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The Great Pashweetie

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The Great Pashweetie last won the day on February 3 2011

The Great Pashweetie had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In my house... sitting on the computer... well not on it but near it... yeah...
  • Interests
    Helping people :)
  • Playername
    The great pashweetie

The Great Pashweetie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. My idea is: get a famous youtuber to play this game. Some youtubers get millions of views daily, if we were able to get this out to someone like pewdiepie(although this is not his type of game) we could get a massive increase in traffic. The best way would be to bribe them with something though and make it look unique from all the other sponsorships they may or may not have.
  2. The great pashweetie Active days 228/1195 days ID:191895; I never liked politics but here I go. - I'm very understanding, I like to think of the small problems as well as the big ones. - I never run out of things to say to people. Giving full answers is my specialty. - I love to spend time and effort on things, if you want quick and speedy, I'm not the one for you. - I have a very wide cultural understanding as well as a very deep respect for other cultures. - I lately have had a lot of free time. - I am very unbiased in any matters, I take no sides, any issues that would come to me would the absolutely fair in my vote. I sware on anything. - I am willing to help in anyway If chosen I honestly think you guys are crazy because I'm really not that qualified in many aspects of MD. BUUUT, if you do choose me I would be honored. To be honest, I would have no greater honor. This would be my dream role.
  3. Missing all my old buddies :(

  4. A little bit off topic, but if its me speaking what do you expect? Anyways I do think this is a bit of a problem but a bit of an unsolvable one. People do go overboard on taking land resources, for example loreroots herbs are fresh out due to certain people that I wont name since thats not the point. The point is I feel like at least lands as a whole should have some power over these people, because its OUR land and not theirs to take from, especially if we do not allow it.
  5. This game is amazing mur. Nothing has ever kept me this occupied. The goals are not set out in front of you and you have to search for them. I do like how you interact with the community, its more than most game creators could ever dream of doing in their lifetimes. I do like the people who you've given powers and I like that you were ready to break the "RPG" circle. I can't tell you how much this has improved my freetime. I think its a good thing for you to keep improving but at the same time I'm honestly envious that you are so successful in your game creation, advertization and the growing community that you have made. You have planted seeds alright. (get that reference? P.S. its from your game)
  6. Well I would like to get better at fighting. Also the biggest thing is developing a very deep character personality that I can be proud of and that fits with me. I hope to do lots of puzzles and uncover some of the oddities of MD
  7. The great pashweetie (ID:191895; Days:213)
  8. Count me in I think this is one of the few quest challenges that I believe I can at least compete in.
  9. dont buy a gf, wait for one to come to you.
  10. Thumbs up good coat of arms.
  11. Don't look, find.

    1. Stipple


      yet in the journey is the reward - long before the finding ends

    2. Stipple


      yet in the journey is the reward - long before the finding ends

    3. Guillak


      You rarely find what you look for anyway.

  12. Happy B-day my favorite hater
  13. in vain, is vanity for the greater the looks, the greater the expectations.

  14. hello everyone. I am sorry for not being here to annoy those with my constant pesterings and be around to say hi and keep all my relationships in state, it seems my path divides here from all of you though, gaming is a distraction for me, a crutch, you could say, so therefore i may quit soon, games have been with me forever and i think its time for me to quit them once and for all, i thank all of you who have supported me and understood me and showed me unconditional friendship, and taken me ...

    1. Menhir


      I understand you completely. I was very often very close to your momentary decision but I found a way to implement the so called "games" into my life without being distracted any longer.

      All the best possible for you on your pathway!

    2. Tipu


      Hey TGP now who is going spam the forums dude hehe. All the best in ur RL.

  15. awake and sleep, enlighten me the difference.

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