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Everything posted by Shnappie

  1. thanks for the teleport to the gazebo...
  2. Shnappie, back into Necrovion would be nice....
  3. you forgot to add me to the list.. i received the tea on the contest in necrovion
  4. No idea how to solve it... i am teleported to the Defensive tower now, so at least safe. Still i want to thank Dst for initially saving me, to bad the GoE and my inability to move got all my defence rits and all creatures killed, bringing me closer again to skill damage Location: Defensive Tower Interior Coord: 1_-5x2_2 Account name: shnappie Browser: FireFox 5.0 (latest) and Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385 Edited: Somehow solved my movement bug by playing the game on linux the past days.. seems to work again on Firefox again now.
  5. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1310406702' post='87630'] Yeah, as others have said, Close MD, clear cache, and it should work. I got it on IE and it after logging out, and clearing cache [/quote] Did not work for me, still stuck at "Caves of Torment". Tried several browsers, and another computer i never used to play MD on.. still stuck
  6. Received mine 2 hrs ago
  7. still no email received here.. and it could be only one email address.. even checked spam folder.
  8. ah, that makes sence, thank you
  9. [quote][2010-08-18 00:00:04 - Stage 10] Torch competition ended The torch competition ended! The score gathered by each land so far this month is as follows: Loreroot 7, Underground 1, The rewards went to the national treasury of each land, their distribution depends on the internal organising of each faction.[/quote] hmm i dont get this score... im sure i made one point yesterday for Necrovion..... something i am missing here ?
  10. Congratz Cuttler, and enjoy the time, before you know it they go out *grins evilly*
  11. Shnappie


    hmm that would make sence indeed Rendril. If the system pick 6 random creatures and then tries to make a party out of them, there could be indeed less creatures then 6. Guess you cant have 3 drachs... But wouldnt it be up to the system to pick 6 valid creatures ?
  12. Hi everyone. I wanted to ask if more people have the same issue as i have. I just got me a fresh new version of Windows 7 64 bit (windows experience above 6.5) and if i run around in the MD scenery now, I trigger the Multiple Window screen now (mostly moving from The Aramory to the MB Gates) I tried using Internet explorer 8 32 bit, Mozilla FireFox 3.6.6 and Google Chrome. I also did a speedtest on speedtest.net from to Bucharest which gave me a ping of 48 and up/download above 1Mb/s. If anyone has similar problems please post them in here, also if anyone has a possible solution feel free to tell Regards Shnappie
  13. [quote name='Burns' date='03 February 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='1265230603' post='53783'] Example of how things work together: >Perfect balance against off-balance: tokens of perfect balance work with full power (50% normal plus 50% balance bonus [-the part they lose for being attacker in case]), tokens of off-balance work with 0% power (50%-50%) >off-balance vs. off balance: both sides have 50%, no boni for nobody >balanced vs. balanced: both sides work on 50%, each gets 50%+50%-50% (normal plus bonus minus opponents bonus) >perfect balance vs. 10 battles off: perfect has 50%+50%-25%=75%, 10 off has 50%+25%-50%=25% token power [/quote] I dont see the logic in this combat system. On the event Metal Bunny held i gained 150 losses just for being there. I have not yet found a way to fight against fully tokened Angien and Drachs with untokened, non shop creatures, since that is what most new MP5 are fighting with. So i dont see how it would make sence that a balanced Vet gets 100% token balance for fighting me (without tokens) on 0% token power. Even the stats most veterans have already make it impossible to do any damage over 1 per hit. So only way to be able to fight them would be spending days and days in the GGG thats no longer there. If you want to do something to get fights more balanced you should look in what new players are up against, mostly without any knowledge of the game mechanics. i would say if you want to help them not becomming unballanced, help them if they are inballenced. >Perfect balance against off-balance newbie (less then xxx days): tokens of perfect balance work with 0% power, tokens of off-balance newbie work with 100% power yes that would realy max out the newbie indeed if he is using tokens, but it makes as much sence to me as what you proposed.
  14. Downloaded the file and check with my virusscanner. i can confirm that no virus was found. I do however get the following output of the program on Windows 7 64 bit : [code] Would you like to continue from last check point? yes/no (if first time type no ) no 'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Welcome all fellow Magicduelist to this Quest. In this Quest, you will be exploring Magicduel Archives, otherwise known as MDA Some rules and information you would love to know 1)The passwords of each riddle, will be the coordinates of the location 2)The Prizes will be on who is first to finish, and then several more for runner ups( More info on forum) 3) No alts 4) You get a time penalty for giving wrong answers Press any key to continue . . . 'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Now, lets begin exploring! Riddle1: <<REMOVED>> Location: <<REMOVED>> 900'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 899'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 898'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 897'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 896'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 895'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.[/code]
  15. Shnappie, mp4, Necrovion Sentinels, 90 activity days. Signing up for; Day 1,2,3 and 4. List: -
  16. i am saying "lost" since the message was still in my send items box, so i assume your mailbox got overloaded..... i am not accusing you, just stating that there might be some issues with the mailing system as it is, since it seems you cant find all messages send to you, though the sending end still sees the message as outgoing messages.... and sure i am really greatfull for giving me a chance to finish the quest..
  17. seems you are not the only one she "lost" the message of [quote]*sent 1 day and 21 hours ago [/quote] it was still in my outbox, but only was answered after sending it again maybe there should be some option to get better track of the messages you receive, since it seems that if you get to many, to last messages are "lost" from view
  18. ok i followed the above guide but still my avatar is not accepted yet this are the remarks Mur has put on it : [quote]it contains white, please make it alpha transparent towards the bg color in the sample file, not white[/quote] anyone knows how to do this in Adobe Photoshop CS4 or any other version ? regards
  19. i am in after i am released from the box again
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