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Fyrd Argentus

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Fyrd Argentus last won the day on August 23 2023

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1 Follower

About Fyrd Argentus

  • Birthday 05/07/1960

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Through the looking-glass.
  • Interests
    Music, especially parody, storytelling, puzzles. In RL I'm a scientist, gardener, writer, jack of all trades, and raise fish, cats, and boys. My wife is a professional musician/teacher.
  • Playername
    Fyrd Argentus, Bongo, Ssclorp

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  1. You may have noticed a decline in my presence this year as my cough and short breath have increased, now with fever 3 weeks running. Today we biopsied a lot of lumps, some large, in my lungs to determine what they are and what we need to do about them.  As you can imagine my focus must be on them in the months ahead.

    I love you all, but I'm afraid you'll be seeing less and less of me.

    Best of luck with everything.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kyphis the Bard

      Kyphis the Bard

      Wishing you well old friend.

    3. Aethon
    4. death ray

      death ray

      I miss ya Brother! I hope your family and friends are doing well.

  2. I've been trying to do tree trunks with counter-rotating onion layers. Not too happy yet.
  3. I'll reopen the keys reset. Reset all and see if that gets you back on track. Please let me know. You should be able to work through the story again as before, but without reward. When book 2 comes out, that's another story....
  4. That reset was not supposed to be visible except to A25 - not sure how that happened. Probably my fault. You say you had the problem before trying the resets, so should not be the problem. They are piece-wise so they could have messed with you a bit, if done earlier...
  5. The second book has not been written yet. Unclear abut the issue with the scrapbook - details? Having unfrozen 2 books, you should be allowed 2 images in the scrapbook.
  6. Sounds like you're on the right track. I understand it can be done in about a week. I've no deeper experience though, sorry.
  7. There were some changes in resources. The saw should no longer work. The others should. Can you be very specific about which ones did not work right?
  8. If we can connect in-game, I can get you a map off the beach.
  9. To recap - the arrows to leave the beach were wonky and were fixed using introduction of a key, about a year and a half ago. CC was older than this, so did not have the key. He no longer had 3 reality shards or the Gateway Island Dock Map (for whatever reason is buried in ancient history) so he couldn't leave the beach. Giving him reality shards to make a new map did not help, as the map maker apparently will only let you make one map ever. Hence, I gave him a map off one of my test alts. He should be fine now. However, any veteran MP5 going back to GWI without a Gateway Island Dock Map might have similar issues, about access to all spots. If so, contact someone such as myself that can remedy the situation.
  10. I can only guess you gave or traded it away. Nothing in game would take it.
  11. If you've got 300 active days, the arena combat way of exiting is not open. We did make some changes about a year ago to the keys you get along the way, to fix other problems, and perhaps others before my time. The map is probably a 1-time pickup. I can help further by having a TestPilot alt give you their copy of the map. (probably later today)
  12. p.s. I am not responsible for Halloween, Recurrent Nightmare, or Splintered Apparition - I was only sub-contractor on these.
  13. Please take a moment to help me help you better.
  14. Does swiss cheese taste better than provolone?
  15. How do you tell if it's not there, not relevant the creature's ability, or just not reported?
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