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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. DD; I honestly hate to say that I told you so, but I told you so. When you treat people lower than the dirt you stand on, then they have no choice but to split it from between your feet. You are the cause for your own fall. Maybe when you come back you will be more mature, you will learn your lesson, and you will take more gratuity from the things people give you. You do not know the worth of friendship, much less the worth of kindness and effort. The weight is yours to bear, and only yours. Many have washed their hands of you, and so, there is none to blame but yourself. I do wish you luck, however, and hope you find what lessons need learning. And that you come to accept what things many have tried to teach you. Until then... You are not worth the air you breathe.
  2. Warning: This may get long. Apologies in Advance. I'm happy because... I'm happy. It was a long time coming, actually. For a long time I was miserable, and unfortunately, the proof is deep in the pudding. I know that I often toot about how thankful I am for the MD community, but it is because I am. I have made some truly cherishable friendships and acquaintances that without them, I likely would not be who I am today. I have untreated depression. Likely a slew of other problems regarding my mental health (but that's a different story, however, this year I have pulled through. And part of that is because I had some friends help me on my way. Who were there for me to talk to, to be my sound board, who were in general.... just friends. I'm incredibly thankful for this happiness. For the ability that I have right now to let things go. To have the mental health that well, may not be perfect, is better than it was. My only regret is that I am no longer as involved with MD as I would like to be. Part of that is many reasons... but I am always happy to be here when I am able. Even if that is on the outskirts. You guys are my home away from home. My Muse. My feedback. I will always be thankful for MD. And for Happiness. Because without it, who knows where I'd be. (And maybe I'm detracting from the original post, and for that I do apologize.)
  3. I don't mean to disappear; but working twelve hour days is exhausting...

  4. Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it. : )
  5. Sorry for the belatedness, Pompy. Happy birthday you fantastic person, you.
  6. Curi is eating Curry and drinking Angry Orchard. Sounds like me.

  7. It is going to be an interesting week for Da Curi. May be a bit more scarce than usual. PM if needed. I do not have any other expedient methods to reach me, unfortunately.

    1. John Constantine

      John Constantine

      No face-to-face conversation? I'm confused.

    2. Curiose


      I won't be online as much when everyone else is during the week it seems due to my new job, and where I will be at does not offer wifi for me to use, so I cannot pop in to check stuff, like YIM. So PMs on the forum are the best way of reaching me if I'm needed.

  8. I don't have to. It's a general "will work" statement. As in, whatever the beneficiary decides they want me to do, I will do it to the best of my abilities until the contract is fulfilled or something else is negotiated. Your "help" isn't desired or necessary. Bugger off. Anywho... Alms for the poor, anyone?
  9. I'm poor. And creatureless. I need loyalty, to boot. So... Curi will beg request for work in exchange of gold.
  10. But aren't Illusions not completely... fixed? Or something? I just remember there is a reason they are publically used.
  11. Perhaps it could be split? Like, have a newer player, mid player, and vet player challenge? Or maybe that makes it too convoluded?
  12. That's kind of what I had in mind when I was thinking about it. I was watching the Second Hunger Games movie and I got kind of inspired. : p I think that would be kinda cool though.
  13. Woke up feeling kind of gross, look outside to see the snow and immediately my spirits rise. I love snow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Curiose


      It helps also that it is your puppy's first year out in the snow, too.

    3. John Constantine

      John Constantine

      The emotional attitude to snow depends on your current location.

    4. Kittie


      I live in MI, usa so snow... very common and LOTS of it lol.

