tends to come into the picture. (Which makes me wonder if it was because of this that MP6 have becoming something close to LHOs..) If it these were changed, then whether or not I want to be MP6 would depend on the changes. So I can't quite say, at the moment, whether or not I would want to be an MP6 after changes. Edit: I forgot that protector does have a summon spell which could be considered useful to most players depending on situation... but still not enough for me to find appealing. Maybe there are more useful ones I have forgotten or not known to me... which the part about knowing not enough of MD knowledge kicks in >_<
  24. Happy Birthday Zully~
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