  14. I probably spelled that wrong.... Any who. I would like you all to get into the Christmas spirit! Sing us a merry tune that is in an MD version. You have one month from the 20th of November to the 20th of December. Please sign up on this topic and post all tunes on YouTube (it doesn't have to show you singing it, I just want the song) and include the link and lyrics on the forum. Please also state the song you are making a parody of as well. Thank you. Please vote via reputation system. :) I will speak to the TKs about sponsorship and update accordingly. Have fun!
  15. There is no Chewett or mur side. The threads happened before Council disbanded which has happened only very recently, within a couple days at least. The things stated then were very true; however now things will be done differently in regards to how things will be handled. I would suggest you get to know the people involved before making assumptions.
  16. That makes sense. I never had a problem until I tried (unsuccessfully) to root my phone using multiple programs. Darn thing isn't capable of it as it isn't a flagship phone.... oi. I am not terribly tech savvy in regards to computers, so I think that might have been my first mistake.
  17. YAY! I'm so glad, thank you No One. : ) I would definitely like to hear criticism on this, however. We hashed out most of it and think we covered our bases, but I am sure there are a few things that could be tweaked/fixed. That sounds cool, Rophs. I wonder if it is possible to make it so that you cannot cast spells in a specific scene? Naturally, it would have high AP, I believe due to viscosity (?) so I am wondering if the allowance of pickles or tea to gain faster movement would be good... I woul dhate to have people "stuck" in the same scene without much mobility.
  18. What is MSE?
  19. The idea of this contest is to be a re-envisioning of the Heads and Boss Heads contests with a heavy focus on death and puzzle elements. Participation would be on a sign-up basis, like BHC had. Contestants will be given an item that unlocks the arena location. Upon entering the Murderball arena, the access item would be removed and replaced with a fast use killing implement (1 minute cool down). This killing tool also functions as the key to leaving the Murderball arena - a player may deposit it in the central scene to forfeit the contest and be automatically removed from the arena. Because this is a heavily combat focused contest, a player with a Creature Protection Shield is unable to participate (as this grants combat invulnerability) For every competitor that a player kills, they will accrue on head. If a player has a bundle of heads, they may be attacked as per a normal heads contest to try and take their heads. If a player is carrying heads when they die, the accumulated heads are simply lost - they are not transferred to the killer, and the killer only gains the standard one head for the kill. Additionally, to ensure that people from all timezones can participate, every three hours players will gain 1 head. Players who are killed during the contest are teleported to the central location, and revive after 30 minutes. The purpose of the heads is to access puzzle stations. Each puzzle station requires a fixed number of heads to access, which must be payed each time the clickie is opened. Progress in puzzles can be saved before closing, so you can make multiple attempts to solve a puzzle, starting from where you left off each time. The only things that force a clickie to close without your consent are being killed or going idle. As you are teleported to the central location when killed, this will automatically force a refresh, which closes the clickie interface. Save your progress often! The contest lasts until all puzzles are solved, or a set interval of time (for example, three days) has passed. The winner is determined by who completes all the puzzles first; failing that who has completed the most puzzles is the winner[s]; and if no puzzles are completed whoever has the most heads wins. An example arena is illustrated below: The entire arena will be a no jump zone, to prevent people taking the tool out of the arena. The only way to exit the arena is to deposit the killing tool at the exit clickie in the central scene. Edit: Special thanks to Kyphis for helping me hash out ideas.
  20. Oh, thank you. I don't know how I have been getting these things as I haven't been downloading anything... none the less, I believe I fixed it. Thank you again.
  21. Lately I have been seeing this on my computer, and I don't know how to get rid of it... I have used ADW cleaner, and CC cleaner, but no luck. Do I just need a specific ad block? As currently, I have adblock plus in my mozilla add-ons.
  22. Activity varies. If I have mornings available I go to MD. As that seems to be when folk are most active. Otherwise, I am alive and well on the forum. No role. Seeking to do anything.
  23. Phantasm, I believe you may be embellishing a little bit. Not only that, but I also feel that you fail to fully read what I said earlier. 1. I said I was not entirely sure of the situation regarding the attempts on Eon's death. And for that, you made the assumption that what I was saying, was fact. Well, here is some fact for you, now that I have it. 2. Eon was killed successfully (woohoo?) and it took him about 10 hours to be revived. That's pretty hefty if you ask me. So three minutes is an embellished hyperbole, if you ask me. 3. I wasn't even referring to his actual DEATH. I was referring to his death being countered due to supposed leaks (if my memory serves me right) and also asking a question of how his contract can be countered. Please read. It will save me time and energy that is precious to me.
  24. That would be cool... Kind of like old time detective movies with the bodies left for dead. : D But I digress. I'm not personally familiar with how Eon's contract can be countered. I know there was an attempt at killing him as a temporary cure? Which never went through because of a leak. Would you mind explaining the counter, if you are able or willing?
  25. Personally, I think it would be fun to thwart ne'er do wells. It wouldn't be done in vengeance, but rather, done in the spirit of the game. For instance, I thought of killing someone myself just because I want to. But I wouldn't be upset if someone countered my actions, or, more realistically, gave proper cause and effect for my actions. Say for instance I kill someone successfully, a d someone was able to prove I was the killer. I'd be happy to serve my time as my job was completed, and that the victim(s) were successful in bringing me down. I'd be sorely disappointed, however, if someone didn't do a thing. What's the point in being a baddy if it doesn't generate action?
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